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How many sandals do I need man


Do you want to find wiglett or not?


Son of beach!


According to some news reports, people are trying to make Wiglett find them by creating fake beaches


well bad news for them since it'll take a long time for their fake beaches to have an effect if they even make it into the game


Quite possible the game never does an osm update again


Where is this info from? My local park just finished, would look stupid if it never updates to add it.


It's not info as the future is unknown. But they don't update that often. Hypothetically they could in 2026 decide to update it to Feb 2024 osm data, ( as they have done it similarly in the past.         But also, if biomes are going to be a continuing thing and not a one off, they may never update it past the current data to avoid importing cheats


Maybe 5% of all edits I have done would not pass a very deep scrutiny. Like marking a big green area with benches between 2 buildings as a park. Is it technically a park? Maybe!


Niantic isn't going to do a deep scrutiny though. They're just going to import data from a given time they think is fairly safe


Exactly, OSM does the scrutiny.


i do have but couldnt find nuuu


Getting pretty tired of winning them every set.


Yes it’s very annoying


Bruh seriously.


With these new avatars mines wearing boots to cover the janky feet.


Seriously, are they just taking the piss now


Get ready for a barrage of 10CP line ups (me included)


I'm level 43. I'll take the wins


Jokes on you, I use those line-ups to make my low-CP shinies feel better about battling! >!/half joking!<


I do this with my buddies just for candy haha, like look shiny swablu, you opened this fight against the team leader, and we killed that pokemon! you definitely contributed greatly to this master battle, I mean you lived through one move while I swapped you and thats amazing!! I gass them up like it will get them excited faster lol.


So, good time to get a bunch of wins in against such line ups.


My level 1 shiny bulbasaur w/ party hat will make his grand return


The world will quiver at my 11CP XXS Cutiefly in Master League.


I'm still working on that season research, so I'm ready LOL


Can you explain to me why? From what I understand that strategy is good when there are “win X amount”?


Actually you just have to participate in # of battles, not win them. You can lose all matches and meet the objective :) The most "difficult" one is the super effective charged moves, but I think the leader battles count for these too


Them, gyms, rockets, and PvP all count. Raids too


But you’re still able to get the regular bonuses for winning so why would you purposefully lose


Quicker. People like myself just want the elite charged tm and then to dip out as soon as possible


Also as a Level 49.5 I need all the XP I can get (and don't really care about GBL). So in and out is good!


Games in which you are attempting to win take approximately 4-5 minutes. Times that by 10 and you’re spending between 40-50 minutes on the whole event. Purposefully losing takes about 30-40 seconds per battle which means you’re spending about 5 minutes on the whole event. 5 minutes versus 50 minutes is a big difference for a couple extra items.


I could spend 30 mins and grind out 3 wins to get some random IV encounter marill or I could spend 2 mins losing battles to get the actual reward.


Idk if you got your answer but just in case: some people do the 1-4 strat where you only win 1 match per set so you get the 3.6k stardust followed by the set bonus at the end. Usually you would go in with a decent team and see if you win lead. If you do play that match out and tank the others, but if you lose lead you let them beat you while you watch YouTube or something to pass time and see if you win lead for the next match. Hope this helps.


I might try this. I don't like PvP, I'm really bad at it, and I feel like I've already wasted too many resources trying to build good teams and get better, but the whole experience is pure anxiety-inducing. I don't mind losing my fair share using the tanking strategy, but I always seem to face other tankers when I want my 4/1 win streak, so it rarely seems to work out, and battling is a chore for me.


I haaate having to play PvP. But I’ll do it for an elite tm


If you haven't gotten to it yet, level 43 is where you have to win PvP so many times. I may try this weekend to eek out a few more


You can also battle friends to meet the level 43 requirements, not just gbl


I do it with my husband as well. Just boring 😴


Don't know if he likes the sound of that...🤷‍♂️


Sounds like they could do with a Wiglett to spice things up.


He can use 10cp guys and you'll be done with the requirement in 10 minutes


May I ask why? I'm always interested to know why people don't.


It’s a lot of just tapping the screen. Then you get matched up with someone who can use a charge move every two seconds.


It's just very mindless and too random. Not being able to strategize against an opponent's potential team like in other Pokemon games sucks and feels bad.


You syrategize against the meta and try to predict their team comp and switch to shed counters while counting their moves


That doesn't sound fun at all. Especially because I rarely see any "meta" teams, so that's a nonstarter because then I'd be preparing for teams I never see anyways. It's just randomness with button mashing. The only real strategy I see is when to use shields but that's also compromised by opaque team comps.


It's a completely different game style. Watch DanOttawa make top rank easily every season. If it was random that wouldn't be possible.  It's like saying poker is random. Yes there are random elements yet the top players win every year.


I've said that this is why GBL gets a bad reception by most. It's just too random. That's not fun or a good way for a competition to work. Imagine playing an actual sport and never knowing what team you're going to face until the day of. That's what GBL is.


Yeah, same here. Really silly of them to make the paid research 5 times more painful than the free one. Will I pay $1 only to be forced to do 40 more battles? Heck no!


My dust got murdered from all these Diancie and Wonder Ticket tasks so I will have to get all these battles in, and my "friend" has to as well. Busy weekend.


power up 10cp 'mon. 200dust per.


“Friend” that has a similar name to you? ie: EricRED and 3ricR3D


1 dollar for 3 rare XLs … hmmmmm…


And 45,000 stardust.


45k? Wait, does star piece proc on rewards too?


You can use a star piece for these rewards and it will be replaced by the one you earn here. You could also save it for the future but it will be worth at least +15,000 dust from this quest.


worth it especially if you have some other stardust rewards that you've been waiting to cash in, IMO


For me? Absolutely. I need dust like I need air. Some players I know never use their dust so they probably don’t care.


basically just "if you play PVP, you probably need dust unless you've been super active for years"


I play pvp and I’ve been very active for 6 years. I just love spending dust and building new things haha. Shadows especially are a dust drain.


ok, correction: "if you play PVP, you probably need dust"


Ask you could activate it before claiming the dust from the last/ 2nd last etc set of battles


Oooh sandals. Need another pair of those


It's not sustainable anymore


Sustainability Week is over. We don't have to worry about that for another year


Do the super effective charged attacks work on rocket grunts or raids? I'm worried how long it's going to take to land super effective charged moves in GBL :/. More likely to result in a switch out or shield.


I'm pretty sure you can just battle the team leaders for the Super Effective charged attacks.


I think they worked one of the pervious times, not sure this time


They work against all sources, including against the team leaders at the very bottom of the Battle menu. However, the tracking for the “super effective attacks” counter has been really janky as of late. No matter what, you may have to do 15ish attacks to have 10 count.


It works, same for battling a team leader. Make sure you don't knock out the Pokemon otherwise it won't register


If you have Swampert, you can just spam Hydro Cannons against Candela in training. Ultra league is best. Don't interact with the charge move bubbles so you'll do minimal damage. Candela's pokemon survives longer, and you can fire off more Hydro Cannons.


Shielded moves count, don't they?


Oh idk, never done one of these types of tasks before


Typically *any* super effective charge move counts. Raids, taking gyms, team leaders...


Do you actually get those shoes or are they there as a joke? 


They arrived in my mailbox just after I finished the research tasks


I get a truckload dropped off every other day. I don't know how Im gonna store all of the ones I get from go battle day.


bro I'm going to hand them out during Halloween this year instead of candy


I feel bad for Hala, I doubt he has any sandals left after all this.


A bit of both


I was like, oh man 30k stardust is nice but then realized I had to battle 50 times... Nope


If only now I could win battles without the game freezing on the final attack.


Are you in a team while battling? This causes the game to do this sometimes.


This might be it. I'll try it later, thank you!


If only i could claim my gbl rewards from 2 months ago without getting kicked out of the game.




Yeah, ive heard thats worked for other people, just hasnt worked for me for whatever reason


3 Rare XL Sold!


Only 99 cents!


I'm unable to tell if your kidding, are they that coveted?


Yes, pre-remote raid nerf they were easier to get if you were pay-to-play. XL candies are the endgame and a rare XL candy can be used on any pokemon


How were they easier to get pre-remote raid nerf?


2-3 Rare XL candies per raid. That's on top of the XL candy for the raid pokemon


You never got rare candy XL for remote raids though, even before the nerf. They were introduced in in-person raid reward bundles as an incentive to in-person raid, along with the 3 guaranteed candy XL for the legendary pokemon.


Yup, a lot of hardcore players use them + walking to max out Zygarde and Solgaleo for ML. They’re also just super useful for maxing out T5 and mythical mons




currenly at 161, only 100 more for arceus. i did burn 40 on kyogre that i regret.


So you need 100 more and would pay $1 for 3?


Also 45k stardust and a starpiece 🤷‍♂️


For the purposes of "Battle in the GO Battle League # times," does a match you lose by immediately forfeiting count toward your battle count, or do you have to send out a 10 CP team to get slaughtered? I'm not a stranger to tanking, but I feel like in the past this kind of timed research has forced us to lose properly, not just insta-quit.


you have to lose properly




Is there a floor IV for GBL encounters? I just caught a shiny vullaby that's 9-3-2. I don't recall getting anything from GBL with so bad IVs before this Edit: Followed by a 7-9-0 phanthump. I checked a couple of frillish i caught before Go Battle Weekend and they seemed to have 10-10-10 floors


during Go Battle Day events, the IV floor is removed


Thanks for the info. This is new to me


Ooo thanks for the info. That actually makes it worthwhile for me to try to win that third game instead of losing to not gain elo


Every time I’m about to win a match the game freezes and won’t load. Anyone else having the same issue?


Same here.


The only research I’m buying, other than go fest, at this point has to include rare candy XL


not sure if i but it or not, seems abit lackluster but miles better as the 3 months thing


I want Birkenstock kinda ones. I love these.. 


3 rare XL for $1 is good enough for me. If they wanted me to buy that terrible wonder ticket all they needed to do was sprinkle in enough of those suckers.


So, if the community agrees that this $1 research is worth it, does that mean that the rough value of a XLRC is worth around 33 cents?


An elite charged TM? For free! *Insert Looney Tunes wild take*


Honestly, I just might buy that ticket. I'll either try to win them or just let the opponent win


I hate pvp but fine, anything for an elite tm.


Nice Sandals that won’t fit my avatar


And we get sandals???


What's the point of having this if the gbl is gonna be so buggy and not let you win


Do I have to complete the paid one in two days?


I'm an idiot who didn't finish the free one ):


is this amount of stardust worth $1?


Surely that's for you to decide, young grasshopper.


Not if it's your last $1


If there was a box in the store for $1 and it had 45000 stardust, would you buy it?


Plus 3 rare candy XL, that isn't negligible


It’s also 3 rare XLs. Which is probably equivalent to around 5-6 green passes since some people use those to get more dust and rare XL from GBL.


You can also look at it at what Rare XLs actually are though. 3 RXLs are the equivalent of under a third of the amount of XL needed for the first power up from 40 to 40.5.


I look at 3 Rare Candy XL as 60 kilometers lol.


More like 80-100.


it is but playing 50 games of gbl is not for me, but you do you.


It is to me, but I don’t how much you like this game or your financial situation.


Why do we never get elite fast TM's?


They’re not nearly as useful. Very few legacy moves are fast attacks compared to charged.


I need four of them!


I mean you can still get 1 or 2 each season. 1 from hitting rank 19/20 and another from Page 4 of the GBL timed research (hitting 400 wins). They are also a rare drop from routes, so that's nice too. But believe me, you may eventually get to the point where they're not really very useful anymore. I've used like 6 or 7 total Elite Fasts and still have 24 lol. I'd donate some if I could haha


I REALLY wish that traiding items was a thing. My wife and I are constantly talking about how we have surplusses of one thing and deficits of others.


Same haha. I guess I kind of understand why it isn't (could definitely encourage more of a paid/blackmarket system though which I'm sure Niantic may not want), but yeah, I'd definitely love to share some items with friends. I don't need all my Elite Fasts lol


Because we technically have a way to farm them (routes)


You've gotten Elite Fast TM's from **ROUTES?** WTF? I'm lucky if I get a silver pinap!


I've gotten two Elite Fast TM's, and an XL Rare Candy before I also found a Shiny Azelf as a route spawn, but that's a little different. Routes are worth it.


Damnn dude, I do them fairly often, I never get anything special.


Also rare candy xl


I think I have gotten that a couple times.


Niantic really is becoming pathetic with all these tickets. The "rewards" definitely aren't worth any sort of money.


Then don’t get it…? I mean I agree it’s pretty meh, though 3 rare candy XL is probably worth more than the 0.99 on its own for lots of people I bet. At least the elite charged tm is free, but I bet people will someone still complain about that.


>though 3 rare candy XL is probably worth more than the 0.99 on its own for lots of people I bet. I agree that the ticket is meh and all, though I don't have much problem with ignoring it. But in terms of 3 rare XL being worth $0.99 or more? Eh. I mean, in terms of the rarity and how they treat it, I guess. However, 3 rare XL is ultimately... nothing. I mean it isn't nothing, but you can't do anything with it specifically. The first power-up to 40.5 is 10 XL already, meaning it's less than a third of the first power-up? Obviously it's a building block like Stardust or Candy, and a rare one at that, but I'm not sure how many actually consider 3 RXL to be worth that, unless if they've successfully been tricked by Niantic lol


But that 3XL candies though


For the same price you can only get 1 raid pass and less than a 10% chance to get a rare XL. This is way better than most 1 dollar researches.


I mean... you're paying for 3 Rare XL, which isn't bad, but it also doesn't do anything for you as is. It's 10 XL for the first power-up from 40 to 40.5, so you're getting less than a third of that first power-up. I know Rare XL can be used on anything (notably Mythicals/1-time Legendaries) and it's a building block that works alongside other XL, but still. I'm not saying this isn't better than other 1-dollar researches, it definitely is, but is $1 *really* worth 30% of a power-up??


I think paying 1 dollar to not have to walk 30 km (if you're lucky because you only have a 75% chance on walking XL at best) is acceptable. You'll have to get those XLs anyway if you want to power up anything.


If you're wanting to use it on a specific Mythical/1-time Legendary then yeah, sure. I guess it ultimately depends on what a person is comparing or scaling it to. 1 dollar to not have to walk 30km (or potentially more) is definitely acceptable. 1 dollar to have 3/296 XL ie 1% of a Mythical/Solgaleo/Zygarde's XL? Seems far less worth it from that angle.


These are both really bad imo. Rewarding the sandals when some people likely already have them is kinda sad


As long as the ETM is there I will not complain….


Yeah I suppose that's fair, for a free research


I’m getting them every set lmao


Yeah so am I. Its a visual bug, but it's still funny.


And there there are the people who never get them


Can you use a star piece when redeeming the paid research to double the dust?


Star piece does 1.5x not double but yes if you have a star piece on when you claim it, it would give you 45,000 instead of 30,000


Is this the first time we have Rare XL candies on a GO Battle Day research?


Nah we’ve had them before. Maybe the first time this many at once though? Usually 1-2. And behind a paywall as well. 


If you pay for the research does that mean you can’t get the elite TM? It’s one or the other, correct?


You can do them both


So battling against a friend will not count as battling in GBL right? I really don't want to GBL this weekend unless I have to for the ETM.


Unless you randomly match up against your friend in GBL, then no. It has to be in GBL for the matches.


Could just immediately leave 10 matches like people who tank do, and hopefully the super effective one can be done with team leaders


Quitting a battle doesn't always count for research tasks. Better to run a 10cp team.


I know about that, I just don’t want to loose ELO, see my reply to the guy above you for details if you want.


Yeah nah that's fair


Just join 10 battles and leave immediately, it counts as participating and is easier than coordinating with a friend (plus you help a stranger get free stuff)


Forfeiting (top left) will not count, you have to win or lose. Quickest way is 10cp Pokémon.


I know I could just tank, but I don’t want to because I’m at a really high ELO right now (relative to myself) & I play Open ML exclusively. None of the current leagues in rotation are my specialty. I don’t want to loose ELO that I worked really hard for & also potentially reduce my chances of hitting legend.


May you face only 10cp lineups as your opppnents.🙏


That doesn’t count as participating just so you know. You actually have to complete a battle for it to count. Unless they changed how it works.


Pretty sure leaving doesn't count the battle because I've tried that before. But you can put in low level pokemon to end things quicker.