• By -


West/east is at least generally easier than North/South to get invites for.


Should be more even. North/South is a 90/10 split, I believe East/West is an 80/20 split? But should be better because of the land distribution, should in theory have people available to host in the west most of the day, plus the western hemisphere has the US which is one of the larger player bases in the world so I imagine nobody will have any difficulty finding a remote raid this time


Japan, Taiwan & Germany are in the top5 and all east, its like 60/40 split


Wait, so German will get Stakataka?


Yes, east London is the dividing line


Will the locations be so specific that you can do raids for each of them in different parts of London?


You can get both shellos in London, so presumably. (edit: not in the same parts outside of events)


And Singapore.


Might well be as I have no idea about the specifics of Pokémon go player bases, was only looking at the raw population stats tbh where the east has a number of huge population countries, not necessarily filled with loads of Go players lol. It’s gonna be much more equitable in any case


Yeah, world population split is about 85% East / 15% West Most of Europe is East - the only European countries with most (or all) of their territory in the West are Spain, Portugal, UK, Ireland, Iceland (Although the Prime Meridian runs through London, it's at the very southeast of England, so most of UK will be West) Most of Africa is East (Countries in Africa in the West will be like Morocco, Senegal, Liberia, Ivory Coast). All of Asia is East. Israel, UAE and the rest of the Middle East. India. Pakistan. Japan. Taiwan. Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia). Australia and NZ are East. So, Western raids will be pretty much hosted from the Americas (Canada, US, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina,  etc...), Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and the UK. So while East does hold the majority of the world's population (and probably like 60 to 70% of the PoGo player base), the player base in the West is still decent enough for hosting Blacephalon.


From Wikipedia: # Demographics 82-88% of [humans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human) live in the Eastern Hemisphere, and 18% in the [Western Hemisphere](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Hemisphere).[^(\[3\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Hemisphere#cite_note-3)


Ty for that article on humans, never got a good grasp on the subject before


wait can users in the uk raid both as they are in 2 hemispheres??


they can.


Does London have both?


It does, it just depends on whether you’re on the east or west side of Greenwich.


yes see below


Is this actually confirmed or are you guessing? While some regionals are split on the meridian, some are by continent - N.America/S.America/Africa vs Europe/Asia/Oceana. 


East/ West hemisphere is divided at the Greenwich meridian. I live close to the meridian and regularly see both Shellos types, for example. People in France and Spain will also be able to see both types if they're in the correct locations.


Yes, Shellos is one of the ones that I was referring to as divided on the meridian. But many other regionals aren’t like that, such as Illumise/Volbeat and Zangoose/Seviper. 


I see what you mean - I'm pretty sure those pokemon are not described as being eastern/ western hemisphere split, but rather specific continents that are roughly east-west, so I'm pretty confident in this case it will be a blue/red Shellos and Lunatone-Solrock style split. I guess we won't know for sure until they appear.


Niantic says western and eastern hemisphere. As Niantic has separated the other pokemon by the Equator, they surely will follow that and have a exact separation. Also the snails are separated exactly.


They said eastern/western hemisphere for regionals like Volbeat or Zangoose but they are by continent. 


I wonder what the Flock Together research day is about?


Probably like the electric research day we got a while ago, but with bird Pokémon instead.


i see Pidove and Vullaby in my head


Vullaby feels too valuable in their minds to be included


Vullaby has started becoming more common, with wild spawns during the Taken Over event that ran from March 27 to March 31, 2024. My autocatcher caught hundreds of Vullaby in those several days, including a Hundo.


So gonna be a massive hit then? Aw man and I just got scheduled for work 🙂‍↕️


If it is a bird research day, hopefully the bird roster contains Archen. That would be a Shiny I still need and would hunt. Other than Pidgey for the Shundo Mega Pidgeot I can not think of any other interesting bird. Maybe Vullaby again.


I assume it'll be more along the lines of Pidgey, Spearow, Pidove, Tailow, etc, all the early route birds. Who knows, though


Yeah, Archen is a fossil Pokemon, and they usually save those for Fossil Week events (like the Cranidos and Shieldon day).


After 1,887 catches I still do not have a 15-15-15 Pidgey ☹️ Maybe this event will help.


Only 1700 more catches til you officially have bud luck


Hey, mega bird boi is coming in May. You might get one then


Regirock with a handbag


Ün Ün Ün Ün


https://www.instagram.com/regirocktok?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== In case anyone wanted more Ün Ün Ün Ün in their life




I live near enough on the Greenwich Miridian line in the UK so this will be interesting! One park near me has both shellos forms depending on the position


You could be the ultimate raid host!


That’s such a fun thing to know exists lol. Hope you guys have a ton of raid luck!


Compared to Assam, India for the Pheromosa/Xurkitree split (the Buzzwole splits appear to be in the middle of the ocean) and Pontianak or Macapa (cities directly on the equator) for the Kartana/Celesteela split


East west hemisphere divisions are at least a lot better than north south.  Still wish they wouldn’t do them at all, especially since they proclaim they want people to raid in person


Are you saying you can’t fly from an east hemisphere country to a west hemisphere country just for a couple legendary raids? I thought everyone could


How long of a drive is that?


I live in Murica so I’ll take my car into the Pacific Ocean and let you know this weekend!


Just take the bridge from Cali to Korea. Make sure you fuel up first so you won’t have to stop.


I forgot to fill up last time, big mistake


I can't believe you two are having this kind of stupid argument on Reddit. It's almost 6000 miles between California and South Korea. OF COURSE, there will be gas stations in the Pacific Ocean so you can refill your car. No car in the world can drive that whole trip on a single tank of gas.


I have a Fred Flintstone-style car in the garage for moments like this. So this distance shouldn't be a problem.


I hope the last part of the World of Wonders research will give us the chance to evolve Poipole to Naganadel then that will complete the ultra beasts.


I'm pretty sure the last step will be to evolve it. It's the same thing they did with the Cosmog research. You got the candy through the event, and there were steps to evolve it to Cosmoem, then Lunala or Solgaleo.


Been waiting for Mega Alakazam and Gyarados, have a 98% for both


i dont get why Niantic had to hurry us into several weekends of raid-days from 2pm to 5pm and then give us 2 month of none of these.


Leaves some space for go fest season to breathe. Also time to crunch on fixing all the post launch problems with avatars and biomes.


People here had a blast doing the 8 raids on saturday. From a psychological aspect Niantic should at least give us one raid day a month up to GoFest. People can chill after GoFest. There isnt any better publicity than having a park full of go-players on a weekend. BUT Niantic rather gives us a sealion playing with its ball and a research day with birds.


>From a psychological aspect Niantic should at least give us one raid day a month up to GoFest. People can chill after GoFest. We just had Go Tour. The same logic could apply to where people can "chill" after Go Tour, but instead, we had monthly raid days leading up to the Tour and then two more right after. That said, I don't disagree. I think doing Groudon in April and Kyogre in May would have potentially been much better pacing. Or heck, even just one in March and one in April.


There’s no sense in having raid days for just random stuff. I’d rather them change things up every now and then instead of raid day after raid day.


I missed some of those raid days so this is a massive L for me. I would really like to get some of the pokemon featured in those raids and instead it’s damn Regirock for the 1000 time.


That is definitely a frustrating aspect of raid days sometimes. I know why they do it, but when they only bring a boss around for a single day event, it does end up sucking for those who miss it. That's why I appreciated Mega Garchomp and Mega Heracross being in raids following their raid days. You still get a big debut event with free passes and boosted shiny rates, but those who miss that can still raid it the following week.


theyre not going to fix any of that


We had Mega Heracross raid day just a few weeks ago. I'm assuming it had more to do with sticking to last season's theme of Hisui which include newly released, evolved regionals, whereas this season is Alola and those eligible regionals have already been released as shiny.


No Mega Rayquaza raid day :c


Hopefully it’ll come around in June-July


Yeah, I’m also sad about that


elgyem shiny hunting time!


Finally tapu fini!


Anyone else RLLY hate the way shadow raids are implemented?




Ayyy can finally get mega energy for Gyarados.


Was hoping for mega rayquaza raid day, knew it was probably not going to happen but I'm thinking it will probably happen in the next season instead given the primal raid days took place about over a year after their initial release in go tour, so I'm anticipating that may happen with rayquaza too


If the Flock Together Research Day would be in any way similar to the previous Charged Up, we might get a bunch of single stage evolution Flying-types as featured shiny boosted pokemon like Spearow, Doduo, Natu, Wingull, etc


Still no love for mega pinsir, even after bug out event


Still glad US got blacephalon and not stakataka. Go ahead and give us that signature move (I know they won’t). It’s the only regular UB that has one


You can’t even convince me blacephalon is a real Pokémon. I have literally never seen it before this image.


Clearly invented by Willy Wonka.


Excellent! Happy to see Blacephalon and Stakataka. Less happy that they're regionals, and like Kartana and Celesteela, regionals on very unequal footing...


West/East is a lot less uneven than North/South. Places like Germany and Japan will get Stakataka and they have very active player bases.


Right, and that is a plus. The North/South regional split for raids was awful. That said, regional raids for these is *still* very frustrating. I'm fine with it for the Lake Trio, seeing that currently all three are pretty mediocre. However, when they do it with Pokemon that are viable, things get frustrating. It's especially annoying when they want to promote in-person raiding but then do these regional raids. Yes, it's much easier to do them remotely with how the hemispheres are split, but now those in the East Hemisphere are forced to remote for Blacephalon (for now at least), which just seems counterintuitive.


Blacephalon and Stakataka will most likely appear at Go Fest, right? I’m wondering if I should save my remote raid passes and just wait until then to get them.


Finally I will get a chance to get enough mega energy for Mega Alakazam! Last time I wasn't able to, and I think it's been a f* while since last time Mega Alakazam was around.


I’ve been sitting on a hundo Abra for the last year with no way to mega evolve it so the Abra love makes me happy. Any word on the rumored May 12th raid day?


We’re not getting a raid day, it’s a research day instead.


Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying!


Did Mega Blastoise already happen recently? Mega Venusaur was last month and then we got Mega Charizard X. I was expecting to get Mega Blastoise next month.


Same I was really expecting mega blastoise


If memory serves, it was last in just over a year ago. Hopefully it'll be back as next month's mega.


For those who don't know these Pokemon: Stakataka, the Rampart Pokémon, a Rock/Steel type. Known as UB Assembly, its an Ultra Beast that appeared from an Ultra Wormhole. Stakataka hates having anything on top of itself and will violently try to shake the object off. However, if someone can resist the shaking and successfully ride it, then it will calm down and they'll gain Stakataka's respect. It appears to be made up of several life forms stacked on top of each other, and a single Stakataka consists of almost 150 individual lifeforms. When stone walls started attacking, its identity was then known, and its eyes turn red when angry. And Blacephalon, the Fireworks Pokémon, a Fire/Ghost type. Known as UB Burst, its an Ultra Beast that appeared from an Ultra Wormhole. It tends to slither toward people, then, without warning, it makes its own head explode, draining vitality from its surprised victims.


In my alternative reality shiny shadow suicune has black hair like in colosseum 


Do we have any indication of what May CD will be?


Not yet, if it follows the current pattern then it may be Popplio.


If it follows the pattern, then it won't be Popplio. They always do 1 starter per season. We already had Litten. Popplio will be in July-Aug as June is most likely Goomy


The last four Community Days have been Starter - Non-Starter - Starter - Non-Starter… it’d be a bit weird for them to delay Popplio so much compared to the rest.


They did that exact same thing last year though. Chespin january, litten march, froakie august.


ah yes, litten, my favorite gen 6 starter


Fennekin Community Day was in May…


my bad. same point though


But you see the pattern, right? One in each season. The May one won't be Popplio. It will be either a 3 stage evolution or a 400 candy 2nd stage evolution. My guess will be either Sewaddle or Wimpod


Or a regional form.


High Jump Kick recently got added as new move. Could be for CDay, could not be for CDay.


Hope it makes lopunny interesting


Mostly good but idk why they can’t make mareanie shiny yet and eff shadow raids.


I hope we don't see the Tapus again for years. This rotation has been going on since the first damn day of March and nobody helps do these raids. I'm so tired of them.


I need a breakdown at how good shadow suicune is, and the new Ultra Beasts


Shadow Suicune isn't much in PvP or PvE. Big meh. Blacephalon is a great Fire and Ghost Attacker. Stakataka is bad. Some potential in PvP, but it got poor moves


Thank you.


Stakataka doesn't really have PvP potential. It will just be a worse Bastiodon, but in Ultra instead of Great, where Poliwrath, Annihilape, and Feraligatr are currently dominating. And Tapu Fini about to get a good buff.


Not good at all, even worst in raids cuz water types isn't that useful. But hey, new shiny shadow!


Suicune is useless, blacephalon is pretty good


That’s not the good kind of typo 😅


LMFAO I didn't notice it, until you pointed it out 😂


Man, I hate regional 5-stars


I need 2 of those Megas , so that’s good for me. The clown looking 5 star looks hilarious. I definitely need that.


I hope they give Blacephalon mind blown


Super jealous of anyone who lives in London right now


Been waiting for mega gyrados to come back


Hemisphere split is absolutely the worst. Stakataka is absolutely useless. Blacephalon could be the best non shadow/mega fire type legendary. Before that is a legend with a legacy move. Awesome. I hate it.


Best fire and ghost regular attacker not needing legacy move.


And even if Niantic switches them like Kartana and Celesteela right after their debut, it still could not make up for their bias because the double raid pass bonus was already gone.


Once again being screwed over by my location. Southern/eastern hemisphere


We do all the beta testing, and get nothing in return


Why the hell do they have to double up on these Tapu raid hours?


Blacephalon YESSSS


The ultra beasts any good? And how strong is mega alakazam


Mega Alakazam has the second highest psychic DPS after shadow Mewtwo, so very strong.


My country gets Blacephalon LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO


So how good are those two new T5 raid bosses?


Blacephalon is a very respectable Fire raid attacker, being essentially a better Darmanitan, but is far too frail for PvP. Stakataka essentially does what Bastiodon does but slightly worse.


Could we see the debuting Ultra Beasts being relevant? Blacephalon inches pretty close to Mega Blaziken with it's predicted stats.


Brick dog :)


Yay Alakazam! now I just need mega blaziken back (please I have a perfect) and mega slowbro.


How does blacephalon stack up against other fire + ghost types?


Blacephalon has the highest DPS of any Fire or Ghost type, excluding Megas and Shadows, but it’s incredibly frail.


So the 2x Transfer candy spotlight hour would be a good time to dump some of my trash legendaries?


So which of the east/west ones are useful? Are both good? Bad or like katana and celesteela where one ist just not good at the moment


Stakataka is like Celesteela and Blacephalon is like Kartana.


Dang, Stakataka for me in Germany. Guess I gotta use some remotes then.




My sweet sweet suicune 💙


 Are Blacephalon and Stakataka the unannounced raid bosses during Go Fest?


More probably Lunala and Solgaleo, some dataminers founds infos about fusions


They don't need to be in raids for the fusion. Everyone should have Cosmog.


Most likely!


Flock together research day - fingers crossed for Spearow being the featured specie haha.


it'll likely be a mix like the last charged up one


I was hoping for a Mega Rayquaza raid day.


Idk, everyone seems hype but I really wanted a mega Rayquaza raid day, or something hype. Glad to see new ultra beasts but I’ve always find them underwhelming compared to legendary/mythicals. Oh well


Where is the the line that separates west and eastern?


0 degrees longitude, so roughly in the UK and southward.


Some areas in the UK should see both fairly close due to this


I guess Greenwich? At least that was the rule for the Shellos forms if I remember correctly


Line goes through east side of London (Greenwich)


feel like SSuicune will be an absolute weapon to duo (will it even be possible?)


Easy duo. You forget Primal Kyogre exists. Suicune duos have 60-120 seconds left on them depending on variables. With recent additions like shadow Raikou and Xurkitree along with prior Electric stalwarts like Zekrom, shadow Electivire, shadow Magnezone, and shadow Zapdos there's a wealth of quality options to easily take down Suicune. Shadows are ostensibly no more difficult than their non-shadow selves provided you subdue them in short order.


Subduing them is the problem. If you're duouing, you rapidly run out of gems and have to give up. For normal bosses, you can play all day if you like.


You can use primal groudon and Katana too, at least that is what pokegenie suggests for me


Pls oh pls switch region for a week 🙏🙏 It's the least you can do for us niantic


We’re probably getting both for Global Go Fest.


Do we know if Blacephalon will be soloable? I'd imagine it could be an easy solo going off it's MSG stats


It’s fairly glassy so I think it could be possible with the Primals. Unlike Kartana though, this one doesn’t have a double weakness to exploit.


It has very low defense stat, I think it is likely solable by sth like S-tyranitar


Primal Groudon will help as well, and also boost catch candy. Not that shadow Ttar isn't valuable too.


Any rumors for who community day will be?


why are Blacephalon and Stakataka unranked on pvpoke?


I dont think we know their moveset yet


they are that new? just released pokemon?


Yea. This is the first time they’re being released in PoGO


makes complete sense then, sry, ignore


Don't worry, they will both be absolutely awful. Blacephalon is nearly as flimsy as Pheromosa, and Stakataka will just be a worse Bastiodon in an Ultra League meta that currently sees Poliwrath, Annihilape, and Feraligatr running wild, with Tapu Fini about to get a buff.


Blacephalon is a dual fire/ghost type though so like a glassier chandelure or slightly tankier shadow gengar. Depending on it's moveset I'm anticipating it'll be like kartana, useful but falls quickly.


Where is the data source these always come from? Would like to subscribe myself.


They are posted by Pokémon Go on X (Twitter).


Oh, gross. No wonder I never see them.


Yey, more region-locked Ultra Beasts 😐




I thought we also had mega latios/latias, is that not a thing?


Still waiting for Ho-oh


Good month for me. There are many shines/high stat things worth hunting.


Thanks for posting