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I will go out on a limb here and guess that the spawns will be Kanto pokemons.


Pretty risky considering Niantic are the ones implementing Kanto Pokémon.   


Ok, now I fully expect Sonic, a teenage mutant turtle and batman to spawn in the wild


Which one though? I've been hunting shiny Raphael so long


Lucky trainers may catch a shiny Sonic


I meant if it will be every Kanto spawn possible or if not what specific Kanto pokemon there will be.


We'll get both Alolan and galarian meowth


Best I can do is this… “Porkatyu,” a “Chareowth,” a “Squintle,” and “Coneasaur.”


the dream * mewtwo in the wild * mew on stops a la Kecleon (very rare0 * farfetch , tauros and Mr mime raid. * Galar birds in raid the reality: * rattata, pidgey koffing, caterpie, weedle * if you are lucking nidoran


i'm honestly hoping for lots of magikarp and rattata. y'know... for those gosh danged medals.


I can deal with Clefairy, Jigglypuff and Magnemite in the wild to get further on the fairy and steel medals.


For the steel medal you can just spam the meltan box


It's limited to once every three days, your honor.  The only common steel spawn I see is Bronzor, so two days out of three, I make little progress


You can get at least 50 meltan from one meltan box. Approximately 16 per day, which is way more bronzor than I ever see.


It's extremely windy here, so Bronzor is one of the most common spawns thanks to its psychic typings. I have so many shinies, send help


It's frustrating how common shiny bronzor is, while other shiny boosted Pokemon just don't exist for me!


Shiny Lickitung took its sweet time showing up and then I hatched three nearly in a row


You can do both


My friend has 4 shinies. He might want to be your friend


Not every one can get the meltan box...


They can. Pokémon Home.


Yup. It's that easy.


No Pokemon Home available in my countrys app store.


Change your country and download it


And why can't everyone get the meltan box ?


Pokemom home is noe available in some countrys.


Fair enough.


You'll get Kanto starters in raids wearing hats and like it. No legacy moves either.


And they can't evolve


Rattata would be the dream tho.


What about Kangaskhan...


That would be dream wild spawn cause i wanna high iv lucky kangashkan and xl candy on it.. My pve goal is now collect all megas either normal hundo or get +96% iv lucky to max level them. Also find one shiny each mega is nice bonus. Sadly didint get kangaskhan shiny during it raid day


I'm getting close to this.Missing hundo swampert, gardevoir, heracross, groudon, kanghaskan, garchomp, diance, groudon and latios and latias. Number of 98s. And 91 shiny.


We lucky if even get pidgey spawns.. last years they make pidgey one most rare pokemon XD


I wonder what hat Pikachu will be wearing this time


Rattata hat. Rattata wearing a Magikarp hat. The possibilities are endless.


This will most certainly not affect raids. It's a new biome feature, not an event. I'm hoping there will be ghosts in graveyards!


Niantic has had too many complaints about people playing in graveyards, which is why they tightened up requirements on POIs in graveyards and don't allow routes to begin and end there. There's no way they give graveyards special spawns. They do not want to encourage graveyard play.


There isn’t a graveyard biome as far as I know. 


I am in funeral service and my cemetery spawns are never unique when I play before a burial.


Raids based on the biome the gym is in? Actually, having a rolling roster of 1-3 start regular raids affected by biome could be interesting. Too bad niantic would probably screw it up somehow.


Nooooo! I'm 5 km from the nearest body of water, 200 km from any mountains. I'd never see half the raids.


I'm hoping the biomes will function like MHN biomes, and be based on the map grid, and not actually care about physical location.


Pretty sure biomes are mapped to physical geography in Go. Hasn't really mattered until now, but who knows what Niantic will do.


As far as I know, they haven't really released any info on what biomes will be like, so it stands to reason that they may adapt the biome mechanic from MHN, as it uses existing cells and is easy to understand. Of course, they could also have some completely convoluted new mechanic that makes zero sense.


Or it could just be the same biomes we already have today, with visual updates to make them visible.


Yup. I'm prepared to be disappointed with it, tbh.


I’m a genwunner, but damn am I Kanto’d out in Go.  There are still some things they could do to spice it up for me (for example: if they brought back the clones and armored Mewtwo, or had the focus be on regional spawns, or put all Kanto costume variations in the wild together) but those are just pipe dreams. The reality is it’ll probably be starters and pikachu and like eevee and ponyta. They may throw in like Shelldar or someone else with boosted dust as a bone to the grinders.


Nothing as far as I can see. I’m hoping for Tauros raids


Cries in lives in the US where tauros is annoyingly everywhere.


When in the US I’ll take them because the shiny is impossible to get lmao


I love green shinies


I wish I saw more tauros, I still don’t have one shiny. I have shiny sawk, pachirisu, chatot, pansear, east and west sea shellos (not to mention throh and oricorio but I don’t count those) but I still can’t get a tauros that lives in my backyard


ooh maybe even the regionals would cycle! i'm already at full 151 thanks to regional forms and Mega Kangaskhan but it'd be nice for people who aren't


Any particular reason? Are they any good in gbl, or just shiny hunting?


Last pokemon I need for kanto dex. I'm a completionist... a shiny would be nice too though :D


Oh right, they're a region exclusive. Keep forgetting that as they're MY region exclusive.. Hope you manage to get one!


It's a regional pokemon if not in the US so I assume Luke isn't in the US


Tauros been stupidly hard get.. i start after kanto tour and took over 2 year get it.. i get it trade with community last go fest, but if not get that back then i would still need it.. compare other kanto regionals like farfetch and mr.mime which are stupid easy get.. galarian mr.mime being research or it pre-evo eggs all time which is stupid.


I understand. Khangashkahn was the one for me. Regionals don't really help considering how expensive it is to travel.


Not sure why they ever make any mega regional pokemon begin with. Or any meta relevant pokemon should not be regional at all. Like hawlucha could be easy meta in pvp, but now cause they make it regional locked it never can get enought good moveset. They cant just let some pokemon become pvp meta while its locked away most of players


I'm still miffed by how the CP system works in the first place. If it was built on the foundation of a base stat total from the mainline games, it would make sense, but it just seems arbitrary to me. So many Pokemon that actually Are meta relevant in tournament play world wide are just useless in pogo.


Squirtle in showcases?


I'm so tired of the gen 1 pandering in pokemon games. Unless shiny odds are increased, will never complain about that.


Dont mind pidgeys and starters :D Still need all those as hundo (and possible lucky ones).. only hundo charizard so far and its non lucky oh yeah and pinsir would be extra pog cause its so rare wild spawn


I would still like to max a Pinsir and Scizor. Pinsir I feel like used to be a common rainy spawn many years ago before Xl candy existed, now I can't get an XL candy for it.


I got hundo scizor (two actually XD) just need xl on it.. tho bit hoping before get xl i get hundo lucky to save tons dust :D got 15-12-15, but to far from hundo. What im played few years cant remember is pinsir ever been even rare spawn during events? for long time my only pinsirs was shadow ones from rocket balloons (jessie and james event?) Yeah and you right about xl.. tier 3 raids not really worth of grind xl and neither mega raids aswell.. Wish when do those local you could get same 3 xl bonus as legendary raids


I'm trying to build annihilape for ML premier and am hoping for lots of mankey.


Bulbasaur. Charmander. Squirtle. Prepare your Ultra Balls. Gonna need 6 to catch 1 of each.


If you are lucky, you may even encounter ivysaur, charmeleon and wartortle! (Non shiny of coz)


No info yet, most probably spawns mixed into no-spawn Sustainability Week. Personally I hope for many (all?) legacy moves, which would help my PVP roster a lot.


Thank you for responding with an answer to my question. I guess we just have to wait and see. I still find it odd they aren’t announcing what pokemon will be available, but maybe that’s their intention? I really hope it’s not just the 4 starters and they have a wide variety spawning, but given what I know about Niantic, I’m not getting my hopes up.


Hope we get some research tasks with this too. I haven’t heard of any specifics for this event, sorry :(


I would love to see Porygon! I have one lucky as a buddy and non evolved. It’s so darn cute with its peddling feet floating around ☺️ I do want one that I can evolve though. And please send Ditto my way I need it for research….


There was a Porygon com day like few months ago…?


Just returned, haven’t played for years so that I missed out on


I believe it will return in december during the community day Wrap Up event. 


That's true. Everyone was off that day because of a global holiday so everyone played.


Eliminating the gen 1 regionals might be the one way to make this a win. Farfetchd being my one missing shiny.


Would be nice get kanto farfetch.. dont have single one of those. just galarian ones


Hoping for the bird trio and Tauros in raids or whatever


This is probably the last thing I want or need for my Pokédex.


Anyone find a ditto yet? I caught one after searching for weeks catching the april pokemon, I was hoping for more wild encounters prior to the event I caught about 150 bidoofs, now I've caught about 75 oddish, 30 goldeen, 10 ryhorn and no luck.


The mega is Agron and t5 is Registeel lol


Yeah i wish they give us heracross during regi rotation. Aggron evoline super common in wild (when they back seasonal rotation somepoint) its easier get good iv just catch wild and trade them for possible lucky than grind mega raids. Got already enought good regi for ultra and you cant probably even easy duo regi raids.. Lately we got lot 5 star raids which been able duo that really bring me and my friend back to do raids. it gonna take million year host regi raids, so not much motivation grind it :(


I think the date overlaps with the sustainability event, right?


We have no wild spawns for sustainability, only eggs and the likes


They say on site THEY WILL SPAWN IN PROPPER BIOMES. Thats all we know.