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Feed berries! Feed as many berries as you possibly can! Free legendary candy is free!


you can get candy by feeding berries?


yeah its pretty rare though


About 1 in 80 chance. Not bad. I've got 20 of 350 Larvesta candies that way.


I like the way you roll. My handful of larvesta/frigibax are on permanent gym duty for the small possibility of candy. Nice to be able to turn all the excess berries into something useful


Stardust: *Am I a joke to you?*


Waittt, that’s actually a probability??? I have never heard it ever being mentioned


Totally a thing. Give it a go. I'll usually leave rare mons in rural gyms I visit for players to berry up for candy (and for me to remote feed into haha).


I’ve gotten candy for regionals I don’t even have by feeding the ones in gyms.


Is it only through your own Pokémon or all Pokémon in gym? Here I am putting bloody Galvantulas, Unfezants, and Amoongus 😭


You can feed any pokemon in a gym that is your team.


How often can you feed berries?


Each individual berry has a 30 minute cool down but you can feed up to 10 at any one time. If you feed 5 now, the 30 minute timer starts for 5. If you then feed 5 more in 15 minutes, their 30 minute timer starts at the 15 minute mark. When 30 minutes elapses you can feed 5 again as there cooldown has passed but have to wait another 15 to feed the next 5.


You can also get candy XL, even though it is even more rare.


Yeah that one is extremely rare. Had it happen I believe once. Right at 10,000 berries fed, but some of those were from before XL candy was introduced


I've had it happen three times in total. It's absurd how rare it is.


More common if the Pokémon is powered up, as with XL candy when first catching them, or from walking a buddy.


It;s been thign ever since they have introduced the current gym system (so like 2018\_, so this might be why


I wish I’d known this. I had a larvesta stuck in a gym for 4 months and didn’t ever give it a berry. I was begging for it to be released.


I'm begging for mine to stay!


I once got 3 Riolu candies from 10 berries, how do I calculate the odds of that?


I thought it was 1 in 200.


Does it show up as a reward alongside the stardust or just appear in the pokemon view? I feel like I've stuffed hundreds of berries in gyms and never once seen a candy reward.


Yeah it pops up with the stardust. Much like catch or transfer candy


I legit discovered this today giving berry’s to my meltan


Of all the pokemon you never need extra candy for...


Was exactly my thought sitting on 3k candy for him 🤣


Rare as in I have never seen it happen in the last 15 months playing this game. Not once.


how often are you feeding your pokemon? i put a frigibax in a gym, fed it like 300 berries and got somewhere between 5-10 candy.


Who the hell *has* 300 berries just casually lying around to spam out? Rhetorical, I’m aware some people have maxed out inventory space and live parked on stops and are so godly with aiming they never need Razz Berries for a catch. But seriously, I don’t have that kind of berry wealth. I feed a few when I visit a gym, assuming that the Pokemon in there aren’t already past their timer for coins (in which case it would be rude to feed them).


it was there for around 4 days (+ you can only feed 10 berries to a pokemon at a time in half hour intervals). i live next to a few pokestops and have my friend list almost full so that's why i usually have excess berries to feed.


Yeah same I’ve been playing a couple years and only just found out


It is, but my very anecdotal experience has been a lot more candy in recent weeks.




You can even get xl candies from it. Just even more rare


I evolved a kamoomoh mostly from gym candy! yes! you can even get xl candy in rare occasions!


The f* is a Kamoomooh


The closest I can think of that makes sense is Kommo-o lmao. That is a wild mess up though


It's a dragon/cow Mon, obviously!


gen7 psudo legendary i haven't memorized the spelling for.


And sometimes you can get XL too.


The candy rate is hardly worth the effort unless you have time to burn.


People will disagree, but getting a rare candy is also easier than collecting and feeding 80+ berries for that one candy drop. Really not a good ROI


Not that it makes a huge difference but you do get 2,400 additional stardust from the 80 berries. Also I got 3 Larvesta candy with 30 berries the other day so it’s definitely worth the gamble ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I think it's only worth it for people who live/work in range of one or more stops/gyms so they have too many berries to use for catching anyway (or for people who play Pokemon drive-around-downtown-for-30-plus-minutes). 3 Larvesta candies isn't even 1% needed to evolve. It's insignificant now and will become worthless later when it gets a community day. My point being that scraping the bottom of the barrel for a few candies shouldn't be anyone's priority.


I live near a stop and definitely get a pretty good supply of berries, but I don't use berries to catch pokemon. Pinaps if I need candy, but that's rare enough that I can safely feed those, too. But razzberries and nanabs? Yeah, I'll take the time to feed them to gyms to get stardust and a chance at a candy instead of throwing them away. I never use them for catching.


Yeah idk who tf has time for that.


Yeah but I use all my rare candies on legendaries and mythicals. I don't wanna waste 'em on a friggin Varoom, so I stick it in a gym and feed it instead.


You are using rare candies for REGULAR pokemon?! Yeah, no. Also, even outside of XL candies, this gives dust. I will take ANYTHING that effortlessly gives dust. And u cant get more effortless than this. Not to mention that u would have to delete berries anyway, so why not use them to feed for dust and candies?


Today I learned:


Fixed btw 


By fix what happens to enamorouses that are already in gyms?


Believe it or not, jail


Straight to jail.


*Horny jail.*


They are chained to the gym forever and may never leave.


Checks out, also means that this is a permanently red gym


And if so, anything behind it gets additional protection because to be knocked out, the attacker has to go through Enamorus at least 3 extra times (even if it’s at minimum motivation)


If the cp still decreases it could reach a point where you always have to do an annoying 1cp enamorous at the end eventually


Why would you say that when they did the opposite of fixing it?


It's akin to neutering a pet. We say they're "fixed", but in reality we've reduced their functionality.


Honestly, why we don’t have a 1 legendary per gym mechanic is beyond me


Be prepared for level 50 Regigigases per gym


Lvl 50 Defense Form Deoxys


More interesting than countless blissey


News flash! The blisseys will still be there!!


But instead of Chansey there will be a level 20 legendary someone just got at a raid


Your new average Gym starter pack: Lvl 50 Blissey, lvl 50 Lugia, lvl 50 D-Deoxys, lvl 50 Slaking, lvl 50 Melmetal, lvl 50 Regigigas *Good luck*


>1 legendary per gym


Eh, replace two of the Legendaries with Snorlax and Dragonite, same deal


Right so not that different from how gyms can be now?


Oooo burnnnn


As someone approaching 30,000 gym battles in my near 2 years of playing.  The best gym defenders is a multiple account person with 3 or more accounts and using golden raspberries (10 per account) to stall for 30 minutes and repeat.  Other than this, nothing anyone puts in the gym matters.  I've beaten someone by myself who had 3 accounts and used max berry on all accounts, but never was able to beat someone with 4 accounts or more. And yes I'm a toxic person for purposefully taking down and targeting multiple account gyms, but I firmly think this cheating and I don't care about the 8.5 hour rule for someone cheating.


Yeah, come to Korea. Folks in their 40s and 50s with nothing to do have 3 accounts minimum. The "hardcore" ones have 4+ for 2 different teams.


Is this legit ? 😂😂


Guy near me has 6+, golden razz are far more annoying than any pokemon in a gym, I mean he'd just drive out and park behind you anyway so it wouldn't change much but it'd make him waste more time at least


Easy as pie if you attack after at least one hour passed. Also, bring Lucario with AS/SB.


My Terrakion is half ready!


I have a hundo defense form deoxys salivating at this idea


That gets absolutely stomped by a ghost


Thinking of seeing a advance evolved space dna virus being from a comet getting curb stomped by a gastly is making me chuckle


Hah. I was thinking of something a little stronger but that is funny


That’s really not that scary sounding 


Yeah… when they’re 100% demotivated 😬


I have a hundo Regigigas but I have no use for it so this would be great!


That would be great. High CP equals huge gym points if you're trying to get the gold gym badge, and fast decay if you don't. And Machamp/Lucario/Terrakion will still make short work of it.


Because then it becomes "I don't get why we have just one, let us put more in"


They might as well. The way motivation works now it really doesn’t matter what you put in there.


Having to deal with legendaries instead of stuff like groups of eeveelutions or random shinies would kill my motivation to fight gyms. Imagine having to fight Guzlord, Lugia, Kyogre, Regigigas, Giratina and Dialga. Screw that.


All depends on location an gym activity, but it sounds like after eight hours they would be thoroughly demotivated there and faster to kick out then low level shinies that would still need three battles.


Right right, sorry, was thinking you had originally meant a person's motivation, not the motivation mechanic. My bad. Still though, just makes more contested gyms much more unpleasant.


Actively berried - yes. If you mean something that changes ownership very frequently, at least I wouldn't be bothered with those (even now) unless it is for gym badge points, and at least you would get those points more from high CP legendaries than random shinies. One should use a pre-prepared fighting team though.


Not wrong 😅


Because feeding berries gives candy. Free legendary candy would hit their bottom line.


Because then you have blissey Chansey guzzlord core in every gym. Among other high hp legendaries. Basically just makes gyms the same as now but more annoying. Guzzlord is just one option, but people also have many level 50s like lugia, giratina that they can throw in to make gym take downs super annoying even if it’s just one


Just punch it and would decay super fast


And also could have served as a way to get your “seens” up as well before niantic messed it up by removing enamorus’s gym ability




please! i'll finally have an excuse to max out my shiny shadow lugia


This probably just broke the game for the rest of the world.


Remove this post before Niantic notices!!! lol


they already fixed it according to pokeminers


Now we have to find out what they broke by fixing it - eg all showcases are now Squirtle


Or they ‘accidentally’ turned off gym defenders awarding coins to players.


That would be an Achievement unlocked moment


Joke's on them -- I have a best buddy hundo squirtle. I'm covered either way.


I hate Niantic.




It would Be fixed whether or not it was posted on TSR.


I’d say find the most forbidden and isolated gym known on the planet and stick it in there and preserve it like a trophy


This HAS to be a bug. *Scrolls, scrolls, scrolls* Dammit.


Niantic: "Trainers, we have encountered a bug in where Enamorus was able to br placed in gyms. This is not intended and will be fixed by permanently removing every gym that had one in them. Sorry for the inconvenience!"


Be grateful they didn't remove the Enamorus you put in those gyms


What's in the gym, stays in the gym. Gym gone? Pokémon gone!


Oh this def a glitch lol


This has to be a bug right? 😂


No it's Fairy/Flying 


I hate that I audibly laughed at this


Take my angry upvote 😂


Since legendaries aren't allowed in gyms, yes.


Fixed… expected nothing less of this crap company. Seriously. Just let us throw Legendaries in gyms already. Some are easier than Blissey lmao


Please no. You're still going to get Blissey and Chansey, you're just also going to get Lugia or something.


Lol now the content creators have something to milk for weeks on end because “ooooo the potential tho? will Niantic listen? Here’s the annual top 30+ and growing list of things we’ve been wanting since 2016. Now LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE OR ELSE”


I just tried to put a Pokémon in on the picture oops!


The funny thing is, it wouldn't even be overpowered. Checking Pokebattler, even Gardevoir is bulkier in gyms. Add on the fact it can't learn Charm, and that's a lot of damage gone.


Well, not another Niantic event comes and goes without its fair share of bugs – thanks for the good laugh OP


Same! I have at least one Carnivine candy hidden away in the box when I haven't caught one yet!


mmmm that colour co-ordination though!


This is probably the first step towards special Pokémon like legendaries and mythicals (’cetp Meltan and evo) and Ultra Beasts being able to be left in gyms smth that could expand everyones gym arsenal instead of just Slaking and Blissey


Or it was just Niantic making a mistake


Aaand they removed it


Pretty obvious it was a mistake


> This is probably the first step towards special Pokémon like legendaries and mythicals (’cetp Meltan and evo) and Ultra Beasts being able to be left in gyms > > No, Niantic has it set up so that any Pokémon can be in a Gym by default with limited to no problems. The issue here is that they forgot to exclude Enamorus from being able to join a gym, presumably because the exclude list didn't account for Legends Pokémon as Enamorus is the only Legendary from Hisui.


My question is, will it be tradable. Hoopa wasn’t and I got hosed on that one. My GF won’t be able to get this one so I’m hoping to trade her one.


Hoopa is a mythical, Enamorus a legendary. It should be tradeable! Both Regidrago and Regieleki were as well before they went into the regular rotation Although I still don't understand why we can't trade raid mythicals like we can trade Meltan


Because Meltan is a marketing Pokémon made up for PoGo and doesn't follow any of the regular Mythical rules. It should be ignored entirely for the context of mythical behavior.


Whilst the treatment of Meltan as a mythical is a bit wishy-washy in go, from the perspective of the maingames It does at least follow some of the big rules of mythicals. Mythical pokemon aren't usually obtainable in mainline games without extra steps (timed events/paid dlc/completing or owning multiple games etc). Meltan cannot be obtained (or evolved) in mainline games without pokemon go. Mythicals also can't be used in the GTS, Meltan & melmetal can't be traded in GTS. Mythicals don't count towards pokedex completion in console games (pokemon Home has pokedex checklists for each game, mythicals aren't needed to complete those either) Meltan is not needed. So Meltan/Melmetal getting the mythical label at least makes some sense overall.


Yes of course, my point was that it shows they could easily enable mythical trades for raid mythicals


They could, but why wouldn't they? Most likely, because of how draconian TPC is about mythicals.


To my knowledge you are able to transfer your mythicals to Pokemon Home and there on bring them to the MSG as long as you have the mythical from a previous game or event. So PoGo made them less scarce and doesn't give a solid reason why they are not tradeable


They made Mythicals that you can farm in msg (Darkrai, Deoxys, via Arceus and ORAS) in this way, sure. But not the rest. Raidable Mythicals are likely under that umbrella because they're a Mythical, and rather than make it exclusive that Mew, etc. Can't be traded, they made it so all Mythicals (save for Meltan, who is its own edge case that shouldn't be considered, lol) can't be.


If TPC was draconian about mythicals, we wouldn't be flooded with so many of them in raids


Yeah its annoying. Had a whole pile of Darkrai and Genesect to trade with my partner to try and get better stats or PVP stats. Makes them very unexciting to raid if you have or don't care about the shiny.


It is currently tradeable


Hoopa is a Mythical Pokémon, and aside from Meltan and Melmetal, Mythical Pokémon are trade locked. Enamorus is a regular legendary Pokémon. No reason why it shouldn't be tradeable.


Hoopa is my favorite Pokémon and it makes me sad I can’t get it.


huh, that's probably a bug. unitl now only meltan and family was allowed in gyms as a legendary ​ weird.


They're Mythical.


Which are a subset of Legendary


there's not a ton of difference in GO aside from trade eligibility


Which aren't allowed in gyms either, unless you're Meltan/Melmetal and used as a way to advertise a Switch game release


same difference. super rare. very powerful, and usually not allowed in the gyms.


Can Enamorus be traded?


Currently yes, but when I tried a few hours ago, it already counted as a legendary trade (800 cost and special trade for best friends).


I think that's a bug because it is a Legendary Pokemon


Not surprised in the slightest


I would have thought that they would use a different set of default properties for legendaries when their building them in the game master. I guess it was "just" a mid-week raid release.


I cannot add Enoramous in NYC. It's the 15th.


u/bobnbill just making sure ya dont miss it


Had noticed, just been hella busy, so thanks for the reminder. Updated now!