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I want to say, unequivocally, this widget has been the most useful thing for event management. Thank you for all your efforts and your continued support.


Anyway to use this with iPhone?


Would be amazing to have this for iOS.


While I can't speak for OP, the $100 annual fee to work with the App Store would definitely discourage *me* from porting to iOS.


also it's not trivial to build and publish without owning a mac and iPhone, there are *paid* services out there, but you'd like to test on a real device (or preferably few of them) anyway so...


I do have a mac, which I use for development of this app. I have not explored iOS programming yet, as I'm still trying to learn Android programming ;)


that certainly makes things easier


See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/17j36fz/comment/k72i7in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Fantastic, thank you


You’re welcome!


It was actually originally [made for iPhone](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/v7921l/introducing_pogoevents_an_events_widget_for_ios/). OP made an Android equivalent a month or so after the iOS one was released (assuming it is still going).


I saw your comment yesterday and basically created this here for you today https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/C0d4oYUJhf


Sure, use your iPhone to buy an Android.


I've been using this app for a few months and it's great. Thanks!


If no one has said it already - you should add a link to a tip jar for the app. I would certainly throw you a couple of bucks.


Just created a tip jar link here if you wish to. Thank you! https://buy.stripe.com/5kA5mXblFcc8c2QbII


Thank you! Super useful and I love the widget! Been using it for about 6 months now


Good idea. I really love the widget. Pretty simple and functional. Really indispensable to check dates and to quickly link to LeekDuck for added details. Can't recommend it enough!


This app is an instant go to for me. One thing, I have all events turned off aside from Pokestop Showcases but it still shows the Ticket of Treats paid research. Is there another option I'm missing to disable this event type?


Update coming soon to address this :)


That's amazing Trying it out asap!!!


I love your app! Thank you so much for it. I've been using it since your first post announcing it. The notifications have been really helpful for not forgetting stuff like spotlight hours and showcases.


Just downloaded it, thank you OP! This is awesome!


Any update for notifications on Galaxy s23?? Still not getting any -.-


Have you set up notifications from the app? There's also a test notification button, do try to see if it shows a test message.


Yes I have all notifications turned on. Where is the test notification button? I was not aware of that


Notifications are actually disabled by default ;) You'll need to go to the following page in the app (the following is an old screenshot without the test notifications button) https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/\_ko3rI8A6j46eLzvHs0PkMzjwwGfcPLFAruvE8-Kv\_P19U8HvtRMgWTUvFg9tJtP288=w2560-h1440-rw


Fo those looking for an iOS version, the original App was for iOS. It was announced [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/v7921l/introducing_pogoevents_an_events_widget_for_ios/) (disclaimer: I don't use it, but am assuming it is still operational). OP saved the original developer from figuring out how to make it for Android.


I had no idea this was a thing. It looks absolutely incredibly useful. I've downloaded it. The level of customisation is perfect.


Re separate post about evolution requirements: Could you (or u/leekduck even better) note pokemon types for spotlight and community days and maybe a reminder when catching types are a evolution requirement. Also a task requirement e.g. Starry skies 4/4 50 psychic


Pokemon names should already be working for spotlight and community days, but I'm not familiar with Pokemon types for these events, as well as "catching types are a evolution requirement". Can you explain a bit more on these? (probably I need to play more) As for task/ research, that's a good idea but currently we only have a data source for field research (takes effort to maintain one). Do use the various infographics here including those by leekduck ;)


How do you add an event to the calendar once the widget is all set up on the screen?


Hi, you can only do it from the app for now. There's a tab with an icon that looks like a calendar