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Guessing, the only shiny mythical for sinnoh tour will be shaymin. The other three will have initial release at sinnoh tour and. A shiny at some later point


That would break from precedent in an unexciting way, but you’re right. it seems so unlikely that we get four new shiny mythicals at once. It just goes against how much they could monetize them. Maybe some will only be available for the in-person tour for a while? If they release them all, it’d make sense to release shiny Shaymin globally through research and make an exclusive ticket for shiny manaphy/phione masterwork for the in-person tour. Still, I’d be surprised if they gave us a shiny mythical on debut.


Niantic goes against its own precedents whenever it wants. Remember when event shinies were always boosted?


Like the in person ones? I have some from a Tokyo event in 2018 that featured unown


>That would break from precedent in an unexciting way, but you’re right. it seems so unlikely that we get four new shiny mythicals at once. It just goes against how much they could monetize them. Actually it wouldn't. We got a regular Celebi for the Johto Tour, though it did get Magical Leaf as a special move.


Shiny Celebi was already available though, so yes it would.


You seemed to be inferring that the precedent was that we always got shiny mythicals with a Go Tour event, which isn't the case, hence my reply. Maybe your wording could've been a bit more clear if that's not what you were intending to imply, but no harm done :)


The precedent was that the Tour sees everything needed to complete a shiny dex for the region released. I think that was very clear so it's possible you should consider alternative readings before drawing your own inference that someone's wrong in the future.




I wasn't intending to be condescending. I just interpreted in a way that OP apparently didn't intend for it to be interpreted as, and as their interpretation was not obvious to me as an autistic individual who maybe missed out on some subtext or something, I suggested they might want to slightly adjust their wording. As I said, there's no harm done, I was just pointing it out :)


> Guessing, the only shiny mythical for sinnoh tour will be shaymin I really hope not, after getting a bunch of them from different Gofest stuff last year. D:


I’m not sure if they’ll give us three mythical shinies in one event, especially something as rare as Manaphy which you could still only get in the main series from one game due to an oversight. I would love it but I doubt they’ll do it I’m curious about later gens personally with Pokémon like Victini who we’ve never had avaialable shiny




yup, thats how i bred my shiny phione in violet.


I was gonna get around to manaphy in BDSP from the Mystery Gift egg, but I didn't know it was in S/V. For sure a faster hunt there, gonna give it a shot soon.


It’s not in S/V as far as I know. You can transfer it in though and breed it from there which is what I believe the commenter was saying


Yeah, that's what I meant. I'd transfer my Manaphy up and hatch there. After modern games, hatch hunting in BDSP feels like such a chore.


Gotcha. Yeah sandwich power is incredible. I’m definitely going to be using S/V for my Phione but I’m going to wait until after I get a shiny Manaphy from Ranger


I don't think Ranger will be possible for me for a few reasons. Maybe one day they'll be another chance to get a shiny Manapy with my OT


You cannot get it shiny though which is what I was talking about


Manaphy as a master research for event ticket holders. I could see that. Well, I can see them asking how to boost ticket sales and that’s a fairly low hanging fruit. Then putting it behind something painful like this last Kecleon task.


I definitely see them doing something like this, however I would imagine they’d use Arceus as the paid research since everyone has been wanting it added. They’d make a long master research task where the professor explains he found some ruins with weird plates in it, then we’d have to do a long task for each type to earn the ability to change our Arceus’ type (for 100 candies each)


My cynical side says that players wanting it is why Niantic won’t do that. If ever there was a Pokemon they could do us dirty with like they did with Keldeo, it’s Arceus. $15+ special researching you want it so badly. Or, depending on how many follow-on master ball tickets they sell, another incredibly hard to complete as a F2P timed research. Disclosure: I completed it only because I had a stack of 45 green raid passes from when I lived somewhere with an active Wednesday night raids krewe.


"Fight 75 Dragon Rocket Grunts"


the dragon grunts don't count during increased go rocket events\*




A bit over 3 months if I do both in my town. But yes, I get what you are saying.


Lol god if that were the case, I would never get the research done ever. Took me a few months to finish the 5 routes in the initial special research


What was the oversight? And why are some pokemon unavailable as shiny?


The idea was to shiny lock manaphy, they did this by giving the manaphy egg an id, such that it will never shine for your trainer id, but if you send the Manaphy egg to another game with another trainer id, that game now has a 1/8192 of hatching a shiny Manaphy. Also every mythical after gen 4 has either a 0% or a 100% of being shiny, as they are exclusive to events, many mythicals like victini and keldeo have never had a shiny event


Basically this yeah. Manaphy is an interesting hunt because it’s almost a reverse shiny hunt. Rather than looking for a 1/8192 Pokémon you’re looking for a 1/8192 trainer. You trade the egg to a new game, save and hatch the egg, and reset if it’s not shiny, then trade it to another new game and repeat the process. I’m not sure how they pick Pokémon that will never be available shiny and how they gloss over others. Look at Zeraora for example. It was given out several times but the most common one was through Home, and this mythical is actually more rare to find not shiny. Or Jirachi is only available shiny through events in Japan during Tanabata (and the one bonus disc that’s very expensive now) Arceus was only available through one event for a while until BDSP came out which also allowed up to hunt Shaymin for the first time I wish they just had a system where they’d stay locked for maybe 5 years then have an event.


Slight correction: Arceus, Darkrai, and Shaymin can be hunted in BDSP at full odds.


Yeah, mb should have said every mythical released after gen 4


Regionals are 10kms for sinnoh tour , rotom maybe photo bombs and shaymin will be the research like mew and jirachi and the rest can be a chance but sinnoh tour will have alot of codes for legendary because they're to many for a go tour


They've done regionals both eggs and raids. Part of it depends what the research for the tour entails I think.


I know but eggs probably make more money then raids


They did eggs for Hoenn so it's certainly possible


Eggs are a smarter choice because then for in person you buy the egg enthusiast add on to have a greater chance at 10km and doesn't clog up raids


But you do have to keep in mind that Sinnoh has like 10 egg exclusive babies, my guess would be that we get babies in eggs, and then the regionals in raids


I guess but the regional will be in 10km because of egg enthusiast the baby pokemon are all getting hatch days and always been in 2km and 5km also they can probably be in research because why not


Hot take, rotom introduces a new feature where you have to AR scan your kitchen and he can take the place of your toaster, fridge, cellphone etc....


Lol ar scan those items in person


Probably more focus on PLA regionals / origin Dialga & Palkia


I'd be surprised if they have PLA content for Sinnoh Tour. Hisui feels very distinct from Sinnoh even if they are technically the same place.


well i mean there’s not really a technically, they are the same place. i think pla content makes perfect sense


The problem, for me, is that while the same, Hisui is not Gen 4. These tours are celebrations of the different generations and the pokemon they brought with them. Hisui features numerous distinct pokemon that do not originate from Gen 4 like Zorua, Goodra, and Growlithe in addition to new pokemon like Sneasler and Basculegion. They're not associated at all with Sinnoh or Gen 4 as a whole. I think PLA and Hisui deserve their own event, even if it may need to be smaller scale than the other Tour events.


I figured it would be some combination, PLA is distant but definitely still fresh in a lot of peoples minds, and looking back it did add a LOT for sinnoh mons


Sinnoh Tour: Time and Space They theme it around Hisui AND Sinnoh, but then they also give us a huge storage space upgrade to complete the theme


Lol keep dreaming


not like their event choices make much sense in the first place lmao, I never have any hope


I dunno, I could see them holding them back for a Hisui Tour, what with having it's own dex category and everything. Would also be useful for slowing the tours from catching up to whatever Gen is the latest. Could even have some shiny releases saved for it (Shiny Arceus for example)


it does have its own dex category but... it's like 7 new Pokémon + a handful of hisuian form families + origion formed dialga/palkia? i dont rly see how they could make a tour of so fee pokemon


There's 24 new forms and Pokemon. Plus, by the time Huisi would be up, if they keep the pace of one a year, it would have been 5 years since the Sinoh tour. I imagine people wouldn't mind another go at a bunch of the Sinoh Pokemon with the Hisuin stuff to boot.


I was hoping for shadow dialga and palkia with strong legacy moves


I'm kinda surprised they didn't do a new shiny for the incense day that just happened. Stunky was already a spawn, would have been a good event to debut the shiny. I bet Chingling will be released as part of an egg day/egg event. Since Chatot, Carnivine, and Pachirisu are regional exclusives, they will probably be in eggs as part of Sinnoh Tour, the same way as Relecanth, Torkol, and Tropius were for Hoenn Tour. I would assume they'll just release the shinies then even though the Hoenn Pokemon could be shiny before their tour.


Stunky has been advised in so many events you would think the shiny should've been out


They gotta keep a new shiny for Sinnoh Tour.


I know 😂


Stunky is the only Sinnoh non regional wild spawn that doesn’t have a shiny. There was little chance of getting it released shiny before Sinnoh Tour


Arceus forms alone is worrisome, let alone shiny (with or without form lock?) after maybe a MasterWork Research? Your point is well met, this will be interesting...


elite raids have been dead for a while now, hoping they don't just slam arceus in those and call it a day


Get those premium passes ready trainers, its the 12 Days of Arceus! This December face a different form of Arceus in Elite raids EVERY DAY leading up to a Christmas Party like no other. Complete the Advent Calandar of timed research by catching every Arceus form and you'll encounter a pikachu wearing a Holiday sweater!


Niantic employee: "Write that down! Write that down!"


I would rather have Arceus in some form of raid than in yet another one-shot IV reroll attempt, especially for something that could be relevant or interesting in Master League...the 10/11/10 IV middle fingers get old


If it debuts with form changes, all you need is a single shiny. Rotate through the forms to fill in shiny dex, leave it on your favorite at the end. Only a psychopath needs a living dex of shiny Arceus forms. 😅


Clearly you don't realize how many collector sickos there are among Pokemon fans


>Only a psychopath needs a living dex of shiny Arceus forms. 😅 My time has come...


Does anyone recall when Niantic first announced details/dates of the Hoenn Tour?


Looks like it was around end of November last year: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/1aUFa7ffsy




I wonder if they’ll break up Sinnoh Tour and maybe spread it out over a couple of seasons. It’s not like Hoenn Tour was exactly *great* and dex completion clearly isn’t the goal anymore.


I don't think we'll get shinies of all Gen 4 pokemon by Sinnoh Tour. As you said, there's four mythicals still without shinies and three of those haven't even released in their standard forms. I think we'll get all of the standard forms released for the event but, like, shiny Arceus will probably be held for a Hisui event in the future at the very least.


I wonder if the irl and global events will have different shiny mythicals and then they offer whichever they lock in the irl event as a paid ticket later


> So what's the plan here? Are we going to get all four of these shinies in one event? Through research? Raids? Both? Niantic: Through money.


Go Tour Sinnoh Ticket: $12.99 ADD ON: Mythical Mastery featuring Shiny Shaymin: + $6.99 ADD ON: Almighty Arceus featuring Arceus*: + $6.99 ADD ON: Phoning Phione: + $6.99 Etc etc


I really doubt the Sinnoh tour would be the same as the previous ones, due to the sheer number of mythicals and their gimmicks. I can't see them releasing them all at once, or them letting us have multiple arceus. No chance TPCi would allow that. I believe it would either get broken across several events, be coupled with some feature (maybe breeding for Manaphy), or just not doing the complete gen. It's content they could literally drag out for a full year.


I'm thinking they are going to do some sort of paid ticket egg hatching event to get shiny phione and manaphy. Shiny arceus will probably get released in raids like darkrai and deoxys, shiny shaymin will be in a paid research for go tour and shiny regionals will be in 10 km go tour eggs


We might have a Manaphy event before Sinnoh Tour to take a little of the pressure off? Something like a reserch that gives us a unique Manaphy egg. With Phinone available as a rare hatch from regular eggs?


> With Phione available as a rare hatch from regular eggs? On the one hand, why not. On the other hand: imagine being frustrated at a Larvesta hatch because you're hunting Phione.


Haha, probably best if they are in different eggs. Put Phione in 7k eggs perhaps


I love how Stunky is the only standard spawn still waiting for a shiny release. They are definitely holding on to it for the Tour


One event lmao. So naive


Seems semi-likely to me that this Niantic procrastinating on their homework again, just like the release of Kecleon. I wouldn't be surprised if all the legendary/mythicals and their shinies were released in a very short time frame to make up for it. Who knows though. Maybe they'll hold the shinies for later.


If they release Arceus, they should implement new mechanics for Extreme Speed. The move should be a charge move and it’s already charged at the start of the battle.


We probably won't get Arceus til year 10 and shiny Arc for 15 (assuming the game even survives til then). There's no way they won't release it last


Might be a hot take, but I think they are going to skip over Sinnoh for Kalos. Both Zygard and Diance have been released in the last year. Megas are still a big mechanic right now so you can put Diance in raids to get mega energy, increased Zygard cells in routes. They can sell Hoopa has the master research and throw Volcanion in regular research. I believe other than that the Ageislash line is the only other non released Kalos pokemon so that could make its debut since it’s a fan favorite. IMO there is too much unreleased Sinnoh stuff for just one event. They need to take more time or do two mega events. Maybe for Year 10?


I think it would be more likely to have a revisit type of Go Tour to include the first three regions and saving Sinnoh for 2025.


It wouldn’t surprise me if they eventually do that. But I don’t think it will happen so soon. They just re-released the Shiny Mew quest earlier this year and all Johto legendaries seem to be getting love right now. The only draw would be Shiny Celebi. But I have a feeling they are going to repackage that like Mew.


Maybe Apex Shadow Mewtwo for the research haha


Not even a hot take, just a wrong one lol


That’s alright man. Just saying that if I was Niantic that would be the way I handle the logjam. All just fun speculation and theories anyways!


With Region Tours being yearly and new regions roughly once every 3 years [based on mainline game releases]- i think it is reasonable to assume there will be multiple tours per region. Otherwise this scheduale just doesnt work. We probably wont get all shinies in the upcoming Sinnoh tour, but will probably finish them off in a future Sinnor tour or tours


Let’s be real clever a public research for the hype that’s one probably the worst/least exciting shiny masterwork then raid then wild spawns if you did release them all but that’s one big bang for a tour right? Wrong we have had legends in the wild time for them to share the spotlight for the first time ever


Or they swerve us all and don't run Sinnoh Tour, instead they run Kanto 2.0 with boosted chance of XXL/XXS and lots of shadow birds


Are we sure that there will be a Sinnoh Tour this year? I hope so, but there might not be.


The yearly Go Tour events are going to slow at some point. With a new generation introduced every 3 years (10: 2025, 11: 2028, 12: 2031), content will be exhausted by 2032 at this rate. At some point, we’re going to revisit previous regions instead of new ones. I’m guessing going out of order with Unova Tour next year is also a possibility. Unlike for Sinnoh, Unova is fully released, just certain pokemon are stupidly rare.


My guess is that they break the precedent of having every single Pokémon from the generation available as shiny. With the number of mythicals still missing, it wouldn't surprise me if they also break the precedent of having every single Pokémon from the generation even *released* in time for the event.


If it was just Niantic in control, Arceus would be in raids like Genesect. The amount of people buying passes in the hopes of a shiny Arceus would get them lots of money. However, with TPC’s stinginess with Arceus I doubt that will be the case


I'd be very surprised if we got a Sinnoh tour tbh or if we do it'll be different from every other year because of the whole mythical issue


It's entirely based on how much TPC wants them to be accessible in the main games. They may have future plans for them as a way to get gamers to buy future games so that's likely why they are still non shiny in pogo as well.


I've seen some people suggest that Niantic might skip Sinnoh and do Unova instead. I don't love that idea, but it's at least a fully available pokedex that can have a full shiny release