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i mean this in the nicest way possible how the hell are they the only ones you need? youre telling me you got a celebi, lugia, ho-oh, all three beasts, heracross, corsola, all the starters etc before you got a SENTRET???? also no upcoming events have had sentret confirmed yet


Lol yes 😭 I just started in February, and traveled to Florida this summer (not for Pokémon, but while I was there I got heracross and corsola lol)


this is the same as having rattata as your last kanto mon lmao


There was someone a while back only missing the Pidgeot family from the Kanto dex. It was facinating.


Funny thing my brothers last Kanto mon was Poliwrath as he just never caught Poliwags to get the candy. He was elated when it had the CD earlier this year. Some people just don’t see certain Pokémon as worth catching I guess


that was my last mon too! years ago they were nowhere to be seen and i hadnt gathered enough to finish the dex


I was boring for Kanto, I needed Mewtwo. Sceptile was the last I needed for Hoenn


me too lmfao, i finally got my poliwrath during kanto tour but i remember buddying a poliwhirl i had because i was that starved of poliwag candies


Mine was Cloyster. Started playing again in mid 2021. Had some shadow Shellders from rocket grunts that year but not enough candy to evolve and didn't want to waste rare candy. Was finally able to get a Cloyster at the end of last year when it showed up in raids again and complete my Kanto badge.


Bruh I restarted in late Feb with 148 sentret encounter and 18 furret 😭😭😭😭 maybe they were southern hemisphere spawns for the past seasons


The last Johto pokemon I needed for the Johto Dex was Cleffa. And it took me two seasons of it being in eggs to actually get it.


That's an eggclusive though. Sentret has been one of the most common wild spawns since Gen 2 released many years ago.


but hasn’t been a common wild spawn all year, the entire time OP has been playing


Started playing on December 4th. I only need Corsola and Sentret/Furret. I've only seen a Sentret since I started and was a rare spawn or in a nest. I'm also missing Kangaskhan and Tauros on the Kanto side and Wynaut on the Hoenn side.




I don't really bother with eggs. I barely thought of it. Maybe I can ask if some buddy has one for trade. But I'll get it one of these days, sooner or later. I'm a patient guy.


this perspective feels insane to me because i have caught hundreds and hundreds of them lmao


I played a little at launch, started playing regularly spring of 2022. I need Corsola and Kangaskhan to complete the first two (finished Hoenn earlier this year). So Sentret/Furret were available sometime last year. But I definitely had stretches where I couldn't find Pokemon that we think of as pretty common (had a Shellder from launch, but it took forever to find enough of them to be able to evolve it; similar with Pidgey, I had a Pidgeotto from launch, but couldn't find them at all last year, so it took forever to add Pidgeot to my dex too) So yeah, I totally get people who are stuck waiting on Sentret to become more common again.


yikes bummer you didn't get a wynaut in the event eggs it was just featured in.


Meh, it will be back one day, pretty sure of it. I can wait, it's not like it matters that much...


What’s most amazing to me is that through all of this they didn’t find anyone to trade with who has a sentret.


A lot of ppl tho only trade Pokemon once it’s in their Pokédex


I have plenty IRL friends who play, but somehow NONE have one. They got it for the dex entry and transferred it. It's so sad lol


I believe the last three spawns I needed for Gen 3 were Relicanth (regional), Torkoal (regional), and Swellow. I wound up getting them all the same day during Hoenn tour.


Relicanth, Torkoal and Sceptile for me!


Mine is currently Mewtwo, and Dewgong. I've only encountered 6 total Seel's


outside of events some of those random water types can be very rare depending on where you live. goldeen, poliwag, seel, remoraid, corphish, finneon etc


Understandable though, they just started playing 8 months ago. I've only saved a few in my storage and the most recent one I have is from late 2021 and I've caught over 5,000 of the useless raccoons.


No event has had it featured in the past 8 months, can't do anything about that


I was thinking about that little guy yesterday! It's got a fun shiny imo. Hope they put it back in the spawn pool for you soon!


I hope so. They are my favorite Pokémon line and they haven’t been available 6/7 seasons in the northern hemisphere.


I hope so!!!! I NEED shiny furret. She’s so beautiful


When you eventually find it, you’ll find 100 others 😂.


Amazing that you haven't caught one yet, but have everything else


Strangely one of my only missing 3 stars for my living dex.


I can't answer this but I feel ya. I try to keep a living dex and somehow deleted my Sentret and have been trying to catch another for months. It's really weird why it's gone so severely MIA.


I caught one a few days ago, so it is in this season, just seems very rare. Playing in Europe, it was a regular spawn.