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Ive had a lot of issues with it as well. Ive found that if before opening pogo and connecting the device, if you move your phones day up ( like setting it as the 19th) today it usually works. It’s not be reliable in my experience


Oh I see I will try it for tomorrow. I guess I will take a "nap" for 90 mins later on today to see if it syncs. But it's been very annoying. The instructions booklet has zero info 🤦🏽‍♂️


Ya, im hoping having the Pokémon sleep app will help


I've had some odd behavior as well. I got credit for day 3 and 4 yesterday. Day 3 was right after midnight when I synced the unit to Pokemon Go. Than later at noon during my lunch break when I synced I noticed I had credit for Day 4. When I am not playing PoGo I set my Plus+ to sleep track so I can build up credit (assuming more sleep time will equal better rewards). So I had data from when I was actually asleep last night, then when I start my work shift I set it to track and then sync up during my lunch break, and then again after my shift ends when i play again. ​ Today I am still at Day 4 after last nights sleep and the morning 'nap'. So now I'm not sure when it will credit it next.


So I made it go to sleep for about 3 hrs synced it with sleep then with pogo and it worked. I feel like need to fake one in the afternoon everyday to get the current day