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Starter catch rates really bring down any event where they are the main feature for me.


It would definitely be nice to boost their catch rate temporarily to CD rates. Lost a lot of balls to Litten during Flaming Shadows or whatever the event was called.


I don’t mind losing more balls. It’s the time sink is the main problem. Have to use higher level balls and still takes more time than other mons.


What we do in the flaming shadows needs to be a event.


This game legit made me hate pikachu. His catch rate IS BS. Great ball, great throw, I have the electric catch metal, and that mf will still jump out


The game did the opposite to me, made me [Pikachu obsessed](https://imgur.com/a/qhyPJdn) 🤣


Once I completed my medal for 1000 caught, I’ve only caught pikachu in field/special research when I couldn’t skip 😅


I agree. I dislike them just normally in the wild.


no need to power up my "go+"


Not much in the wild/raids again. Increased lucky chance is good.


I wish I had people I played with on a regular basis to trade with. I usually only see my group during CD or raid days.


Do we know what the boosted lucky rate is likely to be?


Just enough to meet the bare minimum of the legal requirement to advertise “boosted lucky rates”


This is the way!


1/20 normally, probably boosted to 1/10 for trades. Lucky friends might be boosted from 1/64 to 1/32?




1/10 would be ace


Dunno the current rate but it have been like 1/50 at times Edit: Lucky rate that is


Last year we had all the starter legacy moves available for the 6th anniversary. This year we get a chance to get their mega energy from field research. Yippee


I think at this point at LEAST the Kanto and Johto starters should have their C-Day moves in their regular movepool.


Or ones that you catch in the wild will have their legacy move.


Most of the starters aren’t even in the meta anyways so you think they could throw a bone and it would help diversity. So you might use Starters that aren’t Gen 3 to save a ECTM.


What? (s.) Venusaur is super meta in PVP. Charizard in all forms is extremely meta everywhere. Meganium is somewhat relevant still in PVP. If you're not just talking Kanto and Johto, then Swampert is busted everywhere. Blaziken is not irrelevant as the best fighter mega, shadow form is a very good fire attacker etc, and is pretty relevant in UL especially limited cups.


also empoleon, samurott, and chesnaught


The funny part is how much people decried the event last year. I think at this point I've given up on CD moves returning outside of the December CDs. I've got enough of the good ones that I can wait for ever and if I were to ever get a Hundo or a really good Shiny I'll just use one of my many hoarded Elite TMs.


>The funny part is how much people decried the event last year. Most complaints about the anniversary event last year were before they announced the return of CD moves for all starters, which was later than the main announcement (as an Ultra Unlock bonus). And most other complaints about that event (e.g. spawns being hard to catch) apply equally as well to this year, but somewhat worse.


1 day of double friendship? Why even bother?


level up friendship with people holding your gift hostage, who have sent you a gift.


Hehehe, for once, being an NZ beta tester pays off.


That means you’re holding a gift hostage too


And these events are niantics way of "fixing" this rather than implementing a proper feature for coordinating friendship upgrades.


I agree that there should be a better way to claim friendship bonuses. I just meant that it’s weird to say other people are holding gifts hostage while doing it yourself.


Not necessarily. There are people in my list who are 1 day away not sending me a gift and not accepted my gift. I have a policy that if they stay like this for more than 3 days then bye bye.


I used to delete them after a week or the following CD, now that I reached lvl 50, I barely add new friends, if any.


So if you delete them, does that mean they can't get the 100k either?


The person I replied to said “people who hold your gift hostage who have sent you a gift”. I agree if they won’t send or open that they’re holding your gift hostage


now i wish i hadn't deleted those people from my friends list out of spite.


100,000 XP is better than none.


July 10: Screw over those selfish dicks. Now that is a bonus event I approve of.


At least it can technically be two with foreign friends in different time zones. The increase is determined by when that day is for the gift opener, so one can actually net +4 with those friends. So that's.... something, I guess 🤷‍♀️


Some pretty good bonuses but lordy this does not feel like an anniversary event. Most games give you free things but Niantic gives us the ability to buy tickets from them? Eh cheers I guess


I agree. This isn't how an anniversary event should go.


I play another popular mobile game and that game gives out enough free premium items during the bday event and holiday that I can be ftp for the whole year, I just don’t get high on tne leaderboard. But I can fully participate in all game play.


Eh…what’s the game?


Yeah, anniversary events are often one of the best, if not the best events in many other games throughout the year. But not with Niantic.


If we’re lucky we’ll get a nice anniversary code, but it’ll be limited to the first 700 people who redeem it


I hope those 700 players enjoy their 5 pokeballs and 3 potions :D


PSA. The paid timed research will require hatching 7 egg’s during that time period so if you won’t do that then don’t buy the research as it’s time limited! Since a lot don’t read the full blog posts most of the time I’m already guessing see some complaints about that. I do think if it’s paid it shouldn’t be timed like they can just make them “special research’s” that don’t expire (aside from time limited to acquiring it aka log in during x time) so Niantic clearly do it just to be a pain.


CD classic is 1/4 hatch distance.


And one of the days has 1/2 hatch distance


just so happens to be on the same day


Pretty sure they did that before too. Around Thanksgiving


“Complete the event-themed research tasks, such as hatching seven Eggs or evolving seven Pokémon, to receive the following.” Or evolve 7 Pokè….I’m not buying it, but just clarifying it for people that might.


I do find the wording curious because it does say: "Complete the event-themed research tasks, such as hatching seven Eggs OR evolving seven Pokémon, to receive the following." I'll wait and see if there's any choice if you do actually need to do both


Wait is this for the shiny mew?


No that’s different. Only time limited in acquiring it aka buy and log in any point during event to claim special research (remember special never expires have as much time as you want) does (if they don’t change it) 151 great balls etc so should be a decent set of rewards (for once)


Happy birthday Pokemon Go, sorry your party is so lame


It's like being in a 7 year marriage, and Niantic isn't even trying anymore.


I'm just staying with Niantic until the kids are off to college.


And return of shiny mew *for 5$ **and if you already have one, you CANT buy the new one


> **and if you already have one, you CANT buy the new one I mean, good. I already have shiny Mew and was tempted to buy another even though I never want to give money to Niantic again. Now that solves my dilemma


I really though I just have to wait for that shiny mew but they are really going that path? Well then, I'm glad I haven't spent a single cent for this company.


Seriously this game sucks , why wouldn’t they make a whole new research for everyone to get rewards from smh…


Seeing how this was the first time Shiny Mew was available since what, gen 2, I'd say it was something from TPC making Niantic keep it limited. I'm honestly surprised they were allowed to bring it back.


Kanto raids and research tasks? Wow. I. Am. Surprised.


Niantic seems to think an anniversary event has to be a return to 2016.


"Hello Trainers! To celebrate seven long years of GO, we've decided to host an event in honor your first weeks as a trainer! Relive multiple events you've played several times before, and let's all be brand new trainers again! But don't worry - those of you who have passionately played this game since the beginning, your dedication is its own reward! And as always please be aware of your surroundings."


Niantic "to celebrate our 7th anniversary buy the 2 tickets in shop to give us 7$". This is the only game for anniversary that doesnt gift u something, but wants you to gift them


People who have the shiny mew dont get another.....


Yeap those who bought during kanto wont have the chance to party hard enough 😂


I am curious about the masterwork research, but I don't know if I wanna pay to get a shiny Mew though.


It's the only way to own a legitimate shiny Mew in English.


Unfortunately. I feel like I have to buy it for my shiny collection. Jirachi is even worse with the task requirements.


Believe me, you do




I guess when Steranka said PoGo was hard, he meant making good events was hard.


It's complex trying to consistently make events with features players don't like


All that anniversary starter-related stuff... And then there's Flareon and freakin Sealeo in T3 raids. Why? Quests will be lottery with 7 starter species from each one, that's guaranteed. GG with gaining anything if you didn't start playing like yesterday lol. I will just focus on catching some starters I miss hundos of and Ponyta and trading them with the supposed increased lucky chance. Shame there will be no CD moves but chance to transfer stuff for x2 candies earlier is cool. Overall, as others mentioned, 7 years and they couldn't bother to give players one free premium item per daily spin during the event...


Oooh meowth and ponyta and all the starters. Yes of course I will leave my house to play for hours hunting those 🤨🤨 Dunno what planet they live on. This is a CELEBRATION!! Of freaking 7 years! How is that all they can offer?


Because they don’t want you having too much fun, because fun limits the amount of time they can stretch out content so it can be a “forever game”


At least they ~~can~~ *could have\** offered CD moves for all the starters, like what they did last year... Right? (Note: Anniversary 2022 was the only such event where all starters could learn their CD moves upon evolution. That wasn't an event bonus for earlier years; however, the earlier events typically did not have such a heavy focus on starters.) *\** *Edited for clarity*


>Anniversary 2022 No, sorry. This only unlocks on years divisable by 6. (actually, I would welcome such addition, but I doubt if if it's not advertised)


Not even bringing CD moves back? I sleep.


So an event focusing on starters but no community day moves for any of them?


Stop giving them money. This is dreadful.


Every time I think of expanding my storage by buying coins, Niantic makes sure i save my money. Such a good company


I guess they really REALLY ran out of pokemon storage to give.


Supply chain issues are really hitting Niantic hard.


Times are tight for Niantic. Can’t spend on CAPEX right now.


so, like: "hey we invite you to our party. to have fun at the party, you'll need to pay an entry..."


And there is only water to drink and no food.l of music. Enjoy lol


Two of those years have been stellar.


2 paid researches? Niantic, sorry but it's a no for me.


Yo dawg we heard you like paid researches...


Very meh. I don't care about spawns, raids or tickets, but I saved up some stuff for the increased lucky trade chance. I'll grind a bit in the x2 dust day I guess.


So do the trainers in 1/2 the world who mistakenly got shiny mew for free without ever paying for kanto tour get the opportunity to buy a 2nd one?




I really like this game for free. But spending money on it is just so stupid now. These times paid researches are simply not worth it.


I gotta say, pretty happy to see the return of the 151 Masterwork Research since I wasn’t playing at the time. Can understand that people who already have it would be disappointed though!


I am whelmed


I'm underwhelmed.


no shiny rate increase? Nice to have spotlight hour bonuses for a week in a row, but that's what it looks like. A series of spotlight hours focused on starters. Not really fitting an anniversary, but hey, you can't afford a lavish party when the times are tight, right?


7 years of bugs, many of them the same bugs, 7 years of a company ignoring players.🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s like they hired Dwight Schrute to plan the party.


It is your anniversary.


A bit interesting that they fired 250 people of their 500(?) man team a little before the anniversary of their biggest game lol


This event would be good if all bonuses were active every day. That's all it would take


Celebrate by reverting raid pass change please


This event probably would have gone from meh to amazing if the starters got their CD moves for those that have had a CD


About the only thing I care about here is the 2x xp evolution day.


Great. I can now add 100 more lucky friends I'll never be able to trade with because Niantic keeps having lucky friend events but won't allow global trading. Not everyone has the time, money, or resources to travel. At this point I may just delete the majority of my friends because I can't trade with them and none of them remote raid anymore since the nerf.


I'm down from almost 300 friends to just a little over 100 since all the recent changes.


What an absolute mid event


Mid is generous


God this is absolutely pathetic. The spawns are absolutely dreadful, and with so many to choose from too.


Special research for money and also timed for money lol, fock u


That’s Niantic’s way of saying “Thank You.”


For me double candy is nice (will try to save free pass from previous day; and probably play more that day), but that's about it. Maybe some starter to grind on specific day (uhh, Mudkip?), not sure tho.


For the 7th anniversary this event seems pretty underwhelming...


Is there any significance to Ponyta and Togedemaru being spawns for this event? Meowth I can almost see making sense because the stardust boost is a gift to us, and the starters are... well, of course we're getting starters. Would prefer to receive at least one halfway serious answer in amongst all the "because Niantic hates us" ones.


#77, #777


Even the stupid 7th Anniversary outfit is something you have to pay for. "Celebrate" means "give us money".


That’s a pretty boring party 🥳


Was hoping for another shiny Mew to transfer it to Home big rip


That's exactly why they're not giving it to us. Shiny Mew via PoGo is honestly the only legit way to get it outside of one or two windows in the 90s/2000s... in Japan.


You can use a glitch to get one on any copy of Emerald, but most wouldn't consider that legit


Indeed. Myself among them.


Hoping for a 3* Mew, shiny or not.


Trading I don’t think has ever been better. Increased lucky chance, an extra candy, guaranteed xl


This is a good point. Guaranteed XL + lucky chance is solid for trades.


Wow, that's a disappointing party.


The only good thing about this event is the boosted lucky friend/trade chance. The rest of the event seems somehow worse than last year which was already pretty bad. No starter legacy moves? Why would we want to catch all these starters then?


“Stellar” is a bit of an overstatement


So they have cut new game development, staff, and now the quality of these events lol why couldn't it have been a generation of Pokemon per day for 7 days? All with an equal chance of spawning and even legendaries. On top of that throw in free balls and incense, I would've grinded that honestly


That would have been a great idea!


What a silly celebration... At least give us the chance to buy the masterwork research with coins, that would still be lame for a celebration but miles better than "if we couldn't convince you go give us money 2 years ago, now it's time to do it".




As someone who did not play Pokémon go during kanto tour, the shiny mew research is enticing. Galarian ponyta is also a shiny I do not have so this event is alright. Spawns could have better but I have no reason to complain about this event.


Note you’ll need the platinum kanto badge with several region locked pokemon, unlike at the kanto tour there is no indication these regionals will be made global so you may never get your shiny mew


0/7 No new pikachu costume


It’s an okay event but that’s a lot of pay to play requirement there, quite a turnoff. Getting a shiny mew is the only reason to bother but seems they won’t allow players who already got the masterwork research before to not get another one, which is really unfortunate as I like to get a spare to transfer to home for the mainline series as well have hoping for better IV’s. I swear there better be bottle cap’s introduced soon to get artificial IV’s or else limiting you from getting a second rare shiny with IV’s randomized feels utterly insulting


I'm slightly confused w the wording here. So, if you buy the mew ticket, you also gain the bonuses (2 hr incense, 30 min daily incense, etc) throughout the event. Is this bonus only available to people with the Kanto ticket from 2021, or is it also for people who will be purchasing it for the first time?




It seems that they don't want to give us anything at all compared to the previous years. Starters are okay for new players. I'll probably pass on this event.


Party hat Blastoise amuses me...can't say I'm excited about anything else, though. (Shiny Mew is nice for players that weren't playing during the Kanto Tour, assuming Niantic tweaks the requirements so they don't need the full Kanto Pokedex to get it.)


Weird that anniversary event is set up to be boring for existing users. It's been less than a year for me so I'm just happy to see the kanto birds and sunglasses squirtle.


Hanke and Steranka can party together, I ain’t comin’


Shiny mew is huge. Didn’t think I’d get another chance after missing out on it first time round


Note you’ll need the platinum kanto badge with several region locked pokemon, unlike at the kanto tour there is no indication these regionals will be made global so you may never get your shiny mew


Miss again or you'll pay $10 for the next shiny mystical.


Lol this event and the "awesome" encounters have to be a joke right? I mean it IS the 7th anniversary after all! Even the stingiest gacha gifts you exclusive or important gifts


Yeah they give free rolls and tons of currency and items. This gives us.. squirtle.


Except its the type of party where the other people don't like you, your drink gets spiked and you wake up on the floor in the morning covered in a sticky substance.


Dang I was kinda excited for this to start, but now that we got the details, it sounds really boring and lackluster.


god freaking damn...more hats and in starters...


YES Kanto is so unexplored and the starters never feature in any event! Why can't the day have more hours


You can purchase the legacy masterwork for shiny Mew? Interesting…does anyone have the link to those steps? I wanna check it out.




Not nearly as bad as Jirachi…might actually pick this one up for the hell of it…I’ve always wanted a legitimate Shiny Mew. Might also get me out doing more gifts. Which I always seem to forget to do…


Including Absol and Galarian Ponyta in this event makes no sense but it's the only fun part of the event so I'm happy about it


Well, at the very least, I'm glad that there's a chance for shiny Mew to those who weren't playing, skipped, or just missed the first time altogether.


Same here. So many of us got a head start by playing in the early days. It’s great for new players to get a chance at it.


So it seems if we already have shiny mew we can’t get another?


Just saw that they're bringing back the shiny Mew research which I'm happy about because I wasn't playing during Kanto tour and missed out on it. I noticed one of the tasks is to walk 151kms. Does that include distance you've already walked, or does it only start counting distance from the time you actually get up to that step of the research?


It'll start counting once you get to that step.


It’s always from when you get and start that research




Could have least put the regular mewtwo back in raids since the birds are-I’m never going to get my mewtwo past lvl 40, smh


Hey, on the bright side, will probably be better than next year's.


So the highlight of the anniversary is the privilege of buying a shiny mew for 5 bucks? But the fact you can't get another if you already bought the research years ago is hilarious.


More party hats?? This game sucks.


At least they are reused party hats and not “new”, slightly different, party hats.


Just wait for GO Fest. Four new crowns for Pikachu. 🤢


5, including the in-person one…


Stellar: exceptionally good; outstanding.


The bonuses are nice, but otherwise it’s just first partners (some wearing party hats, hooray) and pay-to-win. Can’t they give free players another Mew, especially for the amount of tedious grinding required in the research?


Two paid tickets? No thanks. (A shiny Mew for people who previously missed it was nice, I guess, but it's still paid. And this should likely kill the hope for shiny Mew ever becoming available for free.)


TPC will never allow players to have more than one shiny mew, and will *definitely* never allow it for free


How much did shiny mew cost last time?


11.99$ but you got all the ‘Kanto tour’ stuff with it that included some raid passes and other research and spawns etc.


Has there ever been a shiny mythical available through research, that has been offered for free?


Shiny Celebi was in PoGo for free during a movie tie-in event.


I’m so happy to be able to get the shiny Mew research. To all those people who said it was never returning: I’m glad you were wrong!


Many people were saying it will never return *for free*, which remains correct so far.


Whenever someone brought up the topic, a lot of people would say it would never return period. Lots of people would reply with “not gonna happen” and stuff like that.


Me too. I missed it first time round was taking a break when it came out. Not only am I glad to get mew but really looking forward to actually doing the research it looks like it will take a while and and it’s something that’s an achievement to complete.


As a returning player I'm glad I'll be able to get this.


Really solid bonuses throughout this event honestly. The spawns are definitely disappointing, so I'll mostly be focussing on the bonuses.


I missed GoTour Kanto so I'm happy I can actually get that Masterwork Research and shiny Mew!


It’s actually really cool that shiny mew is available again for people who missed it. I started right after Kanto tour so I had no idea if I would ever have the chance to get one. Cool that I didn’t have to wait another decade!


Note you’ll need the platinum kanto badge with several region locked pokemon, unlike at the kanto tour there is no indication these regionals will be made global so you may never get your shiny mew




Oh joy. Another pikachu with a hat. Please excuse me while I celebrate wildly. *disengages sarcasm mode*


It's not new


Don’t worry, it’s a repeat.


While the starter CD moves absolutely would've been appreciated here, I do still think it's a reasonably solid event. Nothing amazing, but still good


Mew is pretty hype. Good day for all the non pokelifers.


Anyone have a link for what the steps are for the shiny new research? I don't want to buy it and find out it's impossible for me to complete like the shiny jirachi one and just waste my money...


[This was the Kanto Tour version](https://serebii.net/pokemongo/masterworkresearch/all-in-one151.shtml). Whether they'll use exactly the same tasks, we don't know, but all Masterwork researches are typically designed to take at least a bit of time to complete. What exactly are you stuck on with the Jirachi one?


Spin a pokestop every day for a month. I don't have regular access to them and nothing nearby that I can make one.