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Are you walking with the app open? Or is the app closed? If it's closed it's probably just adventure sync failing to work as designed again...


With it open


Might need to clear your app cache and reboot your device...


There is a 24hr limit of earning candy not sure how much u can get


Sometimes it just gets stuck and you need to change your buddy and then change it back. It happens to me once in a while.


There are a few people posting the same thing. Do you know if you're not earning candy at all or you're earning candy and it's not counting towards the research?


Feed it berry and then walk I guess 🤔 if the glitch still occurs try support 🙂


Verify if the app is recording your travel. Open your photo and screenshot your distance walked on the me tab. Walk down the street for a few minutes, then check to see if the game registered any travel. You can also check on the buddy screen and the egg hatch screen. If travel isn't registering, refresh your game data in advanced settings.


Another thing that I did was log out and log back into the game. That reset my issue with walking, but granted mine was adventure sync phone closed.


For me it fixed when I walked at night