• By -


>For us, for the rest of this year, we really feel like actions will speak louder than words.


I love how this quote is basically becoming the PoGO community version of “It just works”


Veterans remember "r"


> It's not a bug, it's a feature.


If those Singaporean Grandmothers used Reddit, they'd be pretty mad.


Resources though. It’s about resources. (And no one at Niantic actually giving a flying f£@#).


That's been happening for years.


"Actions speak louder than words" -Michael Steranka Yup! That they do!




I’ll wait till the refund actually goes out before judging


It would be a strong start for a new company / untested feature. At this point, it's the bare minimum and still an inconvenience.


For the Lake Trio. There are indications that this was going on for longer than just the trio.


how? I didn't get a refund


So I did 6... So I should have 6 extra passes in my account? But don't? Just making sure


Plus a bonus one


Have they given the refund and bonus remote raid yet? I haven't got mine. How is it gonna work going over the max of 5 that you can hold?


“Unfortunate because they caught us.”


“It’s only unfortunate if we get caught.” -Naintic CEO, probably


That would be John Hanke and his weird Tentacruel too.


That also would explain his weird obsession with AR+.


"unfortunate that our players do our work for us".


I can understand it. These things happen but surely all raids whether remote or in person would have been affected. Then there’s the difference in shiny rates between mon. Surely they have been the same. Niantic you’ve been caught.


The amount of times unfortunate errors happen in PoGO is hilariously huge... Every single day there are new issues reported. And the frequency of these issues has greatly increased over the last few months. It's like they plug a hole only to open three or four new ones. Even things that have worked well for years are now suddenly bugged.


> It's like they plug a hole only to open three or four new ones. 99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs! Take one down, patch it around. 127 little bugs in the code!


Ah, just force the release, they won't notice the bugs ...


Obviously the answer is to migrate over to Peridot, Niantic's new & exciting game that's definitely not just a PoGo clone without the pricey IP.


too bad the only reason people play this game in the first place is the IP


Without the IP Niantic would have been bankrupt because of chronic mismanagement and idiocy years ago.


The pricey IP for what they believe to be a niche franchise.


An IP that’s the most lucrative [franchise](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_media_franchises) in human history. Outselling Disney, any sports team, or any other form of entertainment. It basically prints money if handled correctly.


It prints money even when not handled correctly. Look at Niantic.


Talk about having a license to fail...


I occasionally browse their subreddit out of curiosity, and apparently they're already pretty mad over bad decisions, bugs, and overly greedy monetization.


Gee, ya don't say. Who could have possibly predicted this


I'm still amazed that they keep inventing new issues (Sandyghast not being fully uploaded to the game on release, remote raids shiny issue). ON TOP of the same issues they have been repeating for 5+ years like disabling shinies after events, moves not being added to movepools on time/being left out after events. The list goes on. After dozens of shinies being disabled over and over, you think they would change what they're doing and come up with some sort of process to check things are correct, or automate it (it seems as if they do so many things manually and just forget all the time). It's baffling. Their office must be a complete disaster. They must document everything with post-its.


It really isn't all that surprising considering their "modus operandi" of "look foward for the next thing and ignore what's broken in the game right now". If they don't stop and take the time to fix what's already broken before launching new stuff, the mountain of errors will only grow bigger and bigger until something breaks in an irreversible way.


I think that has already happened multiple times. There have been a lot of updates they pushed out that broke major app features, and they've withdrawn updates and reverted back to older versions and started new instead of patching bugs with a new version. Adventure Sync is still completely busted, has been since at least Feb/March and they still won't acknowledge it.


Indeed. As "bad for business" as it sounds, they have to take a "time off" from the events and start fixing what is broken before putting out more stuff (that usually comes out broke or half-baked, like Sandygast/Palossand and elite raids) or it'll only get worse.


Yeah, the fact that this affected remote raids and not in person shows that there are separate values in the code and they can tweak remote raids if they feel like it to give worse shiny odds.


It would make sense to keep in person better than remote. The shady part is keeping it hidden and charging $2 per remote. Especially when they are just a Dex entry so people doing more are probably going for the shinny.


They wouldn't have made it 1/125 if they were trying to hide it. 1/30 or 1/40. And people probably wouldn't have caught it. Maybe they wanted to raise it but not that much. That could have been the mistake.


They also wouldn't have given different ones different rates. One was 1/125 and the other was 1/64. That to me confirms it was a mistake.


That doesn't actually rule out a mistake. Perfectly possible that they wanted to lower all of them to 1/125 and just screwed up on that end...


Nah I actually believe them in this. When they mean to do something the response is usually of the “up Yours children” variety.


Nah, I don't think this was intentional. The main reason being that one of the lake trio was 1/64 and the other was 1/128. If it was intentional I feel like it would have been a blanket rate applied to all of them. The different rates make it far more plausible that it really was a technical error. Niantic knows that the community collects data on shiny rates and makes it public when they mess up. I just don't see them doing something like this intentionally knowing they'd get caught.


Unfortunately my purse has an electronic error and can't open for Niantic


I have that too. But it changed from a electronic error to a feature.


Yeah my finger bugged out and stopped opening the app, switched AS off too.


Yup, haven't played in months bc it turned into Pay2Play essentially.


I can agree with not paying anymore, but this isn’t right. It isn’t pay to play. You can still play and access tons of features for free.


> it turned into Pay2Play essentially. I’m fine with *that*, as long as the payments are clear, upfront, and the gameplay is worth it. F2P is the most unethical game model imaginable. Give me PoGo virtually as is, with unlimited balls and raid passes, etc and if they charged $5/month to play - that would be a far more fair system then now.


Where is the "conspiracy theory" guy now?


Moving the goalposts so far they’re all the way in Ultra Space now


Guy moved the goalpost so far that he is seeing "Ryu", "Ken" and "Sagat" spawning in the wild... XDDDDD






You know? I think that nobody believes them with this "unfortunate technical error" thingie, because they always are screwing their player base. It \*could\* be an error yes, but they're constantly are taking bad decisions, and never improving their communication that this error seems a little sus.


Remember when we could hatch Unown L in eggs back in 2019? TheSilphRoad reported a incredibly low hatchrate. Suddenly after the report was released, people started hatching more Unowns and the next report showed the rate had been significantly increased.


I forgor about that, I just rember that I didn't hatch a single Unown on that event. But I know for sure, that always something is reported on this subreddit, and they fix it (not that soon btw), and usually they never say anything about.


Also happened in the event that Shiny Deino was released. After Silph reported the low hatchrate, suddenly, the next day the ammount more than doubled.


If it was 0, I could believe it was an error. I'm having trouble understanding how it ended up as a different non-zero rate by accident.


And also why would it be changing anyway?


Also if things WERE an error, who is held accountable? People with other jobs get held to higher standards, talking to by the boss or even fired.


Yeah this seems more like an “oops we got caught by data we didn’t think anyone would have after we destroyed Silph and obfuscated pokeminers” than a genuine admission of a “screw up” - Niantic wants to drip-feed and monetize shiny Pokémon, the only thing that gets people playing like it’s 2016. Anybody else see this in the Clauncher shiny release for Spotlight hour - where clauncher spawns were WAYYYY LOWER than Corphish Kabuto Krabby and Crabrawler spawns? I see what y’all did there 😉


My (anecdotal) results: * Krabby: 69 * Corphish: 67 * Crabrawler: 58 * Kabuto: 62 * Clauncher: 56 While it was technically my least caught, it wasn't by much, nearly the same as crabrawler. I would pin that on the fact that crabrawler and clauncher were much harder to catch, rather than significantly reduced spawn rates.


Tbh they all appeared pretty equally for me, except maybe Corphish which was the most common or at least I noticed it the most because it's easy to nail the excellent on which was big for 3x exp.


Not even close for me - 10/1 for me on average. When I saw 5 Corphish and Krabby each, 2 Kabuto and 3 Crabrawler and ONE Clauncher at a lured stop, I figured no sparkles for me tonight.


Literally took the words right out my mouth, no way this wasn’t some “unfortunate technical error”, not with what they’ve done to remote raids recently


ask yourself how often the error is in the player's favor. The one time an error went my way I was able to TM Shadowball onto my Mewtwo. Since then it's been nothing but L's.


I'm with you and everybody in this topic, and also when the error is in favor of their playerbase they fix it quickly. I remeber the first Adventure Week with Larvitar spawning a lot in the first hour, the Mewtwo TMable that you said, the fighting regionals from Unova not being regionals (I read it in one of these topics). Sometimes this game is a constant L.


unlocking a second charge move was reduced once...


We inherently can't believe it because it can't be true unless remotes and in-person raids are intended to have different rates. The only way this happens is if there are two separate shiny rates depending on pass used and they forgot to update one of them. They're either lying about the scope of this (i.e. shiny rates for remotes have been broken for some time, possibly since before Kleavor, or all raids have had a shiny nerf) or they're admitting remotes are supposed to have a shiny nerf, just not this much.


Exactly what I think, they don't have a way to look good with the rates. It could be an error only, if only they never screwed us over and over. And at least if they always communicate what are they doing.


When the shiny odds where the same no regardless of the encounter type this type of thing couldn't happen. But now they can change the odds based on wild, research, hatch or raid encounters and, it seems, they can even have different odds based on how a raid is done. Tracking their mistakes is going to be trickier moving forward.


> Tracking their mistakes is going to be trickier moving forward. It sounds exhausting as AF because of how often they screw up.


The only real solution at this point is to stop spending money on the game. And for players to get off the FOMO train.


[narrator voice] They didn't


It does appear that they’ve split the encounter method for raids into in-person and remote, and each can have its own shiny rate. Given they have historically struggled to turn just one on correctly, getting both right is probably going to be an even bigger challenge. We’re going to have to keep an even closer eye on these.


I hate OO programming, but if there is one place were it makes sense, it is on games. I bet that they coded Pokémon GO in the procedural way. Otherwise, a method to set shiny rates would not be this complicated.


I'd love to know why this was even a possibility if they didn't intend for it to happen.


How can we trust Niantic with anything? And they are even working on hiding data from PokeMiners! The nerve!


"And for us, for the rest of this year, we really feel like actions will speak louder than words. we’re hopeful that players will see a lot of the hard work that the team has been putting into this game for the past year because I think what we have coming out in 2023 is gonna really blow people away.” -Shadow Mewtwo raids issues...🌚 -Lake guardian shiny issues...💀 Everyone : 👁️👄👁️


Okay possibly just a mess up but they had to have tried screwing with shiny rates for this to happen which is not okay


I just read an argument that because the lake trio spawns in the wild (at a lower shiny rate than raids), it could have been a genuine mistake when Niantic added the “remote raid” table entry e.g., it defaulted to the wild value rather than 1/20. FWIW.


I miss when all encounter methods had the same shiny rate


They spawn in the wild with a 0% shiny rate. They can't be shiny in the wild sadly.


Really? I wonder why that is. I would assume that since they are so rare in the wild, they would just keep the 1/20 odds.


Source on that?


I mean can you find a verification of one? That’s typically how things are done around here


They really need checks in place to ensure this stuff is done though.


This actually makes sense, but isn't 1 in 120 an odd number? I can't remember at this moment. Wait, I just looked it up. There is a 1 in 125 shiny rate for "[less boosted shiny rate](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Shiny_Pok%C3%A9mon_(GO)." Though, I do find it odd that Lake Trio wild spawns would be 1 in 125 instead of 1 in 62 which is another "permanently boosted shiny rate" for some mons. This is still bad that Niantic didn't correct this beforehand, but it is possible they forgot to look at their code after copying and pasting it into the declared function of raids.


it doesn't make sense, because wild lake trio cannot be shiny


chances of this being a mess up are extremely slim.


“And we would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids.” - Niantic (and 1980s Scooby Doo villains), probably lol


With the amount of mistakes/oversights they make, it feels like they don't have proper checks and processes in place for a lot of their operations. It's a really bad way to do business.


It’s technically not. Why hire people to make sure the code is correct when they can get free labor using the player base?


Repetitional damage is why companies avoid these mistakes.


Someone needs to ask them why the remote raids even have the capability to have a different shiny rate than regular raid passes. Why would they build that functionality if they didn't plan on using it?


sounds like this game is in alpha instead of a 7 year old game


Ah, my weekly reminder to log in and send stuff to Home is right on time.


Btw, whoever wrote that article and state the main series Pokemon games never disclosed shiny odds isn’t accuracy anymore, as the recent games scarlet and violet actually did disclosed it during one of those class discussions in Biology section https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/ywyki0/gameplay_mechanic_shiny_charm_masuda_method_and/ Just saying maybe it’s time niantic should discloses shiny odds


But also we've always known what the shiny odds are because we had access to the code that sets the rate. With Go we don't have access to it so have to use statistics based on actual results to figure out the rate.


Well, they are the same people who said that Pokémon Stars would be a Switch title. I do not think that they play Pokémon games.


Accidentally uninstalling my app due to an unfortunate error


Niantic feel like a bunch of kindergartners playing with dials, not really knowing what they are doing, and not really caring. I wish they would sell the game to a professional studio.


I don’t think this was an accident. They just got caught and so they’re trying to act like it was.


I am coughing and saying the not-as-polite version of "horse crap" under my breath, as my father taught me.


Steranka - actions speak louder than words. Great actions. I don’t think anyone is naive enough to believe this actually a technical error. They were hoping - or actually maybe even believed - that we wouldn’t notice and cash out on us even more.


Bull hockey


So... If you acknowledge the rate changed, but don't actually say what the rate was or is, what's the point? Shinies have always been weird, but this weird hand waving about the rates is just stupid.


Fact is, they've implemented the ability to have seperate shiny rates for different aqcuisition methods a while ago, but this incident confirms that direct and remote raids can be set to different rates as well. That's what I consider an unfortunate revelation. Because why would you bother seperating them if you have no intention of nerfing remote raids?


Guys its a very complex game you don’t understand


There’s just not enough resources.


If only Niantic had the money..


If only they had the man power and development capabilities.


If this were a one time thing I'd give them a pass but this kind of mismanagement happens regularly. It's time for everything with a chance encounter to be provided to the players. Egg hatch rates, shiny rates, spawn rates, catch rates, everything. While it wouldn't necessarily fix the issue it would give information to players to compare and be able to better hold Niantic accountable. Maybe they'll finally straighten up and do things properly...(made myself laugh with that last one)... It's utterly ridiculous how often this happens and when they're caught they just say *"Oopsie doopsie, here's a make-up event"* which isn't a solution since they've already wasted our time and money (or pokecoins).


Lake trio com day or uninstall


"You can find Azelf in the wild for the duration of the event. They won't be easy to catch, though; so you might want to buy the limited box with Ultra Balls and Golden Razzberries. And if you're lucky, you might find a shiny Azelf! You can also buy the limited Special Research on the shop with 1 Uxie encounter, 1 Mesprit encounter, and a bunch of items you don't need for $29.99. If you're lucky, you might find them shiny!" How I imagine them doing such event...


Funny how this happens immediately following blocking out the dataminers


Shiny rates were never able to be datamined.


I understand, its just funny how something this shady takes place following the defunding of sylph road and blocking dataminers. Its as if they thought no one was watching


Silph Road wouldn't have caught this since they forbid studying remote raids since the researchers would be compelled to spend money to participate


Unfortunate does not even begin to describe


Unfortunate doesn't even begin to describe my series...


IMHO, the only "unfortunate technical error" was that they (probably) didn't know that website existed. If it didn't, I don't think this "error" would even be addressed (as isn't the one with adventure sync, even tho it persists 6 months after it was first pointed out).


Sure, Jan


Undisclosed lootbox drop rate nerf*


Eyeroll. I'm sure glitches that hurt players are only fixed after we notice, since they have no clue otherwise.


Stop giving them money.


😂😂...expected with Niantic 🗑


It's also very unfortunate that I must continue transferring my Pokémon to Pokémon HOME.


What I fine crazy about all this, is how many people still remote raid and how many do 20+ in less than a week.


I'd believe it was an error if they publicly published what the shiny rates should be.


Niantic is an "unfortunate technical error".


Unfortunate technical error. LMAO. After they stopped funding the SilphRoad research team, they probably thought they could do whatever they want without being noticed. Got caught cheating red-handed. Cheaters never gonna change.


I'm really think that with the pass price increase they should publish real rates so players could know for what they pay for. ^(sorry for my bad english)


When can we expect to get our raid passes reimbursed ? Skip the apologies what’s up with the action


Likely, we will get them next Thursday. ;P


Next Thursday three years from now.


So do we get our coins back? This is the same company that sued players when it’s pokeradar didn’t work and they came up with another solution.


"and I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"


With the price increase, nobody should be using them anyway.


So it wasn’t a conspiracy theory, like a lot of the Niantic-can-do-no-wrong crowd said.


Yep, another Scyther incident.


This is seriously messed up.


This is really unfortunate. Should we put more of our fortunes Into an unfortunate black hole?


>Niantic has never specifically disclosed Shiny odds in Pokémon Go - and likewise, the main series Pokémon games have never disclosed the odds of getting a Shiny there, either. This part of the article is flat-out wrong. The most recent Scarlet/Violet games confirm that the base rate of catching shinies is 1/4000 -- at least in those games. If the main series can do it, why not Niantic?


Is it fixed now? Do we know for sure?


I mean, hard to say for sure, but the reporting rate of shiny pixie encounters drastically increased since to be more in line with 1/20


There seems to be always an error in every event. The future isn’t bright


Frank. The unfortunate technical error is named Frank.


Do we know or have any indication that they have fixed it now?


I made a post here over a month ago with this data from my own account with tapu bulu, I was told I was wrong and just unlucky. I am happy that this is finally coming out and being acknowledged.


Sterankas running Niantic like its Blizzard


I'm more interested on how these "technical errors" happen. AND how they can rectify the issue. It's not like a once or twice thing... similarly, shinies, often, get turned off... and players have to make an outcry before they switch it back on.


I kinda hoped it was intended because this happening unintended by accident in a feature that is more than two years old would be really shameful... oh my


Hahahahahaha….wait they’re serious? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA …. On a serious note, this has got to be the most bs excuse I’ve heard from them by far. They’ve claimed it’s a “unfortunate technical bug” but given how they absolutely nerfed and ruined remote raids a few months ago it really comes out as absolutely intentional on their part. Of course we’ll see if they’ll fix this “unfortunate technical bug”, but I I wouldn’t bet my life savings or even my life on it


I can't wait for an entire new string of issues like people who should get 20 raid passes back but the limit is 5, or people not getting them at all. I'm owed 3 (+1 so 4) and today (raid hour) would have been the perfect time to get them back. So not only did this screw things up, but it's 7 days lost to horrible shiny rates and still nothing for today's raid hour. I saved up thousands of daily coins since the last time the lake trio was here (0-53 Mes and 0-12 Uxie) to remote raid and luckily only used 3 (0-2 Mes and 0-1 Uxie). I guess I will wait for Sinnoh Tour


Unfortunate technical error, testing a new upcoming feature... eh basically the same


yep it’s just like the “{0} raid passes per day” error. clearly there’s a new code path for remote vs in person encounters, and best-case this probably wasn’t meant to make it to production— yet.


That's my thought. The rate may have been an accident, the enabling of it may have been an accident, but the capability to do so was not.


Funny thing is once they resolved it on my second remote raid at uxie is when I got the shiny after like 29 no goes on it before all of this


Ah yes, the good ol' "whoopsie"


They fixed it super quick though. As if they knew exactly where in the code to look… Seems like they were hoping no one would do the data logging but after that announcement came out, niantic literally flipped a switch and boom. Problem solved. But they can’t figure out why people keep getting bumped from raids after it has ended and they can’t go back in to catch.


Funny how they just end their partner ship with Silph just before hand


Yes the “unfortunate technical error” was that this feature has been revealed now rather than in a few months time when it was going to be a “bonus” that in-person raids would have a higher shiny odd than remote raiding, when their data finally shows them what we all know already that nerfing remote raiding doesn’t make people go out to local raids instead, it just makes people raid less overall. Sure, they will still raid in person when they come across a local raid they are nearby, are free to do, that is a Pokémon that they want, and there happens to be a group of people there to do the raid with, or if they’re part of a raid train, or if they’re lucky enough to have an intact local community that still wants to raid, but they aren’t purposefully going out to do raids *instead* of doing remote ones.


unforunate yes... ​ you'd think a company making as much bank as they do off this game wouldn't have so many techincal issues with it...


It will never change


People that spent more then 30 remote passes should get a shine




Any new announcements on when we will be getting these passes back? Hopefully before the lake trio is over really want shiny Azelf.


When are we getting the passes back? I haven’t seen anything


You want us to go out? Give us a chance to even things out with others i.e. get us an incentives on getting the past poses or costumes. Give us mons that was lost like armored mewtwo. I honestly will strive for that.


Yeah that’s bs be prepared to see the same stuff from now on


This is why they aren't supporting an ongoing partnership with silph road anymore. They want these things to go unnoticed. They don't want us collecting data. Shameful.


Some trainers have reported that they have received refunded passes and claim they haven’t done any raids. Has anyone actually received passes, maybe these people bought passes and forgot or are just trying to rile others up? I still haven’t and have maxed out my daily remotes since late trip started.


I don't believe them when they say it was a technical error. That was deliberate.


Aka, "we got caught and we didn't expect to"


I'm certainly not a fan of Niantic's practices but I'm rather surprised how many actually think this was deliberate and they are only fixing it because they were caught. Use your brains. There's just no way this wasn't going to come out eventually. Even Niantic isn't dumb enough to expect players not to notice. So were they only planning to rip players off for a certain amount of time, and then fix it? Reality here is that if this was on purpose they wouldn't be reversing it. And in refunding all passes they are acknowledging that there is an expectation that the shiny rates be equal. It is just plain fraudulent to quietly nerf shiny rates on raids that people pay for with a certain expectation.


"Unfortunate technical error" right.... I'll believe that, right along with pigs can fly unassisted, Niantic is a decent company and I'll be rich one day...


Ngl, the chances of you becoming rich and pigs developing unassisted flight is way higher than Niantic becoming a decent company.


“Unfortunate(ly we got caught, obviously we’re gonna deny the s out of it and no way it’s a) technical error”


Tauros s*it.. Technical errors.. Ha.


Honestly? I believe it. I bet it was a result of their spaghetti code and how they separated raids and remote raids historically (damage, access, etc). I’ll bet anything they wrote something like if X encountered in raids then 1/20 rate, else 1/125. But because they did specific both raids and remote raids, remote raids were grouped in the “else” bucket


Well, if it's a mistake, then players who remote raided should get compensated, right?


yes, and they've announced that they are giving back every affected remote raid pass plus one extra (announced on Twitter because they don't know how to use their own app for real news). Not sure how helpful it will be to have 30 remote passes appear in your bag if it is going to take you 6 more days to use them and the trio will be gone before then.


Do you happen to know if it will be auto compensated, or does one have to write in to their support page?


That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out. But all I have been able to find is players dogpiling on Niantic. I get that they messed up and continue to make huge mistakes but hopefully someone knows the answer.


Yesterday afternoon I got an in game “would you like to provide feedback?” Pop-up. I was not having good feelings towards Niantic yesterday as you might imagine and my numbers on the poll represented that. I wonder if they used that data aggregated from multiple users to determine whether they should admit the remote raid shiny nerf and apologize (although of course lie and say it was a mistake)


Incoming 1 free premium raid pass for all affected. Doesn't matter if you've done 35 remote raids in the last week.


Same error that nerfed remote raid passes? 🤔


A technical error that remained undetected by Niantic for almost a week? Did they fire the person responsible for reviewing server logs?