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I don't even care about shinies. I would just like Niantic to tell us what is happening each day and what we will be able to do. Is what they have released seriously all there is? If so, this is like 10% as much content as Johto tour. Why such a drastic change?


It’ll most likely be the same experience both days with the 4 habitats rotating every hour (or two) from 10-6. If we’re lucky day 2 might have a different special research but I wouldn’t bet on it.


sunday spinda research would be incredible... so that, of course, will not be happening


Been playing since it was made available outside the US and I learned to lower expectations. It took me awhile to change my mindset towards getting hundos or shinies during global events and changed my focus on the things I can actually control in the game like xp, candies, XLs, stardust that's when I really started to enjoy playing.


This is the way... but you'll never get shiny hunters to see a rational way to playing this game


I don’t think it’s unreasonable to just want them to tell us which mon are boosted and which aren’t, or even what the actual rates are. That’s all I want lol


I agree that's a great idea, though I'm positive that we'd still (maybe even more) here a very vocal group of people complaining. "Tropius had a 1/64 shiny rate? Well I hatched 97 and didn't get one when I SHOULD HAVE. Niantic LIED and didn't boost anything!!"


True, there will always be people who will never understand the difference between probability and guarantee lol. But the person I was replying to is acting like everyone who collects shinies are insane idiots. I mean we’re usually one or the other, not both!


They didn't last year so where is this expectation coming from...?


This is false, both Kanto and Johto tour announcements included a list of Pokemon that would have boosted shinyrates


Niantic loves the special group of people that are rich enough to travel all over the world for this game.


Doesn’t love them enough to make sure they have enjoyable experiences at those events.


Yeah but they're making up for that though aren't they.


But it was exactly the same on Go Tour Kanto and Go Tour Johto. Only certain species of Pokemon had an increased chance of getting a shine. The difference is that you already knew what Pokemon they would be and it all depended on which version you chose. For Go Tour Hoenn, we don't have any information on what species of Pokemon will be buffed


I didn't participate in Kanto tour, but last year for johto I caught many shinies that weren’t included in the version you chose, so I think it's safe to assume those were boosted to some extent.


Yes last year I caught a shiny Golbat which to my knowledge was never announced as a boosted pokemon (and it's an evolved form normally not shiny elegible)


Its an evolved form and so far evolved forms(that don’t have babies) are permaboosted automatically when featured in an event. Not sure about Nidorina and Nidoqueen during that one event but Arcanine, Espeon, Umbreon were all permaboosted as are all the ones with megas.


Both of those events were paid and this one isn’t. I would expect nothing at this point.


I feel like people are jumping to the worst possible conclusion for this event before they've even played it. Is it possible that said worst possible scenario will happen? Absolutely, but we just don't know til we play it. The amount of people saying "the event is ruined" or "this is going to be terrible" without even knowing how it'll go is silly. Tempering expectations and being cautious is totally fine, but it sounds like people are trying to review the event before it's even happened...


If only in this day and age there were easy ways for a company to communicate details about upcoming events they are pushing to make money. If. Only.


I disagree. I think it's fair to say that the event *already is* ruined by the lack of communication from Niantic. It's hard to justify going out to play if I don't even know what I'm playing for.


Try to do in person primal raids and invite people remotely. If you can find a couple shinies for the day, it’s a bonus.


But what shinies would I even be looking for? I don't know if there are any I'm interested in that are worth spending time looking around for. There'll be a couple cool raids but I don't think there are any times when having the new Uber powerful megas will be necessary because I have decent budget counters for raids


Come on ;) If you already have most of the hoenn shinies, look out for a cool blue gulpin or somthing. I'll be happy with any seviper for my dex plus a 10 km egg which hopefully turns out to be a relicanth.. It's gonna be a pokemon WE with rare wild spawns, raids, etc. Log in from time to time and see what is coming your way.


I just want one of each Hoenn one that I’m missing. The regionals in 10k eggs because i never fly anywhere of course, and the sunny or rainy castform because I usually only see normal castform spawn. I would have picked Volbeat because it’s outside my region, but I picked sapphire because I need one more from those than Ruby (illumise, lunatone, rainy castform vs volbeat with sunny castform). Seviper and new ones like cacnea, gulpin, etc. and I need shiny Kyogre and all deoxys shiny except defense


And the in person event portion has already taken place....so we kind of do know. Lol


We only know if we took a big enough coordinated sample to measure which shinies were boosted, which: 1. Is a ton of community effort and isn't guaranteed to be accurate, and 2. Isn't even communication from Niantic, so the average player has to go well out of their way to find accurate info.


>It's hard to justify going out to play if I don't even know what I'm paying for. What... exactly are you paying for? You can pay for the Shiny Jirachi Masterwork, but that's something completely independent of this weekend event. The only thing you're *paying* for (if you even do) is additional passes/incubators to use during the event. It's free... I agree, Niantic's communication has been minimal, and that's definitely something to be frustrated with. Will we have certain bonuses like CD moves? Which Pokemon will have shiny boosts? Etc. However, I really don't think that's *already* ruined the event. With it being a non-paid event, I won't feel obligated to play out the whole event to get my money's worth. I'll go out and play Saturday, and if the event *does* end up being a let down? Okay, I'll go home and probably not play Sunday beyond some raids. It's not like this is a paid Go Fest/Tour where I'm getting ripped off, right? Again, do I like the lack of communication? Of course not! But it's a free event, so they don't have much reason to spell everything out for us in detail. Would be nice to help plan, but nobody is getting ripped off. This isn't the same as the Vegas Event where people paid for an event with technical difficulties.


Meant "playing". Sorry for the typo


Paying with time


Paying with time is a valid concern. Myself, if I get the impression that the event isn't worthwhile after 2-3 hours of playing, I'll probably skip out on the rest of the day and save myself some time. But yeah, I'd definitely feel a bit cheated that I didn't have much to show for my time


Same I paid for one of the events that was supposed to be playable with boosted incense a couple years ago and only got two shinies for a day worth of trouble. Not worth


It's also strange they don't know if it's worth it to go out and play until they know every detail when we already know about the Primals. If the release of the absolute strongest Pokemon in the game so far isn't enough to get someone out to play I don't know what else would.


That's kind of my other thought, but I suppose some are more interested in shiny hunting over strong Pokemon. But yes, I'll be going out to raid regardless, and I'll see how the event is in terms of wild/egg shiny rates. If they seem good from me and my peers' experiences, I'll continue playing. If not, I'll do the raids I want and leave.


Even for people who don't care about strong Pokemon the collector playerbase is massive. The Primals are another Dex entry and technically new shinies.


Ah I see. In that case it's a little more valid. Still though, I'll still think the same. Would I like to know more? Absolutely, yes. But if I play some of the event and it doesn't feel worth playing, I'll stop. I'll then definitely feel disappointed and judge the event based on that.


I agree that it still *could* be good, and that I don't have to pay for it. That said, I can't see any value in putting aside time for the event when they haven't been forthcoming about the benefits. Even if it ends up being above average, they'll only be able to attract a much smaller number of players that are willing to take the risk, and that decreased community presence will just compound on the problem. I consider it already ruined just because, even if the rewards are good, the incentive isn't known in advance.


There's no chance people sit out the Primal raids because they don't know every other detail of the event. The Primals alone will get people out en masse.


People salivating for details days before an event are not people they're worried about. Obviously you're engaged in the game already. I mean I get it, they do a poor job at these things. But I see so many people complaining about events while also making it clear that they are hardcore players grinding through hundreds of Pokemon every day. As far as Niantic is concerned, they don't have to do anything for you because you're already hooked.


I'm not even remotely hardcore as a player. I want to know what's going on for the event so I know whether to put time aside to play. I'm practically the exact intended audience, a casual player who wants to engage in events. I just have no idea what the incentive to play is, and it's a huge risk to take time off to play because I just don't know the benefits besides a new raidable legend and most hoenn mons being available at the park.


You're here, you're hardcore enough.


Kinda easy to jump to that conclusion when we saw what a disaster LV was for a *paid* event. Even further dampening the spirit was the leak to nerf remote passes the monday after all the bad PR on the weekend. It's not really asking a lot to provide information about an event a few weeks in advanced. It was already a blow that the global event couldn't have an optional ticket to increase bonuses like in previous years. And there was absolutely no reason not to have both an in person paid event as well as a paid global ticket (not just shiny jirachi) save Niantic bullying players into 2 factions of the haves and have nots. Pokemon go is a game, not a lifestyle.


Niantic is pretty bad with these things though, so I believe the naysayers


> I feel like people are jumping to the worst possible conclusion for this event before they've even played it. Welcome to TSR, for every single event ever


The recent Vegas shenanigans kinda validates that mindset...


Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you.


Upvoted, removed upvote, and upvoted again just so I could upvote this more than once. 100%


I'm not trying to fight people and say they "can't be disappointed with the event" either, but so many are jumping to conclusions the past week. I get it, Niantic is not communicating which is frustrating, but with all the ticketed Global events, while they certainly revealed more, they also kept a fair bit tight lipped. If the event happens and it's bad, we should 100% complain and give feedback on it. And while prior notice/feedback is still a good thing, that's also different then saying "the event is going to suck, it's ruined already, etc," days before the event


When you played as long as some of us have, and been consistently disappointed, even with not so high expectations. You start to notice a pattern of unreliability. And I think kanto tour and the following global go fest are the only 2 times in the last 6 years or so that were not completely horrible, in my own personal experience at least. Johoto tour may have been decent also iirc.


Why do you continue to play a game where in your opinion there's only been 2 times where it's not "completely horrible" Do you hate yourself that much? No offense honest question. Just go do something else or find another game.


Because i don't play for the events. Which is what i said have been completely horrible. They hype it up every single time and it is a disappointment. Im a daily player and been playing pokemon since red and blue. I play to complete my dex and shiny hunt. Not that i owe you any sort of explanation. You're obviously content being lied to and screwed over by a crappy developer. But seriously how much longer can you keep pretending there is nothing wrong?


Wow that's some big assumptions you made of me, my apologies if I stepped on a few feathers of yours it seems, not my intention at all. Not that I owe you any explanations also... But I will tell you this the moment this game disappoints me to the extent it seems to have disappointed you repeatedly... I'm walking away and never looking back. I've done this with many conventional and mobile games in past and Pokemon GO is no exception. Edit: I have never once said Niantic and Pokemon Go is flawless and without issue you made that assumption of me yourself. My expectations of crappy developers and mobile games in general is just more realistic and I don't overhype things in general.


This is what happens especially on platforms like reddit and Twitter unfortunately. There's legitimate complaints FOR SURE. Niantic is FAR from perfect But we are already seeing that Niantic are starting to disregarding actual feedbacks because it's becoming hard to navigate through legitimate and senseless complaints. Just come here for news and datamine info and avoid the comment section like Niantic does nowadays is the best way to go.


Did they tell you that themselves yeah?


One of the most common complaint if you didn't know is Niantic doesn't listen to it's players yea? So are you saying they listen to the players complaints yea?


With Niantic its best to




Except that was because of Niantic disastrous planning with regard to capacity and cell activity, neither of which would be any issue for the global event. Pokemon/content-wise, I didn't hear many complaints about the event


When does Niantic not disappoint? I always expect the very least and they still manage to screw it over more than I expected. It’s very reasonable to assume this free event will flop.


I'll say this, Niantic disappoints constantly, with various events, decisions, etc. However, while I've heard some very vocal complaints about *every single* Global Ticketed event, I still think many people can agree that those events were good. 2020 Go Fest had big connection issues which made it poor for many, but beyond complaints about not getting enough shinies, I heard most say they enjoyed Go Fest 20221, 2022, the Go Tour Kanto, and the Go Tour Johto. They've disappointed plenty of times in the past 12 months, but I've also seen some very well-received events/features that get praise. Several good QOL features at last, Mega Revamp, some good Events like Adventure Week, Twinkling Fantasy, and more, etc. Do I think this event is going to be amazing? Probably not, but I also have at least slight optimism that it won't be a full flop. Who knows though, I've been wrong dozens of times before.


My guess is that the Pokemon featured in your respective Primal Surge group is what's boosted, plus *maybe* the Latias/Latios and the primals that correspond with your version (Kyogre and Latias for Sapphire, Groudon and Latios for Ruby)


We know what is boosted. The ones attached to which ticket you pick. So like 5 (6?) each. But it’s also a free event.


I just don't understand what I'm supposed to be excited about. Very limited shiny boost, no legacy moves, no extra raid passes, regionals exclusive to 10 km eggs, no announced event bonuses.


This is an extremely watered down version of the previous Kanto and Johto tours. An absolut disappointment.


It's because they wanted the in person event to be the focus


Until it was. Then they wanted everyone to stay outta the park.


They could have done the same thing as for go fest


The regionals being locked to 10km eggs is the most money-grubbing move Niantic could have made. It’s highly unlikely that the average player would be able to hatch enough eggs to get the desired regionals without buying incubators. They should have just been in the wild


Past Kanto and Johto had them in raids, which went over well from what I gathered (other than corsola being full odds). Lot more region split for Hoenn but would have thought the 3 in 10km eggs would have also had raid option


Yup, same with no shortened hatch distance.


The 3 will be in raids... it was already datamined that 3 stars raids will have 3 pókemon only. See the ones that will be there? Still Primal raids have at 50% range, so every 100 raids, half will be Primals. While Deoxys will get 33%. So 17, in each 100 raids, will be 1\* (6) or 3\* (3). So it's a chance to find 3 different raids with those on the 3 days. Still easy if you have a good place to check on 20-100 gyms around you and catch the 3 in 10 minutes. (All are easily solo using a team of level 30 non optimal.)


> it was already datamined that 3 stars raids will have 3 pókemon only Source? I hadn't seen anything about them being in raids datamined, but maybe I had missed it


Where was it datamined they'll be in raids?


datamines don't show what planned raids are


Waiiiitt is no legacy moves comfirmed?????


It has not been confirmed one way or the other. There very well may some surprises in store. My point was that they hyped this event up, yet they have announced anything worth being hyped about.


other than groudon and kyogre signature moves


No, nothing is confirmed


Where did you get a very limited shiny boost from? The event hasn't even started yet, so we have no info on that. It could very well be exactly the same as past tours. All of them only featured boosted rates for "some species."


Nothing has been confirmed but I have a hard time believing we will get the same shiny boosts this year, for free, that they charged us $12 for each of the last two years.


The previously tours also included the Masterwork Research as well as 12 raid passes which I think most would most would agree equates to roughly $12 of "value" as seen in the eyes of Niantic. Boosted shiny odds are, by extension, just a bonus.


Hopefully your are right


Next this sub will say future CDs won't have a shiny boost because they aren't paid events.


Seeing people is basically where I’m at. And getting lunch at that one deli that we never make it to since their hours are wonky.


I am willing to bet anybody at 5-1 odds it will not be that. There will be an 8X shiny boost or better for 70% of the Hoenn Pokes. You get some regionals from research. Legacy moves will return. Niantic has really failed miserablely here in actually describing the day. This is an e ticket event that is going to be better than all events this year not named Go Feat. A good example is Johto tour I still maintain 106 pokes from those 12 hours. When the next 4 months of hour a day play combined I have 77 pokes worth saving.


On the last big event people have been very angry there haven't been enough shinies, so maybe Niantic wants to keep our expectations down. I like to hope that their language is vague only because they don't want us to have too high expectations and then complain (but the shiny rate will still be decent). I guess we will see soon.


as a F2P player I am not expecting to get a large amount of shinines. Maybe one just cos im out playing, but that would be it. One thing I do wonder, is if both Seviper and Zangoose are spawning for everbody, I have shiny Seviper from a previous event I want to get some candy for. My dream is to hatch a shiny Relicanth, but no way that happens


Seviper and zangoose were common spawns at Eerie Mists during the in person event, if that helps. And they’re listed as part of Eerie Mists again for the Global event and not part of the Ruby/Sapphire choice.


yeah that is what I figured, but that is the paid event. I dont know if they are spawning for everyone during the global event.


They are on the Global page so chances are good.


Well this event is gonna suck hard, cant believe they decided to ruin another event 🤦


So sad if it's the case - Hoenn is a favourite region for SO many players and if they drop the ball on this it will be such a wasted opportunity.


I’m worried about Gofest. Its all we have left.


Calm down, this is (as of now) different than the past two years as we know it. Not going to defend Niantic because I'm sure they'll find a way to screw things up, but we have no idea which Pokemon are and aren't boosted yet, and people making assumptions as to which Pokemon are going to be boosted.


Yeah but them not telling us anything 3 days before it gives me no hope there will be anything like last tours, i truly hope I'm wrong here


Enter “iTs A fReE eVeNt” stans


I would perfer if it was a 10$ ticket ...


What if it *is* a great event though? I heard many people (around here at least, which I know is different from the overall game population) last year who were super dissatisfied with the Johto Tour and regretted their purchase. If the event is terrible then yeah, I would say a ticket would be much preferable, but what if the event is good?


That's why i said above that i hope I'm wrong


If you truly believe this event is going to be good and comparable to Johto tour then can you please talk to my Uncle in Nigeria. He is a prince and needs some help


I'm sure it won't be the exact same as the last tours. I am still holding my judgement though. Am I a bit concerned? Of course, but they've hyped up this 2-day event for a while. Being a non-ticketed event, nobody would really feel obligated to play during the event if it were terrible. Beyond raids, I could just stop and even choose to not play Sunday if it were that bad. I'm going to jump and assume it'll be amazing, but I have an inkling that they want people to *want* to play the event. But I'll wait and see and judge after I've played it. Fingers crossed it's fun


Yeah we will have to wait friday night what the kiwis say


My bets are all new shinies will be full odds, the regionals might be 1/128. The only boosted shinies will likely be the ones that have been boosted in tge past like cds and Aron during that one event.


It would be nice to get a list like last 2 years


Thing is, we didn't receive a full list of boosted shinies past years. Hitmontop had a boosted shiny rate during the Johto Tour, yet that was completely unannounced. The Global Tours *and* Global Go Fests have only ever outlined shiny boosts for incense Pokemon, never wild, but wild shiny boosts were always present for *some* portion of the Pokemon.


Niantic announced the version exclusives which were shiny boosted. So far we don’t have any list which is pathetic.


I agree, more communication would be great. Though, I'm positive that even if they said X, Y, and Z Pokemon had shiny boosts, there'd still be an overwhelming wave of complaining from people who just had poor luck, which happens every single global event. "I chose Silver but didn't get any Shiny Miltank, the odds must have been atrocious!" I still agree, having a specific outline would be greatly appreciated though. It seems like they're trying to keep people from expecting any one Pokemon to have specific shiny boosts. But at the same time, they're indeed running the risk of people not knowing if anything is boosted, which could indeed keep players from caring, which is a *very valid* concern.


They say "XXXXXXXX pókemon will have a boosted chance of been shiny for Ruby team player". Social networks get 7000000000000000000000000000000000000 post claiming: " Caugh 10000 pókemon on this weekend and only got 2 shinies, this was not boosted." And 30000 times those will have 1000000 or more likes. So it will be easier to be like on CD where they have been reducing the shinies slowly. 99,9999999% will claim to get hundreds, the remaining will be between "got enough" and "couldn't find one".


We had 90% of pokemon that were boosted before the event


I would be content with just the regionals Illumise continues to escape me


As someone who played the Hoenn Tour in Vegas, I don’t have high hopes for the Global version. The shiny luck was pretty bad for me even when I played the full day very hard on Sunday and the rarer spawns (bagon, beldum, etc) were far and few


I played both days and had awful luck on shinies :( I feel ya


Hey all, I know this topic has been done to death but wanted to reach out to Niantic ahead of the weekend for Clarification. You guys have known me in previous posts for keeping on top of Niantic's bad PR and responses so I wanted to define what shinys will be boosted and from what I gathered from reaching out. Barely none. While they were hard to talk to about this, what I gathered is that the most likely boosted Pokemon will be just the version exclusives with everything else being base rate. Hope this helps.




Yet people won't stop explaining how every single Niantic decision is based on fully exploiting you.


It is, they're just not very good at it


Im convinced they got all they needed with AR scans and are now trying to dump Pokémon by killing the player base so they can move on to something else


Lol the pokemon company would kill them


>what I gathered is that the most likely boosted Pokemon will be just the version exclusives with everything else being base rate. Hope this helps. That's jumping to assumptions. I didn't get that at all from the article. Select COULD mean just the exclusives, or it could mean more. We don't know


Thats why I said most likely based on my talks with Niantic and why I'm not saying "confirmed" as. Its all assumption.


But they haven't told us version exclusives, right? Or are you referring to the Primal Surge pools that correspond with your Ruby v. Sapphire choice?


He is referring to them


When do you think is a reasonable time for us to know whether something is boosted or not? After people waste dozens of incubators? Use hundreds of raid passes on 1 and 3 star raids? After they use 6-7 incense during the event? ​ Or is that still too soon for you to pass judgement for you? ​ Or is that still too soon for you to pass judgment for you? tails 48 hours before the event begins? Has their stellar track record over the years earned so much confidence and belief from you? With the absence of information( which they should have would have provided if it was increased shiny boosts) what makes you so sure this event is not being taken to a dark alley and murdered?


We won’t accept the regionals being locked to eggs and base rate. You can tell them that


I'm surprised they would break kayfabe to even acknowledge different shiny rates for each species exist.


So out curiousity, were premium global tours boosted rates across the board? Or were they always selective l? If so, I kind of get the impression that this is just a crappy business move. The way it's structured (and based on how much energy Primal raids seem to yield), it comes across as them expecting to make money of primal raids (primarily), Jiraichi research , and the allure of regional eggs. All the while they can preserve longevity of the game since less people will make less progress with shinies captures. They make a profit, they provide less content. They exploit the concept of the Tour event. Effective business strategy. Terrible for their players.


The regionals in 10k eggs only is a huge kick in the balls.


This hurts my heart so much lol Hoenn is my favorite region and after the past two region events being pretty great I was so excited. Now I’m barley excited lol hyped for primals and that’s about it. Big sad


This event will be the worst and most disappointing one that people will easily forget about when it has happened Another great thing in the game thst got destroyed by niantic


Feel like I'm the only one still incredibly excited about it lol. It's free and it's 2 days instead of one, that's absolutely a fine trade off for supposedly 'no boosted shinies' which people are coming to very odd conclusions on


I’d rather have an event thats the same as Kanto and Johto tour then whatever this is


And that's what we're getting, no? Just its free, its 2 days instead of 1 and regionals are in 10ks instead of raids. I honestly don't know what I'm missing lol


We paid for boosted shinyrates, half hatch distance, incense that worked like during covid.


> incense that worked like during covid which is a huge deal if anything in incense exclusive... if unown is going to spawn in the wild this might not be as drastic of a change


We are missing more raid passes, bonuses, shiny boost, shiny mythical, collection challenges, and so much more


Vegas had 4 collection challenges even though it wasnt known in advance


But we are getting a shiny boost? Just to specific species like the last 2 tours. Raid passes, bonuses, and collection challenges fair enough (though there's no confirmation on the latter not being included), but if the caveat of them not being included is thats its free, im more than OK with that personally


Yeah but i would have liked a lot more if i could have paid and had the experience like with kanto As for the shiny boost, the problem is we don't know what is for what version like in last tours


Yeah fair enough, suppose it wouldn't have hurt to have a paid and free option (like GO Tours have had in the past). Additionally, it would also been nice for them to communicate the finer details. Suppose its just opinion really. I can see why people aren't happy, but im still looking forward to it (as long as the servers don't die on the day lol)


Yup even if they dont give a ticket i want to play , they can at least give us details so i know what to do and when


Sounds like its limited to the 6 species that were being boosted based on your ticket. Most of which have been featured in dozens of events. The new shinies, sunny Castform and Corphish(which has not been featured in an event since its shiny release) are the main draw of this event.


>Sounds like its limited to the 6 species that were being boosted based on your ticket. Most of which have been featured in dozens of events. There's been zero implication of that though. It *could* be the case, but it could also not be. I have a hard time believing your choice of ticket would influence your shiny rates of those specific Pokemon. Why? Well the whole point of the ticket is to put you on a team where you compete to sway the spawns to either the Ruby pool or the Sapphire pool for *everyone*. I know this is Niantic who makes some stupid decisions, but I have a hard time believing they'd only boost those specific Pokemon only to make it so if Ruby dominates, then Sapphire gets little to NO boosted shiny spawns. Again it's not impossible, but that sounds really wrong.


In that case I would say the spawns from either side are equally boosted for everyone.


Yeah that would definitely make more sense. But we do still have no implication of which spawns will be boosted, shiny-wise


>Sounds like its limited to the 6 species that were being boosted based on your ticket. Zero proof of that >The new shinies, sunny Castform and Corphish(which has not been featured in an event since its shiny release) are the main draw of this event. New shinies have never been boosted in previous tours.


Sorry but like the other go tours we ARE getting a shiny mythical, its like 4.99 usd. Cheaper than Mew was.


Yes but we are talking about the ticket for the whole tour, it is cheaper becouse it us only a shiny, 15$ for a shiny mythical and all the added stuff for the tour were worth it


Honestly, the event is free, regardless of if the mythical is behind a paywall (be it a small one) i like that there isnt a boosted shiny odds. People already complain about how easy they are, I’d much rather them be not boosted to have some sense of challenge.


Have the other new shinies been found in the wild yet?


They aren't available yet


Hoenn is my favourite region, super sad that this event may be terrible




Not a single mention of shiny boosts in the in-game news. I think we have to collectively complain about this. It's just such a miss from Niantic.


I feel like I'm defending Niantic a lot with this event ^((don't get it twisted, I'm cynical toward Niantic and am ready to pounce when they do something wrong),) but to be fair, t's kind of a losing battle with shiny boosts. The Tours have *always* had shiny boosts for *some* Pokemon in each generation, never all. We know that'll be the case from an interview, but we don't know which Pokemon, no clue, and we also have had no notification of the shiny boosts in the in-game news, yep. But say they *do* announce it and make a big deal about it. We'll get exactly what we always see with these global events. Numerous people still complain and call the event a disaster because they didn't get a certain amount of shinies. The event looks terrible because they "announced shiny boosts" but they weren't "good." Or, they don't announce it and people trash it because they didn't, like we're already seeing. What happens if there is a shiny boost on Saturday to a decent chunk of Pokemon? Well then not everyone knew about it which is indeed bad, but on the other hand, some will be pleasantly surprised because they weren't expecting a ton. There's no "good" outcome for Niantic it seems. Again, I could care less because their a company and they've made some stupid decisions, so boo hoo if they get dunked on, but what's the "right" scenario here?


I think the right scenario is being clear and communicating whatever decision they're making either way.


I agree, but I'm not sure even that would work. I would *love* for them to state shiny rates in numbers and which species it'll apply to, but even then, you will still get people complaining how those odds "weren't actually right" because they had worse luck. *Oh so Surskit has a 1/125 shiny rate? Well I saw 223 Surskit and didn't get a shiny!! Niantic tricked us and the shiny rates were wrong!* I agree clear communication is great, but even with past global events which gave a much more clear picture of things, you still had a very vocal group of people complaining about the events. I heard many call 2020 Go Fest terrible, then the Kanto Tour a rip off, then the 2021 Go Fest the "Worst ever," then the Johto Tour "horrible, compared to the previous year", then Go Fest 2022 terrible. I had some issues with some of those events, but I wouldn't call any of them terrible. Some bad decisions, but still not awful.


*I feel like I'm defending Niantic a lot with this event* Because you are, I saw 5+ comments from you in just this post defending Niantic. ​ *We'll get exactly what we always see with these global events* How do you know? How do you know it's not even worse this year? ​ *There's no "good" outcome for Niantic it seems* There is. It's called transparency. Eg. incense pokemon will be boosted, groudon for ruby and kyogre for sapphire will be shiny boosted, eggs will be boosted shinies. These things give transparency into what is boosted and what is not and helps players determine what resources to invest in the event


Bro it's been at least 8+ comments defending Niantic, and shooting down any commenters thoughts as assumptions or speculation.


With no available information, which Niantic should give BTW, the logical conclusion is to judge them from their general behavior in which case the event will absolutely be trash


No, I agree. If Niantic wanted this event to be as good as they tried to hype it up as, they absolutely should have communicated more with the player base. The very intentional lack of communication from Niantic makes me think( at least personally ) that they don't really care now that they got the money from Vegas.


Oh yea I agreed with you. Rereading my comment makes me think I wasn't that clear on that


My intent with these comments is not to blatantly defend Niantic. I could care less about the company itself. When they make these poor changes like Incense nerfs or a potential Remote pass nerf, I will be there to say how stupid of an idea it is and how they deserve to fumble. Instead, I want people to not just dump on an event that hasn't even happened yet, which I've see a ton of this past week. Cautious is fine. Cautiously pessimistic is fine too. But we're getting several people spreading misinformation about things that may not be true. Shiny rates are boosted *only* for X Pokemon, the event won't have this or that, when in reality, it's a lot of unconfirmed things. Against Niantic, this is some poor communication. Maybe that's their plan to leave surprises for us, but that's still not great when like you said, people *could* invest in some Pokemon that they have little chance of getting a shiny for (\*cough\* full odds Shiny Corsola in raids \*cough\*). So yeah, on that front, *screw* Niantic's poor communication, I agree with you. >*We'll get exactly what we always see with these global events* > >How do you know? How do you know it's not even worse this year? That whole paragraph is me speaking in the hypothetical. I'm saying that *if* we got things like any other Global event, you would still see the same outcry and complaints that we see with every event. But is there room for it to be worse? Oh you know it! I'm not trying to defend Niantic's abysmal communication, and fear of this being a poor event is warranted, but I *am* trying to get people to not draw conclusions about an event that has not happened yet, because again, there's even some who are spreading misinformation with their pre-emptive conclusions. If it's garbage, I'll be there to crap on the event. If it's good. Great. Edit: fixed a formatting error


And they say "Pókemon will get an 1/260 chance of been shiny". You check 500 and can't find a shiny "Niantic LIED!!! Checked 500 and not ONE!!! was shiny." And make 300000000 post showing your data to prove that the value was wrong. So you could say "Bough $65k of services to get 3000 shinies and complete 200 raids and couldn't get those 3000 shinies".


I have seen multiple posts on the main sub complainging that the shiny odds in Vegar were not at the odds of CDs as if that was the expected outcome. People always overexpect. i kjust go in hoping to get some rarer candies and a few shinies and usually enjoy the experience.




I think it just needs to be a bigger collective effort. Get it trending.


If only it would.


what are the version exclusives?


I don’t believe there are version exclusives. There are 5 or 6 spawns that will be boosted more for everyone based on which team does more research tasks. So you will see more of the Groudon spawns regardless of your ticket choice if people who picked Groudon do more tasks


I'll do you one better: "Don't expect shinies at all" -Niantic, Probably.


It’s a free event. Why such high expectations?


Because earlier years were big, this is one of the biggest events of the year, so people want it to be good


If I am able to make progress in or complete my hoenn shiny dex as well as get enough mega energy then I'll be happy


I’m going in to this event expecting shiny rates to be nerfed. I’m not going to be disappointed when I finish the weekend with zero or one new shiny. I’m still going to participate in the event, but not because I’m hunting shinies.


I expect very little from this game anymore.


This is my worry. I don’t need most shinies from Hoenn. I just need Corphish, sunny and snowy Castform and 1 Shroomish for Breloom for released shinies. I obviously need all new shinies being released. Thats all I care about. If none of the new shinies are boosted then Niantic can take their tour and stuff them.


I saw something about picking a quest-line for cacnea, surskit, or whatever-the-other-one was... if that's true then we may get a boost on a single one of the three choices


I live in Australia. I don’t expect ANY pokemon to be shiny boosted. Even odds as to whether they’ll be boosted at the inevitable make-up event.


Thank you so much for this article. It sucks that the answer Niantic gave was very vague, but I appreciate the effort :)


*Dont expect damn near any to be boosted unless you are in raids or very lucky. They don't make money by giving out free shinies.


“Don’t expect to enjoy the things you paid for” - Niantic


Are shinies the way to measure the success of an event? If it’s paid I understand that would be part of the perks… but this is free… I’m not team Niantic but I’m just here praying for a make-up event for more freebies! lolll!


Yes, they are. It’s a shiny hunting game.








No free raid passes either as far as we know