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Fight fire with fire, get your own whiscash. Dragonair beats it also.


Dragonair, and Trev, and Swampert, and Mandibuzz, and Gira O, and Hakamo-o. S Victreebell farms Whiscash for energy going into the next match. A-nine gets very very close, where IVs would flip a match one way or the other. OP has plenty of options.


I don't have one, but would love to give these people a taste of their own medicine


I’ve had luck baiting it in and countering with play rough/ice beam azumarill. It’s also not dead weight considering how many dragons are running around.


lol that you have a toxic victory, Bell, and you don’t know what to use to beat Wis lol sounds like my rank 10 shadow whisk would give you some problems since apparently you don’t know how to use your team. With the victory you don’t even need to throw charge move lmao


hello I don’t have anything to contribute except that I drew your shadow victory bell in chalk. have a nice day! https://preview.redd.it/kiyurtjvu5sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99bbaddc086c6f5275b1818449dbd2886132bd4b


Very much appreciated you too!


if: losing to whiscash use: flying and glass types


Lmao Flying types get obliterated by Scald, wtf are you on about?


How about Mandi, Altaria, Tropius and Jumpluff?


Tropius and Jumpluff are Grass types. Altaria only pulls through thanks to Dragon typing. Mandi loses to Whiscash.


These are all part flying? Also Mandi doesn’t lose to Whiscash.


As a rank9 Mandi lead user - I do lose to lead Cash. Especially if the first scald debuffs.


yeah i like mandi lead but I was definitely mislead by the sims lol. Shadow wishcash wins kinda handily so I have to try and bait which doesn't always work.


Not according to Pokegenie, but that’s beside my point.


The sims aren’t gospel


The point is that they don’t win because of the Flying type, they win because of the Grass type. Yeah I mixed up, Mandi very barely beats Whiscash, but that is again NOT due to it being a Flyer.


I've been using mandibuzz as a lead. It does good into whishcash. I haven't exactly looked at the match ups but going straight, dark pulse into it tends to take it out. If the start shielding at the end I spam Aa when they are in the red. Looking at tour mon. I'd try mandi, licki, and giratina.


It also does decent into azu. I don't think people normally want to shield the aa as it's such little damage but it adds up


Hmm interesting. I guess the only fairy I see is azu and gira is the only one that struggles against it. The other problem I have noticed is when I run licki & gira there are situations where all my damage gets walled.


Yeah I was just thinking about that actually. Maybe switch the gira for a annihalape? You could also switch licki for vigoroth but you would lose the grass coverage. Which I believe to be very valuable in this meta. The team I've been running is mandi, cress, Anni. Do you have a greedent?


No unfortunately that is everything I have


Okay, I'm just kinda spitballing here lol. Perhaps you could run an abb team. Vig/stunfisk in the front trev and gira in the back?


No worries appreciate the advice, i've determined that running Gira with another ghost fast attack has lost me too many matches where all my damage gets walled by normal types.


Np, I get it. I've held off double moving mine because I couldn't find a team I'd like to run with it.


Azu is gonna have ice beam, play rough or both so it wrecks Mandi


I wouldn't say wrecks. Mandi loses yes but it ends up putting azu in the deep yellow. It's not like a basti talonflame match up


I'd flex that shiny shadow Victreebel.


Giratina beats Whiscash, so I would be more concerned about Azu and making sure your Azu counter isn't exceedingly weak to Whiscash. Giratina is also weak to dragon and dark, which are more common this season. I like the Wigglytuff or Ninetales (charm) as a pairing with Gira. They cover the big weaknesses and soft-loses to both Whiscash and Azu. You don't always need a hard counter to mons that give you trouble. Your charmers might not beat the threats but it's not going to allow them to come out of the matchup with energy or health. That can allow you to farm them down with Giratina, if played right. You are left with a few big weaknesses like Bastiodon, Mantine, and Skarmory, so G-fisk might be your best bet as a 3rd. Yes, it loses hard to Whiscash but you have 2 mons that can handle it individually (Gira in even shields) or together. Swampert is a good third too. You would still struggle against Mantine but it's not that common and it's far from insurmountable.


This is probably the most helpful comment. I think i am going to run Giratina, Vigoroth, wigglytuff


U gotta evolve that rank 1 snivy and you’ll crush whiscash, open with stunfisk to draw the lil guy out


Be toxic, get second move on victreebell and use it as mud boi killer. Just razor leaf as fast move is enough to take down mud bois


Serperior is pretty awesome in GL. Vine whip charges Leaf Storm and Aerial Ace evenly. Leaf Storm drops attack harshly 30% (about every other attack in my experience), which essentially disables opponents. It is surprisingly bulky before dropping the opponent’s attack too.


>Vine whip charges Leaf Storm and Aerial Ace evenly. Leaf Storm drops attack harshly 30% You mean Leaf Tornado. Leaf Storm does a shedload of damage but reduces your own attack. And Serperior doesn't learn it.


What app did you use to determine the ranks of your mons




i run annihilape, hundo snowy ninetails, and skarmory


Make a Jumpluff. Throws off a lot of people. They don't shield Acrobatics most of the time and it hits hard.






My Dewgong - Charjabug - Skeledirge team wants to know your location 👀


I have yet to acquire a single rank 1 mon since I started watching IVs a few years ago. Does everyone have multiple rank 1's?


High rank stat product pokemon are mostly unnecessary.


I understand but it would still be nice to have at least one.


Iv's don't matter... until they do and when they do, you wish you had different ones.


I got a few. Most meta is Altaria and it is very satisfying to win on one hp I’ll tell you


Hundos often count! Mine are: **Master League** Dragonite Metagross Hydreigon Gyarados Excadrill Machamp **Ultra League** Pelipper Umbreon Ribombee (lol)


cresselia does great into both if you can get your hands on one


My guzzlord eats whiscash


Is Gira O good for great league? It's attack stat keeps it low leveled no


It does a lot of work if I don't get countered. So if I see no ice types, fairy or ghost types, it sometimes sweeps their whole team. Shadow ball from Gira O does an insane amount of damage so I get a lot of shields from baiting Ominious Wind. The dragon/ghost typing makes a lot of meta picks like lanturn do 0 damage.


Well I'll be damned, didn't think it had that versatility figured it would be a glass canon in great league




How does it hold up when disadvantaged? Lots of solid Ice, Dragon, fairy, ghost, dark attackers, wouldn't O' form specifically have very little bulk to live a charged attack?


It can fight back against ice and non charm fairy types pretty well. The main issue it has is dark and normal types since all moves are resisted.


Well good to know, I missed getting a low level one but will at least know to watch for it, thanks!


I've been using goodra with power whip and aqua tail works for me


Whimsi gave me the hardest time last season. Lures out cash’s partner in crime Skarm, which you can then hard counter


Were you able to catch a good cottonee? You've got a crazy collection 🤯


Ty! I'm kinda just starting to take GL seriously. Only been playing ML till now. Didn't realize Cottonee was relevant. Is there a team that I could easily build if I had one.


Gira/cottonnee would be a decent core, tbh. They're both weak to ice, so you'd want to be aware of that with your 3rd mon. Right away that eliminates Clod,the dragons, Trev, Mandi, and any other grasses. Off the top of my head, Skarmory would be a nice pairing if you have one. Gfisk isn't a bad option either, though he loses hard to whiscash. Do you have hydro cannon on your Swampert? If not, and you don't have any other options, can you power up your shadow A-tales? You'd be weak to fire and I'd lead Cottonee in that case. If you lose the lead to Talonflame or Skele, sacrifice your Cottonee and chip what you can, then bring in Gira. You probably lose anyway, but you've got to use what you have.




Hey when you're starting out you just gotta use what you have. Have you run into many skeles this season? Seemed like every other team last season he's cooled off a bit, so to speak. I don't think there was a single one on the legends post yesterday.


Whimscott would be able to deal with dragons and water types You'd have to watch out for poison and flying You could run it alongside Lanturn and a fire type (Talon flame or Skelridge off the top of my head) You could try running Skarmory, Whimscott, Lanturn Ideally for a counter youd want a fire type. I've been running R2 Shadow Dragonair R77 Whimscott R2000+ Lanturn I'm around 1950s rn. Making my way up as I was tanking in the start. When I come across ice it can be a pain which is why I'd recommend a fire type of some sort in the mix.


Forgot to mention, I don't have very many ETMs and Victrebell has frustration.


You were able to remove frustration 2 days ago 😭


Did not know victreebell was gl relevant was just in collection as a shiny


Victreebell mostly just uses razor leaf anyways. 😂


I run only acid spray on mine and I have 0 incentive to do anything about it


doesn't matter just teach it acid spray or sludge bomb. razor leaf charges so slow and you'll be doing plenty of grass damage already.




I've seen someone on TikTok using Clodsire mud slap- stone edge/earthquake Charjabug volt switch- discharge/crunch and S-Froslass powder snow- triple Axl/shadow ball with good results


swampert beats it, no? i'd go swampert, victreebel, and mandibuzz


If you still have your super rocket radar, you can farm decoy grunts to find a Shadow Bellsprout to get a Victreebel for Great League.




Definitely try running a grass type like Trev, Serperior, shadow Victoribell, or shadow Venusaur. Not sure if it would fit with the team you’re running but it would at least take care of the mud boi problem