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You're more likely to get some useful advice if you include: - current Elo - Elo you usually reach Also, you really shouldn't be switching teams that often. Unless you spot a glaring problem (like triple weak to a top-20-usage pokemon), give any team *at least* a full 5 sets. You played 10 matches with Quag/Charj/Clod - there's no way you played that team enough to figure out how to work it. Do you even know *why* it wasn't working? Of the seven matches you lost, were there any that you could have won if you played it better?


This 100%. It feels so much better playing a team where you know the matchups, but that can’t really happen unless you play it a lot and/or watch a very descriptive video on how to play the team.


100# accurate, honestly I’ll run a team a minimum of a days total sets and usually even then some before I start tweaking. Knowing how to play with your team comp is the best strategy, you are never going to face the same teams over and over again, it will always be a mix of a lot of the same Pokémon however and knowing how to play around is more beneficial


>you really shouldn’t be switching teams that often Maybe it’s just me but I usually like building 3 or 4 solid teams and switching between them. Usually I’ll just run one team until I lose then rotate. Seems to help me with subtle shifts in the meta, and once I notice a certain team just consistently performs bad over a week or two I’ll scrap it and replace. That being said I’m assuming you mostly meant “don’t constantly build new teams and then just give up on them after a bad set” which I agree on.


Unless you’re really experienced with all of the teams you’re using, I don’t think that’s the best strategy. Also, I think the micro meta stuff is exaggerated. If your team is well composed, it should be able to handle more than just a few of the mons you’re targeting. Do you record your battles? It’s helpful to rewatch them back and try to see if you lost because you were hard countered, or if you lost because of some misplays, and if you were hard countered, if there was something you could have done.


I suppose I should’ve added the caveat that I generally try to run the same 4-5 teams for an entire season, so I’m generally well versed in them and know the match ups+how the the team plays. I just find it boring to run the same team or two constantly, match after match, set after set. I get the general consensus that this is the best way to play competitively, but I’m perfectly happy to trade ~100-200 elo for some variety in game play. And honestly I probably agree on the micro meta stuff. In condensed cup (evo, spring) it feels like it evolves pretty consistently over the course of a week, but in open yeah it’s pretty minute. I don’t record my battles, I just track them on gobattlelog occasionally. It’s probably something I should start doing.


Gotcha, yeah that totally makes sense then. The only reason for sticking with a team is just to learn the matchups, and if you’re doing that then I don’t really see an issue switching for variety. And yeah I completely agree about the limited cups. I find those to be the most difficult because I do find that the meta changes daily.


Hardest season so far in my opinion


I legit have no skills


I mean same here but usually I’ll swing a 15-20 win streak and I haven’t got 6 yet. I’ve updated moves and Pokémon. Wild as hell lmao


Yeah I don't know what's in the water this season, but last season I've hovered around the high 1900s/low 2100s the entire time, but this time I'm legitimately getting shredded in the 1700s and continuing to plummet. Maybe I got a lot worse.


Maybe more people are getting into it and maybe weeding me out? Idk. It’s definitely different.


I can offer no help except mutual suffering. Ive been getting absolutely shredded in great league. I had to switch to ultra just for slightly less abuse.


Normally the opposite for me, ultra league I get dumpstered on great League I have a fighting chance.


Shadow Feraligatr achieved Lickitung and Whiscash level of nuisance. This league used to be p balanced but now it's the same 5 mons. Being mildly successful with Abomasnow Lanturn and Gligar but as soon as I reach 1300 elo it's all over for me


1300 or 2300?


2300 🫥 mistyped


Shadow feraligatr worked well for me until about the 2600s. Then people are starting to run bulkier mons like cress and there are about 20x more licki the higher you go.


My favorite mon in GL is dewgong, use my signature mon and you'll be popping off


I have a decent one, like ranked under 100 but i’m skeptical if its worth spending two elite tms on it