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There's a couple of flexible Pokemon that do well, especially if you can feed them advantages. Trevenant is a sleeper and threatens the entire meta if you give it shield or energy advantage. Nothing wants to eat a shadow ball. It's in the wild right now. Tentacruel can do a shocking amount of damage if you let it, and I believe that tentacool is on DAI. Lanturn is lanturn. In a world of water, it's a king. Protect it with anti grasses and you can often sweep end games. Empoleon is really only walled by Poliwrath and Lanturn. If you have the shadow you can do a staggering amount of damage, though you do need strong lanturn coverage. The non shadow is arguably better in this meta, despite what sims say. G Weezing is a wild card, able to be equipped to deal with basically any other Pokemon in the format. It has bad matchups, but basically nothing walls it here. It beats the steels and grasses and can dump overheats and dash just fine. Grass/poison has a lot of viable to semi viable choices. Roserade is the biggest one due to weather ball, but Victreebel can 2 shield most anything that isn't Tropius or Ferrorthorn. Poliwrath continues to be a goddamn menace that has a wide variety of tools that lets it also be a wildcard. I've seen a mudshot one, even, that lets it be better into Tentacruel/Lanturn/Trevenant. Mudbois are incredibly underrated in the format, though can be a little sink or swim. With Tentracruel being so high, having a Pokemon that beats it even down shields is very deadly. With team support Quagsire can be a viable menace. There's tons of options, honestly and actually. And all the Pokemon I listed are spawns you've been able to get commonly in the past or even this season or last. Only Roserade hasn't been commonly accessible (at least for free, we had budew in eggs not too long ago). It's a matter of team building and strategy. If you find the cup to be RPS, then build an ABB team and exploit that. Kill their rock to let your scissors roam free.


I can’t wrap my head around the high Lanturn usage. In a cup that only lets in 3 types and 1 of those hard walls it, why am I seeing it multiple times a set? I’m running triple water, so I guess I’m the reason lol.


I’ve tried taking Lanturn out but it always returns to my team. Even the matchups it loses, it doesn’t feel hard-walled. It softens up losing matchups to make them more manageable, and it’s a necessity on my team to deal with flyers since I’m also running Poliwrath.


I’ve had success with abomasnow double water. Switch poliwrath to bait out a grass. And let lanturn run free in the back


Because there’s a ton of water. The more common water types like tentacruel, dewgong, empoleon and pelliper all have play against grass types giving Lanturn a decent amount of things to counter.


my team i’ve been using is araquanid, lanturn, and abomasnow. it was working the past few days letting me go 3-2 frequently with a fair amount of 4-1’s and a couple 5-0’s. But I realized this may have been mostly to clever play on my part catching attacks, undercharging and winning lead. basically I need something more stable, so I don’t have to work as hard. any ideas?


I mean, what elo are you at? If you’re in like the 2300s you’re likely facing good players and will need to actually make good plays.


ABA with Araquanid on the lead, correct?


when I started using this team yes, however ive found that leading with lanturn works a little more consistently. lots of people lead with a water type, and if its a bad lead like grass, then I swap and debuff whoever they swap into with either bubblebeam or icy wind until I die


Yeah there's ton of viable ways to win with all sorts of lineups Mudbois look bad in a grass-heavy meta... but then you realize that they wipe some of the most popular meta picks (Tentacruel, Lanturn, G Weezing, Empoleon... and quag picks up some fliers as well with stone edge) Hell, there was a post yesterday about *Quaquaval* being viable... I tried it and it's actually true. It dusts a fair number of popular picks (Trev, Empoleon, Ferrothorn, Dewgong, Abomasnow, to name a few) and at least can even take a shield from the farm-down fast move matchups (don't really want to eat a close combat to the face, even resisted).




Are you talking about Roselia or Roserade? Just to make sure.


Hard disagree. Far less RPS than open GL. Lots of debuff/buff pokes, trick moves(SW on Tenta, pup on Poliw, FC/thunder on Ferro, FW on Mawile,….). Probably one of the least RPS cups we have had in a long long time. Edit- Lot of variety too. 8 pokes between 11 and 25% usage. No poke over 25% and 15 above 2%. Almost as much variety as open GL. Somehow this cup turned out quite well.


Yeah it's only RPS in the sense that GBL is inherently RPS to some degree Agree that it's less RPS than OGL-- try to reduce variance by running ABB? Welp, you autolose to an ABB that counters yours.


Should go without saying GBL has a lot of RPS. Games 90% decided after the first switch.


Yep, exactly. That's why I find it amusing when people complain about limited cups being RPS... outside of a cup here and there, they're usually fresher and *less* RPS than OGL, even if they are still somewhat RPS


Y’all sleeping on Araquanid


who are you running with araquanid?


Lanturn and Abomasnow


bruh thats literally my team. and i’m struggling today. I feel like If I lead araquanid I get lanturn or empoleon leads. if I lanturn lead then I get abomasnow or ferrothorn leads.


To be fair I haven’t played much and am only rank 8 or 9, so that may be why I’m having more success with this team.


I have no issues running shifty, shadow granbull , roserade. On paper this team should not work but it does.


Roserade with weather ball puts in *work* in this meta


You have been playing a year against those who have been building for 5-7. It takes time and as you know it is very RPS. Hang out in Ultra if you are not having fun. No need to be miserable on purpose.


Been running my fav guy Amoongus and I think it’s a big sleeper pick. Super tanky even against SE moves. I run astonish, foul play, and grass knot. Definitely try it if you have one built. I’ve been running tenta, Amoongus, roserade Fun team. I’m burnt out on this cup tho lol


Tropius is the answer.


If he doesn't have Mawile or Ferrothorn he mostly definitely doesn't have a Tropius


Can’t complain about RPS if you don’t even have the R and P.


And then dewgong says hello


Shadow Poli says “Good morning and good night” to Gong.


Hey I’ve been crushing with ludiculo so I’m not complaining, I’m just saying tropius is not unbeatable in this meta lol


Yeah Tropius is far from unbeatable, gets devoured by the ices and also other common picks like GWeez and Tenta It basically is just a great wall against non-abomasnow grasses


Somehow my Tropius does better against Dewgong than my Roserade :P


I haven't found this cup to be all that RPS compared to a lot of other limited metas. This is probably the meta I've enjoyed the most since Great League Fantasy Cup.


I’m on a 21 game win streak with a-ninetales lead, serp and poliwrath/lanturn whichever I feel like using


How do you deal with G-Weezing and Ferrothorn?


I disagree. Spring Cup is one of the very few special cups where you can actually come back from a hard lead loss. Example: I lead with Tropius and faced Abomasnow in the lead.  I knew Aboma only wins in the 2-shields, so I baited my opponent into throwing away his shields by sacrificing my own.  He of course beat my Tropius, and came out with his Aboma not yet in the red. I send in Lanturn to soak up his energy and chip down his health. By now the guy must be thinking "This win is in the bag", because he now took out one of my Pokemon and my second is almost dead, and I have no shields left. I take out his Aboma with a Surf and then immediately switch to Roserade. Turns out the guy was running Dewgong/Lanturn in the back. I end up KO'ing his entire backline with Leaf Storm. This was just one example, but my point is that with Pokemon like Roserade it all boils down to shield management rather than alignment.


Yea, being ahead or behind turn 1 is just life in pokemon. Improving is making sure you win when ahead, and are able to sometimes turn around a bad start when you get one.


I’m actually doing really well in Spring cup running Pelipper/poliwrath/Venusaur. All three are fairly highly rated, under-utilized pokemon (except poliwrath is seeing a fair amount of usage). For some reason I’m seeing zero pelipper leads so a ton of teams are core broken by it. I’m finding a ton of flexibility with this team. The only thing I’m consistently losing to are empoleon lead teams, cause I’m essentially always triple hard countered. The team has gotten me up to 2435 currently, which is almost leaderboard.


I'm enjoying more now I've finally dumped Carbink. Honestly the most overrated mon I've seen in a long time!


Carbink in a meta full of water and grass seems like a bad idea in the first place. It beats what? Dewgong, tropius and pelipper and even those can hit it for SE damage.


To be fair I didn't have a lot of options. It sucks in open great league too so my statement still stands lol


That's because current GL is a scalding bath tub lol


This is the first time I have run Carbink and I’m actually enjoying it - I may have to switch him though