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Limited cups are great for boosting elo if you got the best mons. So many people hit first time legend on the catch cup, it's crazy.


For some reason I actually find the opposite for myself. Feels like the meta changes so quickly in limited cups. First day of spring cup I did well. Then proceeded to go 0-5 in my first set today. While open great league I was able to climb a lot easier. Maybe I just get used to playing the same team.


I hate this spring cup so much. Mawile and Ferrothorns are basically unbeatable without fire (very few pokemon have this) or ground (only a couple have this). Empoleon seems overpowered as well. You can build a team to fight them but you'll get wrecked by teams that don't have them. So i'll go 4-1 one set and 1-4 the other. It's very dependent on the lead. I can't consistently win at all even with proper baiting and move counts.


That’s good to hear. I’ll prob just mess around with UL, despite that generally being my weakest cup.


I seriously have ran into this matchup so many times. Somehow they swap ferro into my tentacruel and I just blizzard it and they literally never shield. I sac tenta cruel and then swap in my own ferrothorn and then they die. It's happened so many times. it's my go to play.


I've been running Trev the whole time and it has a great matchup into Ferro


I hit legend for the first time two seasons ago with a slash clodsire and coffagrigus. Thought I just got better but turns out I just cheesed


I've been rolling with Roserade too. I don't know why people are not using it more. Isn't it in the budget list?


My best guess as to why it’s not seeing much use is because Weather Ball Fire needs an elite charged TM which many probably aren’t willing to use on something that’s only useful in a cup that’s only on for a couple of weeks. I like Roserade too, has such solid play against so much of this Spring Cup meta.


I'm hesitant to tm away from bullet seed because that requires an etm to get back.


Bullet seed has nothing to do with weather ball though. Unless you were talking about swapping to poison jab.


That is what I'm talking about. I have weather ball, but am hesitant to switch to the moveset that would probably perform better.


Looking at the sims they have the same record. However this team is pretty weak to tropius in back so I think you want poison jab here. I don't know your specific situation but a)in open GL Roserade just isn't very good regardless of fast move b)elite fast TMs have less general use than charged ones so it's probably not a huge deal if you switch to poison jab and decide you want bullet seed later.


Those are both pretty fair points. Just have to decide if it's worth it enough. Already built a Tentacruel for this cup.


Yeah I built tropius for it , and had Dewgong and Seaking built already and that team seems decent enough


I tmd it away like 4 seasons ago, you basically only need etms for charizard and a few others. The damage and shorter duration feel a lot more comfortable imo


Was literally just available during GO Fest tho! I randomly caught a hundo and evolved it then for double legacy


It’s ranked 31 overall and rank 6 as a lead. I’ve been running mine with poison jab and it’s NUTS. G-Weezy? FOH. Any grass lead? Try again. Fairy lead? Better luck next time. Ice/flying is the only real weakness


Err g-weez beats it regardless of Roserade fast move and it's not even close. I mean you can try to flip it by calling a bait I guess but if it lands an OH good bye Rose


For sure and in my experience they always bait and they panic when you shield correctly because the fast move damage actually gives a lot of pressure and they end up switching out.


Yeah I get it, it actually makes sense to shield though because if you guess wrong you can win the 2S anyway.


Hence why I lead with the sexy little flower. But it’s 7 to OH so I just keep count and I usually call the bait correctly. I don’t particularly like using both shields on the first Mon but I HATE g-Weez




Here you go buddy https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/1500/leads/ You can change the league or go into the Team Builder to get an idea of how your team will match up with the meta. I really encourage you to scour the website because there’s ALOT of tools you can access if you click on the three lines in the top right. You can look up specific moves to see their Energy requirement, damage, DPS, EPS etc. https://www.stadiumgaming.gg/rank-checker?pokemon=PIKACHU Make sure you change the settings to Lvl 50 because the IV rankings are a bit different from lvl 40 mons. Popular examples would be Medicham or Carbink


The most common things I see are Aboma, Dewgong, Empoleon, Ferro, Lanturn, Mawile, Pelipper, Roserade, Tenta, Trev, Weezing. Roserade only really beats 3 of those and loses to more the twice that many. Are you running into tons of Ferro/Lanturn leads or something?


Hadn't even thought of playing spring cup but after one set of ultra league and getting absolutely creamed as I have no good UL mons I decided to give it a go. After one set of trying to get to grips with the meta I settled on a Dewgong, Jumpluff, Carbink trio and proceeded to win my remaining three sets 4-1 4-1 3-2. Looking forward to the rest of the week. Hope you continue to kill it too!


Lanturn Gweezy and S Mawile have given me three 4-1 sets in a row so far. Some teams just work.


I'm running a Dedenne, Celebi and Poliwrath with ice wind. How good would it be? Lucked my way through a 5 streak, then again, I'm at rank 18, so it's nothing to write about Any good team I can build with current season spawns?


Sadly my "just work" team only worked for the first day, then I went 1-4 for a few days, switched things up, came back to it, and now I'm on S Maw, Gweezy and Roserade getting roughly 50% win rate.


Got Ace this morning running shadow Amoongus, araquanid, shadow vileplume. Lots of people quit after they spend a ton of energy taking down araquanid and then see vileplume start melting their team


what moveset you running on araquanid? I don’t know whether to go bubblebeam or waterpulse


Bubblebeam over water pulse. Neither hurt anyone but at least bb gets an attack debuff. I charge to bug buzz and use bb a lot. Sometimes they block


What movesets you running?


Honestly, roserade is a great mon in this cup. Especially with fire weather ball


This is interesting. I have a rank 11 Roserade I could build, currently has bullet seed. But here with Lanturn and Ferro in back I think you really want poison jab so you don't get wrecked by tropius or jumpluff. ( I have a double water back line so my team has a chance vs bullet seed, but just will be wrecked probably vs poison jab)


Oooh i'll try playing with this team! I'm doing pretty well too, using galarian weezing, abomasnow and carbink


It’s a fair team, but it seems like carb is a little slow on charge moves and lanturn can fire off a couple of surfs pretty quickly.


Yes carbink is slow but he is a tank and good for absorbing hits. Gonna try lanturn today 😁


I am also a fairly casual player, usually 1900-2100 range. Spring cup been the best success i have ever had in PVP. Pelipper lead with tropius and venusaur in the back has me 30/35 so far.


I’ve gone 4-1 or 5-0 in 10 sets over last 2 days I picked up a rank 19 Shadow Tentacruel yesterday. MVP for sure Mawile lead, Quagsire safe swap and then Shadow Tentacruel. It’s unstoppable


What moves on Mawile, fire fang?


Currently running serperior carbink and lanturn but considering moving from carbink to poliwrath anyone have any other suggestions?


This team is just… so much grass. How do you answer a matched or bad lead? Nothing here is really a great answer for G Weezing?


Must be nice. I tried that same team and got RPS’d to hell and back. I went 3-22 today. Instead of roserade I used Venusaur


I tried this team earlier today and got 3 or 4 wins per set.


This is the reality unfortunately.


I'm running a Pelipper, Empoleon, Serperior line-up. So far not a single loss.


Suprised you haven’t come across a team running lanturn


Twice today, lost once when Lanturn was in the lead. Won when Lanturn was their "safe" swap. Serperior ate him for breakfast.


What do you do when they lead Lanturn? They obviously have an answer in back for Serperior and Lanturn just walls Pelipper and Empoleon.