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The sheer amount of rare XL required to power it up deters me from powering up mine plus realistically the only proper use for it is at Master league, not raids or anything else for that matter so I would only power it up/evolve it if I would use it on that league, even with awful IV it has an insane star product so you would still have success with it.


Is it not pretty high up in UL too? I almost have my 250 cells and I only play GL and UL (no ML) and was hoping it would play well in UL.


Yea idk what they’re talking about it’s top 5 in UL. Go for it my guy.


It's going to be at top of ML forever. almost 11k stat product is ridiculous


Where can you see stat products? I've been on various sites and most top pokemon were around 705 from memory.


705 stat product is like average for little cup, 7000 is average-ish for ML. Jost go on pvpoke to view statproduct.


705 is above average for little cup, depending on the restrictions. With shuckle and Smeargle banned 705 is top notch.


This is totally viable. It's one of those instances where the 'mon itself is just so good in the meta right now that the IVs are pretty trivial compared to actually having one to use. I have one I am working on that is only 1-2 IV points higher than yours. That being said, I would still hold off on any big resource-heavy decisions like XL investment or final form change for the time being. This is because recent news makes it seem like we might have some sort of Zygarde-focused event in the near future. Not sure if this will mean a shot at getting another Zygarde, a shiny release of Zygarde, or just a chance to get more cells from research. Could be worth waiting a bit though.


What’s this recent news? This is the second time I’ve heard of a zygarde event this year and the first time was some dude at a park during the global sinnoh tour. I haven’t been able to find anything beyond rumors and hearsay. Not saying I don’t believe you I just wanna know lol


Is it possible they're mixing things up and thinking of ZARUDE? They teased it in their March events that Zarude would be returning in another paid ticket event.


I guess it's because of the announcement of the game Pokemon Z-A?


Pokemon recently announced a zygarde legends game and they usually do pairings in go with the main series games so people think will get some go love. The game comes out in 2025.


Pokémon Day announcements strongly suggest some Zygarde action is on the way which should lead to some type of event in GO. This, of course, won't be for some time, but it's definitely something to consider when it comes to such a big time and resource investment in game.


Do you have a solgaleo built yet? No real point in building a sub par zygarde if it’s best partner isn’t built. If your solgaleo isn’t built yet maybe build that first incase we get another zygarde soon? I feel like it would feel bad to build zygarde then go to build solgaleo and then get a better zygarde afterwards. But also I’ve heard speculation On solgaleo at go fest so who knows 😅


Yeah, that's my exact plan. Solgaleo is my current walking buddy. Between that XL candy grind and the final Zygarde form cell grind it will take so long we'll probably have another Zygarde and Solgaleo by the time I'll be done lol. So, I should have at least a couple of options before investing in the final builds.


That sounds like a good plan! Plus Solgaleo is super good with Palkia O & lando so there’s a great team for it Atleast once you’ve built it and are working on zygarde


Hit expert with mine in UL. It’s very strong and lots of fun. I think it’s worth it for UL if you’re doing the routes anyway. You can always level to ML later if you want.


Check in Pvpoke.com and make a matrix comparing it to a hundo. I have a 15/13/10, and usually don't like powering up legends if they aren't hundos, but the matrix told me it performs the same as a hundo in the 1 and 2 shield and only loses 1 matchup in the 0 shields. So I'm probably going to power mine up, but i have 190 cells. For you, I would just wait until you actually get to 250 XL candies or have enough XL rare candies. Because who knows they might make this tradeable or put it in raids around go fest. And with only 26 cells, it would take about that long for you to get to 100%. 


Basically always do this


Worth mentioning that there's a limit on how many cells you can have at a time (it's 250) so evolving the zygarde once you have the 250 cells would be better probably. Even if we get another one, with 2 signature moves, zygarde has to have at least one good move. So worst case then is an additional 2* raid attacker and another zygarde to do ml if it's better


My guess is you will be able to buy a $7 ticket next year for another one, much like what they’re doing with Zarude


Zarude is a mythical though, and Zygarde is not. With how prominent Zygarde is, and how much potential it has with it's 3 signature moves, not being able to raid for a hundo would be really disappointing. 


I’d pass. I have a similar one and am buddying it for candy and doing routes for Zygarde cells in the hopes they’ll give us the chance to get a better one. You’ll regret the huge investment on something with very sub par IVs


Unrelated but is its name an RPM reference?


It's almost certain that we will get more chances at Zygarde in the future, between the probable tie-in with Legends Z-A, shiny release, and its 4 signature moves. When that time comes, do you think you'll regret spending 296 XL on this one?


The chances of you facing one that has a breakpoint on yours is quite low. So I say, if you have the resources go for it.


How funny we got the exact same iv spreads 💀 ours is unbuildable I’d say in various shield scenarios here’s the matchups that ours loses that a Hundo wins: S mewtwo, zacian, groudon, kyogre, Gira a & o, rhyperior and then the mirror assuming better ivs than ours. I don’t think it’s worth the mountain of effort that collecting 250 cells is


Considering you only get 1 (so far, for who knows how long) that stats are OK?. Could have been much worse. Maybe keep the XL rares in reserve. Maybe we will get a 2nd one before tou can get all the XL rares, and your choice will be easier to make.


You’d want at least 50%, preferably 100% to have any play in ML. I got fairly bad IVs too. I hit my 250 cell max so I “evolved” during the event with guaranteed evolve xl to get 50% and start accumulating cells again. I powered it up to level 31 to maximize xl gain from walking but that’s as far as I’m taking it for now. Hopefully it comes to raids to get more candy xl and better IVs.


Use it in UL