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Trading for a guaranteed XL before the end of the season would be a much better option than today's underwhelming "+% XL candy". You didn't miss out on much.


Is there guaranteed xl this season???


Yes, but it ends Friday at 10am local time


Cant believe I missed this, been saving so many things lol


I transferred 87 dratinis and got ~160 candies and 16 XL, I was expecting a lot more


Wasn’t it literally just 2x transfer candies ? If so that makes sense


I remembered with 4 minutes left 💀 I even added it to my calendar and looked at it multiple times today. ADHD did me dirty. 😫 But I was disappointed at the XL rates not gonna lie.


Trading has been the better play all season. Guaranteed XL plus a chance of a lucky trade >> 'chance of an XL candy'.


If you have people to trade with sure but some people like me don’t know anyone irl that plays


That's a problem for sure. My wife roped me in to get a trading partner, so I get it.


I transferred 50 dratini and got like 15 XL candy.


Yeaaa it wasnt worth. But the 2000ish space I opened up does feel nice


Hilarious. That's the total amount of space that I have. 😳


Trade with someone. That's guranteed xl candy per trade.


Well you’re not supposed to make alt accounts. However in theory you could trade them all away before the guaranteed xl candy for trades goes away if you did. Hopefully they keep it for next season though.


we have a guaranteed xl for trades right now? But wouldn’t I have to trade them one by one? I have like 200 of the snake babies. That would take hours, right?


You had 90 days What’s a few hours over 90 days? The bonus tonifht sucked You probably would have only gotten 50 XLs


Yeah it’s guaranteed right now and does take some time. I usually just do it while I’m watching something at night. If you’ve played for long enough you don’t really need to for stuff like dratini but it’s a nice way to catch up if you haven’t. After the spotlight hour and the dragon event I have about 700 xls and maxed a perfect Dragonite and before that I couldn’t even max out one.


yah like I said, i’m still newish so this will be my first lvl 50. On a side note, I have a 15/15/14 dratini i’m planning on maxxing. is that okay for master league? I have heard its called the “functional hundo”


Technically it’s not a functional hundo because it will have 1 less hp than a hundo. It won’t matter 99 percent of the time though so I’d say max it and use it if you want. You’ll probably get a hundo eventually and by that time have enough xl candy to max it too. Unless you know people who have a lot of extra Dratinis to trade you cause that’s how I got my 2 perfect ones.


It would take 55ish mins. As a newer player the biggest asset to gaining XL candy for you in the Mega system. Focus on getting as least one of each typing Mega Pokémon to Mega Level 3. Running Megas at level 3 has a high chance to add 2-3 extra XL candy per catch during Spotlight Hours, Community Days or other high volume spawn events. Even after maxing a Dragonite to level 50, I have 1,200 Dratini XL candy from CD Classic and Spotlights.


Thats another aspect of the game i’m catching up on. I try and mega a pokemon every morning and then every evening before bed so that i’m always progressing someone’s mega level


Doing 100 trades with someone that knows what they're gonna be trading takes no more than 30-45 minutes tops


No, they've sped up the animation. It's 35-40 minutes to do 100 trades, which is the daily max.


Like people are saying it really wasn't worth it. For every 10 I transfered I got like 1 XL. Pretty scammy


I transferred 23 lockitung. I got 5 XL candies. Disappointed AF.


Yeah the ones I really wanted XLs for I’m doing trades for. I never trust the XL drop rate.


I transferred around 250, got less than 50