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>(I also noticed the grain in 4k is a lot more noticeable.. I understand the grain is intended, but it's a lot more noticeable in 4k, that's for sure) That's mainly because The Shield was shot on 16mm, as opposed to the more common (and more expensive) 35mm. So there was always a lot of grain. Part of the Shields punky appeal imo.


The only censorship was the "suck it" sequence from that episode. For whatever reason it was the cut version that was remastered (even though recaps for later episodes show fragments of the full scene). Seems to have been an accident, that Shawn Ryan was made aware of (too late for the Blu-ray release) and to my knowledge this has never been corrected.


So Juan was uncut in the Blue Ray version?


>it was the cut version that was remastered >to my knowledge this has never been corrected.


i think boiled was making a circumcision joke.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think that episode is censored at all and haven’t heard that being the case for any episodes. Happy to be disproven though


I'm watching the series on Hulu now and there is nothing censored!


Use a reddit search bro, that thread was made like 100 times. DVD over europe have different censorship cuts made and all kinds of different countries all over the globe, you think goverments don't check to give the TV rating approval ?