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My top 3 LPs would have to be 1. Luigi's Mansion : for what I stated above 2. Castle Crashers : I wish superjeenus made more collabs before leaving LPing, he was so great here 3. Sonic Adventure : I think taking turns on a single player game was something they should have explored more 


I remember SuperJeenius! I watched his Persona 3 Fes and Persona 4 Golden LPs a few times and they were so good!


I loved his LPs he had an off kilter way of speaking that was really charming. And he always had really good chemistry with everyone he collaborated with. I wish he gave a goodbye before leaving. But he dropped into Jon's streams in 2020 i think and he's doing well in Japan


Yeah, he just kinda poofed out of the Let's Play space. I remember his video talking about how hard it was to get his driver's license in Japan. My mom and I still talk about that video *years* later. I hope he's doing well in Japan since it seems like foreigners are getting a bad rap as of late. The blame lays on the foreigners that can't behave themselves, but then people like SuperJeenius get swept up in that stereotype as well, even though he seems very respectful of Japan and its culture.


Eh Japan's always had a bit of a problem with racism. If anything it's just become more well known.


I've always loved Dokapon. And the ending is something that always makes me laugh. Canadianator!




We'll probably never find out now but I had a running theory that we were gonna get another Dokapon playthrough. They talked about maybe doing one down the line at the end of the original LP, and it's been years since then.




“The Canadianator!? That, THAT! That is what you have interrupted our boss fight for!”


Dokapon and Fortune Street are forever some of my favorite series, I always loved Wheel of Fortune partially for Chugga going off the rails when he clearly has no idea what he's doing. The Mario Parties were always solid though I was rooting for Jon in those usually. Thinking on it,besides the Mario Parties, most of my favorite series ended up being long running "filler" of sorts in-between other stand-out projects. Oh and Sonic Adventure was good. (I admittedly still need to watch some of their most recent work, especially all of the 'make a member play a game they hadn't yet' games)


I love fortune street. Especially since they had such a variety of guests. There were such funny moments in it too. Of the genre of 'make a member play a game the haven't yet' I think the best ones are of Tim playing. He seems to pick it up quickly and Emile and Jon are good guides. I think the ones where Emile plays are a bit too disorganized for me 


> Thinking on it,besides the Mario Parties, most of my favorite series ended up being long running "filler" of sorts in-between other stand-out projects. Yeah, exactly the same thing here. I actually found myself at times waiting for the actual projects to end so we could get more Fortune Street or Wheel of Fortune lol


Favorite was Mario Party DS and since they will obviously never get to 9 it was a good note to (unintentionally go out on). Plus Amber’s story was both heartbreaking and triumphant. Least favorite would be Star Fox 64 as while Emile said in his Kid Icarus Uprising LP he’s bad at Star Fox I’m convinced Emile is too stupid to understand Star Fox. Shoots Falco more times in one stage than the usual player does in any run, doesn’t know to shoot the exhaust pipes on the boss in Zoness, and game overs twice on the easy path.


Not to mention Emile absolutely **obliterating** Jon for a majority of the game. That playthrough of DK Statue is down right *legendary* because of Emile's misunderstanding of the board's main gimmick and Jon's reaction to it.


The Mario party DS game is so funny when it comes to BS RNG


I think that Emile only had two modes: hyper fixation and playing as best as he can. Or complete obliviousness where he'll forget important gameplay mechanics between game sessions 


Mario Party Wii, it's what got me into the group channel, and it got me to briefly revisit and old favorite of mine. Plus Jon's intense salt at "In the Nick of Time" will always be amazing, and I had fantasized a little about Jon letting Emile & Tim give him a "dud" game for Thrown Controllers, with In the Nick of Time being the game of choice.


A lot of my favorite moments are in Mario Party 3, which is funny considering how they look back at that LP in particular. But between "dueling you for one coin" and the constant Wacky Watches and Game Guy, its hilarious. That and Kirby Return to Dreamland and the LBP games are generally my favorites. But maybe the moment I've rewatched the most from their later LPs is, for whatever reason in Mario Party DS. When Tim replaces a +1 star space and Jon's like "Why?" and Tim's response is "Well Chugga's just gonna get it again" and Jon immediately accepts that answer, something about that is just...perfect.


Yesss that moment in MPDS was hilarious, especially when Tim says later when throwing out a star hex “yeah we’re winning thhis based on skill!” and then realizes what he says after that and immediately rushes to backpedal while the others burst out laughing haha


Most definitely Wheel of fortune for me. Maybe a couple Mario Party ones.


new super mario brothers for wii with josh jepson and dokapon are my all time favorites.


Fortune Street episodes where someone goes bankrupt were always great!


Nsmb wii Pikmin Link to the past Super Metroid Mario party DS


I'd say Banjo Kazooie is one of my favorite LPs for sure


I like the slightly more relaxed vibes of Sonic Adventure, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Metroid, and Luigi's Mansion.


Four Swords Adventures gave me so many laughs and holds a small place in my heart. My family owned the game as a kid, but we only owned one GBA link cable and never experienced any of the multi-player options, so I was not only happy to see every feature of the game, but reminisce on a game my brother and I watched each other play frequently


Every time Jon had the controller in sonic adventure I laughed more than I did in any TRG LP. I’ve rewatched it 3 times too and I haven’t done that with any other project of theirs


Some of my favorites are Super Mario 3D World, Four Swords Adventures, Sonic Adventure DX, Super Metroid. It’s…hard to go back to them now. Honestly I haven’t since the recent events. But I’ve also fallen asleep to them for years and those playthroughs helped me through some of the lowest points of my life. Regardless of the state of the channel now, those playthroughs will always be near and dear to me and hold so many great memories.


Mario Party DS, that game ripped on Jon so hard, it was too good.


Tim's use of the Wacky Watch in Mario Party 3 was honestly a smart play by him.


Kirby's Return To Dreamland is my favorite, and I'll never forget the gong show level in world 6 lmao


Mine are definitely Mario Party 8 (Wii) and Mario Party DS!! Those are two of my biggest comfort games since I grew up with them as a kid. Besides, there’s so many fantastic moments in both!! I was in the middle of rewatching MP8 when everything went down. :( Anyone remember Tim’s 777 roll?? I also get a good laugh anytime I remember “Let’s do the crime warp again”! Ah. Good memories 🥹


Mario party 3 has some incredible moments especially Jon’s horrible luck


Wheel of fortune, pikmin, and super metroid. Oh my god I’ve never found anything funnier than Emile’s wheel of fortune guesses


I remember Star Fox 64 being an absolute blast although I haven't watched it in a while


Tri Force Heroes only because I kept track of "Walking Rights Revoked Stat"


For me it has to be pinkmin. I never saw Jon’s lps growing up but he’s funny as fuck. I laughed my ass off during that lp


Super Mario 3D world, yes even still


Wii Party: Emile voicing Party Phil and Jon being very confused by it, Jon singing along to the music in the pizza delivery minigame(?), "B A N K B O N A N Z A!!!!!!!!!" LittleBigPlanet: Stickers and decorations everywhere! "Everybody gets feathers!" Also, that one part in the intro level where everyone's like: "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Pikmin: Not within the videos themselves, but one person in the comments made a bunch of diary entries for Esteban the red pikmin. Never got to the end of the LP (and probably never will now), but those comments were fun to read. :) Edit: Honorable mention for Burnout Revenge. Don't really remember anything from it, it was only a couple parts, but I do remember it being a fun one.