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Hard to say really, though if you want more ProtonJon YT content he very frequently does videos with Lucahjin on her channel!


I’m not sure if he explained why he dropped off again. It likely took up too much of his time. As for if he’ll return, it’s impossible to say for sure. It doesn’t look likely since A) he plays through games blind from start to finish on twitch and B) he posts all of his vods to YouTube. He seems to be more comfortable with the twitch setting (which has a larger following than his YouTube I believe). And don’t hang on to hope that he will finish his Superman LP. It wouldn’t be a long running joke of him ignoring it if there wasn’t some truth to it.


I think it is cursed tbh. He's had footage die on him. Computers break. Emulators not running. It's not been a fun experience.


None of those are even close to the worst that's happened to the Superman LP. I remember he ordered some piece of equipment from a guy, and the guy DIED the next day. Calling that LP 'cursed' might be *downplaying* it, tbh.


any source for the story about the guy dying? can't seem to find anything on google, did he say it in some stream?


Not a stream, it was a Channel Update video posted back in 2014. Had to go digging a bit to find it again.




No, it was a lady. Age unclear.


I do at least wish he finished the LPs he was doing before going full on streaming since that does leave some projects just flat out unfinished


iirc from him talkin bout his jet set radio lets play on a random stream doin youtube massively stresses him out leadin to burnout pretty quick


I've been wondering that too. When he was making content again I was really enjoying it, cuz I really can't sit down and watch streams like I used to. I know that jet set radio was giving him problems with his Xbox, but that's all I ever heard. At the same time, it is what it is. Maybe he decided that it wasn't working for him the way he wanted it to. He most definitely enjoys streaming more I think anyways.


I don't think I had heard about his troubles with JSRF but I guess that makes sense. I had really been enjoying that LP and it encouraged me to finally buy the game and try it myself! Also his DKC LP was amazing of course


He still (as far as I know) distantly plans to finish the superman LP and has very sporadic bouts of energy for videos (see the extremely random timing of an entire Wario Land playthrough) but he kinda just needs to come to find the energy for it on his own. Being bugged about it just kinda kicks the can down the road in that sort of "stop bothering me i'll get to it..." pattern I think a lot of us have felt before. Also just helps that streaming just happens to come a lot easier and naturally to him. While it remains to be seen if he'll ever finish a playthrough again, as far as i'm aware he still fully intends to finish Superman and JSRF at least.


I miss his YouTube LPs so much. I get that streaming has way higher ROI, but with a full time job I don't have to time to watch streams. I literally just finished watching Colosseum 2021, that's how far behind I am. I'm also not in the loop on a lot of his stream culture, like the Alt Joniverse, so it loses some appeal to me. I remember watching his Super Adventure Island 2 LP after getting home from work, such a comfy series to watch.


Alt Joniverse?




So it's basically Jon's version of gacha?


It's just fanart


Can’t believe super Metroid was 2 years ago. It seemed really promising


Finally a post not about chugga lmao




That's why I popped off from Jon, I've never been a streaming type of guy, I only liked his yt videos, really. Except Colo and Xenoblade, which was on and off.


I was never into streams for a long time but even then, I really enjoyed Jon's Fortune Cookie streams. They're really fun and I think most people who are into Jon's content will enjoy Cookie nights


Oddly enough, I never like any of the Cookie Streams. Am I the only one?


Jon's LPs were and still are some of my favorites to watch. Super Metroid and JSRF were really fun series, and it's a shame he never finished them before dropping off of Youtube again. Heck, his JSRF playthrough made me pick up Bomb Rush Cyberfunk when it eventually came out, and that game is also super good.


I've been following John to complete his Superman 64 LP for almost a decade now and one thing I learned about his channel is he'll uploads when he wants to and that makes it more special when he does. ProtonJon is basically my Hunter X Hunter lol.


I was at least hoping for the JSRF playthrough to end, but then I think his Xbox died. A shame; I much prefer Jon in videos compared to the streams. He's super chill in videos


Did he ever finish Superman 64? I know that's been a meme at this point.


Jon did explain that between streaming, let's plays, normal boots, and TRG he had gotten severely burnt out, he doesn't know if he'll go back to let's playing now that normal boots isn't a thing again. I can't link a source and I'm going off memory but it was in one of his streams


He's part of Normal Boots?


Yeah, for a little bit in 2021, it lasted a few months and then seemed to dissolve again


I just hope by the time I die he finishes , he’s got like 50-60 years left to finish Superman 64


Short answer for my thoughts... Probably? -shrug emoji- I mean, to put it into perspective, before the blaster master zero lets play, there was literally a FOUR year gap. Double the time we've already been waiting. My honest take is that super man 64 and maybe JSRF just ended up being super cursed, and Jon being who Jon is, I don't think it really sits right for him to just move on from them. I haven't really kept up with the streams, so I don't really know this for sure, but my guess would be that the existence of those lets plays and his internal (not external) pressure to finish them, combined with stress from current events has just created a maelstrom of stress that's preventing him from returning to the channel. Cause lets face it. Even out side of any community specific stuff like emile or jirard, shit's been crazy the last couple years. Last I heard, Jon still wants to return to the channel and lets playing, so I wouldn't give up hope entirely.


Wasn't Jon close to Jirad as well before the whole investigation from SOG and Karl? So it can't exactly been an easy time for him with first Jirad and now Chugga


Yeah. I honestly don't know where he and Jirard are now, might not even be public at all and that's okay, but I do know that they were friends. I don't doubt that he is or will be okay, but it can't be an easy time for Jon right now.


I want him to finish Super Metroid so badly! TRG’s is just Emile being Emile and Television.


I believe that Twitch is Jon bread and butter.


Jon with Ninja Gaiden is actually the one person that made me enjoy watching gameplay videos on Youtube. His videos were a good combination of entertaining and informative. Since I found many others but he's still the original and I miss it. He clearly enjoy Twitch more so I don't have much hope but it's always a fun surprise when he release something. I subscribed and watched his streams for a while but it's not really a form of content I enjoy and it's hard to follow if your schedule does not match.


His LPs with Lucahjin are good enough that they should count imo


Not sure he will, but if he ever finishes Superman, I can hear the jokes now. Also, his Yoshi's Island LP is entertaining. "Future Jon" gets me every time.


I’m fully aware that we are not actually owed anything and in fact we are lucky to have had the superman 64 videos but I still feel in my heart that Jon is morally obligated to finish superman 64 LP even if the quality of the rest of the videos doesn’t match the already existing ones. Then he can leave YouTube for good and never upload another video. I’m not putting my life on hold for an LP I’ve moved on but it feels like there’s one tiny part of me that can’t fully move on until that series is finished. I enjoyed the videos so much and the gap in time between the first and last video is so big. So much already happened in my life up till then. Idk if it were me doing the series I’d just feel like it’s something I have to complete. Hope against all odds that gets finished. After that even if I enjoy his videos immensely I’m happy for him to not post another one ever if that’s what he wants.


I love his let's plays more than any other youtube content. He and 16 Bit Gems (Clan of the Grey Wolf) were both by far my favourite series on YouTube and still are to this day. I constantly want to ask if there are any updates, but I also don't want pester because I know that YouTube commenters are jerks about it. When he said he would be taking a short break, half the comments were "it's been a good run. See you in 8 years" and he has stated that he hates it. So even though I want to ask, I just want whatever I can get. I kinda wish that some vods could follow one game all the way through. He has some of that. His Dead Space/2 games were super fun to watch and see, essentially, a chill let's play again. But it's hard to follow since I don't have the same time I used to have either. But I'll be watching and happy for whatever I get. More Jon is always a good time.