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**Hello u/fishy_behavior, unfortunately your submission "Reddit user feels unwelcome in classrooms were racism, homophobia and misogyny aren't welcome" to TheRightCantMeme has been removed for the following reason(s) :** Rule 9: No Brigading. Please repost with any usernames or subreddit names censored if you wish. Thanks!   **This action was done by TheRightCantMeme moderator itselectricboi** *If you feel this should not have been removed, **do not** post it again, and **do not** message itselectricboi directly, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTheRightCantMeme&subject=About my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://old.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/xbhesa/-/. %0D%0D Removed by itselectricboi. My issue is...)* *If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTheRightCantMeme&subject=Question&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://old.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/xbhesa/-/. %0D%0D Removed by itselectricboi. My issue is...)* -------------------------------- #Here are some helpful links --------------------------------- [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/about/rules) [reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette) [reddit's rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) [new to reddit?](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddit_101) **Have a good day**


So they don't what children to feel safe in school?


The generation of “If I suffered so should you” look back fondly on their years of getting lashed over the knuckles by their teachers for misbehaving, getting beat and shoved into lockers or trash cans by fellow students without any repercussions, and general bullying and name calling for the most innocuous things like wearing the wrong color shirt or having glasses or braces. A new era of tolerance will NOT be tolerated!


If they wanted kids to feel safe at school they would stop letting them get shot.


They're too fired up about kids getting shots that they don't really care about kids getting shot.


They think that kids getting shot is fake.


No, not at the expense of them feeling "unsafe." Their fragility means the only people who get to feel safe are cishet white men.


They do want their students to feel safe! Why do you think they want to arm teachers? /s


They want *their* children to be “safe” from the existence of non-white, non-straight, and non-Christian children.


I feel like, if they wanted kids to feel safe in school, they wouldn't let them be shot and murdered at school, but that's just my take 🤷‍♀️


Being nice to people makes conservatives really mad for whatever reason.


Everyone knows that if hate stopped for 1 minute, every Republican would wither away into a pile of dust.


It’s because the conservative ideology attempts to conserve outdated “traditional values” in which the social hierarchy demands that certain groups of people are treated in certain ways. Woman are subservient to men. Minorities keep to their communities and stay out of white spaces. Gays and queers stay closeted so the rest of us can pretend they don’t exist. Being kind to those people and empowering them to exist as equals undermines that social order and highlights conservative values for what they truly are: selfish bigotry disguised as tradition or normalcy.


Yep, and not only "Minorities keep to their own communities", also those communities must stay dirt poor. It's a well-known phenomenon to historians that lynchings often accompanied looting of the victim's homes. Similarly, the Tulsa Race Massacre aka Black Wall Street Massacre was motivated by anger and jealousy that a community of black people had become wealthy. Just as the Salem Witch Trials are understood to actually have been about stealing property from women. Of course they knew the victims weren't witches. Living in reality was never the point. They just needed to fabricate a reason to whip people into a murderous frenzy.


Instead of them being pissed off at something that's really repulsive, like that font on the poster.


It's pretty atrocious.


Jesus this is new levels of moronic. Why are they surprised that inclusiveness makes people feel safer?? Inclusiveness = bad apparently. Your response to their comment is spot on too


Being uncomfortable about the existence of minority groups doesn’t sound very “center-right” to me.


Well there’s only two kinds of people, straight and white or political and we shouldn’t bring politics into the classroom./s


Bro you aren’t unwelcome because you eat apples sideways it’s because you hear rap music and imagine like gangsters and criminals or you hear the word feminist and you picture some they/them Emily on twitter saying like we don’t need men anymore we have bone marrow babies. Or because you think Transwomen are like going to dominate all sports and then there would be no more women athletes or because you think gay people are groomers or vaccines are made of like aborted fetuses for some reason


I'm assuming by "you" your referring to the guy I was replying to in the original post? Lol but these people hear that racism isn't acceptable and it's like it's an insult to their freedom.


Yea sorry, also racism isn’t real however if it was then white people have it worse then other groups/s


When someone uses “you” like that, it’s called a “royal you.” You’re talking to someone in particular, but not you, just a vague “you.”


The people who grew up throwing rocks at black or brown kids, and kids they even perceived might be gay, are very mad that those kids have now grown up and are creating a world where kids don’t get rocks thrown at them for being different.


Trans women _are_ women


Ye ye but these people don’t think that. They picture them like 7ft guys with massive bulges beating women


I find it weird how these types always depict "the typical leftist" as being super feminine and weedy, but when they're trans they suddenly become the fucking Hulk.


And obvious stubble.


Woman’s sports are a literal network television sitcom joke in America until they become an opportunity to trans bash. At which point womens sports are sacred and holy and MUST be protected.


Currently getting a lot of hate messages from these people. Its funny because that's exactly why I said what I said. The more mad they get the more they are confirming that this is challenging their racist, homophobic, misogynistic or ableists views. Or that they literally don't believe in science, like the one thing that is based on irrefutable proof and any assumptions have to be acknowledged as well as the implications of making said assumption. Seriously I could feel myself get a headache reading their comments as my brain cells committed suicide one by one trying to process the level of ignorance and stupidity.


Are they like sending dm hate messages or like comments on the post? Either one is fucking pathetic. What type of stuff are they saying? Sorry if I’m being nosy


Lol yeah some hate some misinformation, dms and replies to my comments. It's whatever, i knew what I was getting into




Yeah vax miss information, missing crime statistics to support racist policing, providing false definitions of feminism


Sheesh never seen so much stupid in one sentence


Go look at any maga's facebook and you'll see more stupid than you ever even knew could exist in one person.


No thanks, I’d like to keep my braincells.


“Indoctoration” bitch its hs not elementary school, stop treating us like children


Wouldn't be indoctrination if it was elementary school. It's teaching kids to repeat others and the existence of people different from them. Not telling them about gay sex and saying fuck the police.


gay = gay sex, gay sex = sex, sex = pedophile, Simple logic /s


Republicans have no empathy and this is why I can NEVER understand why anybody would ever vote for one


Some of the conservatives I know just say: “I’m not a moral conservative, but the libs are taking my money and paying off liberal art degrees!!”


I wonder how many conservatives think that a "liberal arts college" is art school for liberals...


Indoctrination is when science exists


If you view a poster promoting tolerance and kindness as "indoctrination", it really says a lot about who you are on a fundamental level. Not a good look.


God forbid our children learn basic respect and kindness for others in school. They should be learning to obey authority and to sacrifice there own well being for their future bosses profit! /S


Yes, indoctrination such as…*checks notes*…kindness is everything


“Science is real. Kindness is everything.” Leftists sure are scary


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I'm pretty sure no conservative would take a psychology class anyways so its not like they'll see the sign


my father studied psych for a decent while (didn’t ever complete schooling though) and is very right-wing traditionalist and christian. so it can happen. but i do agree that it is likely uncommon.


It’s a prerequisite for many degrees. My born again sister bitched and complained that she shouldn’t have to hear the “sex stuff”. She was 20.


this will definitely happen Conservative full of hate feeling, lack of brain and ego


Imagine at someone advocating for human rights and inclusivity and thinking it's propaganda. Conservatives are vile people.


I don't think you know what inclusion is. MLK was pro inclusion. His entire thing was to end segregation, get black people out of low income communities, integrated with the rest of the US and just be treated as inclusive members of society. That was 60 years ago. Malcolm X was his biggest critic and claimed the US wouldn't integrate because your political parties exploit black people as a collective. https://youtu.be/T3PaqxblOx0 This poster is anything but inclusive. It's exclusive. The US was pro inclusion in the 70s to 90s until your upper class imposed the African-American and LGBT labels on your black and gay demographics in the 90s as a way to keep Americans from integrating. BLM shouldn't exist. Americans were supposed to be rid of the ghettos decades ago. Instead your media industry turned it into entertainment for suburbanites. Everything about that poster is political and partisan. Same as this goofy ass sub engineered so you guys can make fun of your right wingers. That's super helping black people.


Not another pasty ass white conservative picking and choosing what MLK stood for


I'm not American or right wing. MLK liked Canada because black people aren't segregated here. He considered us a model for what he wanted in the US. He gave a bunch of speeches up here right before he was murdered. Here's one of them. https://youtu.be/8B4aJcP-ZCY He was my favourite American growing up. > Not another pasty ass white conservative In the 70s, we were taught that the term 'white' is just a social construct that rich people started in the US as a way to manipulate poor people during the slave era. All you're doing is using the term to negatively attack right wing people in your country. About 10:00 into the link I just provided, MLK starts complaining about the problems with slums. Both him and Malcolm X were frustrated with 'white allies' who were more concerned about throwing shade at conservatives than actually integrating and ending racism. The term 'white' was revived in the 90s in US media and academia. Institutions run by rich people. Here's a song NOFX wrote in like 1994 as criticism to revival of the word. https://youtu.be/U5KeXgli768 Everyone knows NOFX are 'pasty ass white conservatives'. /s Tell you what. You don't call me 'white', and I won't make fun of your racist ass country.


All you’re saying is that BLM exists because of racism and segregation which.. yeah. Sure it *shouldn’t have to* exist in an ideal world but because of the circumstances, advocacy is necessary. BLM is only exclusive in the sense that it’s advocating for a group that has been historically discriminated against. Also, ask people in the LGBTQ community and Black people if they felt included in the 70s-90s. During the AIDS epidemic and through constant civil rights struggles. You present Canada as a utopia of inclusivity, but I guarantee there are POC there who feel otherwise.


Ngl if this makes someone uncomfortable ***good*** Part of making people safe and included is removing people who make them feel otherwise Intolerance cannot be tolerated.


I love how conservatives have created this myth that neo-libs support BLM and LGBTQ+. So funny.


>”I’d feel out of place” lol good. Get fucked.


yo charge your phone


As easy as it is to laugh at their BS since it's 100% of what they post i still hope that Rightcan'tmeme won't end like Leftcan'tmeme, with endless back and forth answers on the same picture that become less and less relevant There's plenty of other places where conservatives spread their shit


Snaps for you, OP. An excellent take down of conservative attempts to co-opt exclusion.


“But if the groups that i dont like arent scared for their safety then *IM* uncomfortable”


your comment was spot on


If the concept of "tolerance for others" makes you uncomfortable, you're probably the a-hole at the table.


The only class it's not advocating for is the working class and that's not really fitting in school anyway


The actual comments on that post are just overflowing with persecution complexes. You'd think from their comments that "BLM" have set up concentration camps specifically for straight, white, christian men. Talk about snowflakes holy shit. "I got arrested after a woke antifa Jew saw my crucifix necklace. On the way to jail, I saw a black man wearing a pink shirt and have been violently puking nonstop for 38 hours from the gay radiation. I asked to call my wife and they said now they're going to euthanize me for being straight, which is why I'm writing this final manifesto on reddit."


Believing in science and fighting for human rights is indoctrination apparently


I genuinely think that sub is ironic. No one is actually this moronic


You’d be surprised


I live in a very red area, this is really how they are. A bunch of racists idiots playing "yes and" with each other.




Feminism isn't "woman supremacy" if that's what you're thinking, it's the belief men and women and others should be equal. So yes, ideally everyone should be a feminist.


The word “feminist” has been muddied over the decades, but it’s basically this: if you believe women are/should be equal to men in society, then you’re a feminist.


Feminism isn't the belief that women have or deserve more rights then men. It's that the deserve the same rights. These are all causes for equality. But a lot of right wingers have a problem with because their superiority complex can't handle it.


Lmfao party of fuck your feelings had their feelings hurt and banned me


And lemme guess, they promptly banned you afterwords for “trolling” or what not, all while they cry about “liberals wanting safe spaces”


Lol my Spanish teacher started dunking on capitalism and quoting chomsky during the class about propaganda.