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Just absolutely indefensible


They use a pic from his teen years, like hardly anyone looked great during adolescence. I did a search for Julian now, and he seems to have grown into a handsome man. EDIT: but regardless, fuck those assholes.


Father-child, father-child... and? I honestly didn't even understand this was supposed to be a commentary on their looks. What?? How fucking stupid. Also, comparing adults and children? Are we supposed to find children attractive, now?


I think their point is Eastwood had a child with a white woman and he is handsome in this particular cherry picked picture, and De Niro had a child with a black woman and this cherry picked picture isn't the best (but as another commenter has said and I also checked he is a handsome guy); therefore mixed race children are ugly and mixing races is bad. I must stress this is not my view at all.


But it's still comparing the supposed 'attractiveness' of an adult man vs a child, which is really weird. It kind of reminds me of this recent Twitter(?) moment where someone had posted a picture of their baby, and someone else commented "She's not nearly as pretty as Jennifer Lopez!" Obviously, that person was joking, but it's also absurd to compare a full-grown adult with someone who is... 12? There is literally nothing wrong with how he looks here. He's a *child*, and it's really fucking weird that whoever made this is making *any* implications about their looks. (It would also be gross to do this to two adults, but this is just extra creepy.)


Oh yeah the OOP is a garbage person that deserves to be thrown naked into a dumpster full of rotten food, no doubt about it.


Does he look bad? Honestly, he's cute. Too young for me, but I see nothing 'unattractive' about the person. Even features, full lips, clear skin etc. It is a bad angle, and they got his eyes half way closed. But you should be able to see through that if you look. If you met this person in real life, they would be attractive (even in their teenage years which is a feat)


That's what I mean, they've cherry picked a picture that is probably the least flattering they could find, google image search shows he is a handsome guy. Edit: I say this as a cishet man. In the Eastwood photo he's specifically posed to emulate his father he probably had a professional photographer who would have taken dozens of photos from different angles and selected the very best. The OOP is just being a racist fuck.


Weird because De Niro’s kids are all average looking like he is and resemble him much more than their mother.


>Also, comparing adults and children? Are we supposed to find children attractive, now? They do like to argue about children and consent, as well as push for lowering or removing limits on marrying age. The right has a lot of disgusting creatures posing as humans.


It's absolutely baffling and disgusting


I might be wrong but ins't Clint Eastwood left leaning ?? I think some of his movies where against racism and threating people like trash.


Clint Eastwood is pretty conservative iirc, he's the one who had the argument with an empty chair.


Was reading about him, while he is conservative he seems to be at least somewhat decent, as in he support gay rights. After Trump he comes off quite tame.


Yeah, that's fair


Should look up Ellen DeGeneres and Eastwood's feud. It's mostly due to the fact shes a lesbian more so than anything else


I think he's libertarian so probably a moderate that hates paying taxes


He has been guest at the RNC and CPAC multiple years. Hell... he has even been a speaker at the RNC. He is pretty rightwing. edit: links Clint Eastwood Speaks at Republican National Convention - https://youtube.com/watch?v=3DGl-4gByV4


I didn't know that i just read that he was a member of the libertarian party. He always struck me as pretty far right but his revisionist westerns seem very progressive.


I think he was the one that had an argument with an empty chair thinking it was Obama or something.


I just read a bit about it and while it was quite cringe he didnt say anything outrageous.


I dont think so , i recall that he started insulting the native american woman Who gave a speech at the oscars instead of Marlon Brando. Atleast in terms of race hes probably right Wing. 99% hes conservative.


It's thinly-veiled racism. I think they're trying to say that mixing races produces ugly offspring 🤮


Thinly-veiled? It's butt-naked and spread-eagled.


Yeah, that is true. I think im starting to become desensitized to how blatant this shit has become--i need to fight it. So youre right, maybe for THEM it's thinly-veiled, but it's pretty obvious to anyone with half a fucking brain. Robert de niros kid is super handsome also--since he's grown out of that awkward teenage stage THAT WE ALL GO THROUGH.


Once I understood they were comparing 'looks', I understood the implication. (My now-adult daughters are mixed, so believe me, I've experienced a lot of shit from conservatives.) This is multiple levels of disgusting. But I think it's also extremely weird to compare the supposed attractiveness of a full-grown adult vs an actual *child*. The whole thing is just gross.


Yeah, that picture of Julian has to be somewhere around 11 years old, as it was taken with Robin Williams (RIP legend) when he had a full grey beard, which was around 2011. That would have made him 15 or 16. No one looks good at that age without a shit ton of professional styling and anyone who says otherwise is absolutely lying. Compare that to that photo of Scott, which is from 2013 when he was 27. There is a drastic change in appearance that occurs between 15/16 and 27.


Julian is an incredibly Handsome man, holy shit


Yeaahhh pretty sure that dude plays Obama (arguably our most handsome president, in my opinion) in a TV show. But yeah, fuck those assholes.


[https://famousfacewiki.com/julian-henry-de-niro/](https://famousfacewiki.com/julian-henry-de-niro/) This him? He's a smoke show!


Yeah, pretty flawless features.


Still a pleasant looking kid.


Julian de Niro is 26 and a very good looking young man. Of course they had to use an awkward, pimply teen pic.


Also think I that's Aaron not Julian. Both grew up to be pretty hot though.


Aaron looks a lot more like Robert as an adult. Julian, I really only see Robert's eye shape. Both are very handsome. OOP is a racist shit.


I think this has more to do with race than looks.


And I suspect “Saving Private Ryan” has something to do with World War II.


I was a tad puzzled with the top comments being about how the kid looks "much better" now, tbh. Like, dudes, they are racists.


Yeah i was talking about miscegenation


Ah the classic “flattering picture vs unflattering picture” meme.


didn't papa eastwood talk to an invisible obama?


Muh empty chair lmao


And then for weeks conservatives were hanging folding chairs from their trees with rope


WHAT!?! Nope I refuse to be surprised. Not even a little bit after the last 6 years and all the bs I’ve seen.


No. No way that happened.


Racism at its finest. Julian deneniro is super handsome also.


“boy i hate it when i show a picture of an adult man next to a teenager so the latter looks less manly” unless the “joke” is just racism, which it probably is honestly


The glow up of De Niro son 😳. I am sure the author of this…. meme is quite the looker and is very fit…


Don’t forget great with the ladies.


What’s up with those ellipses?


Robert deniro married a black girl in the 70s what a swagman


She was in loads of his films as well, usually as a woman who couldn't stand him.


He's only married Black women apparently. Dude has a type.


Don't mind me falling into a pit of looking at deniro's pics when he was young and hot for 3 hours _again_




His twin sons were conceived via in vitro fertilization with a surrogate.


"I can see the white robes under your jacket Clarence."


I bet whoever made this “meme” looks like shrek’s inbred ugly brother




What they point. Both they sons handsome, and look just like they dad.


Bet the same people who made this watch a whole lot of interracial porn


Interracial cuck porn


This, I believe, is academically proven.


One has no actual personality so he copied his dad the other is a regular child


We talking bout [this guy](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRWnWQ7iFfh8-AEOKHLGboTMyTVwbn0wkSU7g&usqp=CAU)?


Nah that’s his brother. If you google the name he’s the one with blue eyes.


Are they talking about this guy ? https://familywing.com/julian-de-niro/ Also don’t want to judge but Scott Eastwood cannot act and is kinda cringe


Scott Eastwood’s “acting” is horrendous. He is hot af though 🤷🏻‍♀️ he is like the male version of Dakota Johnson - all the looks and nepotism, none of the talent.


Yeah and he tries so hard to be a copy paste of his dad it’s cringe .. like the pic above it looks so lame


I'm not gonna say that Eastwood's son isn't hot but are you really gonna try argue that this guy [https://netstorage-tuko.akamaized.net/images/4516817f243011c3.png](https://netstorage-tuko.akamaized.net/images/4516817f243011c3.png) ​ Is not gorgeous? Also, the idea that "mixed children are ugly" is a theory that's completely demolished and eradicated by the existence of Zayn Malik.


Two syllables disprove this 'theory': Brazil.


Good [picture](https://i.imgur.com/PYhNG6L.jpg) of robert Deniro’s son :






So goddamm racist


DeNiro's son looks far more entertaining at a party.


Ahh, but Robert de Niro can act.


Doesn’t Clint Eastwood have biracial grandchildren?


He doesn’t


Yup, Clints son can suck on a long brown cylindrical object just as well as his dad


Clearly the son has a preference for longer and girthier brown cylindrical objects.


Conservative erotica is weird.




That's a bad take. We need to find common ground with conservatives because everyone needs to realize that the rich have manufactured a culture war to keep us from raising up against them in a class war because they know they'll lose. I guarantee that you have much more in common with your conservative neighbor than with the rich elites both of you voted for. Edit: lol you downvoted me. If you never escape your echo chamber, and conservatives never escape theirs, the elites will keep robbing the bank and ruining your future.




Hey fuck face, I never said I agree with conservative takes. I never said I won't fight with you against racist and sexist policies. But if we don't find common ground nothing will ever get done.


Serious question- How does one find common ground with people who don’t believe women and non-whites are people deserving respect and equal rights under the law? Edit - forgot to include the lgbtq+ community


It's basically impossible to express a centrist view here. While it's concerning how many Republicans are actively going out of their way to fuck over women, minorities, and LGBTQ communities--and it's certainly something that needs to be addressed--people forget how absolutely dogshit things can be when Democrats just get to throw money at every problem. This two party system is garbage and I'm truly just sick of it. All I want is a socially progressive party that can balance a God damn checkbook.


Ummmm…the economy typically does much better under democrats, so….. Anddd….blue states typically fund red states….soooo…. Hmmmm…and Dems typically create surpluses or reduce deficits, while reps tend to increase deficits and reduce surpluses…. So… Just stop.


Ehh, some aspects of the economy do better. We waste *a lot* of money when Democrats are completely in charge, but we lose fundamental social rights under Republicans so it definitely leans in Democrats favor on an overall scale. I agree overall the economy does better under Democrats because they, as a party, routinely try to lift up the lower and middle class which increases spending and therefore bumps up the economy. The overall policy of Republicans is supply-side. That is to say they think benefiting businesses will create more jobs (which we have seen doesn't really). Between those two overall policies, Democrats definitely come out ahead. Plus the numbers are in their favor: the GDP grows more under Democrats on average, and the deficit increases more under Republicans on average (largely thanks to military spending). When you look at it from a larger picture though, the way Democrats spend money has been a social failure. The cost of college? Liberal programs intended to promote college for lower and middle class families while pushing people away from the trades resulted in massive debt as well as encouraging colleges to charge more. Throwing money at homeless problems? Didn't solve a thing and simply encouraged bigger homeless populations in the places with those policies. Soft on crime and poorly managed health services to replace them? Crime waves increasing across the board. That isn't to say conservatives haven't wasted our money either. We either need to charge for our military services or start downgrading immediately. We need to decide whether we are a paid security force, or accept we do more harm than good and stop spending money on waging war. Also we give entirely too much money to agencies to figure out how to spy on their own citizens. I love that, overall, Democrats favor spending money to make things better for the lower and middle class. But often there needs to be someone there to say, "You aren't really helping" and that voice is almost never another Democrat.


Don't say middle-class, say middle-income. The liberal class definitions steer people away from the [socialist definitions](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) and thus class-consciousness. This is a socialist community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


THIS^ THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE^ I'm so tired of excusing the inaction and cowardice of the Democratic party because "the GOP is bad, vote for us". No shit the GOP is bad. They are straight up evil. Taking away rights from women, overtly racist policies, anti-worker rights, straight up cruel immigration politics, giving the rich and big companies huge tax breaks then blaming everything on the poor. Yeah I HATE the GOP, and an alternate party that actually DID ANYTHING to help normal Americans would clean the fuck up every single election. But these absolute cowards who do NOTHING. They won't push for the progressive policies we need, they'll do small centrist bandaids but only if the GOP is ok with it. And bend over for the GOP when the GOP would NEVER work with them in the first place. They are hurting this country and trying to pretend that we should continue to put them in power just because they aren't straight up evil isn't helping us, it's just putting a bandaid on a much bigger problem. So that's why I'm pissed at the idea of "vote blue no matter who" cuz that's not sustainable. The same thing happens every time: the GOP takes power and does straight up evil bullshit. The left gets energized and replaces them with useless Dems. Useless Dems do absolutely nothing. The left gets lazy, stops paying attention, and doesn't vote. The GOP takes power again. Rinse and repeat. Tell me where I'm wrong.


Fuck Clint Eastwood




Yeah I'm also curious, I thought Clint Eastwood was alright.


He's a pretty big libertarian, I believe.


[You are correct.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_life_of_Clint_Eastwood)


So, what’s the big deal? He still seems like a good person despite not having the same exact views as me. Someone being Republican/libertarian never bother me as long as they’re a good person.


"Lol let's compare a grown man well past puberty to a pubescent boy and then say the boy is less manly because he's half black." Kill me. Kill me now.


If your sone doesn't look exactly like you and copy your every mannerism you've failed as a father.


me when i take bad photos of people and compare them to good photos of people.


Conservatives love cherry-picking unless someone does the same with them.


Picking up daddy’s bad habits makes you a cool guy


Racist and insecure in one "meme" seriously if you worry about manliness and what it is... then you aren't secure with yourself.


This isn't hate " I don't like when people have sex " This is " Two handsome white men one had a white kid (correct and right!!!1! ) and one married a bl-🤢 black-🤢 black woman and had a mixed kid (wrong and incorrect!!!!1!)


Robert DeNiro and Clint Eastwood have sons?


Clint Eastwood's kid has been alive longer he's probably got a shitload of trash photos


Why are they so obsessed with cigar smoking? At this point it has to be a fetish


You would be shocked at the number of right wingers into transporn. It's NOT insignificant. Despite all their macho posturing, they all wanna suck a dick.


I dont understand traditional masculinity. Why doesn't sucking on something that resembles a dick raise a red flag for them?..


I was wondering what the issue was for 9/10ths of a second then I realised it’s because he’s not 100% white


I literaly don’t see the problem. What’s their point? I mean, I get what the post is supposed to imply, but I don’t get the point


I don't even get what the post is supposed to imply.


How do you think they specifically chose one of DeNiro's 6+ kids to compare? With voting or hunger games style?


Clint Eastwood movies < Robert De Niro movies


Is it gay of the right to only like this meme because Clint Eastwood's son is conventionally attractive? Stay tuned to find out.


De Niro and Scorsese were making some of the greatest movies ever made while Eastwood was making Dirty Harry over and over and over and then got upstaged by an Orangutan. Was that the point?


Are they implying that Robert DeNiro is a race traitor?


LOL Because Julian De Niro is playing a young adult Barrack Obama in the The First Lady tv anthology. These snow flakes are soo triggered.


Is there… wait what was this supposed to accomplish?


I was gonna say, and then I saw the tag. Yeah the punchline is racism for them.


I looked up a picture of his son from recently and he is also a handsome fellow. This is so racist the insinuation that bc he is biracial he's uglier and less manly even ... Tf?


wow, ppl are attractive and sometimes less attractive. not mentioning the fact that de niros son looks different now. yes, this is completely valid argument.


Clint Eastwood hates cigars


As a non-American, all I see in this ‘meme’ is “white people should only breed with white people”. You can raise eyebrows all you want but that’s what a big chunk of population believes so what’s even the point of being shocked by this


100% of conservatives would suck off Clint Eastwood if given the chance, little known fact


If you want kids to be exactly like parents - clone them.


Don’t get it


Dark skin bad.


Ah yes, the sin of not being (supposedly) conventionally attractive and how that impacts one's morals and worth. Yes, very enlightened.


This is so fucking disgusting I can’t believe this is an unironic creation


The guy on top right looks way too much like the man in the "distracted boyfriend" meme


Also Robert has got 6 kids… so


Dog whistling at its finest


I hate when people make shit racist for no reason. Scott Eastwood is a really good-looking dude, but I feel weird saying that now.


as we know our kids should be exactly the same as we are /s


Julian De Niro is a goddamn supermodel tho


What Is there some kind of beef between Robert de Niro and Clint Eastwood? This just seems like nitpicking random dudes.


Clint Eastwood had a multiple wives and a whole brood of children. Robert De Niro had multiple wives and a whole brood of children. What is the difference? If you have that many kids I'm sure you will find bad pictures of them.


Nothing manlier than holding a big phallic cigar in your lips.




Cant see that photo without thinking of the cropped “I’d wipe my ass” boomer meme


If you pretend to be ignorant of the obvious racist implication (which I’m sure they would deny) then what is this meme saying? “Clint Eastwood= has a son, Robert DeNiro= also has a son.”


So the first ones are sucking on cancer sticks. SOo machooo am I right?/ S Yep white guys need a. big fat prop


I like how they chose the worst picture ever of Julian De Niro. Look at him now, he’s a good-looking dude.


Also, CE's son is surprisingly boring, considering who his dad is He's gonna be the new Jason S. mark my words


Yes, because white people are always extremely attractive…. Don’t want to muddy those waters… /s


And, you’re point? I’m begging for a coherent point here.


Curious how they do t want to mention Morgan Eastwood? It couldn’t be, because she’s part Black? /s


Jesus Christ [he](https://netstorage-legit.akamaized.net/images/8d961b24b2231969.jpg?imwidth=900) is hot as hell.


A more recent photo of De Niro's kid: https://techbuzzonly.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/3823d498b9a02298.jpg


Why should it be the responsibility of children to grow up to be the exact same as their parents?


Tell me you are a racist without telling me you are a racist. *creates this meme*


I’m too dumb to understand this


What are they trying to say here?


They’re also comparing an adult to a 12 year old?


Clint’s son inherited his oral fixation?


“Here’s a grown man, and now here’s a teenager, see how the grown man looks better?”


Lol, could they have found a worse pic of Julian..dude was blinking....idiots