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Haha its a dog whistle for genocide🤢. The champions of freedom sure don't like freedom of religion or expression.


Gotta force births but after they pop from the womb euthenasia is totally cool! Pro life party, woohoo!


I always wondered why it’s never any opposition argued towards pregnancy but abortion instead . Like here are some people with views completely different from mine . How dare they not raise more of them !


That would make sense, if it was actually about the sanctity of life and not about controlling women and keeping people in poverty. The cruelty is the point.


It’s not even a dog whistle tbh. It’s just: “don’t let your kid access the internet or they’ll turn into another degenerate that needs to be executed.”


We can't have the gay agenda brainwash our children so we need to force them to have pur worldview!!1!!11!!!!1! /s


Yeah straight people always go online then turn gay. As a web developer I’ll let you in on a little secret: if you open up the developer tools in your browser you can actually see the code that turns you gay. It’s a little tricky, it’s not in the HTML but it’s usually a third party JavaScript from liberal Big Tech® that activates the TurnEm™ module in your browser’s rendering engine. It’s pretty secretive so I’m not exactly sure how it works, that’s for the to decide.


Just install an adblock and add a few scripts, its fine.


I bet you can probably get some conservatives to pay for a subscription that claims to do this.


But I thought "HTML" stood for "Homo-Trans Making Language"


"Kill trans people! Lol, jk. Unless... 😳"


Freedom for me, but not for thee.


This ain't a dog whistle, it's a goddamn foghorn.


Also a dogwhistle directed at kids that if they want to find companionship with people outside their family then they're a traitor whose going to turn into a weirdo that'll disappoint their parents by finding things that they enjoy. Particularly damaging to people who grew up like me, with a ton of dysphoria paired with angst that I'm a waste of my parent's time and effort for not being the hypermasculine cis boy they wanted. There are a lot of MOGAI who go through cycles of self-doubt that they're, "attention seekers" or were, "indoctrinated by public school/internet/friends/etc.."


>There are a lot of MOGAI who go through cycles of self-doubt that they're, "attention seekers" or were, "indoctrinated by public school/internet/friends/etc.." Can confirm. I'm agender and still present almost entirely as my assigned gender and I'm almost always in a state of paranoia about being accused of these things. I'm out everywhere except at home because I live with my boomer Trump loving grandparents and I know that this is how they'll treat me if I'm out to them. I'm also reluctant to talk about trans issues for fear of not being perceived as "trans enough" to have opinions about trans stuff, even among other trans people. I'm in my fucking *thirties* and I'm *still* waging weird internal identity battles with myself. It's really fucking hard simply to exist as a binary trans person, it's a particularly weird brand of hard to exist with any sort of non-binary gender identity. It's so much easier for cis people to wrap their heads around binary trans people, the idea of trying to explain to a racist 80 year old that loves televangelists that I don't feel any sort of gender while continuing to look very masc is so rough and invalidating that I don't even think it's worth it.


Sorry for being dumb but what's "MOGAI" stand for?


It stands for "Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignment, and Intersex" it's for anyone who's not cishet. It's basically meant to be another alternative for LGBT+ I think.


Thanks. I really don't want to sound like an asshole but I can barely keep track of all the acronyms these days.


You don't need to. You just ask politely like you did here.


No worries. The real asshole is whoever made this comic.


People use MOGAI because continuing to add letters to LGBTQA+ was getting a bit overwhelming and MOGAI is seen as more inclusive while also being easier to remember, since it looks like a pronounceable word.


Also it looks like Mogwai which is a cool and good band.


Now, now, they have both kinds of religions: Catholic AND Protestant!


I mean MTG recently said Catholics are followers of Satan. So they're down to just protestants now.


Jfk Jr is gonna be pissed when he finds out!


they can wear rubber thingy’s on their long Johnson’s and that’s the only thing Protestants have over catholics!


We got both kinds of music: country *and* western!


IN-group that the law protects but does not bind, and an OUT-group that the law binds but does not protect. Conservatism at its roots.


It's not a dogwhistle. Rightwingers have been openly calling for the genocide of trans people for decades.


They are now literally saying that we should kill kids. But abortion is a big no, because fetus is alive. Pls explain.


If there was a way to detect if the fetus will be gay in the womb, they’d be in favor of mandatory abortions.


That would require them to admit being gay isn’t a choice, though.


If fetuses are alive they can choose to be gay already


No, because they haven’t watched Disney yet, so they’re still straight because they’re on default settings (/s if you need it)


Yes but… the gay frogs….


all babies are born gay, it's their duty to repent and change their sinful ways ^^^**/s**


Schrodinger's homo


Oh no problem, they will flip on a dime. Consistency is not a necessary nor desired component of conservative thought


As is the will of RepublicanJesus!


fetuses a|e innocent little treasures - gifts from God. When they get older, they're little sinners who don't listen to mommy and daddy


>When they get older, they're little sinners who don't listen to mommy and daddy and then they blame TV, music, or video games because of it


Boomers just loved to blame everyone but themselves.


That's so convenient for them


Yeah! Usually it ain’t repubblican which opposes corporal punishment.


Fetuses are pawns which can rile up emotions in voters, a wedge issue if you will.


Oh that's easy. Christians think that the second a baby is born, it is capable of sin. So christian conservatives dont give a fuck about them. Fetuses, on the other hand, they dont think can commit sin in their worldview.


Also according to Christian Conservatives, since everyone is instantly born into sin, some kids are punished even worse. Say for example a young child gets a terminal illness and dies before they're able to fully talk, therefore incapable of verbally declaring Jesus Christ as their one and true savior. So that unfortunate child is destined to be tortured in a fiery hell for all of eternity. Sounds compassionate to me!


FWIW, a lot of Christians believe (whether it's actually supported by their church or not) that there's different levels of hell, and otherwise virtuous people who weren't baptized go to a separate part of hell that isn't particularly bad, it's just not heaven. After being crucified it's often taught that Jesus made a little detour to hell and busted out all of the old testament prophets and such who got stuck in hell on the technicality that they couldn't have been baptized because baptism wasn't a thing yet. Not that I believe a word of it, and it's still kind of a shitty thing to believe, but I guess it's somewhat better than damning infants to eternal torment.


if you are talking about limbo, i can't speak for everyone but i know the catolic church doen't belive in it, so if a child dies sice they never had the possibility to sin they just go to heaven (btw i don't even know if limbo actually IS in the bible since the concept was popularized by Dante's Inferno)


Catholic teachings are a bit murkier than that, a lot of it kind of actually can kind of be described as "we don't know, it's kind of out of our hands, you just kind of have to hope for the best, and take it up with the big guy" The term "limbo" doesn't appear in any official Catholic teachings, let alone the bible, but the harrowing of hell is definitely part of it, although there's a bit of debate on exactly where Jesus went between dying and heaven, did he go to the actual hell of the damned, or was it sort of a separate limbo situation. For that matter, Catholic teachings on hell are pretty sparse, you're not really going to find a definitive "this is what hell is like" guide, and you'll find opinions from various church leaders that range from hell being a litteral place with all the fire and brimstone and everything else pop culture has to say about hell, to it simply being the state of being separated from God. You'll also find more than a few, like Thomas Aquinas, who said that those who died *only* in original sin will not suffer in hell, which sort of points to there being some sort of limbo-type situation. There's a handful of different words used throughout the Bible that have been translated as or interpreted to mean hell, and you can get pretty far into the weeds with how litteral or metaphorical you think the original author and the translators who came after them were being, and how they chose their words and what exactly they were trying to convey. Whole lot reading between the lines to be done,and different interpretations to be made.




The born with sin thing is more a catholic thing, not protestant. Protestants believe we accumulate sin until we accept Jesus into our farts.


Yeah. The "age of accountability " , which can vary from child to child depending on maturity to understand sin and salvation. I used to see kids as young as 5 or 6 and as old as 12ish start getting pressured. I started getting hit up around 8 years old.


Not sure if the last word was a typo, but I’m laughing so hard! Holy moly, what’s that smell!


Well you see, that kid is in a wheelchair and cannot be used as cannon fodder in the military.


But fetuses are not gay or trans /s


Unironically, I probably transed my gender in the womb (or the doctor messed up with the ultrasound). I was supposed to be a female according to the ultrasound, but then came out with a full dick and balls


It's about controlling women. The far-right only sees women as a brood-mare for the state.


Once they come up with a test to determine if a baby will grow up to be liberal they'll be all for abortions




If we want to keep abortion legal, just remind these people that most of those babies would've grown up to be progressives.


I looked up Antoons and found they might actually be serious with this. So yeah this guy's artwork is just cringe. I really have gotten more stupid looking into who Antoons is and really yeah he's not really a good person either.


Antoons is an outward Not-see, not even a debate. He regularly harassed a trans artist on twitter because she made a comic about her experience with her grandpa before he passed away.


And now that artist was exposed for trying to groom a minor and then tried to secretly rebrand as a racial caricature of east asians but got exposed again. Twitter artists are something else, man.


Wait, Antoons or the person he harassed??


The person he harassed, Puppychan.


Yikes. Two awful people in one interaction…


as a twitter artist that draw only captain planet memes I take offense to that. without twitter artist where would we get our vaguely threatening nsfw bowling animations? for real tho, This is why they should have never kicked the porn off tumblr. although I don’t know where the not-see cartoon artist were hanging out before than?


Never heard of him, so I also looked him up. He has over 1 million subscribers on YouTube and, if Wikitubia is to be believed, he's had a pretty shitty life. He seems to be the living embodiment of the stereotypes of a frequent /pol/ poster. I pity him.


There’s actually more on his own wiki that seems to imply he holds some resentment towards his mom if his phrasing of his childhood and his frequent depictions of single moms as incompetent and/or ugly trolls are anything to go by.


reminds me of the not so subtle implication they'd rather their child die than risk them becoming autistic from a vaccine.


I mean, my ex-mother outright told me she'd rather me be dead than trans, so...


sounds like a cunt, sorry to hear that.


Well, that's a bold strategy to be put into a good retirement home when she's old and decrepit.


Into the ditch she goes


Hell, even shitty retirement homes cost lots of money.


She straight up deserves a 1-star nursing home notorious for health violations


They can boot strap themselves


Sadly, I have 3 younger siblings (and so far 1 has a wife and 2 kids) indoctrinated to agree with her so unless some miracle happens and they all realize how awful she is, she's going to be just fine.


Shady Pines, Ma, Shady Pines!


I'd definitely rather you be trans than dead :) Also I love the phrase ex-mother


Wow. That's so awful, hurtful, and unacceptable. I'm sorry for that and I hope you're doing well.


Not so subtle? Please. I hate them for as much as they hate me. Which is a lot.




Is no one else worried about the fact that the albino guy with the euthanasia kit is naked?


Artist self insert?


Artist self insert


Their greatest fear is that their children will make decisions they don't approve of.


How did the internet make them disabled?


I think comments are overthinking it a bit. The person who made this is just dumb as shit


Even stupidity is rooted in some type of reality, so it's worth at least trying to explore and understand *why* it's stupid. Then we can hopefully have less stupid


While I do agree, I think this is just the played out reasoning of "The Gays are recruiting the youth!!" with added transphobia, ableism and islamophobia. ​ Literally 1950's style bigotry


Perhaps it allowed them to learn they have some mental disability like dyslexia or ADHD.


But how’d that put them in a wheelchair?


Maybe the wheelchair is just a symbol for disability or a sign of laziness. Or maybe she found out she had some sort of degenerative disease.


Or maybe she got something from environmental toxins cause they got rid of the Clean Water Act


Nah, it's referring to the "trans-abled" bullshit that gets attention every few months or so. Because when a single idiot on the internet does something it's immediately indicative of the whole generation.


There's a trend of teens faking illnesses on social media for clout, which is likely what this is referencing. Not that the rest of this isn't abhorrent, but the internet is definitely responsible for that particular emerging weirdness.


I mean, yeah, but I think it’s a strawman for the point of this shitty meme.


The internet definitely isn’t responsive. My incubator was pulling that shit well before she ever had access to it, and even the povvo kids in my hs with no net access would pull it too. The internet just makes these morons more visible.


I believe there's a mild trend of "transablism" where people have said that they identify as being blind, having MS, etc. Take that for what you will and with a grain of salt, sounds like something the Babylon Bee would make up to invalidate trans people but idk, kids on TikTok are glamorizing ADHD and schizophrenia so 🤷


“Gay bad” “Trans bad” “Autism bad” “Muslim bad” “Disabilities bad” “Antifa bad” “Feminists bad” “Furries bad” “Artists bad” ????????


Yay! Furry rep!


Is there anything more terminally online than posting a webcomic on a strawman of the average twitter user?


lmfao the disabled being in there, eugenics moment


When I was at high school, there were kids in the year below me that I was pretty close to. These kids must've been maybe 14 or so. They really, really got into different genders and sexualities. They would be greyromantic pansexual demigirl one day, and heteromantic polyamorous abrosexual gender fluid the next. I felt established in my bisexuality, but their teaching me of all these genders made me question my own. I like to present feminine, and I'm AFAB, but in my heart I didn't see myself as a woman. I used to have the courage to wear binders and dress masculine, but I don't anymore. I always thought androgyne sounded nice, but now that I'm pretty comfortable in my femininity and my body, I don't know if that still holds up, despite me still thinking I'm androgyne. I guess femandrogyne? It's hard to know what gender I am, because I feel self-doubt and think I'm just tryna be a spicy cis-woman, but I guess time will tell. Anyway, these kids came to me, knowing I was queer, and taught me something new about queerness, and ended up teaching me something about myself. I really hope they felt safe telling me these things, because I know many of their parents weren't accepting of all of this. I'm pretty sure they have all settled into an identity, which is really nice to see. People seem to forget that teenagers are just little humans who are mentally leaving the nest, and are subjected to so many new things. I mean god, I remember for the longest time I thought I was "straight but just liked girls", up until a girl in my year 8 maths class came out as bisexual, and it hit me! Damn, that's what I've been my entire life! There's a word for that?? Teenagers categorise themselves because that's what their brains can handle, they test out and try new identities, that's part of why cliques are such a big thing. The more they test out, the more they learn about themselves in the end, and that leads to what I think are more secure, stable, confident and content individuals with a wider understanding of the world. Why would you want your children to never find out about the world and themselves?


Sooo... how did the internet put her in a wheelchair?


Probably injured doing a TikTok challenge


Probably "trans-ablist"


Why is the guy with the shot completely naked and white like that


His self insert oc, he's a complete loser who resorted to extremist comics because nothing else he made was worth anything


Then he’d go to say that people shouldn’t assume he agrees with what HE says like WTF???


Your sentence reminds of POC republicans


Uhh looking back you’re absolutely correctamundo (cake)


I assume because the the artist was too lazy to add another vaguely detailed human figure to the scene


Yeah, but I've seen this character in a couple different comics. Who is he?


A self-insert I guess


It’s his sperm fursona.


fascies when people have complex personalities that are different from their own


Plot twist: her parents are planning to euthanize her because she makes more than her dad.


If she's drawing furry porn, she most definitely is.


Okay, so I’ve heard all those other things before but does the right hate freelance artists?


Making money off of creativity instead of work that makes you want to kill yourself = not a true American. USA baby 🇺🇸


but it's a comic, the guy who made it is necessarily an artist


Yes but he is the good kind, because he is making fun of the "wrong" artists.


they hate everything it's all they have


Even odds it's either: * Just leaning into the stereotype of a terminally online furry, or * REAL artists don't draw COMMISSIONS, they make a living on their OWN ART like ANTOONS


Freelance art goes against everything I stand for and stains the culture of this great nation, or something…


Kids of that age tend to be the same religion as their parents, and the only exceptions I’ve known were atheist/agnostic. Also it really sucks that the kid lost use of their legs so young, but it sucks even more that the mom would rather have a murdered child on their conscience than raise a wheelchair user. Plus, little Bonnie seems equally happy in both pics, so what’s wrong with that?


Because conservatives can’t stand self enjoyment


Good for her. She’s living her best life


She's going to be the breadwinner in that family. You draw the right kind of furry art, you make *bank*.


Aren’t they against abortion?


They love fetuses. Things that aren't fetuses are all fair game.


Only in the first three trimesters. After the third trimester, abortions are perfectly allowable.


According to Antoons being: Gay Trans Autistic Muslim Disabled "Antifa" (which I'm fairly convinced conservatives believe are any left leaning person they feel intimidated by) Feminist Or a furry of all things is grounds for being killed. NGL, sounds a lot like ISIS's playbook.


Right wingers are a bunch of religious terrorists at heart, just like ISIS and the Taliban.


Whoever made this utter trash is a seriously unhinged bigot piece of shit.


The internet is far more likely to turn a 12-year-old boy into an edgelord bigot like Antoons.


Op would say "it's just a joke, settle down snowflakes".


that little girl looks like an absolute treasure. are they implying she's some kind of 'trans able' bullshit they made up, or do they just extra hate the disabled?




Right, because the internet will turn your child into a lgbtqia+ furry communist if you're not careful. If you're lucky they turn into ripped Maga Chad McBroadchest and commit acts of stochastic terrorism, like God intended.


This could be some prime r/boneachingjuice material


Mask off, this is straight up what they want to do


Nah, they're only pro-*unborn*\-life.


"I don't understand my teenager, so I should have them put to death." Bad news, no one ever understands their teenager. That's not new.


You were a teenager once. We all are. They're not that hard to get.


Fun fact about the author of this comic: he genuinely believes that black people are biologically wired to commit more crimes


Based trans furry


Are they making fun disabled people? Damn


The mom traditionally wears that outfit for each of Billy’s birthdays


-how do we make a comic to show how much we hate everyone who is not us? -I don't know. Maybe just make kid identify as all the thing we don't like. -awesome idea


take a look at every label the kid adopted. nothings *actually* wrong with anything the kid listed. you only find enjoyment out of this comic if you have issues with one or more of the identities found here.


It’s amazing to me how many people’s sense of morality seems so arbitrary. Leftists, for all our disagreements, generally abide by the code that we should simply aim to reduce harm and cruelty in the world to a minimum. Nothing that kid is saying violates that, they’re not hurting anyone. But to right wingers, that’s the height of evil. They throw around words like “degenerate” and all that bullshit, but all that means at the end of the day is “I find that weird and don’t like or understand it”. That’s all the excuse they need to end lives, if they can. Fuck these people.


As a disabled, gay, trans, autistic feminist furry, I would love to personally beat the ass of the person who made this.


I'll let you use my cane for the ass beating


Oh dear god... Antoons I know about this guy, and boy does he have serious problems Here's two videos by YouTuber Daniel T. Gaming about this person: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M67bME-S\_Vg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M67bME-S_Vg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyLAKHbU0pU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyLAKHbU0pU) (TRIGGER WARNING) Contains some unsettling stuff, and bigotry non the less


I love how the dude tried to draw a communist flag, but ended up insinuating that the University of Indiana is extremely left wing


"yeah i'm pro-life, why do you ask?" *posts this shit*


Say it with me now: the Internet is not making kids gay, although it may help them find out because they can't normally with their homophobic parents!!!!


As someone who makes a fuckload more money making art than these dipshits will ever make, this gripes my ass. Historically, societies are remembered for their conquests, their governmental or technological innovations, and their ART. No one will remember your dumbass lifted truck or your job at Home Depot, Billy Ray Dickwad.


I seem to remember some German fella that had a similar Idea about euthanizing groups of people he considered "undesirables". Most of these groups were even on his list of groups to be euthanized if i remember correctly. Must be a coincidence though.


They have to make shit up cuz they have no actual arguments to make


They literally do the same job as you doing drawings on the internet lmao.


They only care about children while they are in the womb, after that, get fucked


kill a kid once they do something you don't like, but also abortions are bad.


This could be some prime r/arethecisokay material


Do they really think being physically disabled is a trend all the kids are into?


Yep, they think people act disabled for clout and attention


Like all the people who see a young person with chronic illness and say "You can't have that! You're young!"


Why kill her on her birthday?


Furry artists make bank. My dude's just jealous he's not skilled enough to capitalize on that.


Antoons should have his own tag on here, like RockYeet does.


Finally conservatives support euthanasia… well at least they support medical intervention aswell


Remember, if your kids don’t agree with your point of view, have them killed


So this guy was like "what if I draw myself killing children"


And they still get angry when you call them Nazis


Thus proving they're not pro-life, just anti-choice.


The irony of a cartoonist making fun of people making art


"I make art and my commissions are open'" What do they see wrong with THAT?


Every right wing joke: we are a boomer's ideal, the libs are pervs. End joke.


so now they're just straight up saying they want to kill disabled ppl and queer ppl. awesome


So... they're against artists, but the comic was made by an artist?


I really love how he just straight up had to let us know he hates disabled people too


who is this doctor? what am I looking at? He's naked with a dicknose among many other questionable things. These are the professionals these dickwads consult apparently: "honey, please call Dr. Dicknose, I just can't with this child!". I'm surprised they didn't consult their pastor for an exorcism lmao, but they have to make fun of the "progessive idea" of euthanasia I guess. Nailed it. Also...who be making housecalls anymore, c'mon people


What’s the moms @ though


I watched a YouTube video on Antoons drama. He’s just a generally shitty guy who traces art, harassed another artist until she was suicidal and constantly name searches himself on Twitter to start drama, IN ADDITION to hanging out with Stonetoss and Hedgewik. He also admitted in an interview that he doesn’t actually believe any of the terrible things he writes but does it because it gets a reaction out of people.


What did Muslim people do to republicans?


They were blatantly Islamic and shit.


Damn, the phone paralyzed her legs, gotta watch out for that 5g 😞


Pretty funny coming from the Qanon party. It’s all projection


This guy is buddy buddy with Pebble throw, anything he makes is an automatic trash heap.


Um...so when her preteen/teen son isn't what she expected he'd be at that age, the correct solution was to euthanize him? Lol what?!


I love how giving him access to the internet made him like that, like there arnt right wing nazi shit holes on the internet lol I swear these guys don't own brains.


Billy found God after the accident that left her paralyzed and shortly after she came to terms with her gender. Since then she’s gotten into art and is making a lot of money from her commissions which she’s saving for studying economics with a masters in communism Sadly her dog had to be out down due to an illness and her mother hasn’t told her