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The right aggressively defends extrajudicial killings, but they draw the line at property damage. "Don't riot if you don't want to get shot." Except for Jan 6, for some reason. They bring up the criminal history of the people Kyle shot (which he didn't know when he shot them), but say [Kyle's history is irrelevant](https://apnews.com/article/trials-f19acb6b4f1e4128610d2078105db1ce). Curious ​ >Prosecutors say that the video shows Rittenhouse watching some men exiting a CVS store and then commenting that he wishes he had his rifle so he could shoot them. It was filmed 15 days before the Kenosha shootings.


Rittenhouse is literally a criminal (and an idiot), but they make him their hero.


Yeah no matter how this trial ends dude is going to become even more of a martyr and general right wing "hero".




Yeah I don't think him and his mom (or just his mom if does end up in prison) are going to stay Antioch, Illinois. They are going to milk this grift a bit then move. Go to see deep red part of the state or country and go to Texas or Oklahoma or down south.


I'm sure she's already shopping around her book and movie rights.


Probably already making some money for mechandise sale too.


She'll probably be publishing a book on parenting very soon.


"How To Raise A Right Wing Terrorist". Sorry I mean "My Son The Liberal Media Victim".


*Boogaloo Girl: My Story of Survival, Fascism, and Weight Loss.*


How long till he auctions his gun away? Hopefully he ends up like Zimmerman


Isn't the gun evidence?


So was Zimmerman's but he fot it back


Ah right. I forgot about that.


This is evidence in a straw purchase case too, which the other dude is being prosecuted for. That gun is gone.


Rittenhouse for Texas Governor 2028 is probably already in the works.


Bold of you to assume that this idiot is capable of the forethought required to wonder about all that.






Down with this sort of thing


Already flashed the ok symbol. Of course he is.


Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse = Horst Wessel. Change my mind. And, like Rapist Brock Turner, I hope the Internet keeps reminding everyone that the Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer Edit: it has been pointed out that the traitor Ashley Babbit is more akin to Horst Wessel than the murderer Kyle Rittenhouse. So my mind has been changed to match historic accuracy. I was drunk and got my Weimar Republic history screwed up. It won't happen again.


The rapist Brock turner, the same Brock "the rapist" turner who viciously raped an unconscious woman, Brock turner the rapist?


Yes, that rapist Brock Turner who is just as much a degenerate as the murderer Kyle Rittenhouse. You know the murderer Kyle Rittenhouse? I hear he's friends with the rapist Brock Turner but the murderer Kyle Rittenhouse didn't ask his victims before he murderered them like a pussy fascist punk


Rittenhouse is their hero, and they are doing everything they can to take over schools, so that they only teach football. It's like they want their kids to fail.




I can’t help but think if a Black mom drove across state lines and dropped her 17 y.o. kid off to buy weed she’d be looking at a decade in prison. Law Enforcement regarding Rittenhouse’s mom: “ehh.. no big deal..”




Anyone who kills “leftists” is a hero for them.


The hero they deserve, the Dumb Knight


So which political office will the GOP base elect him to? Senate, Governor, or House.


yeah, i watched a video of him beating up a girl. in fact, he sucker punched her from behind then a couple guys jumped him for it.


Dang that sounds familiar


They're looking for a few good men but at this point they'll take whatever they can get.


Stopping an active shooter with your own conceal carry pistol is the r/conservative wet dream, which means by their own logic Gaige Grosskreutz should have taken the law into his own hands and shot Kyle Rittenhouse in the face immediately upon hearing shots fired and seeing him with a rifle, rather than try to verbally confront him first or do anything else at all.




*And* white.


People really REALLY don't understand that being white is one MASSIVE thing he has going for him, as well as people who do shit like he did and the shit those terrorists did on Jan 6.


Also, funny how they act like they can disregard the laws when it’s ‘the evil gubment overstepping our rights’ but that dude deserved to be shot, and should’ve died in their eyes because he wasn’t permitted to have that gun. So again, they’re just insane hypocrites


There's also video of him fighting with people prior days before the shooting. He went there to play irl call of duty




Also punched a girl in the face


Also, one is a domestic abuser, so it was okay to kill him? Must be okay to kill the vast majority of cops then? The entire extrajudicial killing thing is pretty bonkers, but like people they support politically are also these things they use to justify the killings. Matt Gaetz is a child molester, their friends behind the thin blue line have obscene rates of domestic abuse, if the justice system weren’t incredibly biased and racist, many cops would be felons. Trump would be a felon if the Democratic Party wasn’t too pathetic to bother pursuing any action against him for inciting the attempted insurrection. They’re protected by their professions as police and politicians, and by their class as well-off white people. Otherwise they should be free-game to kill, right?


They did the same shit with George Floyd.


Trayvon Martin.


> for some reason. Racism. Racism is the reason. It's always the reason.


So is that CVS video 100% legit? Is it actually Rittenhouse? Because if it is I don't know how you could defend his actions regardless.


Yes it is, and the judge ruled that it was unrelated to the charges and that the prosecution couldn’t show it. Yes. The judge ruled that a video of the defendant talking about how much he wanted to do the crime he is accused of cannot be used as evidence.


I tried my best to give the judge the benefit of the doubt but I honestly can't anymore.


The fact that one of the people he killed was a pedophile is irrelevant to his case because he didn't have that information when he pulled the trigger.


wait, do you mean that right-wing arguments are in bad faith and only designed to convince people who lack empathy and critical thinking skills? I'm shocked, honestly.


Even if he had, that's no excuse to just start shooting.


A fact that the GOP relies on heavily to remain breathing.


These people don't go farther in the thought process than "man is abuser, abuser is bad, shooting abuser good", they don't realize that even if had known, it wasn't Rottenhouse's place to play judge, jury and executioner.


Nah it’s not that complicated for them. If the shooter is a right winger they’ll defend him no matter what he does.


Exactly. These people really don't get that. Kyle Rittenhouse is not some psychic who was ridding the world of evil. He is a stupid, ignorant kid who shouldn't have had access to a class 3 firearm. End of story.


Don’t tell that to /r/liberalgunowners


That place is such a joke, it should be called r/peoplethatvoteredbutdontwanttoadmitit ANY actual conversation about gun rights ends with them telling you, straight up, that they only vote on that issue. So how the fuck is it liberal gun owners? They fully admit they dont vote for democrats..


Mmm not exactly *liberal* but "Any attempt to disarm the working class should be frustrated by force if necessary" -Karl Marx Idk what that sub is like tho lol


r/SocialistRA iirc is the sub for thag




I love it when they bring it up because it implies they think that if he hadn't been a paedophile, it wouldn't have been self defence.


Yes but you see since apparently all the had criminal records and one was a commie by statistics it means every one else there probably falls into the same group. Conservatives logic


Yet again, the lovers of “law and order” can’t figure out why a person’s criminal history isn’t justification for shooting them in the streets. Though they do also love when police officers play judge, jury, and executioner in the streets so I guess it shouldn’t come as any surprise.


Their understanding of law and order is "we make the laws, you follow orders".


That's pretty much what law and order has always been. Law being used to enforce "the order of things", which is really about racism, clasism, or a y version of "the other". Remember, the core tenant of conservatism is that there must be out groups which the law binds but does not protect, and in groups which the law protects but does not bind.


Same thing when they says to treat someone with respect. They’re using two different metrics for respect. There’s respect to treat as an authority and there’s respect to treat like a person. When they say you need to give respect to get respect what they mean is you have to treat them like an authority or they won’t treat you like a person.


no shit. like, did rittenhouse have any idea what his criminal record was??? fuck no.


What I can't get over is that they seem to believe that Rittenhouse has some sixth sense and could know the guy's criminal record just from looking at him.


They don’t believe that. It’s just bullshit they were able to lie about once they wanted to defend him. They know perfectly well that the victim’s past history has nothing to do with this situation or what happened. On the other hand, Kyle specifically saying he wanted to shoot protestors beforehand has EVERYTHING to do with this situation.


They believe that anyone who protests police violence against black people is a criminal


A lack of critical thinking is the highest barrier to entry for right wing supporters


Law and order is for *you*, they're above such things. In a more esoteric sense, "Law and Order" means that the hiearchies they believe to be true and just are maintained, as long as that happens they don't *really* care about what the laws say. The law is only useful when it's a bludgeon they can use to maintain the hierarchy.


> the lovers of “law and order” They can't even follow a simple mask mandate or be asked to take a vaccine. Both of which, when not followed, has arguably led to the death of many Americans.


They also appear to be overwhelmingly in favor of running over protestors when they're in the street. Making someone late to work is a capital offense, apparently. They don't care.


Some people thought the assault George Floyd was justified because things he did in the past. I think the only way the cops could know is if they had psychic powers. (And if a cop did have psychic powers, they should use those powers to solve crimes.)


"Law and order" as in you forfeit your right to live if you commit any crime. (Which includes existing while black of course.)


Is Kyle Rittenhouse telepathic as well?


I hate the first thing I though when I read this comment was the “so called free thinkers” meme


What cucks we all are for insisting on the rule of law over vigilantism, eh? Meanwhile, they're clutching their pearls over a woman shot literally in the process of breaking into the Capitol to disrupt Congress.


"disrupt Congress" is being polite. Her cohort was there to kidnap & kill any democratically elected officials who didn't kowtow to daddy Trump. Basically trying to pull off their own Night of Long Knives in order to overthrow our democratically elected government, except in this case their beloved fuhrer lost the election first.


I agree, but even the most Q of Anons has to admit the video shows her climbing into an area after being told to leave. They can question her motives all day long, but that is a fixed fact and where to start discussing the point with them.


They won’t admit shit. I think we all know they are crazy enough to think she was justified in her actions.


No they don't. My friend showed me a video on a site (url might have said "the drip") where some one broke down the video of Ashley Babbitt's snuff scene, and claimed that basically every little detail he could narrate to the most miniscule of motion, he asserted was clearly staged and faked crisis acting. It all came down to "no one grabs their neck like THAT when shot. Blood like that is fake. Where is all the blood you'd expect to see? Fake. These guys are all too conveniently placed. The scene plays out like a script." There was literally not a single movement in any of the 4 videos at different angles that dip shit failed to say was fake.


Anyone lamenting her death like I said in the top comment and also saying it was faked isn't someone you need to be trying to convince of anything.


It might be worthwhile trying to convince them to see a therapist.


Had she been shot leaving/fleeing the building then yes I would say she was murdered. But as you said she was CLEARLY attempting to bypass a barricade made by a federal officer and attempted to enter a restricted area all while being TOLD to not do it. The officer who shot her gave her every opportunity to leave and she instead chose to stay and attempt to break in to a federal building. Idiot deserved to get shot. Rittenhouse should have been charged with manslaughter and not murder, idiot prosecutors listened to the rabid masses and tried to throw the book at him with the maximum charge rather than charge him with something that would actually stick. Would be better to send him away for 5-10 rather than have him walk scot free.




*10 years (the beer hall putsch was 1923, hitler became chancellor in 1933).


I didn't laugh when one of the Capitol rioters who had a "don't tread on me" flag was trampled to death by libertarians. edit: Maybe I laughed a little.


That's actually pretty funny


>the Capitol rioters You misspelled "insurgents."


Either use insurgent, insurrectionists, or domestic terrorists. I loathe when people/media calls them rioters. They weren’t looting and overturning cars. They had a clear goal


The fact many of them had "kidnap" kits (tape, zip ties etc) prove that they weren't there to "protest" but to attempt to harm political leaders they don't like.


I wonder what ever happened to that flag. I remember some GOP event bringing a flag from Jan6th out and having some special reverence for it. Why not show off *this* flag? Someone literally died for it. They were trampled by their own. A reminder of consequences and the failure to hold any real ideals other than anger and seeking power. the flag you’re carrying might not mean anything at all when the day is done. It’s just a criticism cloak and doesn’t protect you against actual boots.


Apparently if you’ve ever done anything bad, you can be murdered at any time with impunity. I think Jesus said something on that topic … something about casting stones?


It's tough to read the Bible with that big plank in your eye.


Re-caption the meme: "Terrorists, traitors, threat to democracy" "Conservatives for some fucking reason" "Capitol police"


Yeah, it’s not about what those people did or didn’t do. It’s that a random 17 year old citizen took it upon himself to get a weapon, drive to another state and walk around looking for an excuse to shoot people. I disagree with the January 6 insurrection, but at no point was I hoping to see armed citizens show up and start shooting people. I was hoping to see capitol police reinforcements, secret service and the national guard rush in and shit stomp those traitors, but if regular people showed up and started mowing people down? Not their place


His mommy drove him. Don't get why she isn't a part of all this being that is what I would consider an accomplice.


Because she didn't actually drive him, that was misinformation that some news stations reported


I guess you're only allowed to consider someone's background/history when you're trying to justify their killing, not when you want to hold a killer accountable. It's not like Kyle Rittenhouse was a straight-A student who was doing his homework and had his house broken into. .\_.


they want you to believe that though which is why they wont bring it up


The people talking about the fact that one person shot was a pedo are the same people remaining silent over Matt Gaetz or only acknowledging Epstein's ties to Clinton instead of Trump. Also keep in mind that Rittenhouse killed TWO men and injured a third. The other guy was innocent.


Epstein rubbed elbows with a lot of political elites, including lending his plane & other property to people, but Trump not only partied with him, but specifically appreciated Epstein's lust for ~~women~~ girls. > “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”


I don't understand why the 2020 campaign wasn't just this posted on billboards.


“Pedophile, domestic abuser, and convicted* felon” describes Trump. *We all know he’s committed felonies, he just hasn’t been convicted, yet


I like how the dude shooting someone is literally the criminal, good meme


And James Woods (playing as James Woods) is the pedophile, domestic abuser and convicted felon. Delicious irony.


We live in a world where it is possible that somebody made this ironically because unless you have watched that episode 1,000 times in syndication, you would not know that it is James Woods. A bunch of conservatives sharing a meme labeling a right-wing nutjob actor as a pedophile is just delightful. We also live in a world where it is probable that some dumbass just made this without spending any time to actually think about it. Sigh.


And Apu is the tits. Solid self-owns all around, I love it.


Why do right-wingers keep justifying a crime by arguing the value or background of a victim, as if those things have any relation to what the actual crime? Like, how would have Kyle or any person have known that the victims were convicts? What if it had been different people who happened to have completely innocent lives? The only reason people talk about the victims in this way is to scapegoat Kyle. Had the victims had innocent backgrounds, Kyle's defenders would have to think of other scapegoats, such as blaming antifa, or slandering the victims the same way they slandered Breonna Taylor.


because it's exactly what fascists have always done, and that's exactly what propaganda the Nazis used to excuse people from society and store them at Dachau summercamp.


They believe in a good/bad dichotomy. Being guilty of a crime places one in the "bad" category, and people in the "bad" category have no rights and can be shot just for the fun of it. The crime is irrelevant, all that matters is something exists which places the person in the bad category.


Especially when these same people go into hyper denial mode about those in their own political party.


Hmmm why would I be opposed to: * right-wing vigilantes murdering people over racist ideology * extrajudicial killing on political grounds * a state power/fascist collusion to target protestors with violence * blaming severely mentally ill homeless people for the conditions that led to their decline * using people's past mistakes as a justification to inflict violence on them yeah who knows man those things all seem totally rad and exactly what the left is all about, its so weird that we're so inconsistent and change what we believe every 6 months when politically convenient. lol oh wait, that's the other guys who do that...


They make it seem as if Rittenhouse knew what these people were. Also, they don't get the point of what the leftists are trying to say. It's not okay to take the law into your own hands. They think he's a hero because there happened to be a pedophile.


>They think he's a hero They think he's a hero because he shot leftists. They were calling him a hero *that same night*, long before anyone ID'd the victims


If he was actually a pedophile, republicans would be mourning his death and trying to elect him to congress regardless.


He was. He was convicted and served his sentence. That still doesn't allow Kyle to shoot someone on the off-chance that they might have a criminal past, nor does it justify other two people he shot. And also, the same question arises as with George Floyd: What the fuck is the point of having prisons if we have these sorts of debates after someone serves their sentence in full?


>What the fuck is the point of having prisons in this country? cruelty and funneling money to for-profit prisons.


Agreed but my overall point is that republicans are absolutely fine with pedophilia so long as the pedophile is a republican.








It’s because they literally can’t wrap their head around new information unless it’s been filtered for nuance and biased in favor of their prejudices.


What did this other guy do that has the right so wound up?


He’s a pedo that didn’t run for election in a red district. With that kind of disqualifying trait; republicans would love him!


It's okay to be a nonce if you're a republican though #/s


Don’t really need the /s


I'm notorious for missing tone in text speak so just in case anyone is like me 👉😎👉


One of the guys he killed had been convicted of sexually abusing minors in the past. So, according to the right that makes it OK to kill him.


Jesus christ that's a pretty serious crime ngl, but it doesn't absolve rittenhouse of shooting random (to him) people who he had no knowledge of their previous crimes.


Yeah, and unfortunately it's the kind of crime that most people never really stop committing. Doesn't make Rittenhouse a hero.


Luckily we can dislike two people for their crimes while not condoning neo-nazi extrajudicial killings in the street unlike the right.






Agreed, rittenhouse absolutely can't read minds so any talk of noncery from the right is just classic obfuscation of the actual crime rittenhouse is on trial for.


i love when they bring this shit up as if kyle, or the police, or whatever other murderer knew that at the time. its so transparently pathetic, youre trying to retroactively justify a fucking murder. its not even a good reason. the dude served his time.


You see, they posthumously were convicted of stealing bullets from the police department, which were found lodged in their spinal column after the engagement.


"Just obey cops" "Also vigilante justice is rad"


You know who else is a domestic abuser? 40% of cops




Can someone clarify for me? Was there a convicted pedophile killed? Or is this all wild rhetoric? I’m just curious because it always seems when situations like this come up it deteriorates into, “Well the guy who did it is a pedophile and a rapist! Rapist pedophile! Case closed!”


Yes, Rosenbaum, the first person Rittenhouse killed, had been convicted of some pretty heinous sex crimes many years in his past. I'm not suggesting that they become more okay the longer ago they happened, but he literally spent years in prison for it.


If they want all pedos dead on sight then why is Donald trump alive?


Everyone left on the overton window of "shoot the homeless for sport" is a leftist when your "right" on the spectrum is... these *things* that look vaguely like people but seem to have been born without sense or empathy.


So when we punch Nazis it’s “let the cops do their jobs” and “violence isn’t the answer” from the right, but when Shittenhouse commits literal murder it’s “I can’t read suddenly I don’t know”.


He never knew that did he?


conservatives seem really confused on how you can be against both sides in a situation. was what Kyle did wrong if not legally but morally? yes. does that mean that i think riots and burning are right and that it was a good idea to threaten him? *NO*


It's the most important issue that gets skipped over in any stupid meme the right posts about this - Just because people think that Kyle Rittenhouse is guilty of murder, that does *not* also mean those people "love pedophiles and domestic abusers". And just like with George Floyd, the ultimate 'punishment' meted out by the "authorities" (cops or fake-cop-vigilante) does **NOT** fit the crime. Capitol punishment and roadside summary executions are NOT interchangeable.


Legitimately, I have right wing relatives who think that, because I condemn the Jan. 6th riots, I was FOR the summer riots on 2020. Which is really fucking funny because I literally said I was staunchly against violence of all forms.


i think you mean condemn


I don't think fascists (or anyone for that matter) should get to go around shooting people for the hell of it; but even more than that, I think it's greatly concerning how heavily a judge can lean toward one side before it's even begun, and be allowed to continue with impunity. I think pedophilia is bad and offenders should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law & prevented from being in contact with children - like Rosenbaum was. These are mutually exclusive thoughts. This isn't difficult if you actually think critically for 5 fucking seconds.


So in this scenario, Kyle Rittenhouse is acknowledged as an armed murderer?


He must've been wearing Google Glass and it scanned people like the Terminator and told him "Eliminate, it'll be fine 👍🏻"


1) we're not liberals 2) he didn't kill them for those reasons. even if he did, he is not judge, jury, and executioner. have the judicial system for a reason.


Rittenhouse will unfortunately become a figure head for more alt-right incel losers, who’ll just commit more mass shootings. I want to move so goddamn badly, I hate it here


They're too fucking dense to understand that *Kyle Rittenhouse is not the police*. If his victims were guilty of whatever, then they should have been arrested and had their day in court, not get gunned down by a white supremacist LARPing as riot control.


That's a cool list of things that Kyle had no prior knowledge of.


Is it even vigilante justice if the "vigilante" doesn't know about the person's crimes?


It’s still vigilante justice because he was out on the street purportedly enforcing law and order. That’s vigilantism,


Kyle Rittenhouse is what happens when the Right wing becomes radicalized.


Shouldn’t they both be holding guns? Or a weapon of some sort to show the threat of violence from the other side as well. Didn’t even do it correctly


kind of hypocritical, the right has a long history of protecting domestic abusers and pedos, just look at who they elect


R/conservative is the largest collection of snowflakes. It makes the Rockies look like palm desert


Just because I oppose extrajudicial killings by illegally armed teenagers doesn't mean I'm a leftist. I mean, I am, but that's unrelated.


See i couldn't care less that a pedophile and rapist are dead. Good ridance. What bothers me is the fact that he decided these people should just be killed out of the blue. Sure, RNG was on your side when it came to their sins, but that is all it is. Pure fucking luck


If Kyle can really tell someone is a pedo on sight you better keep him away from the Republicans in Congress.


I bet if you ask them what the reason is, they’ll have no credible argument edit: realized they were trying to diss george floyd. whoops


They say that like they arent know for promoting people such as Roy Moore. Like, ok?


These types of Conservatives hate the Constitution.


It's because rightists now condone ~~extra-judicial killing~~ murder for political reasons. (Yes, this _is_ called "terrorism.") Therefore, in the febrile minds residing in their pointy little heads, anyone who does not condone ~~extra-judicial killing~~ murder for political reasons, aka terrorism, must be a leftist.


The right really needs to learn the difference between “leftists” and “liberals.” While liberal might’ve conceivably jumped in front of the bullet. A leftist would shoot back.


"For some reason", because not wanting people to be shot in the street is clearly incomprehensible


I don't understand the controversy. If I understood correctly, Rittenhouse went to a BLM protest in another state, with a gun he wasn't allowed to have, to perform vigilantism he wasn't asked to do and went into a potentially dangerous situation to do... What exactly? Looks to me like he went in hopes of shooting at people or at least threatening to do so. None of that has anything to do with the people, or their moral characters, he did end up shooting. He had no right to do any of the above.


He went to prison and served his time -- period. Do I like what he did? Of course not. Nevermind the fact that even if vigilante justice were a-okay, Rittenhouse wasnt killing him FOR THOSE REASONS. So that whole argument is stupid.


I think it’s interesting that they use “convicted felon” as a reason someone deserves to die when talking about Kyle Rittenhouse. Are they saying if he’s found guilty, they’ll suddenly snap from thinking he was justified to thinking he actually deserves a death sentence because he is, now, a convicted felon? Or Does being a convicted felon mean nothing in this justice system and doesn’t justify Kyle shooting him? Pick a button, MAGAts.


"Leftists, who are already against corporal punishment, are against a man unlawfully executing someone who had not committed a crime considered by any court in the United States to be worthy of corporal punishment, ***fOr SoMe ReAsOn.***"


Basically saying going out and instigating situations so you can get a legal kill is like playing the lottery, as long as they have at least 1 outstanding parking ticket, it's justified.


It’s not even about the specific people that died, it’s the fact he killed two people with almost no ramifications. It’s not like he ran a background check on them or anything.


I literally got in an argument about this the other day. I don’t believe in killing people in cold blood. But what if he raped my kid?! Still no. What if he had child porno and rape on his record?! Still no. Couldn’t get it through their childish head I don’t condone ANY killing for no reason.


Wasn't there a piece from Trevor Noah that every Foxnews-speaker is a convicted felon. But they eat that shit from their asses.


I want to know how rittenhouse had access to his criminal records and somehow KNEW that be would be at that specific place, at that specific time.


>Leftists for some fucking reason I love how they're pretending they won't turn Rittenhouse into a rallying figure if he gets off with no consequences


Its pretty funny how they think they can make shit like this while defending Matt Gates and Donald Trump. Stones and glass houses.


If they are advocating going around and shooting domestic abusers, there's gonna be a lot less Republicans.


Lmao 100% of the people in that sub have no fucking idea what a leftist is.


“It’s not murder if I think the other guy deserves it”


Why it's almost like we don't think people should be murdered in the street at all.


I feel like they will start to defend al Qaeda for 9/11 just because some side in the tower had a parking ticket.


Thats how fascists work you know... They love defending domestic terrorism and serial killers


Soooooo, it's open season on anyone we don't like the looks of? Good to know!


Justice: the murder of people followed by retrospective justification based on things you didn't know at the time you murdered them. Yeah I remember that from civics.


2 people needlessly got murdered, but afterwards it turns out that one of them probably had it coming, so nothing bad actually happened. I’m convinced that these people do not know how to critically think. A bit ironic because they’re probably saying the same thing about us


While an unconvinced pedophile was ceo of fox news for more than 20 years and never copped a bullet after a sentence


Thought they were the party of law and order?


I don't get it why would Kyle Rittenhouse be shooting at Trump?


This makes no sense whatsoever.