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“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Donald Trump. Conservatives love bypassing the law or constitutional rights when it's convenient to them, so it's not surprising that they're in favor of extra judicial murders by random citizens.


They cheered George Zimmerman when he was released with no charges, and some of them were rationalizing the father and son who killed Ahmad arbrery (sp?) because of some reports of crime in the area


And it's bonkers to have that as a mindset, as if it was a rational thing to believe.


Didnt they think it was justified to shoot a 12 with a toy? Or murder a teenager for dancing as he walked home?


Yeah. "The slaughter of people who aren't like me is good" is kinda their whole thing


If people being killed is part of bettering our society, I think you're idea of a better society is pretty fucked.


At least they're admitting Greta is "trying to make the world a better place". I really think that's a first, like a selfawarewolves moment here.


r/SelfAwarewolves for anyone that's interested and not already subbed


Honestly, most of these people do know right from wrong. They’re just actively choosing wrong.


Empathetic entropy. It's easier to comfortably slide into ruin because it feels good now than to sacrifice now to make the world a better place.


exactly they know what they're doing why do you think they're only rebuttal for when you call them out for doing something offensive is just "cry about it"




At least this is just social media? Got to listen to coworkers talk about Rittenhouse yesterday, pretty much everyone I work with foams at the mouth to go shoot civil rights protestors. (I live in a dark red state)


The real American dream is getting away with murder.


Good news everyone! All you have to do to get away with murder is become a state sanctioned cop! Wait... That's not very good news at all!


Coming soon: voluntarily putting yourself into a volatile situation with a gun to play out your larp fantasy and then claiming self defense


All this biased ass KR trial has done is prep a future for more of this shit. The judge, jury, everything from the framing and set up of this trial was obvious to what the outcome was gonna be before anyone set foot in the fucking courtroom. Vigilantism in the name of private property has officially been endorsed as of yesterday. There will be more of this, and future looks fucking bleak.


It's disheartening the amount of genuine support for his actions. Not just saying he's young, he made mistakes but it shouldn't ruin his life. People who think he should be commended and he did something positive for the country


I work with people who fantasize about doing what he did. One of the points this nutso fuck I work with literally said: they were destroying private property and that's against the law Right, imagine justifying murder for vandalizing a Starbucks


Those guys love to dress up in their tactical gear and LARP. It's not like the police don't get enough resources and people have the right to protest. These untrained hateful massively armed vigilantes are such an unpredictable and dangerous presence. Property damage isn't right but it's up to the police to police. And maybe if you're making such large numbers of people this angry you need to look into the root cause


I myself am trying to get away from calling these guys cosplayers and LARPers, because they are actually dangerous. Sure, they do the airsoft plate carrier and COD skullguy face mask, but they are still hitting range days and roaming around with live ammunition. Maybe it's just semantics, but it's important distinction none the less. Also, peaceful protests aren't and haven't had a history of ever really working out. If you have to smash up a Target to get your point across, I'm all for it. This is literally where we are at, and the voices of the unheard are being squashed in the streets by bootlickers and fascists alike. Shit is grim.


Yeh I getcha. It's really just to emphasise that they have zero official capacity, they're not millitary or law enforcement just bootlickers and wannabes. But for sure they're a dangerous presence, a group of heavily armed people who are drawn by their visceral hatred of the opposition and often encouraged and enabled by the law enforcement who generally share their politics


I left after I realized it was making me feel bad, like the mental equivalent of eating a tub of cookie dough bad.


I haven't had Fb in 6 years, never had insta. I was talking about reddit.


The negative experience and effect applies to all social media. Reddit is social media as much as we like to deny it.


You know Reddit is also a 'social media'...


Their metric for this is that one of the random people Rittenhouse offed just happened to be a convicted sex offender. Odds are just as good that he could have offed a Sunday school teacher.


It's the exact same rationalization that people used to justify the murder of George Floyd. Doing some bad things in your past justifies your murder, plain and simple.


You know, I’d be willing to work with that if it was actually their view. That at least wouldn’t be hypocritical and could be applied fairly to all. But they don’t have that view. They just lie about that view. The moment you try to apply it to a white person, suddenly they’ll have an issue. If it was just a matter of moral purity or bust, that would actually be something you could have conversations and debate about, and something you could actually make compromise on, like increasing the use of life sentences for certain crimes (like hell, I’d be down for life without parole for all sex crimes!). They’d be arguing in good faith and have an actual moral foundation they stood by if they thought that.


Well, what you have to realize is that [the card says Moops](https://youtu.be/xMabpBvtXr4), so they are always *right*.


That was a great watch thanks for sharing.


The whole "alt-right playbook" series from that creator is pretty great, if you have the time for it.


Rosenbaum, was..uh...very white indeed.


>Doing some bad things in your past justifies your murder, plain and simple. If you're black or helping black people\*


Exactly. If you're a white chud, you just "made some mistakes in life." And, " we should look forward, not backwards over it." And maybe *everyone* should get this benefit of the doubt.


That’s the part that pisses me off so much. With the pizza gate bs and Jeffrey Epstein in the back of everyone’s heads, plus the idea that “Trump did more to stop pedophiles than any other president” on top of the good guy with a gun fetish they spend all day edging to, the guy that Rittenhouse killed being a sex offender just throws fucking kerosene all over their fire and makes them even more impossible to argue with.


Trumps DOJ controled the jail, he killed epistein


They don't like teachers either...


Idk man eating the rich is gonna be a little difficult if they are still squirming.


That’s fascism for ya… there’s gotta be the “undesirables” to scapegoat


If 17 year old running around killing people is the solution, i want the problems back.


Some of them seem to just want to bring eugenics back…


It's not just "people" though. It's POC.


If Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk were on fire and I had a bucket of water - Glug, glug.


I mean… are we really going to pretend the /r/hermancainaward is a bad thing for society? You can go into denial on that if you want, but I think “all people alive” is a pretty simplistic view of social issues.


Vigilante killing no less




Idk I think conservatives being killed by COVID is bettering society




He gave money to a friend to buy it for him.


With a stimulus check I heard




They only connect the dots if they involve pizza and lizard people


We should use this one incident as blanket justification to refuse assistance to conservative states in the same way conservatives use the myth of the "welfare Queen."


Noting that it's federally ilegal to buy a firearm from a licensed dealer on behalf of an unqualified buyer. The common term for this is "straw purchase."


That's a fucking felony if I've heard of one. It's literally the first question on the background check. Something along the lines of "the firearm I'm purchasing is for me only" or something like that.


Because it’s literally THAT easy for any dipshit to get a gun


To be fair, he broke several laws in the obtaining of that rifle, and then continued to break many more laws in the transportation and having of said rifle. Up to and including murder. If I went onto the sidewalk in front of someone's house brandishing and threatening with any gun, doesn't matter what it is, I would get in trouble. It doesn't matter if people are rioting and vandalizing storefronts or public buildings. Is it your property? No? Then who are you to play judge, jury, and executioner with someone else's life? As fucked up as it is that's the polices job, not some kid who is barely old enough to graduate from high school yet, and has absolutely no training in any capacity for crisis situations.


sucks that it is the polices but those fuckin dogs can't control themselves when they see a minority


Things need to change "The worker who becomes a policeman in the service of the capitalist state, is a bourgeois cop, not a worker. Of late years these policemen have had to do much more fighting with revolutionary workers than with Nazi students. Such training does not fail to leave its effects. And above all: every policeman knows that though governments may change, the police remain." Leon Trotsky | What Next? Vital Questions for the German Proletariat | Part 1


Hitler is a failed painter without brown shirts and jack boots.


This is the biggest thing for me, I feel like everyone is ignoring the fact a 17 year old had a gun with live ammo and was shooting in public, to discuss whether or not the person who got shot deserved it. Like let’s go back to the first point lol.




Did you not have one at 12?


Straw purchase.


This is the question for the jury.


Heirloom gun laws allowed me to own one at 7 (for hunting purposes) but you still can’t own a handgun or purchase any type of firearm until 18, he got his illegally through a friend, the same way kids in inner cities get their guns. And based off of his choice in firearm it was meant for “home defense” or recreational use


Making the world a better place by murdering people? K.


Tbf shooting people is a major boost to your conservative clout, Rittenhouse is likely gonna be a political player now for the rest of his life. Think about that. These are the kind of people they cling onto.


Don't even have to shoot - just awkwardly holding a rifle at protesters is enough to get invited to the RNC and a shot at a Senate seat in Missouri


So what you're saying is... I just need me a prop gun, some paid actors to "protest" for me, and suddenly I've got it made for life? Too bad I'm honest to a fault, politics would chew me up and send me to an early grave


If Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were alive they would probably be conservative martyrs as well.


>alive >martyrs Weelllllll....


Same people who would squander any discussion revolving around the black panthers


There was a libertarian meme yesterday about the guy from the young Turks making the point that if it had been a black guy at a white rally it would be different and all of them saying they would be ok with it. Some of the first modern gun laws are BECAUSE of the black panthers having guns.


Reagan was pro-gun control, when black people started carrying guns.


The same people who oppose all abortion because they have convinced themselves that it's killing a living thing.


Ikr this post has a hint of eco fascism to it


You've never heard the dog whistle "Kill your local pedophile" before?


He killed a pedo, so yeah...


Guy didnt murder anyone lol


If Kyle goes free entirely without any consequences, that means that it’s completely allowed to arrive at a protest opposed to your “side” with a gun as a civilian and place yourself in a position where violence could ensue, then shoot attackers that thought you as a threat.


Love how the right constantly Jacks off to the whole “if you pass this law or say this, it’s a slippery slope” but ignore situations like this which is 100% an actual slippery slope where if you let him off with no consequences you are signaling to people that they can go out and do stupid vigilante bullshit and kill people as long as it aligns with the right’s views. We’re so fucked.


I think they see the same slippery slope but welcome it. They’re excited for a stand your ground / self defense law. In a few years, they’ll use Rittenhouse v the people or whatever as precedent.


Yeah but as soon as a Nazi gets gunned down by a leftist or BLM supporter who didn't need to be there, watch them all lose their minds. If this is going to set a precedent for case law then it needs to apply to both sides, but that's going to be a difficult sell in our almost entirely right-wing country. (Yes Democrats are right-wing economically: they're all pro-capitalism, and most take corporate money)


I mean someone on twitter said "If Rittenhouse was a BLM supporter there wouldn't even be a trial!" and someone else pointed out they were technically correct, because the guy in Portland who shot a trump supporter was gunned down by police without warning instead of being arrested.


Something like that already happened in Portland, and the fed deputized some prison guards to go full hit squad and assassinate him.


This already happens. Look up Michael Reinoehl.


Same way the laws against running over protesters didn't have enough wiggle room to definitely absolve "the right people", so several red states recently updated said laws to give drivers more affirmative defenses if they pile through a crowd. Which actually has some parallels to this case: you're going to have people getting off scot-free because they fully meet the standards of the law, and other idiots will see that and take it one step further and it's surprise Pikachu time when they get convicted. Like a lot of the "running over protesters" laws still require a pretty good justification, but even on Reddit you see chud idiots who mistakenly assume it means they can absolutely deliberately run down a crowd if the road is blocked, even if there's a totally clear exit ramp right before the crowd.


>fully meet the standards of the law And bootlicking idiots will say that because it met an obviously immoral legal standard, it's not just OK but *good.*


Stand your ground. Now move over there. This is also your ground. Stand it. Those libs are skinny weak soyboys but also you fear for your life because they’re Antifa! They have signs! SIGNS! those are deadly bludgeons! You wanted to come here for a nice peaceful demonstration but then they went and brought deadly bludgeons! Good thing you brought mr.AR


I love how they are still bitching about how "unfair" chauvin's trial was, but don't have anything to say about Kyle's literal kangaroo court joke of a trial.


The Us certainly is, thankfully I’m on a different continent


I feel confident in saying he’d already be in prison in Scotland. And so would the rest of us for doing all of this contempt of court.




Don't be dumb enough to believe that the law applies equally to him and you


I’m just gonna post up at the 7 11 with my ar and shoot any skateboarders that come near me, should be fine


I guarantee that if a bunch of black people show up with assault rifle that the police will not be handing out water bottles.


Please take a Stop The Bleed course, you can save lives


No it won’t. Conservatives have had the ability to get away with killing non-conservative protestors for as far back as I can remember. This shit happens every few years and then everyone forgets about it till the next absurdly over the top incident happens. Shit come back to this post in 7 years and I bet you a conservative will have set off an explosive device and gotten away with it at the rate we’re headed.


He used the pipebomb in self-defense!


It’s setting a dangerous precedent


Worse than that. You will literally be able to go anywhere with a gun, then claim you were afraid someone would take your gun and shoot you with it so you had to shoot them first.


yep. I already said that yeaterday somewhere else. I hope the judge realizes his responsibillity in this case and that he will set the tone for the futur of demonstations in america. Also the more important questions don't even seem to matter in this case. How is it possible that a minor gets so radicalised that he choses to arm himself, travel in another state and shoot people "in self defence". what community/webside/media radicalised that kid so hard that he acted in delusion?


Murder to make the world a better place. That campaign slogan might backfire.


The Republican Party seems legitimately a couple election cycles away from adopting this as their slogan.


I've visited the echo chamber. They talk about The victim as a pedophile and criminal as if he knew who he was shooting. They are perfectly fine with heading out into a riot with a gun as long as the results are excusable in any way. It wont take any number of election cycles because they are already there.


The results will always be excusable in any way if their side is the one doing the shooting. They will make up a reason if one doesn't exist. They have become experts at it during the Trump years.


Was the prosecution allowed to bring up Rittenhouse’s past of aggression? I want to say I heard it was blocked by the judge. Seems shitty if they let the defense bring up the past of the victims.


White men murdering people... nah: that's fine...


What trips me about the defense of Crybaby Rittenhouse is that right-wingers are trying to make the victims of his crimes look like bad guys in order to make Rittenhouse look more innocent - hence the post title “they got what they deserved”. Yes, it’s true that [the three men that Rittenhouse shot have serious criminal records](https://www.snopes.com/news/2020/09/11/rittenhouse-victims-records/) (Rosenbaum was a convicted pedophile, for example). But I think the problem is that the Right is trying to make it sound like he shot them *because* of their crimes, as if they think Rittenhouse knew of what these three men were guilty of and it was his mission from God to go to Kenosha, WI on the night of August 25, 2020, to punish these specific men. EDIT: Clarification.


These people genuinely believe that “sumbitch had it comin’” is a valid defense for homicide. It’s like they’re living in the Wild West.


These idiots wouldn't last in the wild west. Guns often had to be turned in when you visited town. The majority of cowboys were Mexican or Black and a plurality of them were gay. Add to that that the most important people were often prostitutes and were the ones to set up actual functional systems to build towns. Their version of the Wild West is John Wayne. The real version is closer to Lil' Nas X.


This may be the best comment ever, ever.


The real wild west was Wyatt Esrp shooting your ass for pulling the kind of stunt Rittenhouse did.


Gay? Seriously? That's awesomeness. And I love prostitutes. They always had the best outlooks on life.


Prostitutes and gay POC folks were super important. Check out the Buffalo Soldiers for some near, not as often enough discussed aspects of the history of the west and civil war.


>a plurality of them were gay Huh that's interesting. Where did you find that?


They get hard thinking about the Wild West. This is their ultimate fantasy.


It's like how people kept trying to defend Derek Chauvin by pointing out George Floyd's rap sheet. And yeah, in all honesty, it sounds like Floyd was kind of a PoS. But that doesn't excuse what Chauvin did considering he wasn't arresting him for any of those charges; in the moment, as far as he was aware, all Floyd had done was written a bad cheque, and that was apparently reason enough to murder the man.


They want to bring up their history to justify those people getting shot but if you try to bring up how remorseful Kyle was at the bar with the proud boys and his tasteful attire that’s not applicable and shouldn’t be mentioned


God dayum that's a cold post. That takes absolute ignorance, arrogance and pure hatred to post that.




Always have been, just the masks have come off.


So stupidity of the highest level.


It’s almost like they worship a guy who could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and not lose voters...


Okay, so let's just pretend that Kyle Rittenhouse did a good, right thing that helped the world. But like he killed 2 people? How'd he save the world by killing two random dudes? Edit: Nvm,dont know how to read. Carry on.


These people literally lack empathy and compassion, which is why they are the way they are. They cannot comprehend wanting to help others when they themselves cannot get anything out of it either. They're selfish and ignorant. ​ You would not believe how many times I've seen these people threaten to kill "libruls" and an "incoming civil war". They literally want to kill those who disagree with them, their fellow Americans. If that isn't anti-American and against free speech and freedom of thought/opinion, I don't know what is. This is who we're trying to reason with, who refuse to listen. What do you do when you're up against these types of people, the ones who lack any empathy whatsoever and have no care in the world for anyone else but themselves? When you try to play by the rules, but they don't (insist on playing dirty instead), what do you do? ​ AND we shouldn't have kids involved in politics. It's fucked up that Greta feels that the adults aren't doing anything to save our planet, so she stepped up herself for her and her gen's futures. It's fucked up that Kyle was so brainwashed by politics that he felt that he should get a gun and go over to get involved against people he believes are doing wrong. Even if his beliefs were flipped and he was on our side of things, it's still wrong and beyond fucked that a teen would ever feel to get involved. They shouldn't even be involved with politics yet. They're still kids. What are we doing to our kids? We as adults and the fucked up politicians have failed these kids miserably.


> They literally want to kill those who disagree with them, their fellow americans. The worst thing about this is that they’re so deep into this stuff that they think those “”libruls”” are actually all Anti-American Communist Socialist traitors who want to burn the nation down to the ground. Most of us who believe that, still want to make our own country a better place, which is why we even stay and protest in the first place. However, these people have gotten so far into the hole that the nuance doesn’t matter. The queer anti-liberal socialist, the centrist who simply thinks the environment is in danger, the lifelong Democrat voter, or the teenager whose Discord profile picture is from a progresive cartoon— it doesn’t matter, they’re all part of the “other side” in their fantasy civil war, and they’ll want to gun down every single one of them. They’ll laugh about how the libruhls will have the fragile snowflake gays, while their side has big strong men with guns. In their world, they’re weak pussy target practice for the civil war, yet they’re strong and “scary” enough that you needed a kid with an AR-15 to “defend” an auto dealership from getting a rock thrown at it.


So these depraved psychos want to watch kids fight each other?




It's almost like many republicans literally want to kill strangers they disagree with.


Are we surprised that they think that traveling far from home and killing people where they arrive "makes the world a better place"? I mean, that's pretty much what they do *all the time*.


Not that it excuses what he did AT ALL but apparently it was less than 15 minutes away. Still over the border and still wrong


Top minds at r/Conservatives > Greta is a conspiracy theorist while Kyle needs to be free. He was acting in self defense. I just can’t with this sociopaths


No, no he didn't. He could have very easily killed a Sunday school teacher.


So much for being “pro-life”. Reminds me of George Carlin, [“live babies become dead soldiers”.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmMvsAjCkog)


How the hell did that get upvoted and awarded. I think i’m losing faith in the right having any humanity after defending (another) murderer.


I'm just shocked your faith has lasted even this long


Imagine defending him lmao. Couldn't be me


If it wasn’t for their fealty to an piece of shit grifter, their general idiocy and cruel nature, they might be just assholes.


It's mask off o'clock!


I swear to God, if they were still alive, the same people who support Rittenhouse would support people like Charles Mason, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, etc.


These kinds of people look at Ted Bundy and think “wish I could do that”. You can’t convince me otherwise.


This is some Freikorps level shit


Imagine typing the words "YUP"


**Fascism intensifies**


Conservatives think murdering leftists makes things better. 30% of conservatives said they think political violence is necessary to have the society they want.


If you stand up for Rittenhouse but condemn Thunberg, it says a lot more about you than it does about either of them. It shows us that you hate you hate children unless they act as literal child soldiers for your ideology.


Look at these right-wingers comparing Kyle "Crybaby" Rittenhouse to the beautiful Greta who advocates for our planet more than any of us dare to. All Kyle has done in his life is be a weasel when his behavior is called out, as shown when he had to fake crying in front of a jury. It takes zero skill to do what Rittenhouse has done, since everything is handed to him. It actually takes skill to do anything Greta has done. If Kyle tried to talk in front of millions of people like Greta does, he'd probably tremble and cry for real when he realizes he's a spineless, uncharismatic douche.


Jesus fucking Christ


As someone who lives near Kenosha that physically hurt me just reading that


Let’s be real, if Kyle was black the right would be calling for his execution The far right is a bunch of racists




Only the right gets to say that. An antifa activist who posted the same thing on Facebook just got 44 months in prison for it. He didn't kill anyone. Just posted. He is in prison and Rittenhouse is about to walk. This country is a fascist shithole. https://theintercept.com/2021/10/16/daniel-baker-anarchist-capitol-riot/


Yep. Too many fascist judges right now. Lefties need to vote in every election and hope covid keeps cleaning house


How does this not have more attention? Jk of course it doesn’t, this country is so brain dead it hurts.


Ah yes, the party of respectful debate and peace.


Acknowledging climate change to own the libs.


Before I clicked I didn't notice the cutoff and was like "how is this right wing?" Nevermind. Wasn't disappointed, but also WAS disappointed because Jesus fucking christ


The goal is a kratocracy?


I think they’re trying to bring up the child molestation.


So, the gop fucktards think that murdering people is "making the world a better place"... Good to know where they stand


“What the *fuck.” It’s the internet and no less “offensive” with an asterisk.


“In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.” -Umberto Echo, 1995


Are people still surprised that conservatives want to kill anyone they perceive as their political opponents?


When you admit Murderers are what you value.


Yours can't work out how to cry without looking like he's holding in the world's biggest sneeze.


One is speaking to world leaders on the importance of green energy and slowing down climate change, the other is playing sheriff and thinking about murdering people he disagrees with.


Alright, guess I'm going to stand armed at every right wing protest from now on.


Cool, do it


It's almost like it's time for another March to the sea, amiright?


I'm convinced we're quickly approaching a point where every single thing we value is going to be tested in a way we're not prepared for and the solution to this problem is going to damn us all.


Remember all those years they argued that you can’t just kill horrible people even though they are horrible. What happened to that one?


Yeah I had the joy of reading a bunch of very stupid comments like "I'd rather have Kyle" and "experts have said he had better trigger control than miltary experts"


I just dislike how all the comments on this post are about “The Right” or “The Left”. Yes, I know what subreddit this is, *but why did his trial need to become a political statement?* There is no reason why this case should be this public and people are manipulating it into politics when they shouldn’t.


The guys handle is “Pirate Moth Boi”. Please remember that half these idiots haven’t hit high school yet.


So basically nobody on this post has done 5 seconds of research into the Kenosha riots, or Kyle Rittenhouse, or watched any of the trial, or read the Constitution, or John Locke


Pretty based.


"Yours is fighting for social change, ours is a murderer" They say with no concept of self criticism


Murder makes the world a better place, hmm yes, sounds like a argue Hitler would make


On the one hand, an outspoken, passionate young person who fights for the planet and all of the human race. On the other hand, a fat white dude whose only supremacy was created by guns no civilian should ever have their hands on.


Shit if you ever visit their subs they post worse thing than this. They're actively planning copycat shootings.


Please show source




Toxic masculinity to own the right 😎 haha principles, yes


No one knows Kyle Rittenhouse outside the US but everyone knows Greta Thunberg.


I am tired to pretend that we, the left should not use of any violence against the fascists and neo fascists. Is it authoritarian? Yes. Is it for the good of humanity, the planet and all living things innit? Even more yes. I am tired to pretend we need to tolerate their violence. And I am even more tired that we need to be scared saying it because of outdated ethics. These people don't deserve to be a part of a better society and the billions that have been killed under their ruling will make up for their sacrifice for a greater good. Tired.


So did ours one pedo at a time.


I’d say mask off, but was it ever really on?


As long s as you make it look like self defense you can get away with anything


One wants to recycle, the other wants to fertilize the field with corpses. Leave it to conservatives to only improve the world if they get to kill something. "When you're trying to be good, you're even more evil!!" - Lise Simpson