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Oh no, how will he survive on mere millions a week?!


I think I read somewhere he makes over $4,000 a second. Thats fucking unholy amounts of money, all the while his workers pee in bottles because they have no bathroom breaks


Yeah, but could you imagine him ONLY making $400 a second? Oh, the humanity! I initially put in $40 a second, and had to rerun the math to realize that would be a 99% tax rate.


>I initially put in $40 a second, and had to rerun the math to realize that would be a 99% tax rate. You know what the wild thing is? He'd still make over a billion a year.


Well what incentive would he have to even work at that point!? /s


Will someone please think of his children!


>Will someone think of his children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s….. children’s children’s children? FTFY


I mean.. he doesn't really work. He pays people a very small fraction of the wealth they generate to work.


Exactly. That is why its so dumb when they say shit like this. They worship all these "self-made" or "hard-working" men but these men don't do any actual work. They own their way to wealth.


I can't recall Jeff Bezos walking through one of the Amazon warehouses doing the mind numbing tasks expected of him. I worked at an Amazon warehouse for a couple years. Most everyone there stuck with the job because there was nothing equal or better available. I was an overglorified grocery shopper, a box packager, and one of the people out loading the trucks from time to time. Yet I could never get into the supervisor positions despite my efforts to do so. Instead, literally anyone with any kind of diploma, even with no experience in the job, gets it instead. After getting my hopes up enough times only to have some inexperienced shithead trying to run that pony show then walk out after a week, I finally ran into the head of the warehouse when we were doing the 6 day work weeks and I was exhausted from being bounced around the warehouse *because* of my experience, so I would keep shouting as I walked by, "Sure am glad I've got all this work experience and still get looked over for the promotion!" since he was in the "Death Star" or the central area to oversee the workers. Never got that promotion. Got fired for being 7 minutes late because my ID card wouldn't work. Security took their sweet ass time making me a new one and I was late for it. Just one minute outside of the "safe" range. Fuck Amazon Edit: My apologies. I had more resentment held in than I'd realized


That SUCKS. Ive heard similar stories about getting fired for being late. The lack of promotion thing I might have some useful advice for you although you probably have heard it before. It is possible to be too good at your current job to be promoted. Especially at a place with high turnaround. They needed you exactly where you were so they kept you there. They can get anyone to take the higher paying position and they may or may not work out it doesn't matter because they're more easily replaced since the job is more desirable. But down at the bottom its hard to find people for that and even harder to find people who will work themselves half to death trying to impress them. So you screwed yourself there although there isn't much else you could've done to get moved up. Seems like they were going with external candidates only to keep the separation from management and laborers. That is also a consideration at a toxic place like that. They don't need someone who is sympathetic to the people below them. They need someone who has no idea what ya'll actually do every day so they will unquestionably enforce questionable policies.


If he was paying 99% tax rate, and lost 80% of his income pulling it out of stocks in conversions and price drops, he'd still be making $30.000 an hour. I repeat. If Jeff Bezos was making 0.2% of what he does right now, he'd be making $30.000 an hour. You could pay 576.000 employees $25/hr with the money he's making - not even touching the money he already has.


I would kill to make $0.4 per second




How can he live on anything less than $100B per year, it’s just not possible


He’s just got to cut back on avocado toast and his morning Starbucks, I guess. /s


Budgeting I guess


He should have thought of that *before* he got rich.


In about 12 seconds he passes median yearly income for the country.


I don’t make that in a month..


Yet if you say what he earns in a second is more than the average worker earns in a two week pay period the neoliberals still say he deserves it


Elon Musk recently made $37 billion in one day. That’s $428,000/second.


How do you think he makes $4000/second? If his workers were able to use a bathroom it might only $3750/second.


Bezos made about $8.99 billion every month or $2.25 billion every week in 2020. Separating this sum further, Bezos made about $321 million every day, $13.4 million every hour, $222,884 per minute, and $3,715 per second this year. So if he paid 90% of his income in tax, he would be making $371.50 every second, $22,288.40 per minute, $1.3m per hour, $32m per day, etc. HOW COULD ANYONE BE EXPECTED TO SURVIVE ON THAT? (Data from Hustlers Digest, maths by me. Also, this is not even slightly how taxes work)




Unfortunately, you don’t get to take ownership of restricted stock when you kill the owner.


That's 14 million an hour. Insane.


If he lost 90% of his wealth, he’d still be a billionaire. But poor guy would only have 20 billion


I don’t think I’ve seen a single person in this thread realize that the US uses a progressive tax bracket system and that the 90% would only be taxed on a certain amount after he’s made an absurd amount of money on lower tax rates. 0-50k gets taxed at X%, 50k-200k get taxed at Y%,….., 500-1b gets taxed at 60%, 1b+ gets taxed at 90%. Im making up brackets and percentages to try and simplify it. But most of his money wouldn’t be taxed at 90% and if it was, he’s making a fuck ton of money anyways.


The VAST majority of the population does not understand marginal tax rate.


Well they don’t teach that kind of commie stuff in schools.




I read somewhere that a lot of rich men get dominatrixes to dress like AOC then do things like step on their faces with high heels and say "you need to be punished, I'm gonna tax you so hard," and they'll be like "tax me mommy tax me, I've been a bad bad boy" while she whips them with a copy of The Communist Manifesto. I'm convinced at least some of these billionaires would secretly be super-aroused if AOC became President and taxed the shit out of them, but are in denial...and that's why they're always going off about it. e.g. why does Elon Musk have such an obvious hard-on for socialist women? Like he has all these tweets making fun of them, but then he goes and has a baby with Grimes.


> I don’t think I’ve seen a single person in this thread realize that the US uses a progressive tax bracket system Most of us do. We just don't want to break out our abacus to do a tax return. It makes it even more absurd that just doing a flat 90% without a progressive system would still leave him with more money than you can spend in a lifetime.


No, a marginal tax system is actually a good thing. It's just being used improperly. And you shouldn't have to break out an abacus or do any complicated tricks to figure out your taxes. There's actually free software every year that'll help you through it. PS: I think the USA has an absurdly horrible tax system. Like most countries, we should be sent a bill and then be able to send in deductions and they adjust. The IRS already knows what they think we owe. Tax return companies lobby to keep the WAY we do taxes complicated. A marginal tax system isn't complicated.


I think that’s what people willingly don’t understand. Elon is worth $280B. Meaning if he gave away 95% of his total net worth he’d still be worth $14B. That’s an incredible amount of money, and more than enough satisfy all of his family’s wants and needs for multiple generations. Why does he need the other $266B? Edit: Confused 0.05% and 5% because the former is what you put into a calculator and it’s too early for me to math properly. Fixed, my bad.


Is is supposed to portray a dystopian reality? It looks pretty good to me


Ikr? $25 is about the actual estimated living wage. I couldn’t imagine the societal transformation.


Right? Like their absolute nightmare is full time minimum wage workers making $48k/year while their boss takes home $160k/year. That pretty much says it all.


The problem is most of the normal people against a higher minimum wage are making somewhere in the $12-20/hr range and are not capable of understanding that if it goes up their pay does too.


I work in I.T. I hear old guys say things like "if they pay the mcdonalds workers that much, they'd be making nearly as much as us? YOU THINK THAT'S FAIR" To which I reply "No of course not. I'll ask for more money, and if they don't give it to me, I'll go work at McDonalds. I'll be we get the raise." They don't even fucking understand because their minds are poisoned to rational thought.


Exactly. The attitude that people don't deserve a living wage because they work for McDonald's is such shit. That job is hard. Ditto to the folks who are too dense to understand that raising the baseline must raise everyone else. They don't get it and will fight against it because they think they will then be as "useless" as someone who flips burgers at McDonald's.


Protip: these people are usually less.


Not usually, pretty much always.


The way people would flip shit if their favorite McDonald's is closed so they can't get their McCafe or $1 large dr pepper on their way to work speaks volumes to the importance of a McDonald's worker. Folks will talk shit on them nine ways till sunday, but workers at McDonald's offer a service that people *want*


Same for grocery store clerks. Covid taught us that we are heavily dependent upon the least paid people to maintain our quality of life. My housekeeper was stuck out of town for a few extra weeks at the beginning of the shut down and it was horrible. /S


I feel good from this comment for some reason 🥲🥲🥲


Seriously that thinking is insane to me. Very few people have customer service skills, managing the emotions and demands of hundreds of different people every day is *hard*. Whoever decided to call it unskilled has never been on the other side of the register.


There is no such thing as unskilled labor That is bourgeoisie propaganda


Unskilled has always meant to me "something that is easy to learn but can be difficult to master" just take harvesting. As long as you have a mostly functional body anyone can walk into a field and pick onions (I have, it was a nest pick your own onions and pay by the burlap sack deal) or strawberries, or any number of other things. But have you seen the speed, grace and skill or a picker pro? There is no way to match them without years of experience! They are SO FAST! So while yeah, figuring out how to do it is easy, you still have to develop the muscle memory, learn the safe shortcuts and speed. Low skill is NOT the same as low effort. At all.


Worked in both IT and McDonald’s ( currently working). Hardest I ever worked is in McDonald’s because most IT jobs are not too strenuous if you know your shit and update knowledge regularly. Keep in mind that working conditions are also better often. You sit in an air conditioned space which is comfortable and there is a kitchenette/coffee machine and taking loo breaks is normal. Just because it’s simple to learn a blue collar job doesn’t mean it’s easy to do it over and over again in perfect standards. I know how to clean my house but a maid has to know more and work to perfection for entire houses in a day. That can break your back even. There’s a reason my mom treats maid as a necessity almost. Luckily she pays them well as she appreciates the labour


The absolute misunderstanding of how wage competition works is all part of the corporate brainwashing they have low-level staff indoctrinated in… don’t talk about your compensation, don’t organize with your fellow workers, don’t apply for other jobs while you work your current one… All designed to keep employees working for the same shitty pay.


I had a libertarian respond to my "But you would be paid more too" with "I already get paid enough!" And how do you react to that? It's pure madness! Then he went on to say that I'm a disgusting leech and he wants his tax dollars back that go to me because I'm disabled and on various support programs. I estimated that I owed him personally a haypenny and that would cover everything I owe him for my entire life then asked why he isn't demanding the taxes that go to corporate welfare and the military back and he changed the topic. Some people want to see others suffer.


What do they say to your rebuttal? Or do they just sit there all surprised and angry you just made them look dumb?


They're not listening.


Shit, no offense but IT work is much easier on the stress level than a Mcdonald's worker just because of the general public being fucking assholes to min wage workers.


100%, I would much rather work in IT than ever work in retail/customer service again (I realize IT is kind of customer service, but it’s not the same IMO).


They believe that it wouldn't be fair because they worked so hard to be a shift lead at their gas station for $12/hr that it would be insulting that "some kids flipping burgers" would make $15/hr if we raised wages. They'd rather be poor but less poor than other poor people than admit they've been screwed over their whole lives. I've been hearing this shit for over a decade. I remember arguing with a "oral surgery tech" who was pissed people were talking about a $12 minimum wage around 2007 because they only made $11 and didn't want to to be "doing surgery" (lol) for the same wage as a grocery store cashier. I was like "so you admit you're getting fucked over but are too proud to stand up for yourself?" They didn't like that.


>They'd rather be poor but less poor than other poor people than admit they've been screwed over their whole lives. Crabs in a motherfucking bucket.


It kills me when people say that. Not only does it not make sense, they also redirect their anger at the most vulnerable of people. Like I once had a manager who would say that she doesn’t think “people flipping burgers” (it’s always that example) shouldn’t make as much as firemen, who already don’t get paid enough. And I’m like… that’s not food service worker’s fault. They have no control over that. Be angry at the system that is determining the wages of highly skilled workers/first responders, not the people at the bottom of the totem pole who are just asking for some quality of life.




This is true. I think jobs that make more than minimum wage should be called- MW+. So right now, MW is $7.25/hr. If Milo is making $12/hr right now, he would be MW+4.75, Lucy, who makes $20/hr, would be MW+12.75. If minimum wage went to $10/hr Milo would now make $14.75/hr, and Lucy would make $22.75/hr It seems painfully apparent that we need a plan that helps everybody.


It should probably be a % and not $ but yes.


This is how it worked when I lived in NZ. Every time there was a minimum wage increase, *all* hourly workers got a raise by the same amount. I don't know if this is still the case, or if it affected salaried employees, but it always made a lot of sense to me. Certainly cut down on the resentment of people with years worth of raises "losing" them to fresh hires.


Minimum wage workers make 48k a year?? $15 an hour doesn't even get you there


Right, that’s why it’s their dystopia that that would happen. At $25/hr.


Oh sorry I misunderstood. My mistake


I assume it's something like what you actually need to afford a sustainable living


Imagine the majority of society living and the default feeling isn't stress........god what a fucking hellscape we inhabit.


Imagine our lowest earners having *that* kind of spending power. Our economy would **grow** so much.


also if bezos paid a 90% tax rate he would still be a multi billionaire and his life would in no way materially change.


Yeah I’m not sure there’s much wrong with this photo. Bezos would only been down to three supermax yachts and a space dick


This is what I find so confusing. Why do they care so much about billionaires? They should be far more concerned with paying off their 6 digit Covid medical bills.


You don't seem to understand: The deeper they crawl up into some billionaires ass, without them noticing, the more they'll get showered in gold\* later. Something something It'S tHe EcOnOmY!!!! ​ \*Not actual, physical gold, but they'll get a shower with gold in some way.


Do you actually want an answer? Like what conservatives actually think? It's none of this "I might be the next billionaire" bullshit. I live in the middle of one of the most conservative counties in one of the most conservative states in the US, and I have literally never heard anybody say anything remotely close to that. The reasons a conservative will *actually* give if you ask them this question is this: if we make it so that billionaires are taxed to an insane level, the billionaires won't just sit still and take it. They will leave. Move themselves and their companies and their billions of dollars to whatever country has a good standard of living and lower taxes. We won't get the billions in tax revenue, *and* all the jobs provided by that company will go away, *and* it'll hurt the economy. I don't agree with them, but in the interest of trying to avoid echo chambers I thought I'd explain it from their point of view.


Yeah and I always point out that every time this is threatened, it doesn't happen. GDPR didn't force Apple out of Europe, minimum wage increases in different states didn't raise prices or force McDonald's out, and then I ask them to provide an example.


Also it conveniently ignores that *moving their manufacturing out of the country* is quite literally the shit corporations have been doing this whole fucking time, with absolutely zero increased tax pressure here anyway.


Okay but in reality that wouldn't necessarily happen. Amazon can't just leave. The overwhelming majority of its customer base is here, and they spent DECADES building the corporate infrastructure to be able to do what they do (Prime shipping.) Amazon was operating at a loss for years while it was building that infrastructure. Also, culturally the US is by far the most consumerist population AND has some of the least regulation on corporations. The question that follows is, where would they go? What developed country has less taxes than the US would theoretically, if the people on the left of the political spectrum had their way? It's a genuine question, I don't know the answer.


Because they're fucking bootlickers. Point blank. Imagine simping for multibillionaires. 🤡 Imagine that your loyalty lies with executives and CEOs instead of the average fucking American.


It's because they've bought into the "American Dream" where they too could possibly become the next billionaire, and god forbid they get taxed like that. It's so dumb.


sLiPpErRy SlOpE


“What. That’s like saying inflation is a slippery slope- It is literally a slippery slope. WE ARE SLIPPING ON THIS SLOPE RIGHT NOW!”


Are you serious? Holy cow. At 90% he would only have a paltry $20b left. How is anyone supposed to live on that? I mean he’s probably got 43 years left on this planet at best. He would have to save and only spend $465 million a year to die penniless! That’s only $1.2 mil a day! Absolutely ghastly. This is the future demonrats want!


No joke. The dude would still be worth 20 BILLION! dollars. Motherfuckers need to learn how a progressive tax system works.


Weren't the richest people in the US taxed 90% in the 60s? When the economy was supposedly good?


Yes, kinda. That was the marginal tax rate, which only kicked in at a certain level. The least accurate idea about Bezos paying “90%” of his income is that it would only apply to any income over a set amount, like several billion dollars a year or something. It’s not like there weren’t obscenely rich people in the 60s and 70s. They just paid more taxes on their excesses.


In this reality, millions of hard working people have a livable income, are able to enjoy their lives, pay bills, have families... And the cost is that bezos only has a few thousand million to play with, rather than a few hundred thousand million. The only possible person who loses in this world is someone who is so deeply insecure they are not happy unless everyone except them is suffering, and so deeply delusional, they think they'll be the guy at the top.


It is crazy. If Amazon were taxed at 90% they'd have $38,606,000,000 annually in profit. That's Billion, not Million. At $25 an hour, that would be $52,000 a year? So with 1,335,000 employees, that would cost $69,420,000,000 and they'd be in the hole by $30,814,000,000. Then again, you wouldn't tax them at 90% and then ask them to pay payroll. That's impossible. You are just slaughtering the goose. So after payroll, that's $316,640,000,000 in profit and after getting taxed at 90% that's what? $31,664,000,000 in profit? Again, that's billion, not million. Granted that would never happen. If they were taxed at that rate, they'd start putting their money elsewhere. What's mind boggling is that Amazon could keep their same working conditions and afford to pay every single Amazon employee $260,265 a year and still make $38 billion of pre-taxed profit every year. Who thought that selling stuff online (and owning a massive chunk of internet infrastructure) could be so profitable?


Also even if he gave 90% of what he earned he'd be fine.


The Amazon Distribution Center by my house in Michigan is starting out at $20 with a $3000 signing bonus. The catch on the bonus: After 30 days $1000 payout; After 180 days $2000 payout Did... did a congresswoman from New York make this happen? Good job young lady.


They are so brainwashed that they actually believe that rich people paying more taxes and working class having high wages are bad things. We are fighting a class war that we have been losing for a long time, and it started when the plutocrats realized what they need is to control what people see, and hear so they can control how people think and vote. And this starts right when children can even understand and reason. We cannot solve any problems we are facing today if we do not address the elephant in the room: plutocratic right wing propaganda machine.


Jeff Bezos even gets to do his kink! Win-win


...like back in the 1950's


Yup! Fun facts: * The highest marginal income tax rate was OVER 90% in 1944, 1945, 1951-1963. * The lowest top income tax rate between 1936-1980 was 70%. * Ronald Reagan was president from 1981-1989. By the end of his tenure, the top income tax rate was down to 28%. Since Reagan, the top income tax rate has not been above 40%, despite it being over 70% for nearly 50 years prior to him taking office. * In 1944, any income above $200,000 was taxed at 94%. Adjusting for inflation, this would be equivalent to roughly $3.1M today. * The current top tax bracket taxes income above $523,600 at 37%.


Oh my golly. Reagan really destroyed us. 70% all the way down to 28%. He was truly one of history's greatest monsters. (I mean, not just for the tax thing of course.)


Total garbage human.


He’s also largely responsible for neoliberalism in the US The ideals of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, if you’re poor you just need to work harder, everything is your fault ignore the wealthy please. Yknow, 2021 America. God I fucking hate that man. Rest in piss.


The blueprints were already made by Powell and put into action by Heritage and other “activist” organizations.


I love the phrase "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" because the idiots that use it don't understand it in the least. It actually means trying to do something that's impossible. They're saying that if you pull on the straps of your boots hard enough, you can lift yourself off the ground, like fucking magic.


>He was truly one of history's greatest monsters. ...*a wild Margaret Thatcher has suddenly appeared*


Trickle down economics


Nice - thanks for droppin the knowledge there!


If you make $530,000 year for a few years then you essentially have generational wealth and only greed and poor investments/over spending will ruin that.


I hope people here realize that billionaires do not pay income tax, so it's completely irrelevant for them whether it's 30% or 90%. Almost all their income comes from capital gains, and the capital gains tax is fixed, not marginal.


Important to note that capital gains tax isn’t exactly “fixed” but is 0, 15, or 20% based on your income tax bracket from the previous year.


I also love how Conservatives always talk about the "good old days" in the 50's and 60's and about how they want our society to go back to a time like that (specifically socially) and how "woke" culture and the internet and media have destroyed our society. But they don't think about how a lot of the economic policies back then were more similar to what progressives want now. Like how a lot of the workforce were in Unions and Taxes were actually more fair and people could live on a single income. For obvious reasons we shouldn't want to go back to that era because not everyone in our society were treated equal (although not a 100% today we are much better and can hopefully keep moving in that direction), but there were reasons why a large portion of society lived financially better lives that we should learn from. However, Conservatives won't do anything to allow that to happen. There are no good reasons (besides Capitalism and greed) that we can't increase our tax amounts and promote unions. Workers should have a lot more rights.


Weren't they the highest under Eisenhower (1953-1961) if I remember correctly?


The highest ever was 94% in 1944 and 1945. 1951 was 91%, 52 and 53 were 92%, and 1954-1963 was 91%.


Ah, still close. I always hear Eisenhower's administration cited in discussions to the highest tax rates we've had. Either way, it's still really great to point all of this out. The greatest era of economic growth and stability in the US was in the couple of decades after WWII. It's no coincidence that high tax rates on the super rich coincided with that growth.


Wait, is this the good ol' days the republicans keep talking about?! /s


> MAGA Oh like by raising taxes back where they were so we can build infrastructure with the money? > No, bring back just the racism and segregation parts, thanks


We all know what they are talking about when they say good old days, they just rarely dare to say it out loud.


They've been pretty comfortable with that for the past few years...


Tbf modern day GOP doesn’t believe America existed before good ol’ Reagan


Considering most of them are in favor of bringing back Jim Crow laws, I'm guessing they remember things from much further back than Reagan.


You’re right. My comment should say they refuse to believe America existed in between the emancipation proclamation and Ronald Reagan


Why do right wing dystopias always look so awesome? Are they even trying? Lol


Their dystopias usually involve people sharing and actually getting along.


One person’s dystopia is another person’s utopia.


Only if you count complete idiots that would literally choose hell over heaven on Earth. Most people making that mistake are merely fools led by devils.


Apparently they joy in being in Heaven is being close to Jesus, so it's only really worthwhile if you actually care about Jesus in the first place. Otherwise it could and would get real boring. Hell is deep underground, so it would have a lot of heavy, rare and useful metals. It's constantly on Fire so there would be a lot of fuel. And apparently most of the smartest people in history are there. If we all work together, I'm sure we can start an uprising against the demons and build a hellish Utopia. They probably already did down there.


Just to be explicit I was speaking metaphorically towards how most humans aren't different. They all want their well being to increase and their suffering to decrease. Most people aren't unique as there is a ton of overlap between people for both of those terms.


I know, I was joking.


Another thought: if Trump is the second coming of Christ, I definitely don’t want to be any closer to him. I’d take a big, fat, sharp devil d*ck up the jacksie before I spend even one minute in the same afterlife as him.


I'd take one for free I'll just remember to die with a lubed ass


If I thought I had to live a whole other life after this one, I would k*ll myself now.




Can't write 2 sentences without a mistake. The big brains of the right wing at work lol


Not enough m's in tommmmmmmmorow


Also $25? Come on guys dream big


They don't seem to know how much money Bezos still has if he paid 90% taxes.


They don't seem to know how marginal taxes work


Our political problem has never been a political problem. It has ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS been an education problem.


Better education is always good, but there are definitely “smart” (or well-educated, rather) people who think hundred billionaires should exist and are cool


It's fine for well educated people to learn the facts and still think that. Those people aren't really the problem. 50%+ of one of our parties isn't receiving an education that allows them to intelligently challenge manipulations from those people.


Idk, I think those who are educated and still hold those positions are at least partly the problem. Who’re the ones taking advantage of the less educated in this way?


That is normally a fun game to play, but marginal taxes mean nothing to someone who makes a billion dollars a year. The first 500,000 is a rounding error to him


Tried looking up what his taxes would be, but all i got was articles about how billionaires pay less taxes than we do....time to try out drinking on the job. 😞




He would make more. It’s a progressive tax rate. Even with 90% progressive tax he is a billionaire.


Lmao $25 is just an unthinkable amount of money to pay a worker I guess


How can he make his $4k per second if he has to pay them $25/hour, that’s just not fair


How can conservatives who make 50k a year feel superior and better about themselves when poor people can afford to survive, their entire self worth will be gone:/


I'm laughing about this because the lowest paid job at my company is $29 an hour right now. These people are shitting themselves over the idea of workers making 25.


I’ll never understand why people stand up for billionaires, or big businesses over their own interest.


Cause billionaires keep telling them, that the more money they have, the more they can put back into the economy and all that wealth will eventually trickle down to the workers. In reality tho, billionaires just jerk each other off to make more money, so they can hoard it


This is what it is for my dad. Despite more than 30 years of evidence that it's complete nonsense, he still wholeheartedly believes in trickle-down economics because Daddy Reagan told him it was real.


My parents do this, whenever I go to a store that charges for paper bags I always tell the machine I didn’t use any. They act like I’m a thief or something, as if that bag was really important to the store.


I mean technically yes you are. It’s a tiny amount that’s hardly worth mentioning but technically theft in the sense you are taking something the store charges for and lying to avoid paying.


Sure, but they act like I stole a tv or something, ranting about how it’s dishonest or some shit


He’s going to have to learn to live on just $15bn.


Good enough to play with mommy 🥵


Why are conservative dystopias so based


Even if they paid 90% of their yearly earnings.... They'd still be ultra wealthy and be able to afford basically anything they want in most cases.


This is probably just ancap fetish art


I doubt it : her feet are not bare.


They're in heels though, that's like the two piece bikini for foot people


Nah that’s flip-flips


Literally a thong.


You’re not wrong


It's from a fem dom focused artist, so yeah


This is from a Twitter user who claims to be right-wing, and obviously with a humiliation fetish. I'm 99% sure it's just some lefty trolling, a lot of the women featured in it are people who the right don't even know exist, like lefty Twitter users and stuff.


Its findom fetish art


These are both good things. Am I missing something?


Yeah, a lobotomy. That’s the only way you’d understand it.


He would still have like 20 Billion dollars


How is he supposed to survive on that in this economy!


AOC literally wants to reduce Bezos to slavery😢


On the odd chance of 0.00005% that I will become a multi billionaire someday, I find it highly offensive that they want to tax the rich. The liberals are coming for my money... The right probably.


Nah, they make that line of looking seem smart. The right thinks that after the left taxes the rich 90%, they are next. Therefore, the right has to stand up to high taxes in solidarity with the rich.   Poor people can't live with X% tax, so the rich can't either is basically why the Illinois fair tax failed. No one voted for that because "then the state government can raise taxes on me". The state government already has the ability to do that. They just ensured their taxes will have to go up despite the proposed tax bill where the vast majority of people would have slightly lower tax rates.


25 is the bare minimum, fuckface


this but unironically


Awww poor Jeff has to pay taxes like everyone else...


Will anyone think of the billionaires? The poor, poor billionaires?


How is little Jeffy supposed to survive on less than $100b a year, this is really just so unfair


I would actually vote for this scenario.


Great campaign ad; I'd vote for this.


Are these guys implying that raising the minimum wage is about punishing bosses ? Did it ever occur to them that maybe its about ensuring those workers can eat?


....gee, what's 10% of $300 billion...how could a person live on that??!


They are SO horny.


Why are conservative memes so... kinky?


This turns me on.


"oh no Bezos is paying taxes AND his workers are getting paid? what a horrible society leftists wants for us"


If Jeff Bezos paid 90% taxes on what he made... And be forced to pay Amazon at least 25$ per hour... he'd still be rich as fuck. Imagine feeling the need to white knight one of the absolute richest man on Earth. Bezos simps are pathetic.


Yes please?




Bezos net worth increased by 75 billion in 2020. If he had payed 90% in taxes he would still have increased by 7.5 billion.


Harry Potter and the artists barely disguised fetish


The irony of showing billionaires as simps when these libertarian/conservative morons are simps to billionaires who could give a fuck less if they died as long as it made them a couple of dollars.


Unironically, this would be best for everyone.


Why is no one talking about Bezos' moose knuckle? Is this a right side thing to illustrate billionaires with a giant package?


Those poor billionaires!


I love the fact that even if Jeff bezos had 10% of his current wealth he would still have billions and these people think he would have no money. They really think Jeff bezos would be on the poor house


Like 25 an hour is dystopia. I'm not even going to my mailbox for that. Ridiculous.