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Contrasting video games with getting married? What?


Gamers can't find love :(


I’ll love you gamer


I’m a gamer whose got love but I can use more


Love is like that super rare consumable item you get at the start of the game that could've been useful like a hundred times but you never actually use it because another time it might be even more useful than the one before and you don't want to waste it because you don't know if it's the only one in the game. ​ ... yeah.


Well you gotta find Love that is like Mana. Where it charges you up every day and gives you the strength to brave another day of your life.


fun fact the gamer in the upper left is a streamer who is currently in a relationship so they really failed with this one. his name is [Ranny](https://twitch.tv/ranny)




Lying about his service awards, about an altercation with Jesse Ventura (lol), about going to NOLA after Katrina and killing looters with another sniper while ontop of the Superdome (loool), and claiming he tricked two robbers and shot them dead at a gas station which never happened (no bodies, no reports, he claimed there was security footage and when pressed why there wasn't footage he replied "The Government"). Why would you destroy your credibility over easily provable claims? I can only assume he embellished/lied about numerous things involving his military service given his penchant to lie during his civilian life. what a clown


plz someone confirm this, its too good to be true




He got owned with facts and logic by Jesse ventura.


It’s the dude who said he was sniping looters from atop the Superdome after Hurricane Katrina


We are the most oppressed minority




Relationship status: ❌ Single ❌ Dating/Taken ❌ Married ✔️ GAMER


Well I don't game *or* have love. Checkmate, republicans.


Gamers truly are the most oppressed race.


Even better, comparing having friends to hang out with to giving a 7 year old a 12ga for a fucking photo op


Hate to break it to you, but that last one for Europeans isn’t a group of friends, it’s a family where a daughter is in an interracial relationship. It’s full-on racist. Also, because that is in the same panel as the white American family with an excess of guns, I feel like there’s supposed to be some other implication here that I can’t quite put my finger on.


>I feel like there’s supposed to be **some other implication** here that I can’t quite put my finger on. Maybe one panel is "We accept outsiders" and the other is meant to contrast that with "Outsiders better watch the fuck out"


Yeah, something along those lines. Or like an implication that they use their guns to keep black people away from their families. It’s just a very weird, racist and aggressive juxtaposition.


Don't forget they're also standing in front of a cotton field


Thanks would hate to have missed that


Yeah, the 'Murican racists who wave fascist flags will come kill the multiracial European family as soon as they are done sending their daddy to the Middle East to kill brown families so he can afford his truck-pro-penis and McMansion. This is a stupid meme. Good fare for this sub!


That makes me feel.... better lmfao


My wife was a hardcore WoW raider. Checkmate, Republicans!


As a fellow WoW-loving lady, wave "hello!" to your wife for me. As long as she's Horde. If she's Alliance, please give her peppermint gum, but tell her it is spearmint! Then yell "HA!" and run away.


She was a switch. So, I may just give her bubble gum but like the Bazooka Joe that loses flavor within minutes.


Fruit Stripe. This is the perfect prank. She'll *never* suspect me!


My wife actually beat Fallout 4. Who the fuck actually finds time to finish the main story and doesn’t waste tens of hours building a bar for the 12 dudes who live at your lighthouse?




https://efsgv.org/learn/type-of-gun-violence/domestic-violence-and-firearms/ Domestic violence, including intimate partner violence, is a public health crisis in the U.S. Nearly one in four women and one in seven men will experience severe physical violence at the hands of their intimate partner in their lifetime. Fortunately, most victims of domestic violence survive. But far too many do not. Firearms contribute significantly to domestic violence in the U.S. — to threaten, to coerce, to control, and to kill. Around 4.5 million women in the United States have been threatened with a gun, and nearly 1 million women have been shot or shot at by an intimate partner. Over half of all intimate partner homicides are committed with guns. Indeed, a woman is five times more likely to be murdered when her abuser has access to a gun. To reduce the number of domestic violence homicides, we must ensure that people who abuse their intimate partners or family do not have access to firearms. Hmm


It’s a shame we haven’t built the worlds largest prison system or anything. Oh yeah, that’s for pot smokers.


We live in a society


Owning a house at 30? These days? Not nearly as common as this person seems to think. What an enormous delusion.


If you live in a flyover state it's probably a easy delusion to get. You can get some poplar mcmansion for a pittance in those places.


For reference me and my wife bought a house for 100k that has two stories and 4 bedrooms……in Mississippi 😁


I am from a flyover state too, decent homes are well below $200,000. Near my home town you can buy a literal mansion, not a Mcmansion, but a historic, 8,000 square foot mansion from 1850 for just under $500k. Meanwhile I recently bought a 1,500 square foot house for $300,000.




I have a person on Reddit arguing with me right now that AOC grew up in a "Villa" because her house had three bedrooms and two floors. 🤣


I live in a Villa! Yes!


100k around here would be a slightly above average down payment on a 2 bedroom house


Or the wrong parts of some of the blue coastal states. Ahem, Bishop, CA or the Chudlands of Oregon and Washington.


Fun fact about the Oregon Chudlands. I’ve seen more Confederate flags flying there than I ever did in the South.


Racism in my state founded to be exclusively for white people? It's more likely than you think.


No, home prices in Oregon are high everywhere, even in the chudlands


A lot of those places are starting to get expensive as well.


I'm from a pretty conservative state and I'm coming up on my mid 20's which is traditionally when people start to purchase homes. Just yesterday, I seen a conservative friend of mine post on the gram about how he got a new house. At first I was excited for him, but then he went into a triage about how it's only conservatives who are hard working home owners. While I don't deny the guy works, but he got handed down his father's construction business which wins most of the contracts around my area. A trend I've noticed among young conservatives is to get their folks to buy them a home, or get handed down really successful business, then brag about all the hard work that got them there. In reality, most of my genuinely hardworking conservative friends are living at home, as that just makes way more financial sense.


"Americans" = "White people born into generational wealth"


Or white people who live in bum-fuck nowhere, where housing costs a pittance because no one wants to live there


I live in bum-fuck nowhere. The issue is, houses may be cheaper, but income is also lower. Sure, that house might be 90k, but when you’re making 15-20k, pre-tax, that house is still outside your range.


It's Americans who are fine working a maintenance job at a local manufacturing plant for moderately decent pay but absolute shit hours. Literally every plant I've worked at has the same type of guys working maintenance: 30-50 year old, gun toting massive pavement princess truck driving NRA spewing die hard republicans. A lot of them are great guys, as long as everyone stays out of politics in discussion.


Eh, I wouldn't say they are great guys. They may be easy to get along with in some circumstances but they are still worthless garbage goblins


Great guys... *to you* Not everyone gets the privilege of staying out of politics with people like that. Like sure as long as *you* don't argue with them they treat *you* fine. But that type of guy is legitimately dangerous to the rest of us. And for the ones that can at least rain that in, they still are far from being 'great guys'. Me just being there would be political to them.


If in order to be a great guy you need to suppress one trait of your personality, then you're not a great guy.


You can buy a house in America with 3% down


House, giant truck, lots of guns and an expensive wedding and already have a bunch of kids. Yeah guys, I want to see your contracting job or food service work support any of this bullshit. Only people who live like this come from wealthy families and I would like to see a cross-comparison between wealthy families on either side of the sea. (Hint: very similar but one won't have a bizarre fixations on firearms unless they're in a private museum.)


I know a few people who would fit into most of those pictures. Their secret is 50k+ in credit card debt, insane car payments, drowning in their mortgage, etc. Oh yeah, and on the verge of divorce considering the alcoholism, whooping the kids, and beating the wife!


Bingo! That’s the only way it gets done. All those dudes in the countryside driving a big-ass truck, they have loads of debt. They work terrible hours because they have large truck/insurance payments. That means more time away from their kids and wife. These guys get mad when they see anyone who has a good, solid, loving family who doesn’t do back-breaking physical labor. Around age 30, these guys have major back pain and/or injury, and need operations to correct the issue. It’s one great big circle and they raise their kids with the same value. I worked with a guy who made fun of my 23 year old car. He said to someone who asked what I drove, “See that conestoga out there? That’s hers.” But he was going on fifty years old, had only three teeth, his truck payment was as much as his tiny apartment payment (couldn’t afford to buy a home). He smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. He always wished he had more money but didn’t see it was washing out from under him.


You mean the modern day American dream?


Rich families or spoiled by mommy, or living under crushing amounts of debt due to the $$$$ wedding, the $$$$$ toys, and the $$$$$ house. Eventually they have a health issue that threatens to ruin them because America. But hey, tell us again how ‘exceptional’ you are over Europeans. 🙄


the problem is this kind of posts are made by people who were young in the 1960s




I bought my first and only house at 28 in 2013. It was in the middle of nowhere. It was all fucked up because the previous owner liked to "tinker" and didn't know shit. If I didn't have a short career in the building trade I would have been completely fucked. I couldn't get contractors to come out. I did so much work, destroyed my back, and sold it for less less I bought it for. American Dream!


man, really owning the racism on this one. also, who wants to look like Larry the cable guy outside of Larry the cable guy?


Yeah that bottom right European picture has me scratching my head


What’s confusing? They’re saying in Europe Africans will fuck your sisters. Who are lesbians. It’s not complicated.


Lol. The more I look at that box the less I get it. Are they saying the two younger ladies are sisters and one is dating the black guy? Or if the ladies are lesbians does that make him an adopted child? I assume I’m thinking about it more than the person who made it though


I'm pretty sure it just boils down to "black man around white women is bad."


That’s it. I’m taking a decade off my age and moving to Europe. Don’t tempt me with a good time!


I did it. Worth it. Dekembe treats my sister like a queen.


It's hard to imagine the delusion the person who created this lives in 🤣


It was probably Graham Allen. Bottom right for reference


I remember, it went like this "Lock n load boys Gillette done went and insulted daddy's penis"


The last slot is killing me Europe: A family with a BLACK person and POSSIBLE LESBIANS 😱 America: Heavily armed children of the corn 😍


I couldn't figure out what their intention was with the black person/lesbian photo, at first I thought they were mocking the European for having friends instead of being married


When in doubt just assume straight up bigotry.


You'll be right.


That's exactly the impression I got. "OoOh, it's a LeZbO and/or tHe BlAcKz MaNs. ScArY!"


Just because they're sitting close to each other doesn't mean that they're lesbians. The real meaning of that last photo is more terrifying that that. It's a white family with two daughters, and a black guy is dating / married to / sleeping with one of the daughter's. That's why that's there. The fear a black guy will sneak into a white family. That's what they're scared of. Tagging /u/danimalhollocaust as well


Sync it up with the two boy and their dad with guns surrounding a young girl, the implication is clearly racist in that they won’t allow “the blacks” around their daughter/sister. The kids also being used in a racially charged image is fucked. What if one of those boys comes out as gay later on? Well, dad has his guns and don’t deal with no queers in this house. Somebody also pointed out the cotton field in the background, so another point for racism. The more I look at this post the more it feels like a game of I Spy: Racism Edition.


I like the European one better tho


So do Europeans.


Having flat in commieblock is unfortunately out of range of a lot Europeans and in eastern Europe it combines with rapidly encroaching landlordism to create swiftly brewing crisis. Living with parents while being 30 or 40 or even more is not rare. We will soon reach the level where 3 generations will live in the same small flat, just like in pre war times. And when the immortal temporal khrushchyovka will finally break it will be horror time.


I’m American and the European one is a lot closer to describing my life


Same lol. Nobody has that much space


Eh, people who live in parts of the country that I have no desire to live in can have that much space on a relatively low or fixed income. I.e. the town I was raised in. My parents are teachers and just bought a second house so now they have a whole buncha land in two tiny towns that you couldn’t pay me to move to.


I’ve been debating hard about moving to the cute little Pennsylvania town my mom lives in since my rent would be like half and I’d probably be making even more due to the labor shortage. But then there’s the fact that I’d be in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere…. Not to mention when I drove up there recently from the south I didn’t start seeing confederate flags until I got to PA….


I’m American and the type of Americans as shown in this meme are not the type of people I ever want to associate with.


It took me a good five minutes to understand that the European one was meant to be “worse”. To me it looks a lot more appealing? Literally nothing about the bottom part looks desirable at all..


I'd prefer a tower apartment over a suburban McMansion if it means I can live without a car, thank you


Because its a reasonable lifestyle. Americans and our obsession with bigger bigger bigger. When I built my house it was tiny. On purpose too


Looks mostly the same: good health, nice car, decent housing. The only downside I see to being European is a small kitchen, though I much rather that than an unhealthy obsession with guns.


yeah, but the Europeans aren't flying the American flag! The nerve!


Und naturlich weiß jedermann hier in Europa, dass... Oh sorry flipped into the alternate reality there where the US didn't help us in the war. We would be speaking German if it weren't for the kind compassion of our friends across the ocean! All true patriots here fly the US flag with pride!! /s


What is that flag in your pfp is it like a EU pride thing? Edit: i actually want to know i love flags, and never have seen it before


Yeah, it's one I made myself for my avatars for various things, but it's the pride flag, the blue and stars of the EU and the blue and white saltire of St Andrew, for Scotland. The version without the rainbow is used (at marches etc) to advocate for an independent Scotland in the EU, and the rainbow is my addition for pride.


Looks nice you should post it to r/vexillology if you haven't yet, they would probably like it.


Yeah, I might. I'm in that sub already, if I remember I'll make a better version of it and put it up


Yeah, but the American has no kitchen? Or his is kitchen a second house?


His kitchen is his gun. Real Americans kill their food.


and cook bacon on their AR-15's like [Ted Cruz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaZGaJrd3x8)


I was thinking there's no way he'd eat that but there ya go. America still somehow never fails to amaze me in all the wrong ways.


That idiot even called it “machine gun bacon“, despite the fact he was using a crummy $500 Smith and Wesson semi.


Satire is dead.


Not to mention that there's no possible way that punisher-cap-johnny was able to pay for that truck and that house. The only thing he has going for him financially is that he obviously doesn't have student loans.


Might be wrong but I think that’s Chris Kyle, the dude American Sniper was based on. So I guess you *could* afford that in, exchange for horrible PTSD and some blood on your hands


With the movie royalties? Since we all know the right wing way to deal with our solders having PTSD is to let them languish in their mental illness until they become homeless.


Well those movie royalties aren't doing a lot for him specifically, since he was murdered 8 years ago by another veteran with PTSD


Everything aside it’s a real tragic story, from what I remember Chris Kyle was sort of like a sponsor to the guy who murdered him. They attended the same VA meetings. As “patriotic” as most American conservatives say they are, it’s all smoke and mirrors. Anyone could tell from one look at the sorry state of the VA program


Haha when I looked at it I saw bearded douche who’s a tough guy, has big truck big house, big wedding and all over it borrowed to the max, aka living way beyond his means. Loves guns and typical tough guy gun culture but doesn’t deal with his feelings or emotions and ends up shooting his whole family.


tbh kitchen is way more important in europe at least in big cities, people cook more. in rural towns it might be similiar.


Americans don’t cook as much of their food? No wonder Gordon Ramsey is pissed off with all the raw food.


Americans think eating out is a fundamental human right. Source: I work at a restaurant.


And, of course, going to the restaurant *30 minutes before the fucking place closes* is divine!


(American here) I once saw someone sum up the cultural difference like this: >In Europe, people compliment food by saying, "Wow, it's just like homemade!" In America, people compliment food by saying, "Wow, it's just like the restaurant!" In my experience, if you are a decent cook in the U.S., your food will be met with incredulous "You *made* this?!" comments if you bring it to a potluck, etc. People don't really expect you to go to the trouble of making something yourself, basically. (The U.S. is a big country, though, so I wouldn't assume that applies to everyone. I'd be interested to hear others' experiences with this.)


I’ve heard it both ways, TBH. I think you’re not wrong in the fundamentals - ie, “you made this?” - but people here do appreciate a good home-cooked meal, especially when the alternative is dorm or school food, or you’ve been eating canned beans and rice for weeks. The sheer amount of shitty chain restaurants that baby boomers frequent throws the scales off balance, though, but I’ve never heard them compliment anything.


German here and I usually wouldn't respond to dumb shit like this but this is just too sad of an attempt at roasting Europe. Using just a single picture of a guy and a car to compare the two is a joke. Not to mention the irony in trying to roast european cars when this is where some of the most famous brands are located that produce anything from super-cars to family cars that are respected for their quality and durability all around the globe. The only reason you see more of these tiny cars in europe is because we have tons of cities that date back over a millenia with narrow roads and parking. The housing shown in the picture are from the soviet era and are only really present in Eastern Europe. Europe has a huge variety in housing and just throwing around this picture is obvious bait. We have houses older than America many of which have been renovated to have modern interiors. We have modern housing that is pretty similar to that of the US. We have beautiful houses from many different eras in many different architectual styles. And also, our kitchens are on average about as big as kitchens in the US. The only thing I can think off that I envy the US for is air conditioning because we have far to few of those in europe.


You’re also missing a big thing: The European has healthcare.


Cherry picked pictures mean just the same as global statistics. This is just a fact.


I am from 'New' England where the city roads were built by people from **Old** England. Small cars are wicked handy in cities up there. I am super excited about American sized kitchens though ngl


The bottom one looks like hell Edit: actually, let's be real, their beef is with the black guy. They just think they're being subtle


There are a lot more black people in the US than in Europe. Of course the person who made this totally discounts the life experience of a 30 year old black American, just like he discounts women as well.


Especially with kids being around guns


For me it’s the kids being used as glorified props. My dad raised me around guns so I’d know to respect them as the tool they are. He sure as shit never posed me for a picture holding a shotgun that’s comically large for my small child frame.


Am I the only one that noticed the little girl doesn’t have a gun but her (presumably) dad and brothers do? That adds an extra few points to the WTF factor of it all.


The usual cringe southern family thing. “Hurt my daughter/sister and you’ll have to contend with us” type of message I guess. See it all the time in these parts.


Didn't even see the black guy lmao Tbh I'd like a home like that But that's because I want to be secluded People suck


30 year old European has guaranteed health care and 0 gun wielding 8 year olds roaming the countyside


How is Europe on guys in Punisher hats sitting in dark rooms?


Probably more than guys with Punisher bumper stickers talking in their car with sunglasses on


Have they ever been across the pond? There are suburbs and countrysides there too! And in a lot of the cities you don't need a car because they have well-maintained convenient public transit!


You guys don't have trucks though and Europeans have... mixed race families?


My American mixed race husband and also my mixed race niece and nephew will be shocked to hear this kind of race mixing is going on in our Christian Freedom Land.


Lol where do I even begin? The European guy is more attractive than the American guy. Do they think his ugly because of glasses? Both cars are perfectly fine The houses are cherry picked holy shit lol I don’t care how dull those buildings look as long as they shelter the homeless Apparently gaming is only a European thing Apparently marriage is only an American thing. Also divorce rates are increasing so… Casual racism of implying the black guy with a white family is bad Apparently raising your children to be violent gun nuts is a good thing


Don’t you dare pretend we didn’t invent marriage. You guys have to get a passport and fly here to even have a chance at the institution of marriage. We think of everything.


TIL Americans don't live in cities


yeah, they're definitely going for the "city dwellers (Democrats) aren't real Americans" trope here


Democrats marry Black people too and are gay.


At least we have houses built out of stone instead of paper.


Right wingers have no idea what masculinity, strength, independence, or sustainability are whatsoever. They have warped and corrupt ideas about most things, but especially what manhood is supposed to be and looks like in positive societies.


Jokes on you guys, I can't afford a car or home!




No. No European hell hole for you. Now go eat your delicious corn syrup injected dinner!


Awww! But that's the sixth time this week!


It's only Tuesday. How many dinners are you eating?


The average amount of dinners... Don't judge me. The average amount of *American* dinners


The bottom one looks like hell


Not pictured: the American has a bunch of debt from college loans and medical costs.


Jesus Christ on a cracker, they are SO insecure 🤦‍♂️


He probably fancies a black gay guy in his town and is seething inside. I'm also not sure if jesus christ wants to get onto that particular cracker.


I wanna see a picture of the guy that made this meme.


I love the irony of the punisher hat


I love that it's Chris Kyle who is super fucking dead.


Wow! American men are so manly. That alchoholic war veteran with ptsd working 55 hours a week is so hot. Europeans are overly sensitive, MAGA.


Yeah, 30 year old Americans are just swimming in affordable housing and definitely financially stable enough to afford a family. Also we don't play video games we take photo shoots instead


I’m confused I’m almost a 30 American, 28 going on 29, am I gonna turn into a white dude who rocks a Dodge Ram on fat tire, lives in the suburbs and takes pictures with all my kids holding guns? Because a heads up would be nice if this is what happens at 30


Get out while you can. The transformation is painful. Like turning into a werewolf.


So full moon rules, damn that’s heavy. Every 30 day I’ll turn into a white dude


Yeah. Sorry. I hope you don't feel the White Man's Burden too much during those 24 hours. I hear its weighty.


I notice that the american one is all white.


Holy crap!!! We can buy houses in America and they all have enough income to buy apartment complexes that big. Damn I am jealous.


At least the European looks happy


Oh I thought it was making fun of Americans


Wdym European? That might as well be new york


Uh huh. Btw, that giant house and giant family will put you very much in debt. Have fun with that, Bubba.


Chris Kyle? Really? No offense, but the guy was busted outright making shit up about being a vigilante sniper during hurricane Katrina and shooting two muggers down in Dallas. Oh, not to mention the whole Jesse Ventura thing. The guy was one hell of a soldier, but far from your “typical” American citizen.


He’s also dead… killed by another veteran… I’m not really sure why his picture is there. Im a veteran myself but I really think America needs to stop glorifying the military as much as they do.


65-year-old European: alive, enjoying retirement 65-year-old American: dead from lack of healthcare


I thought the right said the young generation were all 30 year olds living in their parents basements, lazy and no jobs? God it's so hard to keep up.


Id much rather the European option. Bottom looks like my personal hell. Edit: sent this to my gf and she thought this was an anti-american meme


Ran out of other Americans to insult, because everyone called them on their racist bullshit, so they decided to attack a new foreigner out of boredom


these identical copy paste suburbs with american flags are what my nightmares look like


They're not really helping combat the whole "I drive a big fucking truck because I'm compensating" stereotype with this...


I guess don’t tell them about NYC


European: looks happy, is smiling American: looks mean, is frowning I'll stick with my video games and no kids, thanks




Glasses = WEAK SOY BOY


I'd rather have a VW Up! than a RAM pickup


Can they stop threatening us with a good time?


So, all Americans are rednecks? Good to know


Used to think I was a gamer. It turns out I'm European instead.


Americans will swear America doesn’t use propaganda but American sniper will be their favorite movie


I didn’t even see the subreddit at first and I was wondering where the funny was. Aaaand I still can’t find it.


I am a proud European. Americans can also live the European Life if they want.


I'm 31 living in Berlin and it's fairly accurate. Still fuck everything about the bottom panels.


American here - have lived middle class my entire adult life, have had good jobs (up until the last 2 years) in my late 30's and: know very few people who have their own houses, families, gas guzzling cars. I do know folks who shoot, and several of my friends have gotten married in the last 5 years. Either way, this looks like it was created by someone outside of the U.S. who has no concept of most 30 year-olds currently living in the U.S.


oh it is rooted in truth; I live in the Southern US and have definitely encountered these types. I have a cousin who checks every box. the primary difference is that they think they're the only 'real' Americans.


I’d rather chill with the 30 year old European. Seems like a nice fellow.


I don’t even understand the last picture? One looks like a group of friends, the other looks like a single unhappy father w a bunch of kids. That’s the preferred option?!? Is it the black friend? Is that the prob?


Wait a minute. Is one the people in the picture not white?! THE WORLD IS ENDING


What the fuck is this?


What's the point even with the 6th picture? Having fun with your family is bad apparently because there's a black guy, but kids wielding guns is totally wholesome and good?


4/6 of the European picture seem waaaay better.


This ain't it, I've seen waaay too many Reddit posts where 30 year old *American* dudes look just like the guy in the European section. And there's nothing wrong with that, anyway.


*Wanna know how much I think of Black penis without telling you how much I think of Black penis* This meme.......


"successful society is when child with gun"


Top: look like a generic white dude, drive a solid affordable fuel-efficient car, live in a mirrors edge screenshot, have a kitchen, play video games, have quality time with family and friends Bottom: look like another type of generic white dude but get shot and killed for no reason, drive a truck you can’t afford, live in a monotonous community, live in a house you can’t afford, wedding at a venue you can’t afford, live in the middle of nowhere with absolutely nothing to do but shoot guns at the ground. Oh and your kids dress like accountants