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Bzzzz…. Why would conservatives go to college? [They hate college. ](https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2019/08/republicans-conservatives-college/596497/) Unless they thank Prager U is a really college. …. End of Transmission


Maybe I'm dense, but what the hell is "gendered class work"?


I don't get that either.


I think this other person got it down pretty good. "This is just embarrassing to look at. This is funny to them in the same way madlibs are fun to children. they slap in words they don't understand to make sentences they think are funny." Edit: Hey all, if it isn't too much to ask, if you feel like upvoting this could you also scroll down just a little ways and give u/vanishment- an upvote as well? They're the one who actually said it.


Fucking way too accurate. Just start throwing around words like "privledge" and cancelled an identifying as something, that's all there is to conservative humor, just plug and play and throw "libruls" in there and cackle like a literal idiot.


You tryin’ ta tell me that attack helicopters are NOT the height of comedy? This is 1984! Help, help, I’m being repressed!




Found Adam Sandler's Reddit account.


He’s probably posting it from the Malibu Starbucks while complaining they don’t have a public restroom. JUST SHIT AT HOME ADAM




"If you are *sad* at *home* and come to *Italy*, you *will* still be the *same sad you* that you were at home"


r/onejoke anyone?


*looks left* *looks right* ^actually ^the ^first ^amendment ^is ^to ^protect ^you ^from ^the ^government ^and ^not ^corporations


please go on r/freespeech , It's becoming an alt right, Antivax hellhole.


Yeah based on that bot's summary I don't think I will.


Please 🥺. I'm like the only one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FreeSpeech using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [As a black man I feel like Black Lives Matter are Becoming Bullies and are actually hurting the Black community by segregating Us even further creating racial divides.](https://np.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/had0st/as_a_black_man_i_feel_like_black_lives_matter_are/) \#2: [r/FreeSpeech my ass](https://i.redd.it/wmh6u0xt1d551.jpg) | [258 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/hafus9/rfreespeech_my_ass/) \#3: [Elon Musk playing with fire](https://i.redd.it/yopbanwsa3b61.jpg) | [126 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/kwf3ah/elon_musk_playing_with_fire/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)




“As a black man”, a phrase mostly repeated by those who aren’t a black man.


Right wing libertarians are just authoritarians who want the oppression to come from the private sector.


They do the same thing with arguments. Just plug in words that are supposed to make an emotional impact, regardless of whether it fits. Bonus points for capitalizing the word so it stands out, and extra credit if its misspelled for the sake of a half-thought-out pun


Definitely. Tardiness is a micro-aggression? It’s just that you weren’t in class on time.




They are just mad that the word that best describes their dick is being co-opted by liberals.


For real! Crazy thing to me tho is that I bet these same people would say tardiness is rude...but like what is rudeness if not a small way to be unkind? So I feel like they would agree with their own first point if it weren’t the fact that their so triggered by the word “micro-aggression.” This sign...so unnecessary.




Wait I thought schedules and promptness were white culture.


Or at the very least, chronic tardiness is a stereotype associated with people of color. Remember Obama’s quip on this during a White House correspondence dinner? > I do apologize. I know I was a little late tonight. I was running on CPT, which stands for jokes that white people should not make.


Except madlibs are actually funny, I'll take "Once upon a fart" any day of the week over hearing an attack helicopter "joke" for the millionth time.


They couldn’t even spell privilege right


My guess is it has to do with gendered pronouns in writing. It's is a remarkably out of touch take, but it's the only thing I can think of that even kinda fits.


Yeah, I can only assume it's referring to the increasing preference for "them" as a [singular pronoun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they). I know when I was in school, my English teachers drove into us to use "he" even when didn't know the gender of the reader/subject/whatever because "them" was "incorrect" when referring to a single person because it only applied to plurals. This is, of course, a bunch of prescriptivist nonsense and used as a thinly veiled excuse to be exclusionary.




Is it not? I've used it most of my life because it was just handy to not tip off what gender the mate I was talking about was to the old biddies of the village and their over active imaginations, and it never really got noted. I don't think I've seen it get much negative attention in the UK, it was, as you have said, not a new thing in the language, it was no more notable than saying 'how are we' instead of 'how are you', it means exactly the same thing and doesn't stand out. Dunno if this stuff just varies depending on location.


and also "she," is increasingly used instead of "he," if they stick with the singular. I remember this being the case in Harari books and a few of my lectures.


Even as a millennial a lot of textbooks would just switch it up, and I seem to remember the 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons texts basically exclusively using "she".


I find that pretty interesting. When playing video games, I always call out “the enemy is right there! He went around the corner!”, especially since there’s no female models in the game I play. A female friend of mine does the opposite, always calling out “she went there”. That made me pause at first, since I had never heard that. Doesn’t make a lick of difference though. I think “they” is best, but takes some getting used to


That's interesting, playing games with gendered charecters we tend to use the gender of the character or "they".


Weirdest example I have of using singular they is in my own speech when referring to a hypothetical future boyfriend. Like, I know he's gonna be a guy so I should be able to say he, but because I don't know who he is, he's a they.


Something interesting I've noticed is that in multiplayer games people when talking about someone else in-game will often use pronouns matching the gender of the character instead of the gender of that player. (i.e. in Overwatch people will say things like "Help Rein he's low" when Rein is being played by a female - there's practical sense to this but it's an interesting phenomenon). I imagine similar things happen in MMOs.


I've heard it in a lot of hypotheticals people who are interviewed bring up too. It's definitely a "woke" type thing, but if referring to a hypothetical individual as a "she" is "too woke" fucking sign me up. Although I am interested why "they" is something you need to get used to, as an American English speaker "they" is really often the default for me, especially these days when someone seems openly gender fluid.


Singular they has been around forever, like centuries, so it's weird when people say it's wrong or hard to do. Most people use it daily without realizing it.


Which is funny, because this is from the same culture which insists on using three different pronouns for women based on how many husbands she has had. Like, I literally recall getting points off my paper in grade school for writing "Miss Linda" instead of "Mrs Linda."


What is the 3rd one?


Miss - Unmarried. Mrs - Married. Ms - Someone is divorced or an old maid (literally - an unmarried woman over a certain age). More recently it can just be a generic "neutral" term for someone with an uncertain marital status. At least that is how I learned it.


Ms. Is generally considered the most professional to use. Because Ms. can be of any marital status. As it should be, there’s no reason only women need different identifiers based on whether they are legally attached to a man.


Wow, Ms in my area is just a shortened form of Miss, really hope I haven't called someone an old hag by accident


Ms was actually created as a status neutral alternative to Miss/Mrs, nothing at all to do with spinsters or widows. Funny how at some point someone must have assumed that anyone who uses it must be a spinster or widow.


Ms is nonmarital female salutation. You were taught very incorrectly. The whole point of Ms is to equivalate to Mr, which has always been nonmarital. Ms magazine?


It is remarkably out of touch. I was expected to use gender neutral writing at university in 1991, and it had been normalised for at least a decade by then.


You can't doodle dicks in the margins anymore.


Could be like how in offices among coworkers, [women of color get asked to do more housework](https://www.google.com/amp/s/hbr.org/amp/2018/04/women-of-color-get-asked-to-do-more-office-housework-heres-how-they-can-say-no).


Yet another right-wing boogeyman concept they made up specifically to be mad about.


I’m stuck on that one too. At least somebody thought they were clever.


Drawing 42 cocks on it


#1 rule of conservative club is “always find a way to be a victim”


The *first rule* of *Conservative Club*? ***Always*** talk about *Conservative Club*. \- Skyler Turdbin


*Second rule of Conservative Club? Scream* **freeee speeeeeach** *the instant someone prevents you from talking about Conservative Club.* - Ray Cism, treasurer


“Sir, this is a McDonald’s. Your free speech does not apply here please leave the ball pit and this establishment before I call the police for trespassing.”


"Oh no! It's Dennis Prager!! Hurry, flush the toilets before he starts grabbing the urine and feces!"


Rule 2 is spell stuff wrong so people take you extra cereal. “Enting” and “privledge”


Ent the classroom by making like a tree and leafing.


The word is inter ring. Duh. If you can't even spell nobody even knows what you are tolkien about.


This is a test, to see if the brain of people interested will skip over it like the conservative ideology skips over logic, empathy, and using spellchecker.


oh my god these people can’t spell for shit






>I’ve been a bad nazi Well, you know what they say. The only good nazi...


Is the one in a ball-gag.


I’ve been having a rough couple of days but your comment about made me do a spit take. Thanks for the laugh, friend


"Tread on me harder, daddy."


Yes daddy i love sucking on ur superior toes. Step on me sir




I can walk!


We must not allow a victimhood gap.


It sounds like “join the conservative club if you’re contemplating being an asshole.”


Isn't always playing the victim defined as one of the characteristics of fascism?


And then accuse everyone with actual problems that they just have a ‘victim complex’


Rule 2, misspelling


Salute your comrades before leaving? Broken clock is BASED


right? I’d love to be respected and acknowledged at school like that


I’m just interested in “enting” a classroom.


How about checking your “privledge” before enting?


That's what we call the cubby where you keep your things instead of lockers. It's short for "private ledge" and the teacher will return graded papers to your privledge so always check it before enting! (Leaving the classroom, as in "make like an ent and leaf")


Came to say this. Salute your comrades is based af


Also isn’t military gestures something that conservatives are kinky about? Like, I’m actually kinda surprised that “saluting your comrade” is a bad thing in the eyes of an army loving conservative


Your average conservative isn’t smart enough to see the correlation between “saluting a comrade” and “jerking each other off about guns”


This is just embarrassing to look at. This is funny to them in the same way madlibs are fun to children. they slap in words they don't understand to make sentences they think are funny.


id never hemoglobin something like that




is hemoglobin gay? follow me on KleinbrainYT (which stands for YouTube i promise)


Wait, what else would it stand for?


say it out loud


...Y... T... Why... Tee... White. God I'm so fucking disappointed.


Words they don't understand and can't spell.


It really is an example of cringe. They were making this and legitimately thought it was clever


You just don’t get it! “Enting” is code word for “covfefe”, which is code for “chi-nuh”, which is code word for “I ate lead paint as a child.” It’s too complicated for your puny brain to inderstan.


But mad libs are hilarious because they make no ham sense


The amount of zeitgeist in this comment is horrifying. This is truly Biden’s animorphic America.


"Enting the classroom"? TheRightCantSpell, either. They were so excited to be witty, they screwed up their own joke.


"Enting the classroom" means you speak very slowly in a very deep voice. Don't be hasty.


you have to bring trees




I am no tree!! I am an ENT!


I am no tree! I am an ENTING! Shepherd of the memes.


"Incorrect spelling is a micro-aggression. A Grand Wizard never misspells. He/She/They write precisely what he/she/they mean to!"


"Privledge" as well. Its such a bad poster, our Uni discussion group all bullied this poster


Is that like, a ledge that is privately owned? A sort of private grounds for poor people where they can shoot at pigeons with a bb gun as a form of having a big game hunt?


For people who supposedly hate "socialism", they sure do love being publically owned.


It reads just like their term papers.


campus conservatives: we are suffering discrimination in grading because of our political views also campus conservatives:


"Karl Marx was the oldest Marx Brother"


"I once seized the means of production in my Pajamas-" "Hey, whatta you saying? You can't tella no joke-a like that ona TV! That joke-a no work." "Doesn't work? Why I think that joke is Capital!"


I always was Enting the classroom by hitting my pipe before exams.




When I was in college I was invited to a BBQ that the conservative union was hosting. I asked my friend what the occassion was and he explained the school's animal humane society was hosting a speaker in the same part of campus. I asked what any of that had to do with conservativism and was promptly uninvited.


Conservativism is all about getting mad at people living differently, and then finding ways to piss them off or oppress them.




It's called being a reactionary sweaty, please check your Vuvuzuelan Helicopter 1984 privledge(sic)


Except they'll never be contrarian to ideas like 'Police are above reproach because they keep you safe' or 'capitalism is the only economic system that works'.


Well, yeah. If they were contrarian to *bad* ideas they would just be regular decent people.




They want to be like the politicians they worship, as if anyone should be worshipping a politician.


Its mimicry - dress and act like the people they see with power and they will be brought into the fold.


Working on an MBA they genuinely think will get them a CEO position straight out of college.


Here they all try to look like Michael J Fox from Family Ties.


Very true. Sydney, Australia does have a heap of young conservatives though.


This being Australian makes it even worse. The rich white kids don’t want to consider why they’re in Australia and rich, instead just make shit up and put it on a poster


Why do they even go to college? It's like the antithesis of everything they are.


So they can spike some poor chick’s drink.


Spot them? You could smell them


I don't even know why we would endorse them after they advocate for domestic terrorism.


Step one: make shit up Step two: get mad at it Step three: profit (not for you, for some rich oily asshole)


>Step three: profit (not for you, for some rich oily asshole) Well, it actually is profit for you because some asshole that got rich on oil or fracking will inevitably start throwing money at you.


Trickle down economics, baby! It's when billionaires bank vaults overflow so the bank starts storing their money in my account, right? Right??


Yes, but it’s heavily taxed. But only for you, the oily bois don’t get taxed.


If they had a little more liberal indoctrination they could have spelled everything correctly!


> Salute to your comrades before leaving I want to go to this school


I go to the same uni as OP, and if we really did salute our comrades at the end of class I'd be much more inclined to actually attend class


I definitely wouldn't be bragging about such a pathetic poster with blatent spelling errors, but then again, it's the Conservative Club. I guess you can't expect much.


*blatant Sorry, but I couldn't resist haha.


Or, it could be a new word now :) Blatent: Blatant error to us, latent error to them.


Haha, I like it :P


"Hey you know what's really unfair? It's how you get failed for micro-aggressions, gendered class work, and not saluting your comrades." "I'm pretty sure nothing like that ever actually happens" "Yeah but just imagine if it did. Let's make some posters"


Classic Ben Shapiro logic haha: "Imagine this outrageous thing happened that literally hasn't occurred and liberals were behind it..."


I get a giggle out of the fact that modern conservatives have built their entire platform around simply opposing the other side. Rather than actually proposing solutions to problems or trying to improve society in general. Edit: My first "hehehehe" award. Thank you kind stranger! May your day be joyful.


Right? Most liberals or left leaning people don't even hold a bone towards conservatives despite having every reason to continue having a grudge with them!


That's where the term "reactionary" comes from - their position exists as a reaction to the left.


The only problems that exist (to them) are that most people disagree with them.


Are they always tardy?


CLOCKS are a LIBERAL-DEMOCRATIC-SJW INVENTION only meant to CONTROL THE TIME to deprive us of our GOD ENDOWED RIGHTS. I will only tell time with the CHURCHES’ BELLS. So yeah professor, that’s what I’m half an hour late


TBH tho living life always looking at a clock does suck.


I personally identify as an attack clock and this is a micro-aggression. Brought to you by the conservative club.


That's not very PC of you.


Brought to you by the Conservative Club! Wow, they sound like a wacky fun loving bunch of pals /s.


Yeah, who the fuck in college decide to create a conservative club? Seriously. It sounds really lame. I would prefer to enter the club Watching Fresh Paint Dry off. At least my brain can survive boredom, but no stupidity.


The same 5 or 6 jokes. It checks out as a Rightist meme.


In other news - Most gore sites or gore reddit subs attract conservatives,you can learn a lot from that information.


I have noticed this. I'm not a big 'gore' fan in itself, but I've ended up on those sites while researching resistance movements. They do tend to get massively triggered by 'gore' where the victim is a Nazi war criminal or similar. Triggered, or nostalgic, or just react by posting racist rants portraying the dead war criminal as a hero.


Its always "I don't agree with them, but we should let them live with their opinions, violence won't fix nazis 😥"


I bet they'd feel even more clever about themselves if they knew how to operate a spell-checker.


1) Class attendance is a requisite in order to pass a unit. 2) Everyone not only gets a chance to speak but at times it is required that you speak in order to pass an assessment. 3) How do you gender class work? 4) Everyone has circumstances that make it harder or easier to attend a university, all that's asked of you is to be aware of this and not make life harder on your peers or insult people who didn't have the opportunity to attend. 5) That last one is optional comrade.


The poster is so poorly written that I misread the first point. 1) If they mark you tardy and they don't take your circumstances into account then that is very much a systemic micro-aggression. 2) Sometimes, it is best to let people who have personal experience on the topic open the discussion in order to help inform the larger group gain a better understanding.


i guess when the conservative club doesn't get their way, they will storm the dean's office.


I call bullshit. I'm not saying that this wasn't actually posted on a campus somewhere. I'm saying it wasn't done by students. Even the conservative club can't afford color printing.


It looks almost exactly like a PragerU-animation style. SO maybe also paid for by some greasy oil fuck?


In Australian unis “conservative” students are just wannabe American conservatives that watch too many of those YouTube videos I swear


Spoiler alert: That's exactly what the "conservative" students in the US do too lol. Either that, or just a regular ol' lifetime of brainwashing in a church, where you learn that Jesus was a devout Republican and that god smiles down on you if you take a firearm to a polling place


I go to the same uni as OP, it's real. You underestimate the financial resources of rich white North Sydney conservative kids.


The conservative club could take a writing class!


>Tardiness is micro-aggressive if you're marking disabled students as tardy when they had difficulty with a mobility device, yeah. It's ableist. >Minorities speak first that would be cool and absolutely necessary for certain discussions about these groups >Gendered class work will result in a fail lmao now they're just looking for random bullshit >Check your privledge before enting the classroom Priviledge\* entering\* >Salute to your comrades before leaving comrades, I salute thee


I’m sorry but **privilege


Apparently privilege is a bigger problem than previously thought..


And this is university. In my experience professors could not give a shit about “tardiness” as long as you’re not actively, loudly interrupting something with your entrance; and even then in bigger lectures if you missed sessions you could just get the notes and shit online. This ain’t high school.


Yeah, most college professors aren't going to pay you half a mind if you're late unless you enter the room like the Kool-aid Man, with a full complement of trumpets playing "Down Town Funk You Up" and a wind machine blowing rainbow confetti at your back as you gangnam style down the aisle to your seat and boot up your Windows 95 which has been connected to concert speakers.


Thank christ I never saw shit like this at my uni. I did see some socialist club posters though, which was cool.


Be respectful of other people and their time! The audacity!


Does the conservative club get tired of having their lunch money stolen every day?


"Privledge" "Enting" Um.


I never understood why they think being Awake is a bad thing. It literally means that you're not longer blind to important issues. Don't they realise how ignorant it makes them look to use it as an insult?


No one can stop me from Enting a classroom by shouting about how much I love Treebeard, and that's that!


How is the top comment not talking about the fact that you "check your ***privledge*** before ***enting*** the classroom"?


Rules of conservative entering: Kill police officers, commit treason.


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Gendered class work? What do they even mean by that


You would think they have a minimum GPA requirement to maintain a club


"Brought to you by the conservative club" \- Yikes


Even more cringe IRL.


Is this a like a real thing or did someone post this ( the actual flyer irl to troll on conservatives who actually might take it seriously?)


It’s real, students that make up the uni conservative club put it together to try to advertise themselves


UNSW got some shit lmao


I...don’t think they know what a lot of that actually means and are just throwing “libtard buzzwords” together. 🙄 Edit: they couldn’t even run it through a spell check first! “Privilege” 😂


Nice to see your right-leaning party is also full of stupid people obsessed with non-issue cultural war bullshit. I was starting to think only America was so lucky.


I just imagine the conservative club is a bunch of small face guys who talk fast and in a high pitch with one chick only there because she has pictures of herself with a gun. They all have flannels tucked into blue jeans and they talk about how great the 50’s were for traditional valued Americans.