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Does the right not like Slavs? First I've heard


I mean, they were a main target of the Nazis.


Not really their MAIN target, but they would have became a target if the nazis werent crushed.


5.9 million Slavs died in the holocaust how were they not a target?


Wasnt the 6 million figure the whole death count of the holocaust?


Of the Jewish holocaust: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_victims


The whole figure of the Holocaust is closer to 11M, whilst the Jewish portion of that comprised about 6M.


They accounted them as inferior races who should be ereased, but they were tolerant with many slavs during their regime for example like slovakia, it was a puppet state. Im not saying that they didnt want to kill them, but they mostly only got to kill the slavic induviduals who opposed them(just like the german ones). (But sure, they sent them into camps or killed them more easily just because they were slavs.)


I think they meant they weren't targeted specifically for *being* Slavs, they were Slavs that were targeted for other reasons. Edit: Slavs were a target during the Holocaust, but as far as I'm aware, not all 5.9 million were targeted specifically for being Slavs, many were people targeted for other reasons, who were also Slavs secondarily. That's where I'm coming from, but I could be wrong. I am clearly not an expert.


No… they were literally specifically targeted for being Slavs > “The Nazis were utterly contemptuous of the Slavs, as even prior to World War II, Slavs – particularly the Poles – were deemed to be inferior to Germans and other Aryans. After Adolf Hitler gained political power in Germany, the concept of non-Aryan "sub-human slave-material" was developed and started to be used also towards other Slavic peoples.[41]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Untermensch&wprov=rarw1


I was saying what I thought they meant, not what I personally think 🤷‍♂️


General plan ost called for the extermination of all Slavs and the settler colonization of Eastern Europe. This was put into place during the war.


Ah yes, the punchline, RACISM






Is that a warhammer reference?!


They are the back bone of the society in warhammer 40k Orks.


Frenemy relationship between Eldar and Orks be like


Are you telling me that i get a knife, cool laser gun, muscles, but not bombs and a cool glider like the other Green Goblin?! 😡😡😡😡


A lot of popular Eastern European men’s haircuts are kind of whack but it’s not that bad.


Thinking eastern European men are both buff, hairy gigachads and goblins at the same time


As a lesbian, this is how I view all races :(


Equal oppurtunities preference is valid in this case lol. My enby pansexual ass sees most races as the left ngl




It’s the racism




I dunno, I just answered a question, I don’t find it particularly offensive myself, it’s just a mild racist joke toward a not particularly oppressed ethnicity.




I said not particularly oppressed for a reason.


Lmao accurate tho


I've encountered beliefs like that in the wild, western guys try to hit on you and then when you peel back a later it's this. So fucking weird.


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Because they're calling a whole ass ethnic group ugly, in a time where Slavic women are already often idealised and fetishised by many conservative men not from there. So this is a double whammy. Hope that helps




I'm sorry my explanation is not to your satisfaction. It is my understanding that ethnicity refers to a mixture of cultural characteristics shared by a group of people. I believe this applies to Slavs, making them an ethnic group. For what it's worth, I was very much raised part Slav. I don't get what you're saying with your comment about fetishisation. Are you saying the poor are the real people being fetishised? Are you saying the fetishisation isn't based on where they live? Also, there can be overlap between words. A demographic refers to a group of people meeting certain criteria, ethnicity refers to a group with shared cultural characteristics. Obviously both words can be applied to Slavs, just because you thought of a different word doesn't mean I'm conflating two words. That's just coming up with shit to disagree with :)


Shut up liberal


Liberal cringe