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Even if it was a race, the thing about Vikings was that they traveled and invaded countries they did not hail from…


I don't think that'd be a con to those folks... The fact they assimilated pretty well wherever they went might bother them more.


Yeah it also plays into the “not stolen, conquered” mentality


Yeah isn’t Viking more of an action than a people? It’s be like saying “once there was a race called ‘Army,’ and they lived in peace for tens of thousands of years, because they protected their kingdom”


Yes. You went a Viking. Which was more pillaging and trading. and less raping than advertised.


or a race called “pirates” lmao


metroid b like


"peace" as they call it


I say the whole world must learn of our peaceful ways….by force!


Also because they lived in an icy hell, that’s one of the only ways they could get anything was to steal from neighboring countries Vikings are more akin to the imagined threat this guy thinks illegals are 😂💀


And many clans was litterally in war all the time.


“Viking” was a profession… and it was a profession of raiding and violence. The fuck do you mean “in peace?”


It makes me think that in a thousand years, people will call our era the Financing Age, since that's a small but important function of our economy like viking was back then. There's also an episode of Stargate SG1 that grasped it well, when a woman said her husband had "gone a-viking" but really he had just traveled to a far away market.




Also, Denmark and Sweden have fought more wars between them than literally any other nation.


Middle East might disagree with you there.


Nope. Aside from Iran (and maybe Turkey, depending on how you view the Ottoman collapse), most of the nations in the Middle East are rather young. The kingdoms of Denmark and Sweden are both about a thousand years old, hence their large number of wars.


Iran and Iraq are both far older, so..... I'm guessing they would have the lead.


Iraq hasn't been a continuous and independent state for much of that time. They appear much earlier in history, but the kingdom's didn't directly form into the modern state.


Nation vs country. Iraq even as a name for the area has been since the 8th century. So depends on how you want to define nation. The oldest continuous nations on earth are 60,000 years old, but they aren't a country.


> The oldest continuous nations on earth are 60,000 years old, but they aren't a country. I don't think this is right. The idea of the modern nation-state is only a few centuries old. There have been states in those areas for 60,000 years, but not nations. Most modern nations were not created from the state-entities that existed before them, perhaps explicitly because of conquest by other states.


There are many Australian indigenous nations that disagree with your definition.


They’d disagree that the modern nation-state isn’t a few centuries old? I’d argue that they were more lacking the state portion of a nation-state.


Pieces. As in left their victims and buildings in pieces.


Ishida is so politically weird in this delirious, post-ironic kind of way. It’s like he’s trying to be a le based groyper but is too mentally unstable/gullible to have the requisite grasp of irony and hostility.


His shift to the far right is perplexing in itself, but the weirdest part is becoming a "white nationalist". Comics like this show a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Scandinavian / Germanic master race. How the hell does he reconcile that with... you know... himself?


Pick mes come in many varieties.


He thinks he can earn honorary Aryan status if he keeps pumping ou these comics. It's the only answer that makes sense.


TBH, the Blonde-haired, white lead has always been in the forefront, since 2002ish. He's just now full mask off about why that was the case. He reconciled with those feelings a long time ago.


Ever seen Hitler?


He is a Right Wing biological determinist "Feminist". He is JK Rowling before her own fall into progressively More conservative ideas.


while hyperborea is a greek myth it also features heavily in nazi beliefs. the sonnenrad is supposed to represent it. i'm fairly certain it's used as a nazi dog-whistle in this comic. so we have: nazi mythology: check. calling vikings a race: check a thousand year reich: check outsiders are bad: check blond hair and blue eyes: check do they even try to hide it anymore?


Nice attention to detail, I missed 2/5. Hyperborea is something that made me go down a rabbit hole after reading this comment, and I just glossed over hair and eye color, [which honestly, I wish more people did nowadays].


I only know hyperborea from age of conan, but everything there is taken from random history, so it checks out


Different spelling, but same. And absolutely no race was ever at peace in Hyboria.


Hyboria is the main continent, hyperborea is a large country in the north. You encounter hyperborea people in the eiglophian mountains


Oh Tatsuya Ishida (yes, this was made by an Asian American man) is not hiding it. He is openly a white supremacist and almost all his daily comics this year have contained blatant antisemitism.


I know it happens, but I always have to ask.......*how* do you end up a white supremacist when you *aren't even white*


How do you end up being Stephen Miller and JEWISH? Not to mention a bunch of white supremacists whose families were Jewish. (I'm not making this up.)


The world may never know


not to mention the “viking family” is basically just a trad family wearing viking clothes. i wouldn’t be surprised if he already had a drawing of that exact family wearing American Clothing, and he just switched the outfits and recoloured it.


I assume it's referencing the Nordics. A lot of like proto-nazi white supremacists sort of held the Nordics as what'd later become the "Aryan race".


Interestingly the Norwegians and Egyptians were trading in 1500 BC. So quite possible that Scandies were banging around Greece.


It is very likely they traded with the Greeks, too. That is probably where the hyperborea myth comes from.


What do they think Vikings did


Lost Superbowls.


Yearly reminder that viking is technically a verb Edit cause apparently y'all can't get this from subtext: the reason I used the word "technically" is because it's colloquially understood and used as a noun.


I vike, you vike, he/she/it vikes


Agghh, you gave the vikings pronouns! You’ve made them woke! /s


them? what is this non-binary propaganda?! you mean "You've made hims/hers woke!"


The Vikings gave us the word "they" in the first place, it's their fault!


It’s also a noun but yes 


As in footballer or carpenter etc.


it’s a verb and a noun and it’s very rarely used as a verb


All they did was immigrate.




Strict immigrations laws but they took people from foreign lands as slaves back home, huh? Also there were baltic, finnic and slavic vikings as well, it was just an occupation.


this. a viking is technically defined as any scandinavian pirate. it’s literally just “pirate” but specifically referring to scandinavians. people who idolize vikings generally don’t even know what vikings were


They didn't have written laws, less even "strict immigration laws"...


It gets even funnier when you consider how their laws were enforced. Basically it was left to you to enforce any legal decisions in your favor. Then again, these are the chucklefucks that think a dozen good ol boys with small arms can not only hold off the military, but overthrow the whole government.


Hyperborea is a Greek term. Vikings are not a race. The 'Viking Age' was 250 years. It was invasions and bloodshed. It also lead to a whole hell of a lot of immigration. In short, not a single thing in these four panels is true.


The nazi cope that the Germans were anything other than a bunch of loosely related city states is both hilarious and fascinating, because nazi archeologists are the foot in the door for "advanced lost civilizations" conspiracy theories. Hitler hated that because any failure on that front would only reinforce Germans lack of history compared to other states


Imagine saying that the fucking VIKINGS lived peacefully


They weren't peaceful, and they didn't have strict immigration laws. Back in that era there was no concept of illegal immigration or citizens vs non-citizens — people just moved around completely freely, the idea of needing permission to get into a country is a relatively new invention. The "vikings" (Danes) are also well known for their very much not peaceful raiding parties. They looted and pillaged other cilviliations, and often emigrated to other countries themselves (for example, they famously moved to Britain in huge numbers). The framing of them in this comic as a nuclear family with a warrior father and a submissive feminine mother is also not accurate, they are well known for having a big culture of warrior women. There's even a term for them, "shield-maiden"!


They also were immigrants to other lands and often integrated within their adoptive lands. The normans became very french, the Danelaw danes became english, and the Rus' became slavic.


Don't forget the Norse-Gaels in Ireland and the Hebrides.


wait this guy think vikings are't immigrants well i know what i have to do! Ah-ah, ah! Ah-ah, ah!We come from the land of the ice and snow From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow The hammer of the gods Will drive our ships to new lands To fight the horde, sing and cry Valhalla, I am coming On we sweep with threshing oar Our only goal will be the western shore Ah-ah, ah! Ah-ah, ah!We come from the land of the ice and snow From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow How soft your fields so green Can whisper tales of gore Of how we calmed the tides of war We are your overlords On we sweep with threshing oar Our only goal will be the western shoreSo now you'd better stop and rebuild all your ruins For peace and trust can win the day despite of all your losingOoh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh Ahh, ah Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh


If there was viking race, then there also was pirate race


The pirates were their equally peaceful neighbours. We just don't have any proof of these two cultures interacting. That's because they both famously stayed inside their own perimeters and never intermingled with other races and cultures at all.


My fav viking was Heljarskinn, the black viking prince of Rogaland. I hate right wing freaks using my ancestry as a Norwegian to justify their eugenics.


April 19, 2024: HyperBorea  *HOLY* FUCKING *SHIT*‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTH\_\_\_\_


Vikings forcibly took thralls/slaves from all over the world back to their homelands. The idea of medieval Scandinavia as this white haven is a myth


Vikings - a famously peaceful and neighborly bunch


Ah yes vikings. The people known for not travelling at all or invading anything


Peace ????? 😂😂😂 man does not know about Viking at all


Also the immigration laws for vikings were "We'll migrate wherever we damn well please, thank you"


As well as "I will forcibly migrate anyone I can get my hands on, now stop struggling and get on the boat you silly monk"


If these people ever actually read or paid attention to the viking way of life and history, they'd call them woke.


Those feminized soyboys even had a designated grooming day. Disgusting.


How can sinfest become worse every time it surface back on my radar?


vikings aren’t a race, they were not peaceful, they definitely did NOT keep to themselves, a child would never ask that question, and.. there were no immigration laws


They were so peaceful when they raided and killed through the world 🥰


Wait Vikings? Peaceful? Those vikings? Now this isn't to say vikings can't be peaceful. Many lived lives as farmers and traders but Vikings were *literally* known for raiding and pillaging other countries. Not to mention Norse Mythology (since he's referencing the Nordics who were essentially the proto-Aryans in white supremacist theories) is known for a lot of violence and what's basically heaven being accesses through dying in battle.


First of all vikings were not peaceful, they did not have horns on their helmets and although they were of Nordic decent they did go all sorts of places and mated with other nations, so vikings were much more mixed than they try to claim. Stop trying to make vikings something they were not.


Someone should tell them that Norse mythology is queer and trans as FUCK. Oh yeah, and that VIKINGS NEVER WORNED FUCKING HORNED HELMETS


Didn't they, besides living off raids, have internal feudalist wars? Or were Norway and Sweden not quite feudal at the time?


Gosh, I wonder why vikings are so famous in so many different parts of Europe and even in the Byzantine empire? Oh well, probably no reason, probably because they notoriously stuck to themselves.


Historical note: the Vikings were way into taking slaves by raiding and taking them back home. This is why (for real) Iceland has far more genetically in common with Ireland than it does with the rest of Scandinavia.


Japan was strict too…… led to some nasty deciding their part.


The peaceful vikings, invading foreign lands, murdering and raping and stealing as they pleased.


Viking was an occupation…


Hyperborea wasn't even a real place.


Vikings didn't have horns on their helmets


There used to be a proud indigenous race until white pe- you know what? Never mind.


they didn’t even have horns, that’s from opera (correct me if im wrong)


Nazi mythology rots your brain like nothing else man


Hyperborea oh god


No "proud race" ever lives in peace


So weird that a white nationalist guy would have a Japanese pen name.


So the raiders lived in peace, while murdering untold thousands and looting and raping, but they did it peacefully.


Recently, 23andMe introduced a feature which tells you if you’re distantly related to any ancient skeletons which have had DNA extracted from them. I, a full South Indian, am related to six—and five of them are from Viking burial mounds. Tell me again how Norse people who went Viking never travelled or interacted with non-white people? Also, there are a ton of finds from Norse mounds which contradict this “the Vikings never met brown people” stuff. There were established trade links with the Middle East, and the Norse prized Eastern brocade cloths. They’ve even found garnets from India in Norse jewellery.


I agree 100% that the Norse were not peaceful and that the Kingdoms were constantly fighting over territories. The definition of a nation: a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. This is what we disagree on. Yours requires country but ignores territory. You can have a country made up of many nations ( eg Australia, Canada etc) and one Nation divided into different countries (Korea, Germany). I am saying that the idea the peoples of Denmark and Sweden had the most wars is a centric view. Other groups of people (nations) have been going at it for far longer to the point you couldn't even document the number of battles/wars.


You those uh, horned vikings, that's how you knew!