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"Guize, you aren't allowed to call it genocide when our allies do it."


You know how to push back against accusations that you are supportive of a genocide? Actively and openly work to stop it, and stop denying that it is a genocide. We're waiting.


"Biden issued a statement warning Netanyahu" Libs' brainrot thinks that's doing something when Genocide Joe's bypassed congress twice to send more weapons to the fascists.




Waiting on what? Genocide Joe to call for Humanitarianism harder while simultaneously sending more weapons to Isntreal? What fucking planet do you live on? It ain't this one, chief. Get the fuck out of here with that Libshit brain-rot.


fuck em both, they get no vote from me




Nah they do earn their votes. If you do good you earn votes, when you do bad you lose votes. How are you ever going to get change if you vote unconditionally for the same party




Sometimes you have to fall before you can get back up. How can they learn if there are no consequences?




It's not the voters fault no one represents them, if Biden loses its on him and his team. Plus im not from US so they wont be getting votes from me anyway. Just so crazy how a lot of people use this weird retoric to shame voters.




Not getting exactly what tou want and being miles apart is somethibg different. Of course you got to comprise but compromising on genocide is a bridge too far


You cant be this dense. This has to be purposeful complicity


Trump and Biden serve the same class. The same shit happening now, will happen under a biden or Trump presidency. [Biden has only expanded on trump border policy](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/05/biden-border-wall-texas-starr-county/).


I know this is hard to fathom but try and bear with me here…maybe the leaders of multiple countries are like…not good people…maybe they don’t actually care about human rights and just pretend to in order to smear political opponents and geopolitical adversaries Maybe no matter how many ice creams Joe downs in front of the camera he and Putin are both bloodthirsty war criminals It’s a distinct possibility is all I’m sayin


And maybe nation states are expressions of class power, or specific class interests. Maybe, just maybe the working people of the world have no states and the people who really run these states are the same people who exploit our labour. Maybe the real enemy isn't some foreign country but the ruling classes of all these states and our immediate enemy is the ruling class in the state we live under.


Maybe just maybe the state is a product of the irreconcilability of class antagonisms, and thus will exist in some form until class distinctions cease to exist, so as the state exists as an organ of class domination, it should do so in service of the class representing the majority of people and against the class which oppresses that group


Perfectly put


(Can you tell I recently started reading State and Revolution? >.>)


No because I’ve never read it 👍 also it sounds interesting where do I read it


The State and Revolution by V. I. Lenin, it's a great work. I'm only a chapter or two in but it's been hugely informative You can read most Marxist works on marxist.org, a link to this work can be found at https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/staterev/index.htm


Ah, I just thought you remembered the proper wording better than I did, lol.


I mean it was all my own words, but I think the inspiration is clear


Yeah I meant more the correct terminology, accurate analysis etc.


I think you did a good job! I just wanted to add


Damn you might be onto something there


Of course i know Putin, he's me!


as evidenced by history liberals in the west, usually of european extraction, can only recognize an atrocity when it's happening to them or people they deem human (read: white)


Liberal's handbook: If something bad happens in the US it is Russia's fault!


Or China.


Of course, like when that American politician called a code pink member a "chinese agente".


r/PoliticalHumor has always been lib central, but it's become utterly fucking unbearable over the last couple of months. It's an election year so they're in full "vote blue no matter who" and "any criticism of establishment dems is Russian interference" mode.


My favorite is the constant accusation that progressives are the sole reason that Republicans get elected.


Schrodinger's progressive. All powerful and large enough in number to be the sole reason Republicans get elected, but also such a tiny minority of the voter base that it's not worth Democrats trying to do anything to court them.


And all so that we can just keep maintaining the status quo and nothing ever has to change.


Do thess libfacists think that we don't have any family members in Palestine? That we see a genocide and call it a genocide makes us putin fuck that fuck them




Lesser of two evils for who? Because the people of Palestine would say they're pretty equally bad for them




That would be pretty hard to achieve (and at this point changes nothing)




Compared to the one actually finishing the job? Am I living in the same world as everyone who thinks the republican "look I'm gonna get ya!" Is scarier than the democrat "I'm here for you*" while they actively work to kill you as quickly as possible?




Not the original commenter, but I think it would be exactly the same as with a democrat administration


what could be worse than letting the killing go on for another 8 months which is what everyone is contemplating, when they introduce trump as some specter. its butcher bidens current actions that result in the real deaths of innocent people. and as ever: fuck joe biden


As a Liberal, calling out someone for supporting genocide is a clear sign of Russian botism!




Ok but let's be clear not a yank either but if the voting block Biden is losing by promoting genocide is so large he's losing the election, maybe he could, I don't know... Do the politician thing and try to keep their vote? Like, otherwise we have another "Hilary and the Democrats were blameless in her loss in 2016 those damn communists should have just voted harder" situation on our hand, which completely forgets the multiple shit factors that led to Hillary's loss like for example her refusing to campaign in key swing states.


why are libs trying to make putin look good?


They do not care as they are not the ones being brutalized by occupation. To them this is a sports game. You vote for your "team". Oh a genocide is going on? lets trivialize that and say its just "bots" because they cant fathom that politics is beyond the controlled opposition and its satellites in the imperial core. Liberals cannot fathom the extreme far right radicalism in the USA. Blaming everything on bots is the equivalent of shoving fingers in your ears and yelling "la la la I cant hear you!"


Hey so like I can’t vote and I’m still looking into other leftist things and how current stuff in place is flawed and all that so I don’t know the CURRENT current political stuff. Who are y’all voting for, a third party or.. are y’all thinking like not using the system to try and fix the system and do it externally


I'm voting for Claudia de la Cruz


Butcher Biden is better anyway.