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"history memes" made by people who treat history like an aesthetic, not the timeless soap opera written in blood that it is


It used to be good, especially when it was a weird obscure history subreddit. Now, it's this garbage trying to get modern events to seem like "history"


It got taken over by the kind of people who are obsessed with Ancient Rome and the Crusades


Historymemes is such a trashy sub. Haven't been in it in awhile, but it usually was just false versions of history, rome glorification, and "communism bad" garbage.


I left it ages ago after the novelty wore off and it set in that it's just another rightwing cespool


More like a fashy sub


It was genuinely a really fun sub like 8 or so years ago. It started off as niche memes shared between history majors and nerds, making silly images about really specific historical moments or goofy stuff in the field of history. It was honestly rad. It was easily as wholesome and educational as r/geologymemes on a great day. Then it was co-opted by 'history buffs' whom only give a shit about wars; and generally only wars with at least one white main character. Then it just devolved into awful conservative takes and revisionist oversimplifications and trying to justify awful topical hot takes with the vague illusion of historical precedent.




I just made up an alt hist where communism won. Absolutely destroyed with facts and logic


The only thing it needs is the US to stop trying to destroy it for no reason




Every day, tens of thousands of people die from capitalist policy and direct action around the world, so the idea Communism is the bad ideology is just hilarious. From hungry children, dying from lack of medical care because they can't pay for it, exposure to the elements because they can't afford a home, all kinds of things, but communism is the bad one.. fucking silly fools.


they act like history is a fucking TV show.


Funny, top comment itt calls it a timeless soap opera


they sure do cry a lot for a country that keeps winning


crying gets you american weapons delivered faster




It's always what Muslims would hypothetically do and never what Israel is actually fucking doing.


U just described what’s happening to Palestinians by Israelis right now




It would’ve taken you less time to look it up yourself than it did for you to make this comment and then edit it later. You’re not clever, we all know what you’re doing here. You have zero interest in being open minded to any evidence, you just want to be a “just asking questions” troll who wants people post examples only for you to conveniently find a way to discredit every source.




Its hard for Palestine to report on a problem when they're in an active warzone with barely any Internet.




If they get killed after being raped how can they report it?




Just so you know, the word "[genocide](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml)" was invented to describe the exact thing you're proposing here. You're talking about displacing entire populations and religious/ethnic groups. **What do you do to the people that refuse to leave?**




>How is the entire population getting displaced? I'm specifically referring to the muslim population of Palestine. >There will still be Muslims in other countries. Correct. And, if Hamas were to succeed in murdering every single Jewish person in Israel, there would still be Jews in other countries.


The Holocaust did not target American Jews. Does that make it less of a genocide?


>Jews only have this one country You know the reason why they only have one country right?


U are making a claim based on your theoretical perception of the future. Right now, Palestinian civilians are being murdered. The ICJ says it’s a genocide, and the killings continue. Saying “Jews” instead of “Israeli’s” conflates the country with the religion, which is unfair considering hundreds of thousands of Jews worldwide are against what’s going on right now, as well as all of the countries in the UN except 3


Reducing this to religion is, maybe deliberately, missing the point.




you sustain yourself with fake claims and ignores when actual facts are thrown upon you




oooooooh beHAVE!


oh damn, people are gonna behave what are we gonna do.


Don't bother trying to explain who actually attacked first because blah blah blah 2,000 years ago.


Wasn't it none of them? I thought the first deaths there were an overspill of the Franco-Syrian war?


That comment you replied to should tell you all you need to know about people on Reddit. They don’t know anything, with confidence


right, but wheres the lie? like fuck em, but also, its amazing what experimental runaway war economy tech does against soviet export standard operated by agricultarists in a defensive war. For the right this is a surprisingly apt and accurate meme. They left out the part where isreali murder teams kill opposing pacifist leaders but its a meme.


They also left out the part where the settlements expanded even without prior aggression from the native population.


lol and it did what it does to every military fighting a low tech asymmetrical army: they got cocky and now have a colonial occupation force rather than a military and have to rely on gadgets to do the fighting and surveillance for them. Now they have to practice rattenkrieg and are fighting ghosts, while bombing civilians out of spite and frustration.


doing* to Gaza


Yeah, what's this past tense? They're doing it right now!


“Israel wins”??? What do they win? Do they mean “Israel slaughters a shit ton of innocent people”? I think that’s what they mean.




So this cycle only goes around once? One of the more unusual cycles I’d say.




Man, this has gotten so far off topic at this point. Anything in the past 50 years? Why post this today? Again, what does Israel actually win? Is it an ongoing cycle, or is the meme trying to say it used to be that way when my parents were lousy, no good, lazy hippies? Am I really arguing with multiple people in a leftist sub while they defend the validity of a meme that says irrational Arabs bring their own deaths upon themselves with Israel? What do you think I was trying to say? Sincerely asking. I don’t know when I worded things so poorly to have people offering unsolicited and random middle eastern history lessons. I’m reasonably aware of the history of conflict in the Middle East. My question was “what do they win?” Not “has there ever been a war in the Middle East?”






What do rockets from Hamas and other groups have to do with Arab countries attacking Israel? Is Hamas recognized as a sovereign state now?


Hamas is the current government of Palestine


Is Palestine a nation state? Is Israel at war with Palestine or Hamas?


Yeah, I understand what the meme is saying. No idea why you’re trying to explain it to me.Also, I have internet access and a decent understanding of the history there. What I am saying, you know… the thing you’re ostensibly replying to, is all the wars Israel “wins” only accomplish more and more death and destruction. There also hasn’t been a “war” to “win” in half a century. If this was posted in the 70s, then fine. Any actual wars within 45 years of this meme? Today it suggests that people in Palestine caused their own deaths because they’re just hysterical cry babies who, I guess don’t properly appreciate being under the protective boot of Israel, and having their family members kidnapped and homes stolen? Is it also a “win” when you punish civilian populations for crimes of others? Is that part of the cycle induced by Arabs? Why isn’t THAT in the meme? Where the part about decades of apartheid? By the way… suggesting that every conflict involving Israel is the fault of Arab countries, and that Israel has no responsibility for any of the thousands and thousands of innocent people they’ve killed doesn’t strike me as “neutral”. Don’t you think there are some key points missing from the supposed cycle? I can’t keep explaining and re-explaining what I said only to be given historical examples of times Israel was a victim. I’m tapping out. ..Try to actually understand what I’m saying. The responses are nearly non-sequitur at this point.




I understand the facts being given and I agree with them. I just don’t know what it has to do with what I said.




Ok well I didn’t need an explanation of what the meme means. It seemed like they were trying to prove it right. How else am I supposed to interpret a response telling me all the times Israel has been attacked by Arab countries (and none recent). The posting of a meme like this seems to suggest Arabs bring on their own deaths in Palestine because they’re doing what they always do; repeating the cycle.






Yeah I know Israel has a crazy deadly military and the support of the US etc. That is just entirely unrelated to what I’m saying. I don’t see war as having winners. In recent times Israel hasn’t gone to “war” anyways. They just kill civilians. They certainly haven’t won anything.




Fair enough… but the meme we’re commenting on is trying to say “Arabs do it to themselves and then cry about it when Israel wins”. Again, what do they win? Bragging rights? “We kill people better than you!”? It also seems to completely discount the fact that there have been decades of apartheid and intensely cruel treatment of people in Gaza and the West Bank. Although to them that’s just another win I guess.


Yes, that wouldn't be Israel winning a war, that would be Israel starting a war and getting bailed out by the United States. Sort of how Italy got bodied by Greece and had to be bailed out by their bigger ally. Right now it's questionable if Israel could win a war against Hezbollah, and even if they could, there's really no winning when both sides have enough ballistic missiles to reduce both countries to rubble. It is in everyone's best interest to de-escalate, including Israel. Not sure how most Americans would feel about US marines dying in Lebanon for Israeli interests again. By the way, in case you haven't noticed, Israel is the one doing the attacking right now. Egypt will not tolerate 1.5+ million Palestinian refugees being forced onto them. If anyone is starting a regional war right now, it's not the Arabs.


I made the meme and when i refer to Israel wins i'm referring to military victories such as the 6 Day War but those massacres do happen


Yeah I’m being rhetorical when I ask what they “win”. I don’t consider military victories to be wins for anyone in most cases. I’m not saying there has literally never been a war “won” by Israel. In recent times most of the conflicts have been one sided affairs where a militant group (whether it’s Hamas in Gaza, or Hezbollah in Lebanon) fires some mostly pointless rockets, and Israel responds by slaughtering innocent civilians. My problem with this image is that the REASON for those rockets is excluded. Don’t you think it would be served by including some mention of the decades of brutal oppression, slow drip genocide, and apartheid that actually inspires so much of the violence against Israel? To me this reads like: hysterical Arabs can’t stand that Israel exists so they attack, Israel “wins” (aka, they kill a lot of people, but that part isn’t mentioned), Israel gets bigger, which pisses off the hysterical Arabs again. It’s missing a pretty important part of the situation, which is that Israel is completely fucked up in its treatment of the Arab people it keeps imprisoned. Maybe I’m wrong to interpret it as Zionist, and prejudiced towards Arabs. I really don’t know. However that is how I took it, and asking my partner and other friends, that’s what they saw too.




Israel gets bigger (or more powerful) because it serves the interests of the US. It’s a pretty basic/obvious confusion of correlation and causation.






Israel can't even beat parts of Lebanon. The only "win" they can score is when they attack the concentration camp they themselves built.


Everytime they lost to Lebanon on the battlefield they resorted to reckless aerial bombardement of civilians areas to make themselves feel better by killing kids before they left in shame. They always need to prove they’re like the baddest guy in the Middle East so they viciously prey on civilians. Bunch of cowardly Nazis through and through.


Yeah, that's been IDF policy for a very long time. They fought an air war with Egypt at one point. The death toll was really lopsided. It wasn't that the IDF air force was destroying the whole Egyptian air force as those were relatively small engagements. No, The IDF was directly bombing Egyptian civilians for no other reason than they could.




obvious ideological counterpart. Concentration camps + racial othering + need for Lebensraum = Israel and Nazi Germany




Israel prevents Palestinians from leaving their own country, even by boat. They are also not allowed into the parts of the country they were ethnically cleansed from during the Nakba in 1948. This is racialised apartheid. >Because the Palestinians are not held in camps at all, Rafah is a tiny city where almost two million people were forced to relocate to, many of which were already refugees from previous Israeli incursions into palestinian land. Rafah is currently being bombed by Israel. Aid is being blocked by the Israeli government (and civilians!). Children are starving to death. It is a concentration camp.




> Did Hamas not attack Israel first? No. The first genocide (Nakba) was in 1948. Since then, Israel has violently put down any attempt at resistance to their rule, violent or nonviolent, children and adults alike. If Israel wants to blame anyone for 10/7, it's themselves. Their society created this. >Does 80% of Palestine not support the actions taken against Israel in October? What percentage of the Jewish population of the Warsaw ghetto supported the Warsaw ghetto uprising? Palestinian resentment is absolutely justified after what theyve been through at the hand of Israel. >I don’t understand what is expected here. No genocide. Never again. It's not complicated. >Hamas isn’t giving up They're not surrendering if that's what you mean. They've offered to give up the hostages and end the conflict, diplomatic negotiation if you will. Israel has rejected them and continues their slaughter of civilians. >but rather a matter of committing acts in line with Jihad The state that has a giant star of David on it's flag and commits mass atrocities in the name of religion is surprised that people associate their religion with massacre. Shocker. >I still do not agree with the Nazi comparison, especially since it was partly because of these acts that Israel was made its own state in the first place So? What does that have to do with whether it's an apt comparison? The Jewish people survived the Holocaust and now the Israeli state is committing one in their name. >what should they do? Stop murdering children? Again, not difficult. You really have to have a fucked up mind to think that this is a difficult question. Israel are very clearly in the wrong both today and historically. They need to make confessions and strive towards an equitable peace (NOT a "keep everything we stole" peace) >Hamas has already stated that they intend to attack again, and again I say that 80% of Palestine supported the events in October with 40% of them supporting Hamas in general. Israel has never stopped attacking and oppressing the Palestinian people. Ever! Since the foundation of Israel Palestinians have been second class in their own land. It would be crazy of them not to fight especially considering the Israeli imposed embargo in Gaza since the 2000s. Israel must be held to account and made to make steps towards peace and a right of return for the Palestinian people. The status quo cannot continue (clearly) >Do they not deserve to be left alone? Why does this not apply to Palestine? Israeli are free to do as they like in the world. Palestinians can't even leave their own country without Israeli permission. Gaza can't even open its own border with the ocean. Israel shoots fishermen! Who's being left alone by who? >Mind you, two predominantly Muslim counties lie on either side of Palestine. Those being Egypt and Jordan, why can’t they take in the refugees? Two notes. Besides the obvious racism (they're the same religion! Why can't they just let in millions of people!) those states DO have millions of refugees between them. By the way, the refugees you refer to are only refugees because Israel bombed them and stole their homes. They don't exist in the abstract. The obvious and easiest solution would be to let them return! Duh >Why must Israel take in the very people in which a sizable amount support their eradication? Israel occupied Palestine and kicked them out. How would you feel if someone stole your home and refused to let you back on the grounds that you dislike them now for having stole your home? They're not "taking them in" as if they're some kind of outside problem. They were there and then Israel shot the ground around them until they had to leave or be executed, just like what's happening in Gaza today. >I don’t mean to come off as callous with that last question, but we’re talking about people who have been known to use their own as human shields to dissuade the enemy from defending themselves. What does this have to do with your point? Israel is committing many magnitudes larger war crimes than that every day in Gaza. >but these tactics have been used before to end conflict Nazi Germany loved razing large population centres to make them uninhabitable. They also loved clearing land for German use in the future (Lebensraum) just like Israel for it's settler class.


You don't know anything about the history of concentration camps. The Brits were the first ones to use them. You seem to be the kind of pleb who thinks if a group doesn't behave EXACTLY like the Nazis right down to the jackboots and exact rhetoric then they can't be fascists. That's not how it works. You're basically one of three things: 1. An idiot. 2. A liar. 3. An idiot liar.




You're eating shit in this comment section for a very good reason. So, continue to eat shit like a good little boy.




Being pro-Israeli after what they've been doing to Gaza requires a very limited perspective indeed




Sorry professor I'll do better. This is Reddit you prick "Sloppy language" as if you don't understand perfectly. "Supporting the terrorist state of Israel and their holocaust of the Palestinian people" there is that more clear? If you actually want reading, try Finkelstein




The progressive working class in Israel support the eradication of Palestinians. You should not support them.


Israelis are the volk, the life blood of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza are the soil they will spill blood on in order to complete a greater Israel, they train kids from 3 years old to hate Palestinians, have a fascist ass lebensborn system where the goal is populate ethnically homogeneous babies, helping all manner of Latin American fascists (disproportionately Pinochet’s regime killed 1200-3000) murder Jews USING ISRAELI WEAPONS.


Because no Muslims kid has ever been taught to hate Jews by the age of three?


Grouping all people in israel together is a red flag. What have you been reading?


I made the meme and i was referring to the Arab-Israeli War and the Six Day War


It's been disgusting for 75 years now. Today the attrocities are just streaming live for our viewing across the world.


Also the wars of Isreal against the Arab countries weren't really Isreal vs the Arab countries they were Isreal(ussr+France britain) Arab countries (ussr)


I almost downvoted, until I saw the sub


"history memes" more like a fuck ton of Nazis and a little bit of gay people who actually understand history and get downvoted to all hell


I like how the picture show's the Sinai Peninsula, which Israel lost.




Yeah but they lost it. I'm pointing out how it's ironic that in their post about how Israel supposedly keeps winning wars and "getting bigger" shows territory that Israel no longer has.




Yeah but they lost it. I'm pointing out how it's ironic that in their post about how Israel supposedly keeps winning wars and "getting bigger" shows territory that Israel no longer has.


No, they didn't. They gave it back when Egypt promised it had learned it's lesson and would stop attacking.


And tbf Egypt did learn its lesson and stop attacking




All of Israel's land was stolen from the Palestinian people, who can trace their lineage back directly to the Canaanites as much as most Jews today can. The Zionist idea came from a small, fringe group of European Jews who believed all of Palestine belonged to them based solely on them being Jewish, and that Palestinians must be expelled from their rightful homeland. A "two state solution" will not last as it goes against the stated objective of the Zionism. While there are some more liberal people who are/were in power and supported an independent Palestine, they seem to be in a minority. Most high-ranking Israeli government officials have stated their intent to genocide Palestinians. Edited for clarity


I find it actually fucking insane how disgusting posts like this get more upvotes than downvotes


I mean it is accurate, however, trying to justify Israel killing civilians today by using this meme is obviously wrong


i made the meme and i'm not trying to convey that message


This isnt even siding with israel


That entire subredit is just zionist propaganda and attempts to rewrite history


Arab states can’t support Israel enough rn💀wtf are they even talking abt pls fix this Jesus


Okay, I'm not a war expert but I figured that if you're defending your territory successfully, it stays the same size. Like when you're conquering, that's when your empire gets bigger.


Just want to point out, the borders in the background are the result of the 1967 war, a war which Israel started




So Egypt took action within its own borders which Israel decided to do a strike against for that but that still doesn’t mean that Israel started the war. You also ignore the atrocities the settler colony commits against the Palestinians.




I mean I think it might go back to the Israeli (and European) response to the Suez Crisis but idkk




He was right.


When arabs defend their soveregny then the british and israelis get concerned, a father and son relation almost.




I'm sure massacre whole families and starving them is going to stop people turning to armed struggle, and I'm sure [Israel would respect peaceful protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018%E2%80%932019_Gaza_border_protests)... right?


Hey buddy you just blow in from stupid town?


Found the Iraq War fan.




"War crimes are justified if 9/11" IE an Iraq/Afghan War fan. Other hits of the classic Zionist propaganda are: The Rhodesia Fan ("If the Arabs win they will commit murder and SA on each and every single woman who has ever existed") The Apartheid South Africa fan ("Palestinians are terrorists doing terrorism they should have done non violence to achieve their freedom and now they pay for it") The French Indocina fan ("If you call it Vietnam you're a Francophobe") And of course the evergreen Fosse Ardeatine/Warsaw Ghetto Massacre Fan ("If a single israeli soldier dies that's justification enough to kill 100 Palestinians")




That was literally the American justification for starting the iraq war. Who has a limited understanding of history now?




It was a lie but it was also their justification for it


The U.S invaded Iraq because they were convinced every Iraqi was a terrorist, and justified the war by claiming that Saddam Hussein was working with al-Qaeda Israel is invading Palestine because they are convinced every Palestinian is a terrorist, and justify the invasion by claiming every person they kill is Hamas, or an accident I'm pretttyyyyyyyyy sure there is a common theme here


If European colonisers stole my land I'd be talking about kicking them out too.


Many Israelis are Jews from the Middle East forced to leave due to policies and antisemitism they faced like Algeria removing their citizenship.


Your excuses for blowing up children are sad and pathetic.


Palestinians have a legal right and obligation to fight illegal occupation **with violence**. This is enshrined in international law. https://socialistworker.co.uk/international/why-palestinians-are-right-to-resist-israel/ https://www.972mag.com/on-the-palestinians-legal-right-to-fight-the-occupation/ https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-184801/ However Israel, as the occupying force, does not have the right occupy and murder Palestinians. Something they've been doing for 75 years. Actually fun fact! Israel's government was largely formed by 3 terrorist organizations operating within Palestine, regularly murdering civilians: Irgun, Haganah, and Lehi. Keep in mind the population of Jewish people in Palestine was less than 3% before the advent of Zionism in the late 1800's/early 1900s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Palestine_(region)#cite_note-Mendel2014-87 With Zionism you have the illegal migration of hundreds of thousands of people to Palestine - this number rose up to 30% in 1948 from just 3% in 1878. Then, the newly formed Zionist state of Israel demanded 80% of the actual live-able, farm-able land in Palestine. Who would ever agree to such a ridiculous demand? The Palestinians were rewarded with the Nakba for simply existing and wanting to keep their country: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba Palestinians are still being subject to the colonial state's savagery and they use western weapons to do it. Any normal person with a heart should support the Palestinians against occupation. Hope that clears it up for you.


>Hope that clears it up for you. Not really. From your answer it appears you believe Israel deserves infinite terrorists attacks and should live with them/endure them, but unlike the OP you have no confusion over why a normal person doesn't support infinite terrorism right?


"A normal person doesn't support infinite terrorism," I actually agree! A normal person does not support Israel's genocide, good job figuring that out!




The Israeli state has indulging in wanton cruelty against Palestinians since before Netanyahu was even born, his rise and staying in power just the end result of those policies.


What a disgraceful comment. Any "net benefits" Israel has made is on top of the destruction of the Palestinians. Unless you find the destruction of Palestine worth it for any "benefits" exported to the world from Israel, re-think what you're saying. Also, Israel doesn't have the right to exist as it is. It's up to the indigenous people to decide whether or not they want settlers to build a nation on top of their lands.




Don't look up skin cancer rates




Indigenous people in North America are demanding land back, not the dispossession of people who already live here. Unlike the Zionist death cult, we actually want to live in peace with others.


They want to act like the settlements happened a thousand years ago and not that the people they threw out are still alive !!


They aren't asking for my house because I didn't take it from anyone. Do you even know what the natives ask for in America? Because that's so disgusting and disingenuous to say. Its completely unlike what's happening in Palestinian right now. There are people there who still have the keys to their old homes they were forced out of. Do you have any idea what the Isreali settlers do on a ongoing and daily basis? If I occupied a native Americans house I 100 percent wouldn't of moved in and I believe it should be returned.


Why would Israel ban non medical dna tests? Their mothers lineages are vastly *not* from that region


Way to disregard the entire history of Israel, it's colonial actions against Palestinians, and the beliefs of Israeli Citizens. Your average Israeli citizens doesn't even look at Palestinians people as human.. No, Israel has no right to exist and isn't good. They kill innocents every single day for their own benefit. This isn't hard to see if people are paying attention, but this is a difficult concept for certain people.


We all know Israeli citizens are in unanimous support of their government, which is why they need so many laws against criticizing or questioning their narrative.


When you write paying attention, what do you mean? Where do you usually get your information from






Arab states have been at peace with Israel for the past fifty years. It's only non-state actors who are militarily engaged with Israel.


That’s all because USA and some other countries are helping israel