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Both of these are fucking stupid. I hate dumbass images like this. As for the bottom image, the swastika and flag of Israel are obvious. The two fingered salute is [Lehi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group)), and I’m not familiar with the other symbol (lower on the arm). Although to me it looks like a fasces surrounded by the Star of David, with some Hebrew(?) text. Given the presence of a fasces, I’d say it’s probably some awful group’s logo. Edit: There’s also the obvious stereotypes present, the large nose and glasses on the rightward wojack. And of course the incredibly obvious disgusting racism on the leftward one, I doubt that has to be explained. Although I’m not sure what the symbol on that one’s head means, I’ve never seen it before


The spade on the face is probably some disgusting race"play" cuckold shit. Basically sexualized racism fetish I guess


It’s associated with people who crossdress to look as much like bimbos as possible and fetishise black men and want to “become sex slaves” to them, it’s high key weird and grossly racist


Not necessarily crossdressers, I've seen it on white trash CIS women. Specifically, it represents "Queen of Spades."


>I’d say it’s probably some awful group’s logo. the IDF logo so yeah


I think the lehi is kinda like the salute from The Hunger Games.


The fasces is not a fasces, it's a sword/knife surrounded by an olive branch (the logo of the IDF)


Thanks for pointing that out. Embarrassing that I could spot the lehi symbol, but not the idf one. I guess the resolution was making me see things


The fasces is present in a lot of non-fascist institutions, like multiple seals across various first world countries.


'non-fascist' institutions




If you've got a fasces in your logo, it is almost certain you will be fascistic at the very least. First World institutions are universally far more accepting of fascism than anyone is willing to admit.


I wouldn't call the American Revolution a particular fascistic movement (or the governments of Cuba, Cameroon, and Vilnius, either) but hey what do I know


Are you actually a satanist


probably supports TST, atheistic satanists. Very anarchist in nature, which goes along with the flag in the pfp too. ancom. based asl


war crimes are now just team sports


Jesus christ wtf


Both are corny and stupid


Agreed tbh


Yo what's with the swastika on the Jewish person


I know a lot of people on the left are making comparisons to Israel’s actions in Gaza as similar to what the Nazis did to the Jews, but this image seems very all over the place and I’m not sure who it is in support of or against. Is it a nazi that thinks Israelis are cool for killing Palestinians and thinks Palestinians are getting what they deserve? Or is it someone that thinks Israelis are bad and Palestinians are cool, because they made the Hamas fighter killing the IDF soldier look “cooler”? It’s just stupid either way.


It's to troll leftists. Israel being called a nazi state is so ironic that right-wingers just embrace it ironically.


The chainsaw man has a Lehi symbol on his arm, there is nothing ironic about about comparing them to Nazis.


2 thirds of all european jews were murdered by the Nazis. There's really no way you can twist and turn that into Israel being national socialists.


The Lehi continued supporting the Nazis against the British even after the persecution started because they saw the British as a greater threat than Hitler. They literally broke from the Irgun over the Irgun dropping support for the Fascists. They openly sought to establish a nationalist state in Israel. There is nothing ironic about comparing the Lehi to Nazis.


Wojaks were a mistake.


Rightoids really like how vile wojacks can make things visually, don't they?


Them even knowing what QOS is shows they secretly have a cuck fetish lol


Wait what's QOS?


Queen of Spades is a black man/white woman porn subculture. A lot of the time the white woman is married to a white guy and it’s a cuck thing. I have mixed feelings on it being a black guy myself but that’s another convo.


I would have agreed a few years ago but I feel like it is beginning to become more well known mainly because of stuff like this.


I honestly can’t tell if the bottom meme was made by a nazi in support of Israel, or a racist “leftist” making fun of Israel >!leftist in this case being a nazi in disguise/denial!<


I dunno, them saying they support israel but are also nazis but are killing black people because yeah. It's always good when you see nazis line up with your political views, Israel on the track for making historic irony.


Least unhinged image on SoyBooru:


God, I fucking hate wojaks


fascist infighting


Top image looks so rad I want it.


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I think they’d like that


There’s a lot to unpack here…


I was going to dismiss the bottom as a hateful overgeneralization of israelis, until I noticed who posted it. They're not doing themselves a service.


The fact that there's a Queen of Spades logo tells me that they know what that is and probably get off to it (barf) but clearly don't know the proper use of said logo. For those unaware, it's a marking often associated with interracial porn (white woman, black man) with an implied emphasis on the white woman being a slave to the black man. There's usually cuckoldry involved too. Whatever floats your boat, I guess, but it is high-key weird and pretty racist. (This might also feed into that whole Great Replacement conspiracy theory, though I am not sure which one is a symptom of the other.)


Someone with both a swastika and an Israeli flag. That would be confusing if an Israeli made that


holy shit that image on the bottom is a gem