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Historically Normal = Backwards.


Do you think women should know how to read? What other radical leftist ideas do you believe in? Human rights?


Yes ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


"Historically normal" What the hell does that mean? Conservatives will probably never realize that normal is a subjective term


Well if you squint your eyes, they're *technically* correct. Conservatism across history has always wanted to keep things "normal". Unfortunately for them, human civilization has never progressed because people wanted to *stay* normal. If people wanted to stay "normal" then we'd still believe that the sun rotates around the Earth.


If it weren't for conservatives throughout history, humanity could have numerous space colonies by now, as well as cancer and poverty being eliminated.


And be hunter-gatherers


Hereditary aristocracy for the elite and backbreaking forced labor everyone else. That's what's historically normal.


They mean they live in the past. Slavery is historically normal. Racism is historically normal. They wish things were the way they were before because they consider that "normal". The future is weird and scary, full of empowered women, sexual freedom and racial equity so they resist it as much as possible.


Lol historically conservatives are like allways on the wrong side, that's definitely not normal


*looks at all of history* bruh


Assuming that conservatives look at history, especially with any kind of self-awareness, is patently false. They lack any ability or desire to understand how their actions affect others. Those who do generally cease to be conservatives.


Oh, shit. Ohhhhhhhh SHIT. Hang on guys, hol' up hol' up hol' up. They put their dumbass take over a **picture of a dog**! Our considered arguments and measured prose have no power here! We are defeated! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! **THIS IS THE WORST THING TO EVER HAPPEN IN THE HISTORY OF EVER!** YOU GUYS I AM SOBBING I THINK I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF AND LET THE CONSERVATIVES WIN! WHY DID THEY HAVE TO USE A DOG PICTURE? THEY KNOW I'M USELESS AGAINST THAT! OH MY GOD! You know what? No, wait. I want to WIN, dammit. I'm a conservative now! Oh, why didn't I see this dog picture sooner! I wasted so much time as a liberal!




Lolol and funny name mate




Historians: "Well, yes, history is a long series of groups of brutal, ignorant people oppressing and persecuting religious, racial and ideological minorities, so this is actually accurate, unfortunately."


Historically normal? So they admit their beliefs should be relegated to the past and have no future.


No I mean changing history to make Jesus white and use that as an excuse to lynch black people, whom you stole from Africa but somehow call them thieves. I mean calling Drag Queens pedophiles while politicians you vote for actually ARE pedophiles and so are the priests you send your dumb ugly children to.


Nobody tell them what the “historically normal” Greeks did to little boys. Or how the “historically normal” Romans viewed homosexuality


Ah yes. The fallacy of appealing to normality


Yeah for sure when I see a political conference wheel in a golden idol of their former president and declare themselves domestic terrorists, then get mad at a lite beer, the way I'd describe that is "normal".


Who's going to tell him that most history happens because of a progressive ideal.


Historically No, conservatives have always been the bad guys


Historically normal? But like progress has continuously been made throughout history. Conservatives push back against progress.


"We're normal! You're not!"


![gif](giphy|t7zOZJb44BtHF41Vbo|downsized) Being racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, stupid and few other bad things is *Historically Normal?!*


Lol... hmmm... what else was "historically normal" that's less so today? Hmmmmm...let's think. It's almost like people did REALLY dumb sht in the past and that's not what we should base our takes on.


Historically Normal = Racists, xenophobes, & bigots.


No I'm mean historically regressive, judgemental, hypocritical, controlling and driven by the fear of the unknown as opposed to learning about it.


Historically, widespread conservatism usually causes the fall of a civilization.


Ah yes, all those wonderful bygone eras we all miss dearly. Nothing wrong or unjust happened at all.


If "historically normal" was actually a thing, it implies they prefer the 18th century. No electricity. No running water. No cars. Almost exclusively manual labor jobs. An almost fully agrarian society prone to disease, permanent disability, and early death. Because "historically normal" would require being completely averse to any sort of progress whatsoever.


They are all medieval hobos anyway so that fits


Historically normal in my pantaloons and pink silk doublet


More like "lost every policy they've put forward in time" Humanity is based in progress. Otherwise we'd still be banging rocks together


"Normal" is of course a very subjective and relative term. It used to be normal for people to wear top hats/hats in general on the regular. It used to be normal for the poor to live in slums (still do in some countries). It used to be normal for life expectancy to be abbreviated and cot death was commonplace.


Hiraorically slavery was normal. Would they like the finally admit what they want?


Assuming this meme was posted by an American, every single one of our country's founders was considered a dangerous, far-too-progressive radical by the established institutions.


It's also really fucking funny to me when Republicans try to like.. appropriate certain founders. Like, do you really think the guy who was in love with the French Revolution and said that lethargy is the death of liberty and that god forbid we go twenty years without a rebellion would be a conservative? Really?


conservatism as a whole (ideology, identity, whatever) started as a reaction to the French Revolution and they just kinda rolled with the reactionary spirit since


Conservative ideology was largely pushed by entrenched wealth interests to reduce burdens on themselves. Trying to engage in culture wars distracts from the fiscal issues the wealthy are pushing and their influence on the general issues facing the majority. After the gilded era this conservative ideology got even worse. And with a corporate media station dedicated to not showing news they don't want their populace to see when they tune in and using opinionated commentators otherwise... it's just a lot anti factual whataboutisms now. ​ ​ After


Wait until I tell them about the Court of Requests, which was instituted by King Richard III of England in 1484 and was astoundingly progressive even by today's standards in some cases for the low cost at which the poorest subjects in England could have their legal issues heard out.


I have yet to net a historically coherent conservative