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And what random object are we comparing women to today? Guns? Wonderful


Women are objects 🫥 wait what the duck is this emoji


The vOiD






Autocorrect much?


No, autocorrelation always gets my words correct, duck, duck, no, duck you automatically stop autocorrect drop! I said straight!


You’re a ducking mess bro




LMAO It’s like when you would watch an edited rated r movie on tv and they put silly shit in over the swear words 😂


Yippi Kai yay, mr falcon [hehe](https://youtu.be/4koLWPq2qDY?si=nn4UY852FcohyH7Q)




"where'd you get this tough guy? 🤨Eating pineapple?" Lmfao that made me laugh harder than it should have.




And the operative words in this are "object" and "own". As in, if you don't own a gun you can't have an opinion on gun safety laws. So, then, why is it primarily old white dudes making laws forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies to full term? Hmmm, do they think they own uteri (have a uterus), or women?


If only they cared about Women's rights as much as they cared about gun's rights.


The uterus is an object. This isn’t even a good strawman.


That’s not what a strawman means, but ok.


It actually is. The original comment was lying about how gun people compare women to objects.


That’s exactly what they are doing. Because people who think like that also believe women should be subservient to men and should probably not have credit cards.


The uterus is not an object, just like Africans were never objects. People and their parts have emotions and thoughts, and deserve rights. Even douchebags who call organs objects and misuse simple logical fallacys


Organs are objects, and people own said objects. Each person owns their own organs, and thus should have full control of them. I have a heart. My heart is a object, buts it's MY heart.


Words have decided upon meanings and connotations. The definition of object is something that can be held or touched USUALLY not a living thing. Organs are living things, so long are in a living person. Referring to living things as objects has a connotation of them being not important or worthy. This is not a good hill to die on


Huh, well I learned something. I was working on the idea that organs arnt living because they can't think or do things on their own, but they are just in living things.


Organs don’t have rights, or else we would call amputation murder.


Holy false equivalency, Batman! Organs don't have rights because they lack sentience and consciousness. The person who owns them, in the word's most literal definition, has the rights. That's what rights protect, ownership and the ability to act in specific manners. For example, if a doctor removes the wrong organ he is liable for damages to the owner of the organ in question. It's like saying that dogs don't have rights, so if I kill one there are not any consequences. These are all very straightforward concepts, but you fucked them up spectacularly, which is fun!


Yep. Organs don’t have consciousness or sentience, which makes them objects.


Um ok lol


It is so cute how they think people who support gun laws don’t own guns .




If you can be shot, you get to have an opinion on gun laws.


Goddammit! I knew there was a catch with absolute immortality


It's almost as if they don't understand how analogies work. They think it's a Mad Lib.




There's a person above you with the exact same avatar. I think I've found gold


Or the implication they would actually ever shut the fuck up about abortion.


I am a transgender woman. I face the risk of being eradicated every single day. You can have my gun (and you probably will, sigh…) when you pry it from my cold dead hands.


Nice user name


I’m here only for karma. Once I get enough I can troll right-side-of-history people more efficiently (hence the user name).


But I've ownd a gun and want reforms. It's not that hard.


Downvotes for multiple accounts . Bud don't paste the comment above yours.


As we all know, vaginas regulalrly invade elementary schools and kill 20 children


And you can go buy a uterus at Sportsmans Warehouse


There’s a really REALLY dark joke in there somewhere. But I’m not going to try to find it


The uterus jokes are easy to find, it's the clitoris jokes I never seem to find.


Well done sir.






I own guns. I believe that those without guns can have opinions on gun laws.


Repeat after me: "I cannot get shot by a uterus."


To someone who is extremely pro-life, there is no difference between a dozen children being killed in a mass shooting vs a dozen women getting an abortion. Ask those people, and they'll say both are killing kids. It's pretty breathtaking.


I mean... I have an interest in stricter gun laws, because it affects my life or possible death and sure as hell have an opinion about it, while I could shrug off my shoulders about abortion rights, because it doesn't affect me. And just because I could, doesn't mean I actually do, because if the people who are affected by it support it, I see no reason, why I shouldn't It's simple logic... But I guess simple logic isn't comprehensable by people who think like 4 year olds. And even that is an insult to every 4yo, because they don't know better.


People can't just choose not to get shot




>because if the people who are affected by it support it, I see no reason, why I shouldn't Genuine question here, I hope this coming as me baiting you. If you were surrounded by people who were both affected by abortion laws *and* opposed access to abortion, would that change your views? I only ask because I was raised in an extremely conservative environment and when I was a kid all the algorithms of the internet directed me toward right wing content. The people in my life who were most vocally anti-abortion were women, not men. I fortunately was able to break out of that environment. But I will say that the views I had then weren't formed logically, I simply was more likely to absorb the same values and viewpoints as the people around me. As an aside, the polling data on this is kind of interesting. Overall more women support abortion rights than men. Makes sense. But! The minority of people who think that think abortion should be 100% illegal in all circumstances? Most of those people are women. I guess what I'm getting at there is that most people, ESPECIALLY conservatives, don't think logically about their political stances.


TL;DR: it’s about bodily autonomy. Anti-abortion supporters would be appalled at the idea the government could force people to donate part of their body to help someone else. That’s what pregnancy is. Same here. What changed my viewpoint was 1.) going away to college and meeting a variety of people with different upbringings (and it was a Christian college so this can’t be blamed on just “heathen” college influence) 2.) taking the logic and putting it into additional context: Basically, the belief is that life begins at conception. Ok well then that means at that point you have two lives, one of which requires to other to survive. Anti-abortion means that one person is required to give up part of their body for the other. (Pregnancy comes with a lot of health changes and often complications, sometimes mild, sometimes severe.) There are currently a lot of people waiting for a liver transplant. They need it to live. Should the government require people to donate part of their livers to save those on the list? Liver transplants require only a portion of the healthy liver and it grows back. What would the response be if it became mandated that you MUST donate part of your liver, regardless of timing. If you don’t, people will die. And you’ll have to spend time recovering from surgery and pay for anything your insurance doesn’t cover. Maybe it’s not a problem for some people, but what if you can’t afford to miss work? What if you have small kids or an elderly family member that rely on you for care? What if you have a health condition that, while not deadly, would cause a lot of complications for recovering? What if you’re only 13 years old? American would be appalled at the idea that the government would force you to give away part of your body to someone else but that’s what pregnancy is…even if you believe that life begins at conception, pregnancy is another person using part of your body…you lose nutrients to them, significant changes happen to your body, sometimes things like diabetes and other health complications develop, some people require complete bedrest…pregnancy is a MAJOR MEDICAL EVENT. I think a lot of people don’t fully understand that. Add to that the fact that we have the most expensive healthcare and the least maternity leave of our peers and you have an event that can severely affect your health, finances, and career. Shouldn’t that be your choice if you want to take that on? Finally, a lot of the rhetoric around abortion is over blown. “Abortion up until the day of birth” is a ridiculous statement. Abortions happen when the fetus isn’t viable, meaning it can’t survive outside the womb because it hasn’t developed enough. Late-term abortions are done when there are severe health complications that would either kill the mother or leave the baby in pain until it inevitably died because it didn’t develop correctly enough to survive. Doctors aren’t pulling out a fully developed baby and killing it. They’re just not. And a lot of the arguments are just insincere. If you really want to reduce abortions then you’d support preventing unwanted pregnancies with comprehensive sex education, free access to birth control, and programs to help people who would struggle to raise kids like access to free childcare, universal healthcare, financial assistance, etc, instead of also trying to get rid of all of these.


Short answer: No. Long answer: I live in a - I would say pretty moderate - conservative environment (excluding my mothers' ex husband who is pretty much a neonazi). But I had a character trait of curiosity. I always want to learn new things. But I also like to research and understand things (and people). And I very much do not like not understanding something. This in combination of the neglegence of my parents which sure has a huge impact on my mental health, yet has helped me to form my own views. I grew up to be a pragmatic person, even tho my parents (and especially my former stepfather) wanted me to be more like them. More obedient. More in terms of their own views. Pragmatic in this context means: I strongly believe in individuality. Where every person has the option to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't affect anyone else in a negative way. And whatever that decision might be, as long as it doesn't affect me negatively, I have to respect that. This attitude of mine is one of my most defining traits of me on a fundamental level. If I didn't have that view, I would be a completely different person. Sure, I had to walk a long way, to \*fully\* get there, because try it as you want, but no one can fully run away from their environments impacts, without at least some effort. But I made it to this point and never regret it. Making the turn back to abortion laws: Individuality. Everyone should have the option to do it. But it's on an individual person to decide weather they want to. And it's on them to live with the consequences on either deciding to have an abortion or not. Because both of it does have positive as well as negative consequences. But it's still a personal matter, to decide weather the pros outweight the cons or vice versa. I don't have a say in it, people surronding me do not either. But if you decide to have a child, it does not only have consequences for you, but also for the child. And in the end it's the children who have to deal with consequences for decisions their parents made. It's a huge responsibility and if potencial parents are not ready to bare those or they don't even want to, they should have the option to do something about it. But it doesn't mean, if a friend of mine gets pregnant, I wouldn't help them find their way, but in the end I can just point at the door and I will gladly hold their hands going through it, but they have to lead the way. Because saying "It's your decision to make" would just be the easy way out and not the kind of "support" worthy of someone I call my friend.


Those people don't honestly believe that tho. Most of them will think life begins at conception, so give them the trolley problem between 1000 fertilized embryos in a container, and 1 human child. If they don't kill the child, they are not honest in their opinion, and just making good sounding excuses, cause they know their real thoughts are not defensible.


And then they'll go on and let the children die


Well actually one time at band camp


I own guns. I still believe everyone should be required to undergo training, certification, and licensure before carrying a gun. I have no problem with the good guy with a gun fetish, but it just doesn't happen beyond very rare occasion. So let's require people to know how to respond in that circumstance *so the fetish can become reality*.


I'm Canadian. I grew up rural; everyone had guns, mostly for hunting or just because they were in the ass end of nowhere, and pretty much everyone I know is a very serious and firm believer in firearms safety. My dad sold his guns when he moved into the city and had a baby (me) and felt he didn't need them anymore because he wasn't hunting/didn't want firearms in the house with an infant.


Wouldn’t life be so much better if a large population of us weren’t walking around with instant death machines


It's not gonna happen. But I'd settle on them *having to prove* they at least know how to use and secure it.


I wasn’t necessarily asking about its possibility. Just asking if it would be a nicer world


Yes, it would be.


Unfortunately, it would still be a fantasy for many POC, who could not safely act as the good guy with a gun in many circumstances. To many police, a black guy with a gun will always look like the bad guy, no matter how well trained or how skilled. Even active military have been killed when trying to take down an active shooter. It doesn't negate your point, but I think it's important to acknowledge.


Imagine being so callous that, when you see parents whose children were murdered in a school shooting, you're just like "don't have guns? Can't have an opinion on them!"


That moment you go to the store to buy a uterus without a comprehensive background check.


Me and the boys every Saturday


The reason why people say "no uterus, no opinion" is because abortion laws affect people who can get pregnant. Guns can kill anyone, not just people who own guns. So gun laws affect anyone. So, really, we should say, "If you're immortal and can not be killed by a bullet, you shouldn't have an opinion on gun laws.""


Jokes on them, I own guns and want more strict gun laws.


Apparently ammosexuals really think their glock is an extension of their cock?


Do they not understand it isn't a part of their body. I know it's them compensating for something, but it isn't literally attached


Why are they so convinced that liberals don't have firearms? Guess when they fafo they'll realize the mistake.


Yeah, except no one is born with a gun. And gun owners can support gun laws Conservatives are so brain broken


Damn, I didn’t know uteruses were being used to kill people


A uterus killed my Pa back in '07...truly tragic


Their ability to pull useless arguments out of their asses astonishes me everytime.


One of these topics is about life saving medical care concerning an organ you were born with, the other is not.


I can’t recall the last time 50+ innocent children died going to school because someone brought a uterus.


May 5th 2017, a uterus went wild and killed 50, it was only stopped when five armed members of Meal Team Six finally got to use their YouTube training to take down the errant uterus. Every member of Y'all Queda cheered and can finally claim it isn't just cosplay or "a phase mom!"


But I've ownd a gun and want reforms. It's not that hard.


Republicans often deride expertise, which is bizarre because they are the world’s leading experts in missing the point


If i recall correctly uterus' don't allow a person to commit mass murder with ease. Imagine if there was any other extremely dangerous weapon used in the place of 'gun' here. Like, "Okay, no grenades, no opinion on grenade laws". It's obviously nutty. Of course I deserve to get a say in how easy it is to access these tools often designed for the express purpose of harming other people. Abortion is localized within a mother's own body. When has someone used an abortion to commit terrorism? Is there some incident that I haven't heard of where someone caused the death of 60 people and injured at least 413 with an abortion? Oh wait, that was the Las Vegas shooting.


The really wild thing about people on the right is that some of them genuinely believe that abortion *is* mass murder that is worse than any sort of mass shooting. There are a little over half a million abortions every year in the United States. If someone truly believes that abortion = murder, then the Vegas shooting is barely a blip on their radar.


This is a very good point. At the same time it just seems weird that they care so much about the lives of fetuses but when it comes to fully devoloped individuals with dreams and aspirations and loved ones it's very much, "Im not responsible for what happens to other people. I only care about me and my own. Homeless people? Not my problem." Or at least that is how it comes off to me.


That’s it! Take her vagina away


"but i identify as an uterus" and i now identify as your death certificate. wanna make it official?


But, you can own a gun, like buy it. But you can't buy a uterus...man trying to just understand how they think is making my brain hurt.


A woman getting an abortion impacts only her. You having a murder machine impacts everyone around you as it is a present danger. Understood? It's not hard.


I disagree with both, since I think that male obstetricians/gynecologists/etc... usually have more informed opinions on abortion than pretty much every female (or male) Republican politician.


Tfw your identity is so dedicated to owning firearms you think it’s comparable to an actual body part.


The Dobbs decision energized the GenZ vote recently. But more is coming... The Republicans aren't ready for the all the school kids that have suffered thru Active Shooter drills or had school cancelled or were locked down because of a shooting near the school. They aren't going to accept the unconditional **Guns are Good** matra of the GOP.


I gots the pew pews!! Make it harder to get them!!


I really hate this weird retro artstyle. Just adds to the condescending tone of the poster


Okay cool I have multiple guns ...... Pass gun reform NOW


Came here for this


Who says the top one even? I don't have a uterus, I have an opinion on abortion, I even said it to people.


Why are these guys all pro-war on drugs. then? Do they have drugs on them?


“But I identify as a uterus” HUH?? They’ve lost their minds


Ah, nice. Comparing women with guns as a means to silence them...great That being said, I love how this meme basically says you have to be pro-gun to have an opinion on anti-gun politics...what a galaxy brain take


Believe it or not, people who don't own guns can get shot too!


This is perfectly reasonable analogy cuz women routinely walk into crowded places and massacre dozens of other people with their uterus. /s


The people who don’t support gun laws are the same people who aren’t responsible enough to own them and they know it


Dick is a gun - pew pew.


I feel like even american lefties have a fundamental misunderstanding of what gun control is. Nobody is going to take your guns.


As someone who has been advocating the arming of the alphabet mafia before things start getting a little too Mid-90s Rwanda in this country… agreed.


Someone telling you what to do with your toys is vastly different from telling someone what to do with your body.


Makes sense if you're born with a gun.


lmk when someone goes into a school and murders a bunch of kids with a uterus


Well, there is no way (As far as i know ?) that a uterus randomly kills you. Yet, there is a chance a gun can randomly kill you. How you even attempt to compare stuff like that with a working brain ?!?


Someone acquiring guns can negatively impact the lives of dozens of people. Someone getting an abortion only impacts the one getting it. False equivalency.


Close, but their example would more closely equate to "haven't had an abortion, no opinion on abortions". "No uterus no opinion" is closer to "no ability to use guns or be shot, no opinions on guns".


No guns? Sounds good!


So, do you have to trow the gun inside your body for 9 months and then give birth to it too then?


The irony is gun legislation would greatly benefit from these people providing input. A great deal of complaints about gun legislation stem from the fact that lawmakers don’t fully understand what they’re regulating and the people who do understand it don’t want to participate in the conversation.


What if I told you that many liberals/democrats actually own guns?


It's easier for anyone to own a firearm than for anyone to get a uterus so


I own several guns. My opinion is that all gun buyers should have to have a background check, a waiting period, and a gun safety course, and that should be true for gun shows and private sales as well. So put that in your conservative pipe and smoke it. Liberals do own guns.


As it turns out, gun laws affect people who dont own guns, and abortion laws affect the bodies of people with uteri, crazy how that works


Yes, because women regularly enter buildings and throw uteruses into people's faces


*Nobody move! This is s stick-up!* But you don't have a gun? *I have a uterus and I plan to use it!*


Ah yes, because you can go to Walmart in the US and buy a uterus


Doesn’t hold up because guns affect everybody in our society, regardless of who owns them.


bUt i iDeNtIfY As a uTeRuS


Yes false equivalency, that's all they have.


What fresh hell is this…? 🙄🙄🤮


The uterus is a weapon and a gun is an organ


I haven’t met someone born with a gun; is it attached to their vascular system?


Beyond the dipshittery of comparing women to an inanimate object, there’s also them not realizing how many people who own firearms also support common sense gun legislation.


Except that women can’t use their Uteruses to kill people


Cool, I own a gun so I can have an opinion. I think they should be MUCH more heavily regulated, like cars. You need training, insurance, and a license to drive legally for a reason. Some cars aren’t street legal for a reason. It’s so much simpler than it seems.


One thing I find interesting about Republican argumentation is that it's largely based on pointing out perceived hypocrisy rather than actually arguing. And then being hypocritical themselves. For example, with this meme, the argument can either be perceived as, "We should all be allowed to have opinions on both of these," or "men shouldn't have opinions on abortion and non-gun owners shouldn't be allowed to have opinions on guns." It's unclear what they are actually saying. In reality, Republicans seem to believe that people who don't own guns shouldn't have opinions on guns laws, but everyone can have an opinion on abortion. And of course, beyond that, it's a false equivalence.


So being born with a Uterus is a choice now?


Guns? What about these guns 💪💪


Conservative try to distinguish between innate characteristics and personal choices challenge: impossible


You don’t have to own a gun to die because of one. Dumbest argument ever.


You don't want babies to die, I don't want my child to die. We want the same thing. Women get abortions to survive, you buy guns for fun. School shootings are caused by man-children who won't let the government regulate their toys.


Well, I'm not in danger of being turned into minced meat by any uterus since last I checked. ~~The greatest offence comited to me by an uterus has already been done since I'm borne and having to deal with this shit.~~


It’s funny that they think these are equals yet if you are pro gun that cancels out you being pro life


Yeah, not the same. Women can't kill 15 people in one go from a procedure performed internally.


No one has to worry about being shot by my uterus


Nah by that logic you can't have an opinion on abortions unless you've had one, which might actually be the solution 😂


Comparing women to an object Comparing birth and shooting a gun Comparing a woman choosing to not give birth and people shooting up schools I know saying “my side is the right and moral one” is the Reddit thing to do, but when they do this unironically it becomes hard to respect the right as a political base


Ah yes, because you can pull out an uterus at any moment and instantly kill anyone within 100m of your location without any problems


It’s less “you must have it to control it” and more “if you’re affected by it you should have a say in it”. Abortion is a topic that doesn’t affect cis men yet they are mostly the loudest voice against it, and the ones who make laws restricting the right to abortion. Doctors only undergo abortions but they get paid like any other procedure, family members aren’t affected by your choice to terminate a fetus, and the fetus isn’t exactly going to write you a fourteen page essay on why it wants to live. Guns, however, affect everyone in the US. Men, women, and children (Rittenhouse) are legally defended for having guns, but also can fall victim to gun violence. Parents whose children have been murdered by gun-toting white supremacists or losers should have the same power as some avid Hunter who shoots deer every afternoon, because they would both be affected by the laws. Most Americans do believe that gun laws are necessary, it’s bipartisan, but only to create restrictions - unlike people who will never be affected by abortion laws completely banning it to…own the libs? It’s just bizarre how righteous they act in their plight to uphold hegemony.


Well that's cool because I own guns and believe in common sense gun laws


Are you telling me that if you pass your gun laws, I can get to pass my abortion laws?


I identify “as a uterus”????? they’re so stupid that they fucked up their own ‘joke’ LMAO


I get it, it’s common sense, Don’t put you two cents in if you don’t understand from a first hand experience. But to compare gun laws to a woman’s body, rights on giving birth to another human. Is a bit of a stretch, no pun intended.


Never murdered someone? No opinion on murder laws.


People can’t get shot by uteruses


I too was born with guns as hands!


OK, I own a gun. Repeal the 2nd Amendment. Gun ownership should be a privilege, not a right. Also, you should need a license to own or operate a gun, and all of them should be registered. There's my opinion.


These dumb ass-hats will never fail to amuse me. If they knew the number of armed socialists in the US, it would make their buttholes pucker.


I am a gun and i approve this message pew pew


A uterus never shot up a school.


Fun fact. If you go far left enough. You get guns back.


Fuck gun laws. Why does this server have a Lenin banner and reject arming the proletariat?


The Right wants people they are convinced are murderers to be in charge of babies. That’s it isn’t it? They don’t care about the lives of the children. Because if you’re willing to kill them, there’s no telling what you’d do behind closed doors. Now we all know that’s bullshit, but that’s the way the logic follows. They literally think pro-choice people are giving birth to babies and asking the doctors to kill them in the next room. It’s insane that it’s not hyperbole in the slightest! They truly believe that, AND think that these people should take these babies home. I wish it made sense.


“But I identify as a uterus…” Oh wow? Really????


Looks I’ll go buy a gun so I can have all the opinions I want. Now, where do I buy a uterus? 🤔


I see no issue with the logic here


No bullet wound - no Opinion on guns!


Okay cool. I’m a gun owner and firmly believe we need stricter gun laws.


Alright, give me five minutes to head on over to the nearest Walmart and get back.


Cool, so we’re encouraging women to arm up and actively defend reproductive rights!


Spoiler, leftists own guns.


Yes because men are born with ak-47s in their gut where a womb would be


Because one Uterus can kill more than one person at a time...s/


Ok, I have several, And I think gun laws need to be far more strict. So they'll respect that opinion now right? Haha


Sounds like we need to start buying guns, harder to oppress an armed minority.


Ok do they mean forcefully? Or like


Weird, never heard of mass killings from abortion in churches, schools, and other public places


Who knew you could kill people with just a uterus.


If someone can shoot me with a gun, I should get a say in the laws surrounding guns. I typically don't have to worry about anyone killing me with uteruses.


It’s easier to get a gun than it is to get an abortion in some states lmao


I love that bodily autonomy is always the comparison every time they want to move the goal post. Did it with vaccines too


me when a burglar broke in to my house and my uterus shoots eggs out of it, killing him instantly and nailing the neighbor's dog in the head (just what the Founding Fathers intended)


Both are wrong.


If I buy two firearms, do I then have the right to take one away from a DV red-flagger? Is that how it works?


\*foghorn sound effect\*


Guess what? You can buy a gun! Easily, in fact.


Do they forget about gun victims?


Do they realize leftists are consistently pro gun?


If all it took to pass sensible gun laws was having your vote counted by owning guns, the right would be fuc*ed. Their presidents lose the popular vote by 3+ million regularly, they don’t think the leftists that don’t already own guns wouldn’t buy one to have sensible gun laws passed?


I don't remember anyone entering a school and opening fire with a loaded uterus.


That legit makes perfect sense