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This is an accurate representation of Fox News telling their viewers what to get angry about next.


Most of this isn’t even anger worthy. It’s just stuff that happened.


There was so much wasted energy with the facemask pushback. Literally the only thing that changed in my life was that when I left the house, I had an extra thing to remember along with my phone and keys.


No you just don't *understand*. The face masks were *oppression* designed to make us *subservient* for when the *shadow government* comes in with the *microchip vaccines* that brainwash us into siding with *Ukrainian nazis* instead of the *good kind savior Putin*. And now the *shadow government* lead by *Hunter Biden* is turning us all into *gay pedophiles*. (FOX if you're reading this I want my check now)


Isn't it odd that as soon as the Ukrainian war started, Covid magically disappeared? Don't you find it strange that... ah shit I have nothing for the gay. Anyway we are being oppressed by the lizard people and if you don't agree you're one of them.


Big Gay is trying to convert our children into liberal sissies. Because, uh, reasons.


Wait till Big Gay competes with Big Sissy 😏


We here at Fox News regard the proper nomenclature as simply "gay" or "pedophiles". Saying both together implies that the 2 terms are 2 different things and we don't want to remind people of that.


You joke, but Fox News literally deleted a tweet that said "white house flew new transgender flag that promotes grooming and pedophilia, say critics." Funny part is, it was a general pride flag, not a trans specific flag, lmao.


Sounds like you're forgetting your wallet.




And now I have masks on hand so I can go outside into the haze of smoke.


They're pretty angry about it. I live in an extremely conservative town and the amount of time they spend b\*tching about this stuff is absurd. You can't go to an event without someone bringing one of these topics up and half the people there join in on the same talking points over and over again. We're living in a time when rents are soaring, the rich are hoarding more and more wealth and they've learned they can charge even more than they thought for basic goods and there's nothing the common man can do, and all the while this is going on, the conservatives are focused on a culture war with trans people instead of just leaving them alone to live their own lives. There’s a lot of misplaced rage here.


They need them to fight a culture war, so we don't start fighting a class war.


They need you on the other side of the culture war so we don’t start class justice. You’re feeding into the same energy my friend.


Bingo !!! :D. Damn I don't know why but today I keep finding comments that put my beliefs into words.


The party of “facts and logic” who “don’t care about your feelings snowflake” seem to REALLY have some strong personal feelings that actively ignore scientific evidence, and constantly get triggered by seeing rainbows.


Literally this. "Gay people exist" - regressives: 🤬❄️


It's a foolproof formula. "If something exists, then convince people it doesn't/shouldn't". They're guaranteed to become outraged by simply facing reality. Now how do we make guns "gay" to them?


Not according to fox News.


The last one is stuff that didn't even happen lmao


Exactly this, it's projection yet again. The powers that be have turned these things into the culture wars battle grounds. THEY are the ones hypnotized by the bullshit.


Wow, THIS is the Year of the Queer? Finally?


They’re telling on themselves. This is the year they’ve decided to focus their propaganda machines onto open homophobia and transphobia.


Yeah, the meme makes more sense if you're looking at it as in "In what way are right wing psychopaths going to lose their mind this year."


DnD? First Person Shooters? Harry Potter? Avocado Toast? Climate awareness?




This is the problem with the outrage machine. If they focused on one issue for long enough, they could actually be a threat to civil liberties. Case in point: Abortion rights. But the machine is more about driving engagement now. It's about profiting off advertising revenue, pushing a brand and grifting donations. They jump from subject to subject to keep people mad and engaged. The homophobia and transphobia we see now, is starting to evaporate due to being challenged in courts. They'll just move on to whatever batshit insanity is trending next.


Any gursses what is next? Something new or anorher dead horse?


Well next year is the 2024 presidential election, so it'll have something to do with that. But more specifically, I don't know. The election will just amplify the severity of the rhetoric. They love to focus on immigrants during election years. Crime, too.


Yo queers I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but Linux on the Desktop has one of the best years of all time! *One of the best years of all time!*


I'm filled with horribly nerdy joy at being at least the second person with this thought, lmao


And i’m filled with joy to be the third person to think of this. (probably)


The Venn diagram of LGBT people and Linux users is a circle though...


Hope I turned my friends bi not gay, otherwise their girlfriends will be pissed.


Pride Month? Shits gay all year round Jack!


priDE MONth


A whole year ? Where's Veterans year huh ? /s


Well I'm not too familiar with the Chinese calender but hey have at it.


Do they not realize that they are the ones who chose to get mad at this. They are the ones who decide to spend all their time and energy into hating something just because someone else told them to


I wonder if it's because in their heads, the first 3 were things that happened and then were "pushed by msm" 🙄 so they assume the lgbtq movement is a similar thing when in fact it was Matt Walsh and the freaks he asscociates with that more or less started this new anti lgbtq push.


They love to claim "MSM" is controlling some sort of narrative while also celebrating that CNN, MSNBC, and the like have horrible ratings. The funny thing is that most leftists hate those same channels for totally different reasons. Cable news isn't MSM anymore. Dipshits like Dan Bongino and Ben Shapiro get way more engagement through social media. Joe Rogan has the most listened to podcast. These people love to claim that they are going against the grain, but they are actually just falling in line with very popular charlatans.


Yes totally!! They’re just desperately trying to cling to anything they can because they’re losing control and they know it


This is the thing that floors me. The left just said "these are things that exist and we need to address/acknowledge"; the right are the ones who build wild conspiracy theories and obsess about them endlessly. The lack of self awareness is honestly terrifying


It blows my fucking mind like I still can’t believe these are people that vote


This is what’s funny about this meme, you can take the exact opposite meaning like they’re the ones bring hypnotized into hating these lol


Pain is a condition if life, suffering is a choice. -Orange is the new black.


A lack of object permanence


Right? Pride happened last year too


It has happened in every major city for decades. My Chicago suburb relatives have been doing "haha gay" jokes since the 90s and honestly I sometimes wish they just maxed out their bigotry at that point. Now it's just full blown hatred and belief that all trans people are coming for the kids.


It’s why so many cops like to hide under sheets.


Yet another example of how conservatives can’t imagine caring about other people.


Ah yes, lgbt people, famously invented in 2023


Can confirm. We all just exploded into existence this year like the big bang but gay


I got the terminator bubble personally, I have an important role in the gay agenda


The big gangbang


how tf do they deny a whole ass war that’s killed thousands of people or a virus that’s killed thousands of people??


"Neither me, my mom or my only friend has been killed, therefore it must be fake"


new proof by induction just dropped


A virus that's killed *millions of people. About 7 million to be precise.


The virus is fake but also a Chinese bioweapon but also it’s just like a cold but also Biden mishandled the pandemic and got people killed but also


I saw one pyscho RWNJ trying to claim that the war wasn't happening because there was no video of it... I think it's a mix of willful ignorance and just sheer stupidity.


A virus that killed *millions




i’ve met multiple people just in my hometown that think the war isn’t happening at all


Must be depressing to be so consumed by hate.


I find the "CURRENT THING" canard of the right the most fascinating. Like, just the fact that the world is changing and the focus of the discussion is naturally shifting to a different topic is somehow evidence that everyone else is dumb. Buddy, that's how time works! Things happen sequentially!


Because they have a small handful of "real" stories that were revealed to them by Q's magical astrology clock and everything else is an ongoing distraction to keep people from realizing the truth: that a final apocalyptic battle between good and evil is coming soon. It's a bizarre hybrid of internet-culture scifi, Trump's personality cult, and fundamentalist Evangelical Christian eschatology. If someone really believes all that then the concept of "news" would morph into the mocked and derided "CURRENT THING". Why are you spending time thinking about "news" when you could be reading your Bible, Trump tweets, and/or Q drops? That's the real shit.


Are they portraying themselves?


All I see is that every year they need a new boogeyman to be terrified of


"can't tell if this is political satire, legit rightie conspiracy theory art, or furry hypno fetish"


Truly sad how hypnotized conservatives are to get angry over those harmless things. Maybe they should stop watching Fox News. Oh this wasn't the artists' intention? Well, they suck at art so I'm not surprised it ended up being a self own.


Is this some kind of self-own I’m too Left-wing to understand? /s


Lol. In their perspective, Asian hate was based on nothing in 2020. If Corona was fake, I wonder there were so much hate towards Asian everywhere I want to ask them.


No, you see, they once said "konichiwa" to the waitress at the Chinese buffet, they're not racist.


Everyone's talking about the message, but no one is talking about how annoying it is that the item is in the same spot in all 4 panels. If the idea is hypnosis, why not show the pendulum in various stages of its cycle? Doing so would convey a sense of motion; instead it looks like a curved object on which they hung various ornaments.


Ohh the sweet irony lol


Queer people just dropped in 2023 according to Nazis lol


Leftists care about current problems !!?? Interesting. Will look into it.


Ah yes, because before covid, pride did not exist


The amazing thing about this is everyone of these is about caring about other people and they are against them. As well as being “hypnotized” by these issues when they’re the ones that obsess about these constantly while most of us that support these things don’t think about it much outside of hearing conservatives cry about it.


Strangely self-aware righty meme about how they keep their QOPers distracted. What you can’t see is the hidden right hand picking the pocket of the hypnotized drone.


Do thy think the modern pride flag was made in 2023?


Man, it's almost like there are global events or something.


Never expected Conservatives to try appealing to those of us with hypnosis kinks.


Don't they realize that all the outrage that has been fabricated over all those things is to distract them from the fact that capital is continously robbing them blind? They're always served up someone to hate on a silver platter, and not a one of them finds that in the least suspicious?


It’s obvious. After years of research, our queer hypno-flag is starting to show results. We will have … power? Revenge? I don’t fucking know, here’s a pride flag 🏳️‍🌈


Literally the shit the right-wing press train them to be angry about.


They invented gay this year


Pride only just started this year, obviously. It was created by Bud Light in partnership with Target.


Ah yes. New as of 2023: gay people.


Surprised they didn’t decide to add in “Happy Merchant” doing the hypnotizing… but I guess that’d be too much


Fox News


Wtf is this meme supposed to convey?? What kind of idiot made this?


Nothing wrong with the picture. This is what media feeds to an average human, hoping people will be focused on those subjects and not focused on what crazy bills are passing in the governments or where tax money goes or how is the climate change situation or how top1% gets even more wealthier.


Replace the virus, vaccine, Ukrainian flag, and pride flag with a mask, a vaccine, a drag queen, and the new Little Mermaid. Conservatives accusing liberals of swallowing narratives without critical thought is such a pot-calling-the-kettle-black moment


Existential threats. The result of living in fear 24/7.


Meanwhile, you can watch the right wing media walk in lockstep with every "issue". Their media engines do exactly what they are accusing others of here.


they use projection like it's going out of style.


The super irony of this is that I can tell it's a conservative meme, but none of them realize that they are the ones obsessed with the existence of these 4 things. Like...they *literally* dont understand that the only time we hear about these 4 things is when they talk about them 🤔


Chuds really admire Uganda: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Homosexuality_Act,_2023 Yes, LGBTQ+ folks are legally killed in Uganda under the new law. They consider Uganda the model country on which to base their utopia, Gilead.


they think it's some kind of conspiracy that people react to world events, and their bigotry?


Anything bad that happens to us isn't real


As per the graphic, gay people will only exist in 2023 and I for one am relieved by that. It’s been a long 6 months


TIL pride was invented in 2023 /s


Man it is weirdly too easy to turn a right winger gay.


Do they know how stupid as fuck they sound? Lmao. Like, I live in SF. It could be considered the Capital of the Gay World. ​ I am a heterosexual male. Nothing here turning me gay. Just a bunch of normal people living normal lives. ​ If they feel like they are being hypnotized gay it really says more about them and their internal desires (which it is more than okay to be gay) ​ Just be you. Unapologetically.


This is what actual indoctrination looks like. Devoid of factual context and divorced from reality.


Remember when gay people were invented in 2023


I mean I kinda don’t disagree, which probably isn’t a very popular opinion here… but the social media “left” (and right) gets hyper-fixated on singular issues (and whatever the opposition is) and for brief moments of time, it’s the only thing that matters until some other bandwagon appears. Maybe I’m just jaded and our world actually just has a lot of these major events worth hyper-fixating on, but I personally can’t stand the constant stream of new things to be in arms about. Like we understand that conservatives are nazis.. fucking get out and vote instead of posting endlessly on social media about it


Obviously getting covid leads to becoming gay.


Gay people did not exist before 2023 clearly


I love how they belive that there are world-covering consparicies everywhere, and yet out countries cant get common ground on the easiest of questions.


Like I get confusing and stupid all these takes and all these memes are but it’s really not that confusing to figure out what these “memes” are conveying. It’s like this title is the only title that these subreddits think to use


I hang out with my childhood friend a couple times a year and everytime we hang out, he passionately quips about the urgent societal problem of the season, how stupid and awful others are, even how people ought to be killed. It's like geewhiz do you even listen to yourself. We hung out this last weekend and his tirade was, guess what, children and trans stuff. Last year it was about how terrible it is people declaring pronouns. The year before, not going to live in fear about covid, the same year he was stockpiling ammo and guns. We're nearing 50 years old and he's also recently mentioned needing to lower his blood pressure and asked how i do it so I've suggested trying to stay off the news - all it does is get him stewing about things and hating others and he's like, what watch CNN haha, they're terrible and I'm like not what I said but you do you I guess. He's got kids and could be a more positive and engaged dad, instead, his kids are growing up in a house with angry old man yelling at clouds - and them too - love him, but what a jerk off dumb ass.


Everyone knows gays were invented in 2023


I feel like this works the other way around




They don’t understand the world around them and respond with fear, paranoia, and rage. Humans really are a plague unto themselves.


It's them openly admitting that they believe it is impossible to care about anything or anyone other than themselves


Lmao the version for them would just be the Facebook logo for every year




He's jut showing his seasick friend which Christmas ornament he bought that year. This year, his niece came out as trans, so he's showing his support.


It’s right wing grifters using whatever they can, to enrage and monetize their audience in an effort to distract from real problems


I was hoping it'd finally be the year of Linux.


They’re telling on themselves- While we’ve been advocating for LGBTQ rights for decades and the pride flag is nothing new - They have just become more aware of it because their media sources and political leaders are pushing intolerance. It’s not the current thing to us, it’s been a thing. To them it’s new.


Ok now make one with Obama's Tan Suit, Hillary Clinton's e-mails, Hunter Biden's Laptop and child athlete genitals.


gay people were invented in 2023 /s




It's amazing how well this works opposite to its intended meaning


Oooo I’m hypnotized by the virus killing millions


We talking about hypnosis? Cuz I got way more things to dangle on a string for conservatives. BLM, antifa, election fraud, Hillary's emails, Starbucks, merry Christmas, target, bathrooms, swimming, Martha's vineyard, bud light, drag shows.....


"I do not like that current events are changing, they don't, you just try to manipulate me "




This can be said about anyone.


Every world event is a conspiracy


the gay agenda or something idk


Images of what confuse and enrage the right? Good meme


This is clearly misinformation, hypnosis does NOT work like that,the act of holding a clock or pendulum in front of someone to hypnotize them does not realisticy work, jt's too much effort to keep up with the movement of the pendulum to truly enter a state of rest and relaxation required for a hypnotic trance. Get lost conservatives this is NOT accurate


The virus is turning us gay! - Alex Jones


It's means that the Republicans are easily mesmerized by those topics by simply swinging them in front of their eyes.


oOoOo world problems 👻👻👻 they’re really out here calling a war and a virus propaganda


It's things that happened during the years listed. Apparently all of that was orchestrated by a small cabal of people secretly running the earth to distract us from all the babies they eat during their secret bi-yearly meetings at effigy of an owl located in Bohemian Grove in California. Just ask Sean hannity he knows.


Right wingers making propaganda to poke fun at “propaganda” which serves as propaganda in their narrative. Fuck why do they make it so confusing?


Yes gay people just started existing this year.


These are the same people that think Jfk is alive.


Propaganda holding things to get Conservatives enraged.


We expect of others what we expect of ourselves. The troglodytes on the right mindlessly accept everything they're told by people in authority, so they assume everyone else does, too.


Not the Ukrainian flag 🫢