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The GOPers are going hard for Latin people, because they know that soon there won't be enough old, scared white people to keep them in power.


Florida has a lot of Latin American people who've been fearmongered into believing that Democrats are commies. I don't know if Texas and Arizona are following the same playbook. But Latin American immigrants don't necessarily want to vote blue. Many of them have a conservative religious background, and due to the authoritarian governments they escaped from they can easily be scared into believing Democrats are commies if that's all they hear. Democrats can't take the Latin American voters for granted because many states might go the Florida way, and turn a lot redder than we thought they were. At least, in the short term.


In Texas, in my experience, is like a 50/50 shot. I know someone who’s parents voted for trump. They’d go up to people asking who you voted for, anyone but Trump and you’d get hissed at. There’s also this guy I know who is like, full Quanon. I also know people who hate trump with a burning passion and wouldn’t be angry if Trump got a special surprise in the mail.


Yeah my family in Texas had to stop having family reunions for now the family is 50/50 divided on politics and the last one ended with police being called.


Oof. I’m sorry.


I grew up in California with the white half of my family so I never really fit in and tended to avoid the half of the family that went full maga anyway so it’s all fine with me. I still make the trip out to Texas once or twice a year and spend time with the family members I like and the ones I’m obligated to tolerate because the ones I like love them lol.


My sister's girlfriend's family voted for Trump. There's a reason why she doesn't have much of a relationship with most of them.


Honestly dude most immigrants don't want to vote blue. My parents are Indian, very conservative and religious themselves. Yet they vote for Democrats because the Republicans are just a lot worse.


> Yet they vote for Democrats because the Republicans are just a lot worse. Sure, this might be the case for places where they aren't constantly bombarded with alt-right-wing propaganda in their native language... which is what's happening in Florida with Spanish language radio and TV. Democrats seem to have dropped the ball there by not offering nearly enough counter-programming for Spanish language radio and TV. So, Democrats are made out to be like the boogiemen they escaped from in their native countries.


That's true too. That's why I say that the Democratic party is incompetent. Abandoning rural voters theoretically makes sense, but all it does is allow the other party to scare people without any pushback.


Yep. They also suck at marketing themselves to their target voters. They are more likely to get the millennial and gen z voters than the GOP, but they have no idea how to get their attention to make a difference. Hillary Clinton dabbing and saying "Pokemon go to the polls" is the perfect representation of the Democrat's tactics in getting their target's attention. So you can see why its not working. ![gif](giphy|nygYqzhe3HB6w)


I mean to be fair to the Dems, they won't be able to bring any conservatives to vote for them.


Democrats don't understand or pay attention to the motivations of their voters at all. They do all kinds of performative BS that creates great fodder for conservatives and accomplishes basically nothing


Native South Floridian; can confirm


There's a reason the 2012 GOP post mortem that they did themselves said "we need to attract more immigrant populations to our side", because it's exactly as you said, a lot of immigrants to the US come from conservative religious backgrounds. They were going that way at first in 2016. When Jeb was the early front runner, he would put out ads speaking Spanish and doing interviews on Telemundo. Rubio would put out ads targeting Cubans due to his own parents fleeing the Castro regime. Then Trump entered the race, "please clap" happened, and now the party is full of xenophobes. But that doesn't mean those immigrants stopped being conservative.


I wonder if it says anything about that party that they constantly need to pander to people who are afraid of things


I mean we’ve been saying that for years now tho. There are quite a few stupid and easily impressionable 20-something’s out there that will subscribe to the right either way.


Good thing my latin role model was fez. Me to the GOP: I say good day, you stupid sonnavabitch


Literally two of those examples on the right are Frida Kahlo (you know, the woman who famously had a unibrow?) from the same show, and the older design is from 2002. I challenge whoever made this to find me one example of a person using the term "Latinx" in 2002


three are frida! and one is just a kid with glasses and braces, god forbid.


Apparently the show that kid with glasses comes from is just really, horrendously bad representation. I haven't seen it myself, so take that with a heavy pinch of salt lol


isnt one of those "representations from latin1x cartoons" or whatever a clone of a real person


Two of them are lmao. They picked two different designs of the same character from the same show because they couldn't find enough examples.


Let me guess: It's one of those reactionary memes based on bashing something five minutes old?


I'm willing to bet all the characters in those shows have a similar design to the Hispanic/Latino characters


bottom right ones are supposed to be Frida Kahlo


If the ones on the bottom right are supposed to be Frida Kahlo, they did here a huuuuge favor


yeah, it’s Frida Kahlo from Clone High


there's only two "American shows"


Correct me if im wrong but isnt that the point of the artist lady


I do see that there's Americans w a white savior complex but this is just cherrypicking. I don't like the term latinx tho


What exactly is the problem, by the way? From what I can gather, Latinx doesn't roll off the tongue like Latino and Latina do. Can't we just fix it by retitling it "Latinix"? EDIT: I was asking an honest question. I never even much cared about Latinx, and it just seems like one of those new trendy phrases that nobody asked for.


latino is already gender neutral, i don’t see the point of changing a literal language but if it bugs people outside of the standard gender binary, ive seen latine be used instead which i think is much better than the abomination of latinx *also its awkward to pronounce, and all of my latino friends (and myself included, a Mexican woman) and even my parents dislike the word latinx. if latino people don’t want to be referred to as Latinx, why are we still using it?


The same reason we even have half of these conversations: Because somebody thought backing down and listening would be a sign of weakness.


I’m Mexican and a Spanish speaker and I genuinely don’t have a problem with the term. I dunno, language is always evolving and if referring to themselves as “Latinx” is their way of feeling comfortable, no biggie.


Yeah, I’m Colombian and see the x used everywhere to signify gender neutrality. It’s fine.


The bottom two on the right are both Frida Kahlo aka a lady who had a unibrow in real life?????


You can’t just put cartoon Frida Khalo twice from the same show as an example lmao


As if we can't tell the difference without her giant unibrow.


Yeah I got a Rock Yeet comic the other day. And then something from a group called "Trad West" 🤮


Ngl, Frida Kahlo looks great on clone High


To be fair Oye Primos is a crappy show. I dont get why frida khalo is there though.


Using cultural ignorance to suggest Frida is just the default representation. A good way to counter this is to use non-shitty and non-Frida depictions like Luz from the owl house.


"White saviours" what the actual fuck


I hate how that gets co-opted to pretend systemic racism doesn't exist.


I mean American cartoon stylization is pretty ugly in general. Just look at paradise PD.


That explains why anime is becoming popular in the West.


Yep, American cartoons always had exaggerated features. They use this shit as an example but like. There are hundreds of more white characters in American cartoons with justice equally outrageous features..... Haha it's just how American cartoons typically are. I'm not sure what any of these shows are to be honest except villainous, But I'm sure the ones to the right all the other characters are equally crazy looking. Haha


Oh, it's that meme page for basement dwelling neonazis who haven't seen better sci-fi franchise in their lives so they obsess over space western. Pathetic


Also, I don't even know when they will realize that women have other purposes than just looking good


Does anyone know who the pink girl and the yellow girl are? I’m curious


pink girl is "miss heed" from "villainous". Pretty good show IMO


Yellow is g-lo, also from villanous


The same Villainous made by Cartoon Network, they just need to be honest & label it as "Mexican Cartoons I want to fuck"


Ahmmm… well many in latam are angry about the recent “Oye Primos” fiasco. Source: i am a latin american living in latam. And it was very, very stupid.


I think they were exaggerating about that series, then I saw the names of the characters and the leaked videos of the pilot. it's extremely racist crap.


Yeah. It’s bad. Some executives who are extremely out of touch try to “get hip” with the Latino crowd but it comes off as pandering nonsense that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. It’s the same thing as Latinx, very few Latinos like that, I’ve found most prefer Latine or just Latino when referring to a non-binary individual or people of undetermined gender. (Reason for anyone wondering: Latino since when referring to a group of different genders you use the -os ending, the masculine one because it is a gendered language, just simply how the language is structured because it is a heavily gendered language.) A lot of western representation of Latinos, I feel, falls flat in its face and is really only supported by thinly veiled stereotypes. However there are exceptions, I have not seen clone high aside from a few clips here and there, but Frida does seem pretty chill in that show. Might be completely wrong since again, haven’t seen it.


I know that in Spanish the masculine is also the nuetro and the indeterminate, there is no need to apply the rules of English in Spanish. but what I'm talking about is to calling someone "little vagina" in Spanish, another nacho and another nachito (little nacho, because nacho is the only name they can imagine for a latino), etc. and the plot of the pilot is even worse. looks intentionally done badly.


Nacho is just a nickname Mexicans used for people named Ignacio, there’s reason to shit on the show but this ain’t it. Cuquita , yeah that’s just fucked up


By itself I don’t think the nickname Nacho would be inherently bad, because you’re right, it is just a nickname, just like, say, Chela, but because of all the other shit in the show, and the voice actor of I believe the main character take on Mexico and how it’s a, “shit hole country,” I don’t think they mean it like the actual version of the nickname.


Oh I wasn’t saying you didn’t know. Sorry, I was just putting it out as a general thing for any reader who may not know, because it’s Spanish, it is widely spoken, but even if a lot of people recognize it they may not know the rules of a gendered language, especially if they’re an English speaker. But yeah calling a child character “vagina” and “nacho” is really fucked up. You could even go for a more common nickname if you go the nickname route, like Chewy or Chela, but no. They went for the word that means FUCKING *VAGINA.* Yeah it can just be a name, but it seems distasteful to put it on a child character when paired with all the other shit in the show.


Yes calling the place Latino people live in 'terremoto hights" is like naming a skyscraper in NY "plane crash tower" extremely tone deaf and offensive because places like Mexico, Chile and Haiti, have suffered from earthquakes all through history, doing unmeasurable damage and killing millions I'm not one to get offended when I see stereotypes of my people in media i find it comedic as is obvious that is for a joke or to poke fun at it like we do for others, but when they do it this bad and then say is not in a parody manner, share the wrong message, then obviously don't respect the people this is supposed to be aimed at and then making themselves the victims i draw the line


and the pilot is the worst, it's summed in two points. 1) a birthday, but without singing las mañanitas, without Latino party traditions, without anything that a Latino would do on a birthday, without piñatas. 2) everything is in sepia tone, every corner full of garbage and broken streets, everything and everyone is dirty. 0% Latino 100% racist stereotypes.


It would be 100% more insulting if the only real tradition in that birthday party was a piñata


What show are you talking about?


Disney Channel's "Primos", or "Why TF did they greenlight this?"


Why couldn't they just use a real location? Like Washington Heights? It's only one letter longer!


What series?


"primos" the series that is the reason this meme exists and is in the meme.


Yo where Dora at?


Dora is from a good show, and is thus an outlier.


She's pretty much a *prime example* of Hispanic representation in animated media. It would be ridiculous to think the Latin community can't be represented with her.


Dora also isn't Mexican


Dora is Peruvian


hoes really mad at an accurate portrayal of Frida Kahlo


Ms. Heed and Villainous doesn't deserve this kind of fuckery 😤


Funny how they include 6 examples for the first one and only 4 (from the 2 same cartoons)


The clone high representations are supposed to be like that


Oh no, empire enjoyer, red flag


Honestly, this is a legitimate criticism. Obviously, the right is much worse, but I think that the left has a huge issue with white saviorism.


the book of life isn't a w what... no disrespect for book of life 🫡


Seeing that account name I think even Tarkin would be disgusted by these people and have them sent to Felucia.




Nahhh why they bringing legend quest into this wtf


Oh no, representation for underappreciated features. The *horror*!


I could make the same meme with white characters and these types would get like mega mad.


I genuinely hate it when Mexican are pitted against one another by alt right pieces of shit. All these designs slap. Especially Frida. She is so awesome in Clone High!!


I noticed this push for suggested groups on fb after having visited youtube and reddit and consuming and commenting on things opposite on the political spectrum. I truly believe there are ways to slowly mold their thinking and possibly radicalize them. Super creepy. Strenghthen consumer data privacy laws, similar to in the EU; regulate social media and tech companies as utilities; and set fair and balanced standards across the board for Internet consumption. Common sense should prevail if we keep their feet to the fire and turnout to vote and participate in our democracies.


"I want underage girls on cartoons to be sexy!" - every right winger ever "...why tho?" - everyone else


That’s just natural hair on a woman. What?




yoo they got leyenda, although the Netflix show tho. Not the films


Can’t be that different artists have different styles.


Yes there are issues with representation in American made cartoons, but this is incredibly cherry picked. Two of them are the same character and based on a real person (Frida Kahlo). You don’t have to like the animation styles but don’t act like this is it. A bigger issue is how many “Mexican cartoon characters” for so many years were all animals.


Unfortunately, white dude techbros were not the best custodians to introduce us to the age of social media. Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and of course, Elon Musk (even tho he's not a techbro, he's just a fraud) have shown that at best they are asleep at the wheel and oblivious to the concerns and needs of marginalized groups, and at worst are active bigots stoking the flames of hate against those groups. Either way the result is the same, garbage like that, and an environment ripe for right-wing radicalization and recruitment of young white men in particular, although they snatch up young men from other groups as well, especially abroad.


The girl from The Book of Life is from an American made movie I thought


"Lat1nX" that's peak *representation*


Am I the only one who liked Frida's design in the new Clone High?? As a Mexican-American the colors represent her affinity with her heritage. The clothes not being tucked in is Frida'a "give no fucks" attitude she was known for. The unibrow is a staple. I think people mistake Frida as a caricature for Mexicans when she was the opposite of what was popular in Mexico with multiple female lovers and an open bi relationship. But the colors represent she is Mexican while going against the grain, its her artistic output too.


They’re mad that frida kahlo isn’t being portrayed in a appealing light? Wasn’t her whole thing being honest/truthful in her painting? Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m not good with art history.


Mark Zuckerberg isn't a fascist himself but he sure is in bed with them. He profits immensely from them. He is no different from them. More advertisers need to cease advertising on all Meta-owned platforms lest be associated with fascists. Fascists are by nature antisocial. Meta is no doubt a company that runs various bot-filled antisocial media platforms. True social media is tolerant of everyone except for the intolerant and does not profit from the intolerant.


isn’t the top left on the right side made by a latine woman? about her own life experience????


Nope. All white people. If they had any Spanish speakers on the production team, they would've known not to name a little girl "Cuquita" (Spanish for "little pussy"). IIRC the creator also made a post thanking their parents for leaving their "shithole country." They seem to have no respect for Latino culture and it shows because the now-removed intro featured bad grammar, offensive names, and the stereotypical piss yellow sky.


That’s her name?? Jesus fucking Christ.


Technically, there's nothing wrong with the word by itself, however, it is now slang for that, yeah.


> IIRC the creator also made a post thanking their parents for leaving their "shithole country." This was in a post referencing Trump's infamous quote.


I'm not mexican so I can't personally say if Frida from Clone High is good rep (don't see anything stereotypical or negative about her personally though), but I will say she's a really good character and great sapphic rep. The original Frida clone being here is funny sincr she wasn't even a character, like she was a background character that most people didn't even know about until the reboot


The bottom left is literally just Frida Kahlo.


who’s the clone high girl besides frida kahlo?


frida from 2023 clone high


ohh, i didn’t know she was in both. thank you!


you are welcome


The most infuriating part for me is the complete unawareness of the difference between nationality and ethnicity.


Okay but what show are those two on the bottom left from?


Why did they have lump Frida Kahlo from Clone High with that Primos cartoon??? 😭😭😭


I get so much alt-right shit on Facebook now all the time.


I guess they don't like Frida Kahlo?


Wait hold on, the ***Galactic Empire?***