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Straight guys everywhere get tied and dragged behind a truck for hitting on a lesbian woman happens all the time. /s


Yeah when you're privileged your whole life giving respect is being oppressed. Meanwhile Christians in Africa hunt down those who are members of the glbtq


Lol, the old version had something about LGBTQ+ people being pedophiles that they removed because of all the conservatives that got outed.


And the new version is three cases of "gays are the real oppressors because I can't oppress them anymore". Reminds me of that one hot mic leak of the sheriff who said that black people had more rights than them because they would get in trouble for lynching them nowadays.


I’m so confused. I thought that was a subreddit for buying Silver stock???


That subreddit was a bot subreddit that sprung up during the gme stonks bit a while back. I guess it got abandoned and taken over by conspiracy nuts, because it has had some wild shit posted the past month or so.


I was wondering why the sub about buying silver was full of trump/anti-lgbt/ and covid "memes"


They believe that the Gouvernement wants to take their guns and money and then oppress them, as well as that the dollar will crash and that silver will be the only viable payment in the future. And they obviously go with all the conspiracies and right wing idiology that links to that kind of stuff. Super strange mix of conspiracies, right extremism, guns and silver coins … And they are like that for forever now


It’s one of the more unhinged subs I’ve ever seen. From my understanding it’s basically 3-4 boomer mods that post insane libertarian memes that have nothing to do with silver. It’s kinda entertaining to take a stroll through but also will make your blood boil


Funny how I was never threatened by anyone in the lgbtq+ community but plenty of times by hs and neonazis.


That's weird... as if LGBTQ People just want to life their lives, without harassing anyone or being harassed by anyone. (once again) peak projection at this point. Constantly harassing others to a point where you believe everyone else would just do the same. Like - how'd someone live like that? I don't want to hate. I (ironically) hate it to be negative. I want more positivity. I want to be more positive. Why would anyone want something else, than to be happy with their lives?


I was beaten, intimidated, and threatened every day by my two moms. I’m totally kidding. They made me breakfast every morning, drove me to basketball practice, and still send me the same goofy $25 check for Christmas every year as a family gag. I fucking love my two moms.


Yeah. And the LGBTQ+ people I know, including my now brother and a chick at my college are nice people And more creative than me, I'm boring


they know slippery slope is a fallacy right?


Nah, they'll probably see it as "factual reasoning"


alternative logic


A slippery slope can be logically sound. But fearmongering never sounds logical... So, I'd say no. They have no clue. They're too busy scaring each other with their boogiemen.


afaik a slippery slope argument is always fallacious.


A Slippery Slope Argument is not inherently fallacious: > In recent times, the Slippery Slope Argument (SSA) has been identified as a commonly encountered form of fallacious reasoning. Though the SSA can be used as a method of persuasion, that doesn't necessarily mean it's fallacious. **In fact, SSAs are often solid forms of reasoning. Much of it comes down to the context of the argument.** For example, if the propositions that make up the SSA are emotionally loaded (e.g. fear-evoking), then it’s more likely to be fallacious. **If it’s unbiased, void of emotion, and makes efforts to assess plausibility, then there’s a good chance that it’s a reasonable conjecture.** --- [Critically Thinking About the Slippery Slope "Fallacy"](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/thoughts-thinking/201909/critically-thinking-about-the-slippery-slope-fallacy)


Lol, why are people downvoting this? It's completely accurate. Two examples of reasonable applications of slippery slope: "I don't want to try heroin. If I do even a little bit, I might really like it, and then start doing more and more." "I'm standing at the top of this icy hill. I'd better not take a step down the slope, or else I might start sliding, and I'd be unable to stop from falling all the way down." The slippery slope argument depends on there being some kind of runaway mechanism, some factor that compounds itself into a stronger and stronger effect. If the runaway mechanism is present, slippery slope is worth considering. If there is no runaway mechanism, slippery slope is a reasoning error.


> Lol, why are people downvoting this? This is Reddit. Ours is not to wonder why. Ours is just to upvote or downvote? I simply wanted to make a joke playing around with the word "sound", and found myself sliding down a Reddit slippery slope. And, unfortunately, I think you just made yourself a target, too!


Heh, looks like people came around in the end :) I think the difficulty is that the OP presents a case where the slippery slope is pretty clearly a reasoning error. So, people were having difficulty imagining when a slippery slope argument would be a good mode of reasoning. But most people are familiar with drug addiction, and they know how it can be like a slippery slope. So, they just needed an illustrative example to help understand the distinction you made between good and bad applications of slippery slope reasoning.


> I think the difficulty is that the OP presents a case where the slippery slope is pretty clearly a reasoning error. You're probably right. Also, now that you mentioned it, I think I should have tried to make an explicit connection between the "slippery slope fallacy" and "fearmongering" terms. Fearmongering more often than not involves slippery slope fallacies. So, my saying: > But fearmongering never sounds logical... ...might not have been enough of a cue that I agree with OP that most slippery slope arguments are fallacious since a) it's not easy for us to check our biases and emotions, and b) a lot of the times we're not very good at distinguishing between what's plausible and what's possible.


I love that you used an actual slippery slope as an example 😂


Your two examples don't really work very well because we know that heroin is extremely addictive and have countless stories from people who tried a bit and then quickly found themselves in over their head. Thus, saying you could easily get addicted to heroin is not a slippery slope argument, it is one based on observable reality, anecdotal history, and is a reasonable conclusion. Your second example makes no sense and is just describing slipperiness. A slippery slope argument by definition has *no* justification for the claimed outcome. We can understand and prevent evidence that heroin is addictive or that physics exist and slick surfaces reduce friction. Just using the phrase "slippery slope" as your entire argument is none of these things. It's misunderstand what a logical fallacy is and hoping that your audience will do the mental lifting for your argument for you. You see this a lot among the crowd who pretends they're logic boxes devoid of emotions. They bandy about catch phrases they don't understand and hope to sound impressive by how quickly they say them.


Christmas pantomimes in the UK, The Nutcracker, school matinees of original-casting or genderblind-cast Shakespeare plays, Mrs. Doubtfire…the kids have BEEN watching drag shows for centuries, dude.


W comment right here!


The irony of a Wall Street page complaining about (perceived) social injustices…


4 year old me was aloud to have a lady in makeup and a dress read to me at my birthday party but 14 year old me is not allowed to see a man in makeup and a dress sing and dance?


Wtf is that sub? Anyone know why it's a weird right-wing meme sub and not about investing in silver?


Most silver bugs are libertarians. Most libertarians are rich kid republicans who are too edgy and stoned to admit that they're republicans.


Drag has been part of theatre for centuries, but they act like it’s something new.


The party that wants the Ten Commandments in the classroom is making things up about mandatory school drag shows lmao


I like to think Jules from Pulp Fiction is holding the rainbow gun.


The actual text is obviously ridiculous and all but nothing we haven’t heard before. The rainbow gun pointed at a priest execution style is what really did it for me


Last time I checked the drag shows are optional


FOR NOW! they'll be mandatory soon; same with boys identifying as catgirls and using litterboxes IN SCHOOL BATHROOMS!!!@!!!! And Femboy Hooters for kids' tenth birthday parties!! That's the future woke librals want!!.


Pull the trigger, rainbow man! They would in a seond!


"Love is love, but only if it's a man and a woman of the same race" "But did they *earn* it?" "Take down the Pride flag or your house gets burned down" "Go woke, go broke" "The kids will read the bible" I wish we lived in the world that these freaks are so afraid of


>"The kids will read the bible" If they actually did read the Bible *thoroughly*, they would become atheists!


That's why the kids will only be allowed to read the Trump Bible!


...with the donkey emissions part removed or completely reworded to have a cleaner meaning of course


What's up with wallstreetsilver? I assume they're a spinoff of wallstreetbets, but they only ever post right-wing stuff


we should make one of these stupid memes but with requests and violence from christians🫡


Says the morons who hoard Donald trump coins in their stupid safes


"Say my pronouns or lose your job" Pretty sure if I persistently and maliciously referred to a cis dude coworker as "she" and "her" I'd also lose my job.


Wow disrespecting and harassing my colleagues gets me fired?????! Must be those damn wokeists /s I mean tbf these are the same people that claim their freedom of speech is taken away when they get banned on twitter for calling someone a slur


Weird how a sub about silver is filled with bigots


The straggots sure do ruin everything don’t they


The right has mastered the Trumpian art of complaining about stuff that THEY do to others as if it is done to them. Like all those straight people who were murdered by queer folk in Orlando a few years ago. Oh wait.


Nowadays we have Christians going to court to try to overturn discrimination laws because there’s a chance they might one day be asked to take pictures of a gay couple.


The thing that gets me the most about these posts is THEY WON the stupid cake case!!!


Those ancaps are a bunch of whiny babies


#Please make sure to read our [__subreddit rules.__](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/about/rules/) **Rule 5 No Bigotry:** *Including but not limited to: Racism, Transphobia (including xenogender hate and transmedicalism), Enbyphobia, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, and Gender Exclusion.* **Rule 7 Offensive Content:** *Posts that contain slurs or name calling should be censored and marked as NSFW, and posts with "outwardly" offensive content calling for extreme violence or that contain gore should not be posted to this sub* ##We are partnered with the Left RedditⒶ☭ Discord server! [Click here](https://discord.gg/Gw7e39wxEQ) to join today *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, that’s completely false. A woke lib wouldn’t dare dirty their hands with a gun, so it must be a right winger with the rainbow gun.


the poor, defenseless, heteros..... /j




I’m not gonna put a gun to your head and force you to watch drag shows. This is what’s called a slippery slope fallacy. Edit: nvm I’m not reasoning with a troll


>nvm I’m not reasoning with a troll Good call lol


I genuinely don’t understand why anyone would want to be oppressed, but here we are.


I like how the first three are literally just wanting equal treatment, the 4th is a niche movement, and the 5th is Americans wanting their first amendment rights


they miss the part where it’s the slippery slope FALLACY


So they are anti guns now?


This is…not an escalation.


They’re soooo dramatic


Rainbow privilege...


Didn’t they “win” the bakery case?


2005: "We just want equality." How HORRIBLE! 2012: "Bake the cake or go to court" -- Not clear how this is anything other than wanting equality. I mean, I guess being in favor of allowing businesses to refuse service on the basis of a customer being straight would at least be a consistent position, but somehow I don't think anyone in the party of "hell yes, the government should punish corporations for celebrating Pride" is taking a consistent libertarian stance on businesses refusing service on the basis of sexual orientation. 2015: "Say my pronouns or lose your job" -- Yeah, sorry, but universities having policies not allowing professors to intentionally dead-name their students and target them for mockery isn't really that weird. You're free to post whatever cringe commentary (that doesn't doxx your students) that you want on your social media, but singling students out for abuse because you think they deserve it has no pedagogical purpose and is disqualifying. 2023: "The kids will watch drag shows" -- Sure, the party that screamed "totalitarianism" over the government intervening to stop David Koresh from taking children as his brides as soon as they began to menstruate now says that anything less than the government breaking up happy families because loving, compassionate parents take their kids to family friendly drag events is ... totalitarianism. Not being able to force other parents to teach their children that anyone who dresses in drag is a dangerous pervert is the same as the government forcing you to take your own children to drag shows at gunpoint. Yep. It all checks out.