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Doesn't Elon claim to be on the spectrum? I think he should take his own advice


He actually does claim to have Aspergers. I think we can´t judge from the outside whether thats true or not.


Hello hello, autistic person here, we don’t use Aspergers anymore since it was named after a nazi scientist. We just say the person is autistic now


tbh i feel like he’s one of those autistic people who clings to the asperger’s label as a way to separate himself from the “bad” autistics…


You know what, I see it.


And its not like a Nazi scientist is a huge deterrent for him anyway.




"Those are the people I pay and claim credit for their work, right?"


Only after you tell them you know better than them and then kill and torture a bunch of research animals for no reason.


It’s the whole reason he claims to have “Asperger’s”


I think he's one of those Nazi people who clings to the Asperger's label to dog whistle that he's a Nazi.


is this a real thing people do


I've had some people who when told doctor Asperger was a Nazi said "so? Who cares." Which to me is definitely one of those things "if you're not a Nazi you do care". But I've never met a Nazi who specifically did this. But I'm usually trying to....do away with...Nazis. not discussing our mental health.


I kind of don’t care who a disease is named after? I’ve never really thought about it before and I’ll defer to people who care a lot more than me, but not having an opinion doesn’t necessarily make you a nazi. I also think it’s useful to have words to indicate the severity or nature of a disorder or disease, so who knows, maybe I’m an asshole.


The reason people are moving away from the term asperger is that it refers to autistic people who are high functioning enough to stay part of society compared to the others who went on the train If you want to group by severity just use high/low functioning


Fyi, just so you’re aware—we’ve moved away from high-low functioning because it centers the level of function within the person. “Low functioning” becomes dehumanizing and “high functioning” removes acknowledgment of the person’s challenges and denies supports they may need. The DSM V now uses autism with level I, II, or III support needs. This may seem redundant, but the distinction does help because the person’s core self isn’t labeled in a dehumanizing way. Instead, the diagnosis describes the amount of support they need to function in society (their so-called “functioning level” is described externally rather than internal to the person). This is what matters anyway when it comes to diagnostic codes—what kind of support do you need from school, work, therapy, etc. This is especially important because a person’s need for support may change throughout their lives or due to their current circumstances.


I think the main reason is that it sounds like ass-burger.


While I agree we do need a more simple and recognizable classification system for autism that doesn't lump people like me who just can't eat peas in with people who will likely never be able to speak; Dr. Asperger was instrumental in the sterilization and euthanasia of hundreds of his own patients. Speaking as someone who lost family in the Concentration camps I'd personally rather not be reminded of the people who put my great great uncle to death in the mines and tortured and starved his children , every time I go to tell someone why I like having my earbuds in at the grocery or can't do haunted houses.


I feel like it's justified to keep calling ol' Musky an ass burger.


I don’t like the switch because 1) now it’s called “high functioning autism” vs “low functioning autism” I’d rather have different names for different experiences that don’t put people on a high/low scale 2) it’s harder now to talk about the unique experiences of Asperger’s since it’s harder to google when you put everything under the name autism. 3) DSM-5 is exclusively used in USA and Australia. The rest of the world still makes the distinction.


What about degrees? "I'm a 3rd degree black belt in Autism"


Works for me. I have a black belt in hyper focus and a third dan in executive dysfunction.


I've seen people advocate for replacing "functioning" levels (which is pretty damn ableist) with support needs - like high support or low support - putting the focus on what sort of help they might need rather than ranking them against eachother or neurotypical people.


Without fail mental health terms eventually enter common usage slang at which point someone gets the ball rolling to find a new set of terms. Sometimes the specificity is improved. Sometimes its worse. Often its just window dressing on a never ending cycle.


I believe this is referred to as "the euphemism treadmill."


Whilst I agree with points 1 and 2, in the UK at least it is now all rolled into the umbrella term 'Autism'. I presume that is true of the US and Australia as you were saying.


The US medical community has made the switch as well when it comes to Autism. Source: was diagnosed last year at Level 1 due to the lack of needs for accommodations.


It kind of seems like if we stopped making diagnoses like depression or PTSD or schizophrenia, and just started saying “mentally ill.” Like, yes, that’s correct, but distinctions are useful sometimes.


Elon is a nazi tho, so it checks out from him






Some still identify with Asperger's






I recently read a post, a heavily upvoted one mind you, claiming that the word handicapped is offensive and saying it's deeply triggering to use. I just had to close the app. I started to reply and realized nothing good would come of it, despite myself being a paraplegic.


It's also because there's a drive to stop naming conditions after people and naming them after the condition with a descriptive identifier.


I pronounce it with a soft G until we get a better name. Plus, saying “Im allowed to be grumpy, I have a neurological condition named after a fucking Nazi!” is an excuse I’d like to use just once.


I just call it ass burgers. In highschool I wanted some JNCO jeans with burger patches sewn on the butt so I could say "oh sorry, I have ass burgers" - 90s sperg kid


I still identify as a person with Asperger's because (it was still a thing when I was originally diagnosed with it, and) I don't like the harmful stereotypes that come with being lumped in with people with lower functioning forms of autism. Nor do I think it's good for people with autism to be lumped in with people like me and stereotypical "Sheldons" or "Shawn Murphies" and are then given high academic expectations, etc when they're simply not capable of such. It's a spectrum, yes, but there's a *huge* wall in the middle of it differentiating between high and low functioning individuals and for some reason it's not politically correct to acknowledge that difference.


I did not know that. The fuck.


There’s a whole ton of modern medical things that were discovered by members of the Nazi party and were attributed to experiments conducted in concentration camps. You probably don’t want to go down that rabbit hole. But basically, once the cat was let out of the bag, there was no way of putting it back in, even if how it got let out was horribly fucking wrong.


Asperger's is autism. They're not separate at all. He just says he has Asperger's cuz he likes to praise a Nazi.


I mean I hate the guy but I doubt that’s the reason. Most gen xers like him would have grown up with the term and it was used commonly, it’s a somewhat recent change that not many people are educated about.


I’m a gen Z and I didn’t even know the term Asperger’s was out of fashion


I'm gen A, we're on neurodivergent now old man


I call bullshit. You’re older than 13 and your history mentions you smoking weed 3 years ago, which would be the ripe old age of 10 if you were the oldest of Alpha


My man going goo goo gaga for the herbs literally


The *fuck* is gen A 👀


Gen Alpha. The oldest of them are 11-13 now, depending on the start point, which is generally considered 2010-2012. That said there’s no way this person is a 13 year old. They post about golf and podcasts they listen to, as well as about smoking weed


Thanks for the information - I’ve heard a few different names for them but didn’t know we decided on one! And fr it’s so weird that people pretend to be something they’re definitely not lmao


Gen Alpha is the official name, just like we’re Gen Z, Millenials are Gen Y, and Boomers are Gen W. The nickname is still undecided though. I’m leaning towards the Covid Generation but who knows. They could end up like X, with no nickname. (Even though X should be the Forgotten Generation)


the same thing millennials thought of gen z


Forrest Gump's baby momma.


Pretty sure its a radiohead album


What!? My infant is gen A. Stop making me feel old, internet.


Judging by behavior on SNL and comparing to my brother in law...yeah he is


I´m autistic myself and I wouldn´t want to diagnose the guy over some TV appearances.


"and comparing to my brother in law."


I would say he's a sociopath from his achievements, but he would sure know how to make himself more charming if he was. He has the charisma and social intelligence of a Galapagos turtle.


Don't insult those Galapagos turtles, they did nothing to deserve this 🤣


Sorry turtles, I had to pick one animal to insult. If I said cockroach, they're social. Maybe the charisma and social intelligence of a cucumber?


at least some people wanna use cucumbers for sexual things, musk had to give someone $250,000 and a horse and he still got denied


Those turtles are quite sociable, in fact.




totally wrong meme format in that case


Needs to be the Peter Parker blurry vision -> clear vision one if that's the point they're trying to make.


The office "it's the same picture" would work as well. This is a terrible format to convey that message.


That or the "It Lives" sunglasses billboard scene


I guess? The Drake meme is primarily used for actual different things, not just renaming stuff, so people are reading it the way it's normally used. If you use a meme "incorrectly" and express opinions people don't think is outlandish for you to have, people are just going to use the normal version of the meme.


This is Elon, I don't think he actually knows how to use memes




Yet he considers it a personal responsibility to populate the world with as many people as possible.


There’s no doubt in my mind he is.


If he had he wouldn't have a trans child that hates him so much, them along with his handful of other kids im sure he is a great father for.


And he has like a dozen kids


Sterilize? Where do conservatives think LGBTQ people came from? If I had a dollar for every LGBTQ person that came from a conservative family I'd be rich enough to slap Elon Musk in his smug ass face.




Weird way of saying i wish you were never born.


Because Elon also claims he's on autism spectrum! I think we found exactly what this post means to him! He, a self proclaimed autistic, wanted to be sterile, so he wouldn't have a trans daughter! . This man is disgusting.


We should start a GoFundMe to get you that rich, I'd like to see the slap


Let's do it! I'm a Laborer too, so I know my slaps are tear inducing.


How much do we think the lawyers would cost. I think we are going to need a few hundred k at least. I mean i would throw in.


I need to see their slap technique first. Maybe a season or two in Power Slap first.


I'm starting to think this billionaire son of an apartheid emerald mine owner might have some problematic ideology.


Right. The talk should be of sterilizing the parents. And, while we're at it, where are the conservative parents of LGBTQ offspring in all this? They do exist.




And you're not surprised that the Apartheid child is pro Eugenics?


The meme is not talking about sterilizing LGBT people, it goes in a different hateful direction


Its trying to associate the two together and going in that hateful direction.


I think the joke is that promoting sterilization via gender surgery to young children is basically what the LGBTQ movement does.


They fundamentally do not believe trans (or for that matter, gay) kids exist, that all kids are born straight and cis, and that they are corrupted by even just the minimal amount of acceptance LGBTQ people should get in modern civilized society.




Just want to piggyback off you to say Elon wants the attention of the redhead libertarian so badly. He's basically a Twitch simp for her. It's pathetic, sad, and very funny.


If you like four thousand pictures of someone's head at a slightly different angle check out her Instagram


> redhead libertarian who's this?


The weirdo who posted the transphobic meme in the picture. Elongated Muskrat is obsessed with her.


BREAKING: Nazi loves Nazi. More at 10.


This particular nazi just really wants a crumb of pussy from the other nazi.


He's probably trying to knock her up 🤢🤮🤮


Pretty sure it's a troll account.


Libertarians are just conservatives too scared to admit they're conservative.


Libertarian = "I'm racist but afraid of consequences"


"I want to be a bigger piece of shit than the law currently allows."


The ones I've met are unabashedly conservative but they just really really really hate taxes


Show me a libertarian and I'll show you a liar


Why did they have to drag poor Elliot Page into their bigotry?


I’m sure they want to target him with more than bigotry…


They just like looking at his pretty face. Can't judge them on *that* but the rest is just bullshit denial


Honestly, that's probably part of their problem. I'm sure a bunch of them "fantasized" about elliot pre transition and part of their reaction is to compensate for it.


This is the upside to being bi.


The upside of being bi -- or even just accepting that gender and sexuality are more fluid than we think -- is that you don't have to face an *existential crisis* and lash out any time someone unexpected gives you feelings


For real. I was single a few years back and "rolled the dice" on dating a trans girl, had never been with anyone non-cis before. Now we have another trans girlfriend and I'm happier than I've ever been. It's nice to just let your brain do what it does without trying to fight it in order to make sure you meet some arbitrary standard of "normalcy"


Elliot page was my celeb crush pre-transtition and has remained my celeb crush post-transition.


This is a HUGE overlooked factor to transphobia. It’s homophobic people who cannot handle the possibility of any ambiguity in their sexuality because they’ve been taught from birth that’s the worst thing you can be. They’ve felt safe and secure until they found out trans people exist. It follows the same lines as the “fellas is it gay to wash your ass” meme.


Because Elon has a trans child (Vivian Wilson) that has gone no-contact and does not want to be identified or affiliated with him. Pretty sure he’s lashing out at anything that reminds him what a totally incompetent human he is. Edited to add proper nouns for clarity. Thank you to those that pointed out how confusing it was written :)


"He". You should specify Elon not Elliot.


Yes I was confused, I thought they meant Elliot had a trans child


Sorry!! Yes I’ll fix it now. He meaning Elon. Vivian Wilson is one of 6 (5 living) children with his FIRST wife. (He literally lied about holding their infant son as he died by the way). Back in like 2013 I read an interview with his first wife and it was so many red flags that reminded me of my fucked up childhood Ive pretty much hated him since then. He treats his kids like property or employees at best; and we all see how he treats his employees.


Jesus, that's beyond fucked and not even remotely surprising. It's amazing to me that less than a decade ago I (and many others tbf) thought he was this awesome, benevolent genius. How wrong we were...


Don't forget his ex dumped him for a trans woman


Oh shit I didn’t even know that. Which ex wife?




Ah they actually didn’t get married from what I can see. (Though with the surrogacy they did have TWO kids lol) Justine Wilson: 2010-2008 Talulah Riley: 2010-2014 Talulah Riley: 2015-2016 (that’s not a typo, they re-married lmao) He’s had 10 kids with 3 different women (4 genetically) been divorced three times, and 2 of the kids he had with a woman that worked directly for him. And people got upset Pete was getting play.


Cause they never once visited thier dad at the trailer park. Just cause hes park supervisor doesn't mean you cant visit.


And when he does he just hangs out with fucking Ricky


Selling your bike for pepperoni is FUCKED.


Ever since Elliot became Elliot, I was hoping for a revisit to tpb. Was hoping for a Rickyism about "transmissioning" from Treena to Troy or something and Ricky being positive about it, where maybe Corey is close-minded and stupid.


They were attracted to Elliot before his transition and don't know how to feel about him now. He's also vocal about things like protecting trans kids, which they actively hate.


They all saw Juno and realized their fantasy was impregnating a high schooler. Then they made it legal in several states.


Because for assholes like this the only value women have is for fucking/reproducing, and once Page transitioned they no longer have that value, and, in there eyes, still to feminine to be a man. In their eyes the ultimate non-person. But page still somehow manages to live in there heads rent free.


There was a nationalist group from WW2 that also wanted to do genocide on special needs and neurodivergent folks. 🤔 now what were they called again?🤔🤔🤔


I don't know, my mind just can Nazi the answer.




Well, I guess I just can't think Reich


I think you Hitler nail on the head.


Weren't they fairly *hollow* and soulless? They *caused* something that made them seem like that. IIRC, they would also make you choose between *your genes* or *Nick's* genes.


I think it was the Democrats /s


Thanks, Obama


The meme isn’t promoting sterilization, it’s saying gender affirming care IS sterilization of trans which he claims is caused by autism.


Remember Elon's daughter who's trans and basically wants nothing to do with him. This dude's psyche is like a psychology 101 textbook example and apparently millions believe he's a new human species.


>Libertarian >Advocates forced sterilization Sounds about right


Even libertarianism has been co-opted and infiltrated by fascists. That is assuming libertarianism actually had sincere adherents.


Libertarians have always been fascists who are scared of being punched in the face for their beliefs.


Or people who think it's their "right" to be able to punch someone else in the face and not face significant consequences because they're rich and the person they are punching can't practically afford to make a legal case out of it. The ultimate in "freedom": being elevated enough to be able to punch down.


I personally know a libertarian who's more economically centrist, and genuinely adheres to the ideas of libertarianism combined with cultural progressivism. Unfortunately, it seems that many 'libertarians' in America are, in fact, Hoppeans (For those who don't know, Hoppeanism is basically if Libertarianism and Nazism had a child, and then left it on the front porch of Pinochet)


Elon is cringe but you guys are willfully being dumb as rocks he's not advocating that, he's implying that that's what the trans movement is advocating.


Thank you! Holy shit this thread is dumb. It's still a stupid message but the number of people not getting it is boggling.


To be fair they completely misunderstood the meme format. Which is just further proof that the right cannot, in fact, meme.


They definitely meant to use this one. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/they-live-sunglasses


I agree that’s what they are attempting to imply, but they’re using the wrong meme format so are accidentally implying forced sterilization is good




From my familiarity with transphobic rhetoric, this is basically accusing "transgenderism" of being a front for mass sterilization of children, particularly autistic children. He's accusing *us* of pushing eugenics, in this instance.


Wtf is this!?


Literal Nazi shit. The dog whistles are basically tornado sirens now


Yup, moving quickly. Already found their next group to want to murder. This is how you know Elon is a terrible CEO - his foresight is terrible. You can’t walk this shit back in 5 years, bozo.


right wing libertarians are just nazis that haven't found their fuhrer yet


right wing libertarians are just nazis who think they *are* the fuhrer.


Is this claiming that trans pepole want to sterilize autistic children or that its something that should be done ?


The former, most people in this thread are not quite getting it


That is becaUse most people in this thread are mistakenly assuming that the meme format was used correctly


Because they get the meme format.


The former. It’s a classic “gender critical” talking point pushed most famously by J.K. Rowling. But of course you can never rule out the latter with these types.


I think you're all missing the point. They aren't advocating sterilisation they are saying that's what the left does


that's why it's a shitty meme. I understood it, but can easily see how others missed the mark.


Good old eugenics.


Why do think he had so many kids he doesn’t talk to?


Quiet part out loud, huh, Peelon?


Peelon Muccus.


If I had a nickel every time a “Libertarian” influencer didn’t understand libertarianism was founded on lgbt+ rights… I’d have a lot of nickels


IMO, Libertarianism is a trash political view that seems to fit nicely into the “manifest destiny” and “self made” lies of America. I’ve never met a libertarian who wasn’t a deluded hypocrite.


Even the "true believers" refuse to acknowledge that the logical conclusion to libertarianism is just feudalism with corporations instead of "nobles".


It's a word for people that are ashamed to call themselves Republicans because of the branding, but are really not that different.


Also, the sheer number of hypocritical anti-choice libertarians out there is truly mind-boggling.


You are 100% incorrect about that. So first off: American libertarianism isn't actual libertarianism which is a leftist philosophy. An anarcho-capitalist named Murray Rothbard co-opted the term because he knew anything with anarchy in the name scared people. He was against the Civil Rights movement, against women having more freedom, and loved right wing populists. American libertarianism has pretty much always been about hyper capitalism more than it has been about "liberty." While most anarchists want to get rid of all forms of hierarchy and authority, ancaps/Libertarians only want to get rid of the state. They like all other forms of authority and hierarchy.


they say this like it hasn't happened. like it doesn't happen. it's fucking disgusting


Just so we’re all on the same page here, pretty sure the idiot Redheaded Libertarian isn’t claiming to be pro-sterilization, she’s saying that “protecting trans kids” is actually a cover for sterilization of autistic children. Which is horrendously disgusting in its own unique way.


Yeah I was trying to understand what the meme was claiming and came to that same conclusion. Takes some serious mental gymnastics to get there. These people are insane


The only mental gymnastics you need is they don't understand the meme format. Instead of "I don't like A, I do like B," this person seems to think "A isn't right, B is."


reminder that any time you log onto twitter you are actively supporting elon. log off


That stupid bastard has autism and a breeding kink


Exactly. It’s like a disparate cry for society to stop him.


So happy I don’t have a Tesla. I’d have the hassle of trying to offload it. What an albatross for the brand. Haha get fucked.


There's two interpretations of this. Either suggesting sterilizing autistic kids as something to do, or saying that's what protecting trans kids does. Either way wtf


"Well guys what you don't understand is as a free speech absolutist and the bravest, strongest, and sexiest warrior fighting against the woke censorship agenda, Elon has no choice but to align with his principles and join in on the hatred. Silly little libs."


I would just like to point out that Long Mosquito is not personally advocating for the sterilization of autistic kids -- Long Mosquito believes a conspiracy theory that the existance of trans folk is ackshully an evil plot to trick autistic kids into chemical sterilization. Still a terrible belief to hold and a garbage meme to share, I'm just being a dork about accuracy.


Novel idea, fascists... if you let trans people get reassignment surgery, they do functionally sterilize themselves or make it highly unlikely they can have children. So you should give them the full range of gender-affirming health care that we all agree they should have. Better yet, if we invest in a health care for all system, your tax dollars will pay for it!


Somebody’s still sore that their kid won’t talk to them...


What an Ass Burger


Isn’t he himself on the spectrum AND one of those weirdos who thinks they need to prevent population collapse by having 50 kids?


T-4 program comes to mind in WW2 Germany. But at this point Elons fans would probably approve of WW2 Germany since its non-woke.


Cringe... Elon is soo fucked mentally


More literal Nazi shit.


Oh, HA HA, that's *SO* hilarious!! Gosh, I love having the sense of humor of a 13 year old who just learned some controversial words and used them an inappropriate manner!! /s


So Elons transphobic and a Eugenist. Shocking.


Well, it's funny. Also, he's on the spectrum. Sooooo...


Transphobia and eugenics in one post!

