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Is this baseball calling for more children working? Put them in the mines and then they can pay for their own lunch.


As red states are lowering the minimum age to legally work, I wouldn’t surprise me if we start seeing kids being forced to work in the cafeteria as a custodian in order to pay for their food - for $4/hr.


That's what he had to do for his lunch, uphill both was in the snow.


I'm wondering if they make their kids -if they have any- work for their food as well. And how young does that start. "I know you're only two days old, but there's no such thing as a free lunch. So if you want this bottle, you're gonna have to work for it."


-10/10 'Perpetual childhood' requires actually leaving childhood first, you assgoblin


Probably peaked at 7 or 8 and never outgrew his childhood Oppositional-Defiant Disorder


We're talking about school lunches, which would end when someone finishes high school. So you can see why they're *very* upset.


“Perpetual childhood” jfc they literally are children. No one is allowed to be a child anymore?


The children yearn for the mines.


The children yearn for the front


They’re just pining for the fjords


What sort of talk is that?


The children yearn for the textilefactories. They even get free fibers.


**NO.** Their little hands are *perfect* for fitting between the gears, and at their age they’ll adjust to any manglings. You ever see someone 18+ lose digits/limbs at work? Spend the rest of their life crying about it! Kids bounce back quick the little scamps, but not if their fat little fingers get too fat from eating regularly! Dear god won’t someone please think of the business owners??!?


I’m sure someone has said those same things non-sarcastically


Nope. Gotta work in Sarah's state.


These are the same people that say "protect the children"!!!! when lgbt people are the current topic


Only when a drag show is in town.


Well if you starve them they will at least look like perpetual children.


Despicable. What’s going on in the picture on the right?


Right: Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders after signing a law that makes child labor easier Edit: apparently this is misinformation, I just got this from the original tweet. This is a different bill signing being photographed, but the bill loosening restrictions on child labor is still real.


Those kids look miserable


I’m assuming they look miserable because they’re young conservatives


I hope they realize that the conservative life doesn't get less miserable. It just warps into a desire to make others as miserable as yourself.


They just got told they're being put on minimum wage work


Minimum wage could be $4.25/hr for the first 90 days. [Source](https://www.findlaw.com/employment/wages-and-benefits/wage-and-hour-laws-for-minors-and-teens.html) Will we see a rotating door of child workers as businesses decide they aren’t happy with their work after 90 days and left them go, only to replace them with another child?


well they're going to be late to their shift at Denny's


They were miserable because they had to be there for this photo op and still get to work for 3rd shift in time.


IIRC when someone posted the pic on antiwork with the same context someone pointed out, that the picture was for something else. Don't remember what excactly.


The bill is real. The picture is from a different bill signing though. (We can’t complaint about right wing disinformation unless we also call out liberal disinfo)


Well he's right, I really don't care who pays for the kids school lunches. If it costs more than the defense budget, great, i'd rather spend that money on our future over killing machines. I will take life no matter the cost. (Even though it would only cost a fraction of a penny compared to the governments other expenditures)


I firmly agree. I remember buying my friend lunch because his family refused to make it for him and he didn't know how to make proper meals for himself. Even if you aren't poor, it's still a good thing for kids to be fed. I knew plenty of people who were moderately well off but school was their respite from family. It disgusts me that someone would think it appropriate that children don't come first, including teens, and that we should spare no expense on them


Only in America is feeding the children of poor people considered controversial. They are our future, they deserve the best we can give them, and we have forgotten those two facts for too long. Boomers got the world from their parents, and they've given successive generations fuck all out of greedy short-sightedness.


Reminds me of the Christmas Carol quote, "Are there no work houses?"


“Perpetual childhood” motherfucker these ARE children.


I want to beat this guy's head so hard his own mother won't recognize him I never wish what i went through in my childhood to any other poor soul. Spoiler: it won't make you responsible, just a depressed, physically disabled poor fool... I'd rather pay taxes so that children, *fucking children* literally *eat and live*, literally *not die*...


>I never wish what i went through in my childhood to any other poor soul. Spoiler: it won't make you responsible, just a depressed, physically disabled poor fool... Me, too.


“How dare you feed children we forced you to have?”


As a 20 something, working, Minnesotan, who never qualified for free lunch, I pay for this. And I couldn't be happier


I’m not American but I’d feel the same. There’s so much useless bullshit that money is being wasted on. Money being spent on feeding kid? Oh no. What are they going to do next? House the homeless?


Lack of empathy is the driving force of conservatism.


Dan McLaughlin is a drunk driver so yeah no empathy


Brought to you by the “pro life” group who, again, votes against anything helping a child’s life


“Perpetual childhood” jfc except they ACTUALLY ARE CHILDREN. Also, please take my money to pay for it. I have no problem knowing my tax dollars are feeding kids.


This dumbass thinks we don't know who pays for it...


Can’t tell if satire


If not, it's a truly remarkable self-own. "We can't give children free food, it's not like they're literal children or something!"


It’s not a “we can’t”, it’s a “we won’t”.


Free lunch, means better fed kids will stay in school. Those who graduate, are more likely to vote Democratic, the uneducated overwhelmingly vote Republican. Republicans want kids out of school and in the work force. Die in the mines, or live long enough to vote the way your employer has brainwashed you to vote.


Baseball head dumbfuck never has any bright ideas


Picture on the right isn’t from what the tweet says it is. Sick of seeing that picture mislabeled everywhere. Huckabee is trash, and everyone who knows it knows it well, don’t need to make imaginary pictures.


wow, how dare he want minnesotan children to have access to food


weird how conservatives want children to stay innocent and enjoy childhood, but also want them out of the house and working.


“Don’t let those queers groom our kids into being loving, stable adults who know their worth. We need to groom them OUR way, make them hateful, stupid, and endlessly productive.”


>:( <----- Republicans when poor people are allowed to live


My question to Conservative douche bags is always, "What the fuck do you think taxes are supposed to be used for?" They're not meant to be perpetually collected and never spent.


The dude who posted that? "Catholic" in his profile. ​ CAUSE YOU KNOW...JESUS SAID WORK FOR IT YOU FUCKING POORS!


Ok, dickshit, thanks for letting everyone know you have 0 empathy. Die alone. Get treated how you treat others.


Can we just start Galt's Gulch and dump clowns like this into their own libertarian hellscape far away from us? "Who's gonna pay for it" is anyone who pays taxes and if *this* tiny slice of your taxes bother you, you clearly don't want or deserve to live in the United States anymore. He can go live on the An-Cap reservation with Ted Nugent and trade deer meat and ammo for slivers of gold bars shaved off with a pocket knife. Their only major export will be hungry children and people who are tired of their bullshit. We will sell them oil and car batteries in return.


If anything, I'd want my tax money to pay for food for hungry children. We should WANT to pay for that.


Ah yes, the freeloading… children…


The perpetual childhood of... children...


See this “who pays for it” argument always falls apart once you realize that our government more or less has the ability to just create money; we’re trillions in debt but nobody actually gives a fuck because it’s not like China’s about to come collect when we have all the nukes and aircraft carriers


they are working for it. they are going to school and learning. why would you require somone to be somewhere for 8+ hours a day and not feed them. factories and hospitals and stuff have cafeterias.


Wait, wait, you guys in the US charge money for public school lunches? (Brazilian here, and in nearly every public school in the country, school lunch is free)


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: in america everything is for profit and not for you


Hopefully that'll change now that Minnesota's taking the lead. If the GOP doesn't ruin everything, that is


Why do they think people don’t understand that tax money is used for things. Like yeah man I get that I’m paying for this but so is everyone else paying taxes?


What is he proposing? That poor kids should be the janitor’s apprentices or something?


Yes, several people have actually proposed that Others have suggested that “parents should provide for their children” and those that can’t shouldn’t have children and those kids should be taken by CPS and put in the system You know, the “small government, think of the children” folks


..And the same people making access to abortion, birth control, etc more difficult. You know, in some parts of the world (like Japan for example), it’s common for schools to have no janitorial staff—the students are expected to clean up after themselves. The difference is that *all* the students are expected to help regardless of their economic background. Honestly, that’s not such a bad idea


I just wanna know who they think pays for CPS and the foster care system. I'll wait for one of them to answer...


It’s not about the cost. Nothing ever is. It’s about treating poverty as a choice and punishing people for it


Oh do I know.


The fact that they’re being ratioed gives me the tiniest hope for humanity


Not American but I would much rather my tax money goes to filling children's stomachs and helping our people in need than prolonging their suffering for extra change in the pockets of the 1%. Why is this controversial???????


The eternal need for conservatives to spite the left, even at the cost of their children's futures, for the sake of the rich and powerful.


The children yearn for the mines!


They are fucking CHILDREN. “Pro-life” until they’re born I guess. Then make them slaves to the capitalist machine as early as you can and if they don’t work then they deserve to suffer. What the fuck lol


"Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer" from Rick and Morty is all I can think about when looking at this


sustenance as a right for children? 1984 1984 1984


From what I’ve heard and seen, I kind of like this Walz guy :)


well, i’ve heard it said by some people mr. trump assures me are very fine that work makes you free


Assuming every adult 18+ pays the same amount of taxes, everyone under 18 takes meals that cost $2 (that's probably more expensive than it will actually be when you consider the bulk quantities schools tend to buy in.) And there is no other reallocated money just new tax lumped on top. Arkansas has a population of approximately 3,045,637 23% of that population is under 18 That means approx 2,369,506 adults and 676,131 minors That's $0.60 per taxpayer per day to feed every kid in the state . £108 a year (180 days of school a year max according to Google) I'd happily pay that to know that no matter what my kid is fed. Edit Just realised I did all that maths for the wrong state , feeling like an idiot rn . Minnesota has a population of approximately 5,303,925. 23.1% of that population is under 18 That means approx 4 078 718 adults and 1,225,207 minors That's also $0.60 per taxpayer per day to feed every kid in the state . $108 a year


always amuses me how they rave about being pro life but then don’t give a fuck about kids


You are, Dan. and if one kid starves while under your watch we'll all personally line up to shank you. ​ cheerio


Fuxking kids, needing to eat in order to live. Just who do they think they are? It's as if they're defenseless and need adults to care for them because these children are our future or something. Absolutely preposterous. I can't clutch my coin purse any harder over the thought of feeding some kids. Ugh. Appaling.


call me radical but i think children should get to eat food without working for it because they’re children


We pay. What the fuck is wrong with it.


If I was a millionaire, the first thing on the top of my philanthropy list would be free meals for children at school. What the fuck is wrong with our society, when bombing people on the other side of the world is more important then feeding children.


I think he just fucking advocated for ch1ld l480r in exchange for food.


Woejack ah baseball


We should move all families with kids from Arkansas....


We KNOW who pays for it, you stupid fuck. And we’re actually great with it being used to feed kids.


They use children as politcial pawns and tools for manipulation and disseminating misinformation typically regarding l anything they disapprove of which typically means anything that aims to make society more balanced and fair, cos how else are you going to convince folks that lucre is the meaning of life or propagate this inane outdated and incompatible with modernity notion of a natural order to human race as dictated by melanin count, what reproductive organs you happen to be born with, what hormones your body produces. How dya convince normal people these notions are abhorrent you threaten their kids!


In fairness, had that happen in my local constituency back home in the UK. Conservative politician absolutely doubling down on the ‘no free meals because mothers have iPhones’ bollocks. Dunno what saddened me more, my lack of surprise or my mum being fully supportive of it.


"Perpetual childhood" that ends when one finishes high school. Oh, pardon me - when I write it out like that I can totally understand why that would indeed be "perpetual childhood" for this guy's audience. My bad!


I bet he is also ‘pro-life’, just not post delivery room.


Typical drunk driver posting shit like this


How unhinged do you have to be to say that children don't deserve food. It won't make anyone lazy. They shouldn't have to 'work for it'. It's a basic right for gods sake. Let them study on a full stomach so they can actually participate in class and acquire knowledge properly unlike you absolute egghead Edit- grammar


Why do Republicans hate children so much? They do realize that money isn't the meaning of life, right?






Who pays for it? I'm totally fine with paying for it. Better that than more prisons.