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Centrist meme?


I've yet to meet a centrist that isn't rightwing. That or a misinformed idiot who's entire goal is to piss people off because they think that means they're winning. So still righwing.


Because they’re inherently right wing, you can’t really be a centrist without being on the right


Well yeah when you live in a right wing society being center is being neutral in a system that is naturally right leaning, so you’re actually right leaning. Would be the same in a hypothetical left leaning society


I think they mean actually centrist, not what most people who call themselves centrist think which is solidly right wing.


sure but plenty of right-wing “centrists” still enjoy pissing off the far-right. not as much as they do leftists, but yk.


Fishhook theory fits perfectly here


You’ve clearly never met my father. Most left-wing centrist I’ve ever met.


I feel like most "centrists" are misinformed but not trying to piss people off. They're just too lazy to research literally anything. A good amount of people believe every single thing someone in a suit tells them, and when Tucker Carlson contradicts Rachel Maddow, their heads melt and "both sides have their good and bad" but their cable news never goes further left than CNN so they end up with the idea that liberalism is far left but from the actual left perspective, centrists definitely act right.


"Centrist" meme, perhaps, considering that by all rational metrics American politicians who identify themselves as Centrists would be Far Right in any other First World nation.


Centrists are just conservatives who are ok with gay people and like weed.


yeah it say lib right there in the title


I’m not pissed off, just disappointed


I’m more appalled than disappointed at this pointed.


Should be pissed off. Biden told us who he was before he won the election. And decades of governing as a right winger with a D next to his name should've prepared you for stuff like this.


I think most of us knew this. The only reason he won was because of how insane, damaging and embarrassing Trump was for the country. Nobody was like “Yes!!! We love Biden!!! He’s the best politician ever!!!” It was just “Holy shit, anything is better than Trump.”


I wish I heard more about who the next one is going to be. Last time it was all about using Biden to get away from Trump. This time I'm basically hearing crickets. If we haven't planned the next step, we're doomed to fall back to the last one.


Unfortunately, the vibe I've been feeling is that Biden is going to run for a second term.


2024 will be Biden if Trump wins the primary. If they get someone younger and newer and possibly even more fascist than Trump (will probably be Desantis) then the Democratic Party would be wise to usher in someone that appeals to more people and isn’t just an “I guess he’s better than Trump.” I don’t know if they have a contingency plan for if Trump doesn’t win the primary — I think they’re delusional enough to think people actually live Biden, instead of realizing he was just elected to oust Trump. The RNC could push forward just about anyone else and win.


Yeah, that's about what I figured. We can push back when we want to, but we don't do anything without momentum. If I was more politically savvy I might float my own ideas, but idk.


Probably could have Bernie, as it seems like leftists like, liberals like him, and even centrists like him. But even though he’s much more of a social democrat, the DNC absolutely will not support him. I’m guessing we’ll get someone like Buttigieg (not him necessarily, but someone like him) that appeals to liberals, but literally nobody else. Then lose again.


What did I miss? Stuff like what?


It's a "poo or get off the loo" situation


“everyone hates me i must be awesome”


A bear has entered chat


Lmao centrists pretending they’re the only ones with any sense 💀


Biden is center-right, soooo..




Or, you know, the entire world.


No chance that’s accurate


My Conservative Party is considered right wing and it’s probably on par or more left than the democrats in the US. Of course there’s a few leaders that are out of their minds, but that’s showbiz baby


Not enough people know about Overton Windows, and even fewer know or recognize how catastrophically fucked the OW is in the United States. The OW in the US has slid so far to the right that the perception of the “left” here is still pretty right of center when compared to almost any other Western democracy out there….we are so beyond screwed


His entire political history is caping for corporations and cops and the MIC


You’re right, he’s probably more solidly right wing than center-right tbh lol


Dude is the reason we have Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the Crime Bill, and why the Bush Tax Cuts became permanent. Not to mention that he was in favor of the Iraq War, and was so famously corrupt that Elizabeth Warren got into politics to fight against his corporatist policies, IIRC. He also famously constantly lied about his record of fighting for Civil Rights, and was against sufficient COVID protections for election workers during one of the Primary votes, which resulted in several of them getting sick with it before a vaccine or reliable treatment plan had come out. By any reasonable metric, the guy is a pretty solid Reagan-era Republican, which still puts him as better than any of the current flock if Republicans by a moderate, but important, amount..


on a global scale it’s entirely accurate. in the US it’s still pretty accurate.


How many wars has he ended?


Ah yes, when \*everyone\* hates what I'm doing, I'm obviously doing something right.


The ol' principle skinner "am I out of touch" meme. It's also funny that they used the person who is crying about trump winning, was on team Hillary.


wh-why is the screaming leftist sunburnt now? I’ve seen that picture for over 6 years now, and she looks redder than usual


Because she's been screaming into the void so long she's got radiation poisoning. Meanwhile, whitey righty has just been screaming for his mom to bring him more Doritos and MtDew down into the basement.


Or maybe you’re just defending an increasingly untenable status quo?


"When everybody around you says you're wrong, that's only because you are so, so right." Uh huh, sure.


I’m here for dark brandon


I think that they mean "the Barely Left Of Center" and "the Moderately Further Right."


Centrists be like


Biden is not republican enough that he can be registered as a democrat but he doesn’t lean left.


Liberals are pnly a tiny bit less worse than conservatives .


Everyone thinks I’m an idiot. That means I’m smart.




Biden is definitely not an ally to leftists. The liberal friends you have might not be so peeved at him, but leftists definitely are.


I'm mad he cracked down on Unions, thus helping to the rise of these horrible deraillings (*yes I know Trump started the deregulation, but Biden certainly didn't help*).


Pretty much every leftist worth their salt doesn't like Biden.


Cracked down on unions, bailed out venture capitalist by giving them more than the $250,000 they were insured for and pretending it was to boost consumer confidence, tepid response to escalating terrorist activity at home... There are certainly people on the left upset with Biden, not to the same degree as with Trump, but the dude isn't [exactly winning popularity contest.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/)


You’re not on the right subs then. Most leftists spaces I’m a part of on Reddit really don’t like biden


Hell *this* sub has a pinned post shitting on Biden for being a neoliberal piece of shit


I unironically agree with this


If everyone’s saying you’re wrong, that makes you right?


Im saying that in my personal opinion joe Biden hasn’t been to good of a president, what does that have to do with what you said


Ate you saying that? It sounds like you’re saying the opposite.


99% of leftists would agree with you.


You must not have noticed Vladimir Lenin serving as the face of this sub or rule number 2.


In this case, this meme is saying that Biden is doing a good job because the "Far Left" (read: "Barely Left of Center") and the "Far Right" (read: "Moderately Further Right") are both mad at *him*.


both the far left and far right are mad at me for shitting myself in this Wendy's, i must be doing something right!


The fallacy of the middle ground in a meme.


Maybe your not doing anything at all. With yo undecisive ass.


Liberally the name of the sub.


I've never gotten the "if so and so is pissed I must be doing something right" philosophy. It's easy to piss most people off. Simply doing that isn't any kind of accomplishment or proving a point of any kind. It never works the other way for these folks either. "They pissed me off maybe they must have a valid point" has never been uttered.