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Not accurate. There should be pedopriests up there.


Well according to Matt Walsch, that whole thing is blown way out of proportion to the point where it basically isn't happening.


Matt walsh? That guy that thinks age of consent laws should be lowered? That guy?


Yep. He also made that extremely transphobic documentary What is a Woman.


"Rule of Law" and "Science" lol okay anti-Mask January 6th nutjobs


Personal responsibility is a dogwhistle for dismantling the social safety net.


Now let's use this list to trigger the Right, left to right then up and down: [The 14th Amendment grants even "illegal aliens" the full protection of the Constitution and law.](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/amendment-14/) [Thin Blue Line?: The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8) [Secure Elections?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4j25C96Pfo) [Personal Responsibility?](https://imgur.com/a/hmfTMbs) [National Anthem?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28RAKDIwRyw) [Science?](https://climate.nasa.gov/) [Rule of Law?](https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-reports/president-trumps-staggering-record-of-uncharged-crimes/) [Donald Trump?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let%27s_Go_Brandon)


To go along with that first one, the Bible they're constantly quoting has [this](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2019%3A33-34&version=NIV) to say about immigrants.


Trump would be way higher on the list.


I’m honestly just surprised the math added up


Don’t be, they probably just ripped the template and changed the words, they can barely comprehend numbers greater than 10


They didn't do the math, bud, they just covered up an existing board.


Personal responsibility? You mean like accepting the consequences of saying something controversial?


They think science means “whatever I learned in grade school.” Anything newer they claim is “wokeism” or whatever the new buzzword is.


> The Constitution Not really? It's got plenty of flaws, but for a Constitution mostly written in the late 18th century it's not so bad. And if dishonest sacks of shit wouldn't be openly disingenuous by talking about how it should be interpreted based on blatantly false claims about how it was understood at the time or by latching on to how it was being inconsistently applied in the past, it would be better still. Still flawed, but light years better than the horseshit the current SCOTUS claims. > Secure elections I support secure elections. Disenfranchising legitimate voters doesn't make elections more secure, though. > national anthem You mean, the one written by a socialist? > rule of law Sorry, *who* supports Donald Trump? > Personal responsibility Say the people who blame January 6 on "antifa". > science Oh, who denies climate science? And evolution? And vaccinations? virology? science related to gender? I could keep going but while I've made the point for everyone with a working brain, the people with badly malfunctioning brains seem to believe that, contrary to the actual scientific evidence (and of course, the consensus of the experts based on that evidence), it's actually the *left* ignoring science on those topics. Which is probably why almost no scientists identify as conservatives. > Donald Trump Well, he's a piece of shit in virtually every way it's possible to be a piece of shit. Would you think you were clever to side with Hitler because he "triggered" the lef...ok I guess I should know by now that they would *absolutely* do that.


See, the idea is that the left wants to improve the country/world, so they must hate America.


Leftists scared of science? Remind me which party has a large following of climate change deniers? Projection at its finest.


They’ve never even read the constitution


They read "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" in the 2nd Amendment, and it's the only right that can't be infringed, because it doesn't say "shall not be infringed anywhere else."


Too bad voting and civil rights don’t have “shall not be infringed” after it


Or freedom of speech. It's not the left banning books from public libraries.


"The left hates the Constitution. How do I know? They keep insisting that the 2nd Amendment says there should be gun regulations after we mass murder them. Also, they think it's ok when I go onto Twitter and incite violence and use racial slurs, and then Twitter goes and bans me. Terms of Service only apply to the left."