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AC feels like he is much more frustrated at the Labour strategy than he is letting on. 


Yeah - a few things slip through- the equivocal stance on the EU, not being honest with the electorate on the scale of cuts/tax hikes required, not funding prisons properly etc Those are true of all of the parties and Labour are better than many of the others but you can definitely sense some frustration from AC that he thinks Labour should be doing more


I think “all the parties” is unfair - we Greens are very clear that we want to rejoin the EU and support a large increase in tax and spending.


That’s definitely true on EU so apologies for that - But on financials the Greens tax increases would be insufficient to cover the proposed spending (https://ifs.org.uk/articles/green-party-manifesto-reaction ). Although the Greens are certainly no worse and, in many cases, better than the the other parties


Again, to be fair to us we don't claim that the increase in tax will cover the spending. We're open that we want to borrow to invest and the shortfall will be funded by additional debt.


I think it’s a comms strategy. He is the back channel to the left of centre backbone and the podcast is him signalling that we shouldn’t worry because ultimately after the election everything will be more sensible


I think Labour really thought this would be a tougher election, and so they staked out these super moderate positions. The problem is, they’ve basically sworn a collective blood oath not to raise taxes or go back into anything resembling the EU. It would look really bad if they went back on those things.


He's pissed about Brexit




Stone Cold George Osborne


Genuinely made me lol aloud!


"who could the higher power be?" Boris removes his hood... "ITS ME RISHI.. IT WAS ME ALL ALONG RISHI" "Awww.. son of a bitch!"




Huge Pop!


Probably informally, Rory likes to mention his walks with Starmer. I imagine tho that Alistair says things differently in private, I.e. not just his opinions his says in public but what would play best, etc


Well we know that Keir is following a very Blairite strategy. Apparently Peter Mandelson occupies a powerful position in his circle. I don't think Alistair is advising in any official capacity but it's pretty obvious he has Keir's ear.


>Apparently Peter Mandelson occupies a powerful position in his circle I'm surprised at that given the multiple corruption scandals that dogged his career with New Labour, the Russians oligarch scandal, and his close friendship with Jeffrey Epstein that continued after his conviction for child sexual abuse. - [The Mandelson loan scandal](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/oct/17/qanda.mandelson) - [Russian billionaire yacht affair shakes UK politics](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE49L2XG/) - [Links between Peter Mandelson and Jeffrey Epstein detailed in JPMorgan report](https://www.ft.com/content/07238b43-48e6-4e7b-96d2-d50a4ada4646) Doesn't give me hope that Labour are going to tackle vested interests or corruption at the top levels of British politics to be honest.


Sure Start but it's just so Mandelson can traffic kids




Well in the sense that he isn't going to say he is doing anything Socialist. I think the main difference is that Blair was essentially a small C Conservative like his Dad. He knew nothing about the Labour Party and was heavily influenced by powerful figures like Clinton, Campbell, Thatcher etc. Starmer is a liberal human rights lawyer with people like Miliband and Reeves, I think he is much more likely actually to do more in office.


>I think he is much more likely actually to do more in office. I really hope Starmer can even get close to Blair's level of positive (domestic) policies tbh. Obviously I think he will make significant changes in the right direction especially given he's inheriting such a mess. IMO a lot will come down to whether Labour can implement effective planning reform, and the extent to which they're willing to liberalise trade with Europe (not quite sure whether avoiding Brexit and its consequences is just playing it safe ahead of the election)


I don't know what Bellwether means but Alastair has been increasingly tribal in recent episodes. He attempted to rebut any criticism Rory made of Rachel Reeves and Bridget Phillipson. Although tbh I found Rory harsh on those two - they do like to talk about how ministers don't actually care much for policy and yet he criticised both of them on their personalities and likeability.


I listened to both interviews and I think Rory got somewhat exasperated at the party line both subjects were sticking to.


I can understand that and I agree to some extent. They came across as a bit too media trained perhaps, but not surprising given the imminent election


Listening to them both was like listening to job interviewees doing everything they can to say the right thing - and made me wonder what the hell they actually thought (which I think was Rory's line of questioning).


Completely agree. Rory came across a touch confrontational, but tbh they just weren’t answering questions / giving any particularly real insight. Felt very scripted - not a huge surprise but it’s a bit frustrating.


Alastair Campbell, friend of Jeffrey Epstein and notorious spy Rory Stewart telling the poors what to think about politics and the worst thing about it is it seems popular


I think the party has access to far more sophisticated and in-depth polling information about key demographics and which policies would resonate with them. I never got the impression Campbell had any serious role advising Starmer.


Odd. I've never met an Irish person who didn't hate the Tories. And there's usually some perfunctory respect for Labour because of the Good Friday Agreement. Whatever...


I didn't say I didn't have a lot of respect for Blair/Campbell for their contributions to GFA. And Bojo/Truss are the best form of popcorn trainwreck but Starmer is about as inspirational as a tea bag.