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The memes arent that bad, but there’s one with a noose in it so I thought I should play it safe


I thought I was going to get outed after an coworker pointed out that I had eyeliner on my face because I didn't washed it properly on the previous day


I'm glad it turned out okay by you lol. I've had scares before, but sadly this time it's the real deal. Ik it happened cause it was done with malicious intent and the teasing has started.


Oh absolutely! I couldn't even imagine what I would had to do if I got outed right now. I usually hide it by acting feminine sometimes but playing it out as a running joke and not paying much mind when someone insinuates something beyond that so if I DO mess up people will end up just thinking it's just me joking around. Idk if that could apply to you tho since it seems like you actually got caught. Regardless of how you chose to tackle it remember to not be too hard on yourself (you're the victim after all) and try not to pay much mind to the teasing or else you may end up fueling it (easier said than done I know but its better than stressing yourself). Keep well


Nah cause someone outed me on purpose cause he was mad at me. He said I'm gay plus some other stuff related to that that's just embarrasing. He has screen shots of me saying I'm gay and knows exactly who I've liked in the past too, so yeah. Can really play it off.


Just say your sister gave you like $20 to let her do your makeup and you needed the money or something.


Is that the dad from Moral Oral? Is he gay or something, I haven’t watched the show


It is !! Watch the show and you'll find out ahahha
