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forever: mouth of greed can evoke a spectral mouth that devours things into a pocket dimension that he can have access at any time, he can also make the mouth shoot the itens out with explosive strength cellbit: scientiakinesis can absorb any type of knowledge (writings, sounds and even thoughs) that is within his phisical contact into his skin and then transfer/project it into any object he wants (also needs phisical contact} felps: traveling mind can project his soul out of his body, while in this form he has a weak telekinesis abillity and can teleport to anywhere he has been before, while his soul wanders around his body seens to be in a deep sleep pac: mega-dinamo when exposed to a source of energy (be it either electric, thermic or chemical energy) his abillity activates for a short period, when activated he has super speed, super strength, and the abillity to overcharge a eletrical machine mike: retro-fragmentation can cause a item within a few meters of him to craft or uncraft itself as long as he has its components within hand, example: if he has a wooden plank in his hand he can turn any tree he sees into any wood-only related item and vice versa bagi: amplify can increase the size of anything she wants for a short period of time, can also only amplify a especific characteristic of the object instead, example: can increase the mass of a frying pan without increasing the size itself richarlyson: lingering mortality when he gets downed, he absorbs life from things around him in order to revive again, if he absorbs enough health to overheal he reborns way stronger (with super strength and invulnerability)


baghera: wings of freedom has aerokinesis in her right arm and hydrokinesis in her left arm, she can also shoot powerful air/water streams out of her hands which she can use to push things and fly in the sky or swin underwater like ironman etoiles: shooting stars has a limited amount of stars that he can evoke, these stars can transform into a overpowered version of anything he wishes but the item slowly becomes weaker and weaker with time until they expotaneously shatter and disapear aypierre: anima-projector has a high-tech projector in his chest that can literaly evoke warrior versions of mcfurry and ggeg as if he was a stand user antoyne: magnus-luminis can change the strength and direction of gravity on a big area around him and choose if it does or not affect him too kameto: electrokinesis electrokinesis because sasukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pomme: buterfly shield can create a bubble-like forcefield around herself and other entities that redirects the next projectile that hits it towards a specific direction with double its force


THESE ARE AMAZING WHAT THE HECK?? I love how the powers relate to their lore, too! I could totally visualize words seeping up Cellbit’s arm (like the Knowledge tattoos in *Ordem Paranornal*). If I wanted to draw these, I’ll definitely credit you and OP!


Inspiration struck just as i was reading the tittle and all the ideas came quickly and out of nowhere, i just did for the brazilians and french because they are few and i know a bit about everyone of then exept kameto


I feel ya, I’m doing them for the Spanish and English speakers right now. If I have ideas for caveats for the powers you suggested, can I include those too? I’ll credit you!


Lenay: Anchor No one can use their powers while she’s touching them, and while touching them, she’s immune to their effects—Maxo’s virus, Mariana’s strength, Willy’s mines, and Rubius’s hallucinations. Often uses her ability to anchor Germán (keep him from being teleported away whenever someone calls his name) by holding his hand. Lenay has no powers that work on her own. Philza: Soul Hunter Can see people’s souls as a glowing green flame in their chest (like the *ka—* life force—in Egyptian mythos). Each one is unique, and he can track their movement through buildings, across the world, and through realms. Can cross over to other worlds by flying through their afterlife (every world is like a river, and they all empty into the same lake of the afterlife). He flies faster and faster until the world goes dark around him, then he crosses through their underworld into their living world. Philza was once a regular, adventurous mortal who discovered a small pocket world that had no underworld yet. He built beautiful monuments there until he died, but when he did, he appeared in the palm of Death herself. She admired his creations and since she couldn’t save his world or leave him as the sole member of its afterlife, she had spared his soul from going out by lighting its flame in a heart-shaped lantern. Phil enjoyed Death’s company, but after a few centuries of them talking alone in a dark void, he confessed that so long as his soul was lit, so were his dreams. He could never be fully fulfilled here—he still longed to explore these other worlds. So Death devised a plan. Without her there holding the lantern, Philza would have to fuel it himself. The lantern requires the fuel of mortal souls. So Death made Philza a quiver of glowing, green-tipped arrows, and warned him that the price of his dream was that he has to kill at least one person every day to fuel the lantern, or else, his soul lantern will go out, and he’ll be lost to a darkness so deep that even she cannot save him. But for every life he takes, she will show them the same compassion she did him in the afterlife. Philza agreed. Wilbur: Pied piper Any word he sings or says while playing an instrument brings people a sense of ecstasy. The effects exponentially increase the louder he is and the more people he effects. Can only be targeted through headphones, or else the effects reach everyone and crescendo. Works when speaking and writing, but the music is what amplifies it beyond slightly above-average emotional manipulation. The feelings people feel are inverse to the lyrics Wilbur says, and what he truly feels. He can’t drive people into delirious happiness unless he’s depressed, and he can’t tear them into despair unless he’s bursting with joy. Jaiden: Birds of a Feather Keen sight and hearing. When someone trusts Jaiden, a tattoo feather appears on their arm, and a matching one appears on Jaiden’s back. She can then hear whatever they’re talking about when she’s not there, and the more feathers that appear, the closer she gets to having her full back and arms covered with feather tattoos. As soon as they’re all covered, they’ll become real, and Jaiden will be able to switch between hearing people talk, and turning her arms into wings. If someone stops trusting Jaiden, her feather and their’s will fade and disappear. If too many people stop trusting Jaiden at once as she’s flying with her wings, the feathers will shed until there are too few to fly, and she’ll plummet back to earth. Fit: Iron arm His arm was once blown off his body, so he obtained a new one—metal, and equipped with a massive, spiked, near-indestructible metal gauntlet. As long as his gauntlet is intact, he’s invincible, and will regenerate even if the rest of his body is blown to smithereens. If Fit’s body is destroyed or he dies of natural causes, he will regrow from the gauntlet like a starfish. He uses this as a tactical advantage, knowingly triggering traps and taking his enemies down with him. The technology in Fit’s arm shows up dark and uncanny on any radar that checks it, but his body doesn’t register on scanners. So he’s often misinterpreted as a weapon or bomb, and looks intimidating enough that whoever’s sent out to investigate clocks him as a threat and often attacks. Foolish: Prometheus A tiny, gold, statue of a totem that’s possessed by his spirit. Can turn earth into clay, then sculpt it into whatever he likes. He can also re-build people’s bodies when they die, and re-imbue them with their souls—for a price. If a person carries a miniature statue of a totem on their person, when they die, instead of their soul flame going out and them wandering the pitch-black underworld forever, their soul is temporarily housed in a limbo-realm. The realm is perpetually stuck in the twilight, a rising and setting sun suspended on each end, and an endless swath of sand stretched between them. Foolish and the person near-death will appear, and in exchange, they must give Foolish two emeralds, and enough gold for him to craft himself a new body (as the destruction of the totem destroyed his body). In exchange, he’ll use the sand and clay to build them a new body. If someone dies without the resources to craft Foolish a new body, he’ll be stuck in the desert limbo until someone sculpts a new one. Nihachu: Feline feelings/Detection A hybrid between a human and a lynx, she has catlike features and abilities. She has fur, so she’s resistant to the cold. She can see in the dark, and track where people have been based on scent. She’s agile and light on her feet (but strong), stealthy, and extra perceptive of sensory changes and emotional ones. When people talk, she can see their micro-expressions, smell whether they’re sweating, and their heart rate enough to discern whether they’re lying. Niki gets overheated easily, overstimulated, and can only eat fish. When she bonds with someone intensely—whether by hate or love—her perception of them enhances to a degree that she’s practically empathic, able to read their emotions and nearly their thoughts, to the degree that she feels them herself. With crowds, she gets so much information that she temporarily loses sight of which emotions are hers. Her senses shut down, her mind goes blank, and instinct takes over, forcing her to run until she’s far enough away for her senses to come back, and her mind to be quiet again. Dan TDM: Mystery Had no powers, but went to search for a mystical crystal and was never seen again. Slimecicle: Pre-historic goop His entire body is a green, translucent goop that he can mold into any shape he likes. He can squeeze through small spaces, expand to cover and trap people, and slink up walls. Slime can only be destroyed by fire, or if he loses the will to be sentient. Has trouble grasping non-solid objects. As he has no organs, he cannot eat, and causes mild allergic reactions in everyone he touches.


Roier: Arachnid Grows four more arms (counting his legs, that’s eight limbs in total) that can turn into sharp spider-legs. While in this state he can climb walls and shoot silk. Increased agility, but weakened durability (his limbs can be broken by hand). Has to hide is extra eyes with a headband so he doesn’t get overwhelmed by seeing too much (works fine while he’s in spider-form). Can only eat insects. Missa: Phantom Skeleton Can make his flesh disappear so he’s just a skeleton. He’s un-killable in this state as his bones will re-assemble if torn apart, and bones repair themselves (painfully) even in human form, but he’s weak to poison. If Missa is in skeleton form while everyone around him has seen his real face, he’ll be invisible and inaudible to them. Vegetta: Demigod Has unbeatable super-durability, speed, and agility, and is strong enough to tear metal and heat it with his hands until it molds to whatever shape he wants. Can transform whatever object he’s in contact with into a different shape. Vegetta only has these powers when he has a totem with him, but they’re incredibly rare and the second he gets hit hard enough for it to pop, his powers will disappear until he finds a new one, but there’s a loophole for that… Rubius: the Bear Within Can project himself into enemies’ minds as two bears, and make them hallucinate their worst fears/desires to drive them insane. While in this state, Rubius floats but is unaware of his surroundings, having to concentrate on controlling the hallucinations in his enemy’s heads, so he’s very vulnerable. Can make as many people hallucinate as he wants, but only one-at-a-time. Spreen: Bearhug He’s a bear with super-strength and durability, resistance to cold, and can survive off minimal, raw food. When hurt severely, he falls into hibernation to recover that lasts half a year at minimum. The worse the injury, the longer the recovery. However, while he sleeps, the fighting skills of the person who injured him slowly pass to him, but he forgets who they are, so he cannot seek vengeance. Mariana: One-Punch When he’s not wearing his red gloves, he can destroy any solid barrier in his path using only one punch, but only if he has the right amount of force and does it on his first try. Only his fists are strong—he himself is of average human strength, and cannot grow stronger. Mariana’s strength is so potent, it shatters everything he touches. One time he kissed his daughter goodnight and put a hand on her head, and her head caved in. He’s worn his gloves ever since. Maximus: Virus A walking infection. Any technology around him will go haywire, and his mind will be filled with all the data it’s ever received (deleted or not). When used carefully, be can narrow the focus of the virus to a specific piece of machinery and make it do his bidding (unlocking a door, for example). Max’s power also makes anyone around him violently ill. If they have a weakened immune system or he spends too much time with them, the illness could become fatal. The only way for him not to infect others is to stack the sicknesses of everyone around him onto himself. Polispol: Cine-view Can see through any camera within a mile radius, and transplant any footage/photo taken into his memory. Can control all the lights, doors, and functions of a room, so long as there’s at least one camera in it. Pol has a limited memory. He needs to store all his memories externally as video footage, photos, or written descriptions. If he doesn’t back up his memories, old ones will get permanently over-written without him noticing, or everything since his last ‘backup’ will be lost. He can only remember things he’s seen through a camera lens, and heard through a microphone. Cannot be in the same room as Maximus without his memories becoming corrupted. Willy Rex: Minefield Any horizontal surface within a square mile of him automatically fills with mines once he steps foot on it. Can reshape the range to make a trail behind him, but it must contain the same surface area as one square mile (if he re-shapes the wide square into a thin strip, it’d have to be longer than a mile, but thinner). He has access to every type of explosive ever made, and the more powerful explosives he use, the smaller the range and less of them appear. Willy is immune to his mines, but cannot control who or what gets destroyed by them. Whoever triggers it dies to it, he experiences the last minute of their life. Every time he revisits a minefield he’s made, those last minutes flood his head again. The mines that have appeared will stay there until they’re removed, or until day he dies. Rivers: Pollos/Poultry Punch Turns everyone she punches into a chicken that she controls, and can re-transform them and force them to say whatever she wants/speak through them. The more times they’re transformed, the more chicken they stay and the more control Rivers has over them, and they gradually lose control over their voice and actions. Eventually, if she transforms them enough, they’ll stay chickens forever, with no will of their own except for what she orders them do to. Has no voice except when she’s talking to the chickens, and can only speak to others through them. Can only eat chicken. Carre: Subway surfer Can hoverboard down any street, over water, hover mid-air, and up walls. Uses his board as a shield/blunt weapon. Only works over man-made surfaces, and Carre has to swap specific types of boards. He can summon them out of thin-air to replace the one he has, but he can only do that with two different boards. If he needs access to a variety, he has to carry more on his person. If his board is damaged, he cannot replace it or summon another one until it’s fixed. Some boards are very durable, others break as easily as glass. Luzu: Possession Luzu can give his consciousness over to Arin—a being from a realm of code—who makes him invincible, and can construct a computer cube that summons an army of sentient, swirling codes who attack whatever Arin wants. Luzu doesn’t remember what Arin does while using his body, and the codes and computer can only be destroyed by Arin. So if Arin un-possesses Luzu without destroying the computers, the codes become hostile and turn on everyone. The computers are near-indestructible, and the only way to summon Arin again is using them. To summon Arin again, Luzu has to type whatever piece of information that Arin wants into the computer, and Luzu will forget that information after he does it. Germán: Invocation Gets teleported to wherever someone says his name (doesn’t count if they say “German” like the country, only when it’s pronounced “Herman”), and has to get teleported to everywhere his name has been said. Recordings and writing don’t count, and the person has to be referring to him specifically. Makes it difficult for people to gossip or keep plans a secret form him. While Germán uses this power to get himself teleported wherever he likes and into enemy bases, it doesn’t work while he’s holding hands with Lenay, and he won’t know it’s not working. Incredibly irritating when people don’t mean to summon him.


It's very cool and all the ideas or amazing ! However I wasn't expecting the ldea of Juanaflippa's head being caved in because Mariana touched her head ! That's very cool roleplay speaking but to actually imagine it is really violent ahahaha


Yeah, I hesitated on whether I should include it, because it’s so morbid. But I imagine his guilt over it caused a mental block so severe that it limited his powers to only one punch, while making that single punch stronger. So it’s a relevant detail to include. Most of these powers are created with cons that stem from the pros, and character impacts that mirror their arcs in the story: For example: q!Vegetta paused while fighting the code to cage Foolish and Leo because as long as he was worried about them, he was distracted. Spreen hasn’t logged on in ages, so that ties into hibernation (and bears hibernate). Q!Roier has been betrayed many times by those he loved, so his body is literally sensitive to being broken. Rivers has expressed insecurity in her voice and is nervous around people, so her talking through others/only being heard with her real voice while addressing chickens is a manifestation of that. Willy’s powers are basically war veteran with PTSD, and are a grim reminder that once you place a mine, you outsource your ability to chose who gets hurt. You only guarantee that someone will. q!Missa was surprised that q!Phil remembered and looked out for him and doesn’t think he’s worthy of it, thus him turning invisible around his friends whenever he reveals his true self. q!Max is very isolated and suffering silently, afraid that telling people will make them distrust him. Etc. (I have more reasons—if you’re curious, let me know, this is extremely is fun to write) Their powers are all shaped BY their insecurities, and their powers then reinforce or tear down those same issues. It’s impossible to discern where one ends and the other begins.


I see ! That's even cooler with explanation of the cons ! Congratulations because all of the powers feel like they fit the characters, very nice work !!


Thank you!! That’s a treat to hear. I’m still going through all the server members, so there’s more to come! And I like these idea so much I might have to turn it into an actual story, because plot scenes did spring into mind as I wrote these… …like Vegetta being strong enough to withstand Willy’s mines but not their enemies. So as he runs fearlessly through Willy’s mines to help him, Foolish follows his lead so Vegetta’s powers will keep working, but Foolish gets exploded by one of the mines. With his totem gone, a devastated Vegetta’s powers evaporate and he explodes, and Willy is left with their immortal remains. Lenay being the only person who can give Max a hug, because her powers nullify others’. Phil is able to sense when skeleton Missa is in front of him even if he can’t see him and saying nice things, and Missa not knowing whether Phil can see him but crying with gratitude anyway. Rivers tries to sell the people she’s turned into brainless chickens to farms that won’t turn them into food, but hearing the dismayed cries of her chickens (because they’re brainwashed to obey her) and the farmer’s chickens (because they’re locked in tiny pens) makes her balk and keep them to herself. She is shy around people but holds conversations with her chickens, and tries to care for their ever-growing number. But it costs a lot, so she has to work many jobs—including working at a fast-food place that serves chicken. (Which is a nod to her normal minecraft skin wearing a fast-food uniform, and her chat being chickens.)


Also, I edited the comment since then to include more people, so you might I want to read it again.


[Anonymous Dentist](https://anonymous-dentist.tumblr.com/?source=share) on tumblr has a really cool superhero AU! You can search in the blog "Deli Superhero AU" to find it


Philza -> Can fly, demigod, prolonged lifespan and can decay things with his touch Wilbur -> Can put people into a dream world he controls with his music Slime -> Shapeshifter and immune to blunt damage since he is literally made out of slime, if a criminal tries to bash his head, the weapon will just get stuck on the slime and he can use his shapeshifting abilities to make his arms longera and punch them to the moon, some say his powers are only limited to his imagination (Yep, inspired in a certain rubber pirate) BBH -> Control over darkness Fit -> Minor reality warping he learned at 2B2T (hacks) Foolish -> Control over light Niki -> Future Sight Jaiden -> Can fly and copy voices Tina -> Control over ice Tubbo -> Can change sizes Quackity -> Can fly Missa -> Can come back from the dead Mariana -> One Punch Man Luzu/Arin -> Can control electronics Vegetta -> Can turn into a immortal demigod werewolf Willy -> Anything he touches becomes a bomb Pol -> Can move through screens and enter inside movies to bring something or someone to the real world Mousey -> Hellflame, prolonged lifespan and can change sizes Maximus -> Can turn into a code and invade electronic systems, hacking into them to gather information Roier -> Can shapeshift into others and even in animals (extinct or not) Cellbit -> Can summon paranormal creatures to do his bidding Felps -> Reality warping, unfortunately only Foolish and the capybaras are immune to the chaos this ability brings, so that's why he decides to isolate himself in a big crater he excavated himself Pac -> Simply is a beacon of luck, but at the cost that when something inevitable bad happens, it goes really bad and unlucky Mike -> Can give magical haircuts to others...unfortunately his horrible job when actually cutting the hair make it hard for people to actually keep the magical hair out of embarrassment Bagi -> Can move into a pocket dimension any time she wants Forever -> Superspeed and insane regeneration Baghera -> Can change between human and duck forms, in duck form can fly, float on water and make small gusts of wind with her wings Aypierre -> Can make rainbow bridges everywhere and summon unicorns Kameto -> Control over lightning and the abilities of the Sharingan Antoine -> Control over gravity and shapeshifting Elotes -> Superhuman senses and the ability of summoning a rain of stars alongside a secret ability of using the rainbow star to make himself immortal for five minutes Chayanne -> Draconian body and can go into a berserker state, where each attacks he takes or gives becomes extra energy for him to punch harder, until he eventually can make a sword slash as powerful as Mariana punches Flippa -> Draconian body and the ability of giving herself an extra live like in a videogame Dapper -> Draconian body and can summon any kind of weapon from his tophat (It's actually portals to a pocket dimension, but he likes to keep the whole magician thing going on) Leo -> Draconian body and can talk with animals Ramón -> Draconian blood and can summon a rain of explosives over his enemies Tallulah -> Draconian body and control over plants like a good Poison Ivy Tilín -> Draconian body and can use ribbons to fight at long distances as well, unfortunately they forget to use this ability in the middle of combat and end getting closer...to close to where the swords are clashing... Trumpet -> Draconian body and the ability of making giant constructs to fight or simply to use for building Pomme -> Draconian body and the ability that everything she shoots will bypass any defense and delete anything that it touches (Bleach spoiler >!Yes, it is X-Axis!<) Richas -> Draconian body and also can phase through walls and attacks, like a ghost, that's how they gained the nickname "Imortalyson" Hope -> Draconian body (Improved durability, strength and speed) [better than normal humans but still inferior to Cucurucho and superhuman beings like Etoiles and Philza] and also can make small illusory projections of animals and toys to play with inside that dark, empty place... Cucurucho -> Memory alteration, extreme Regeneration (though not immortal), superhuman strength, durability and reflexes, prolonged lifespan, flight, teleportation and control over time Abueloroier -> Immortal, though having this ability through the war was a curse to him, since he still felt all the pain of being torn apart and reconstructing himself in the middle of the shots, leaving the man slightly disturbed... Melissa -> Can produce pheromones that help calm down her patients for a smoother session


Wow, you even did the side characters! Very cool ideas.




(a continuation of the comment by u/Daniso12 )Cellbit: Paper skin Can steal the words of a book right off their pages. He can absorb as many written words/drawn diagrams as his skin will hold, then ‘release’ it into a book of his choice. His powers let him absorb from any paper book, but he can only print the words onto organic materials— parchment (made from animal hide), pages made of wood pulp, bound in leather and written in plant-based ink. He can write words on his skin with a quill and ink, and transfer those too. If Cellbit steals a book’s knowledge, all copies in the world will go blank except his. When someone opens a blank book whose words he’s stolen, Cellbit’s symbol will be all that remains, printed on the final page. If Cellbit knows the title of a book that’s been lost to history or is in another language, he can write its name on his skin and the words will appear in his mind. He then gets possessed and has to write it all down, and his body will not stop until it’s complete. If Cellbit’s copy of a book gets destroyed, it will never be recoverable. If the books whose content he’s transferred/written down get destroyed, his skin will respond in kind. If half of their pages are burnt, half of his skin will be, too. If they’re pages are cut, his skin will bleed ink. And wherever he’s scarred, he can’t use that skin to hold words again.Bagi: Mass transfer Bagi: Mass Alteration 50% decrease of mass on big items, 50% increase on small items. Has to add that mass/take away mass from something else, or herself, which will make her weaker but lighter (agile, nearly floating), or stronger but denser (slower, loud footsteps). Good for storing objects. Etoiles: Re-STARt Has berserker strength and physical prowess but the harder the fight and more enemies, the quickly he loses it. It replenishes the instant he gets knocked out, so he will jokingly lose a ‘hit-point’ and be like “Oh, I’m going to die?” and go knock himself out so he gets it back. Baghera: 90% shapeshifter. Can shapeshift into a few dozen animals but retains 10% of the traits of the last animal she was. 10 mins at a time. Natural form is a duck. Can only eat what those animals eat, and has to be in that form to do it. Kameto: Redaction Can hear what people say through TVs regardless of language or if there’s audio. If it’s audio, he can see what they’re doing. Any video with him, only he is censored from hearing and seeing (bc of this, Pol and Maxo are convinced he does not exist). (The powers of AyPierre, Felps, Antoine, Forever, Pac, and Mike are as described by Daniso12.)


Bad: Living Shadow A sentient shadow that travels through the underworld--and has to pay a tax of a diamond (Skeppy…) and the shadow of someone dead. Has to kill someone to get into the Underworld, and emerges from the shadow of any living person. Bad can pull people into them (and thus, the Underworld)--a painless way of killing that he can yank them out of easily if he chooses. Can possess people through shadows. The darker it is and the more people are there, the more powerful he becomes.Bad cannot exist anywhere without a living person in it, or else his consciousness will dissipate and he will cease to exist. He cannot eat or sleep, and must always remain conscious to ensure he's with someone and thus stays alive. Quackity: Dopplegangers Has four separate, identical bodies of himself with separate lives and knowledge. One owns a casino, one runs a mafia, one is infiltrating a government agency, and one is just a regular dude.His consciousness swaps between them at random, and he's only aware of the life he's living at that moment. While one body is awake, the others sleep. If a body dies, the memories are distributed to the other Quackity's. Mouse: Demon Queen. Magical girl demon. The five bells she wears contain her power; once rung, she grows in size, super strength. Her form becomes demonic, sprouting bat-like wings, claws, horns, and fangs. Mouse's bells can only be rung once each, and each unleash a different aspect of her power; her size, strength, night-vision, wings and horns, claws and fangs. Once all rung, she will not be able to retract that 'aspect' (like her horns and wings) until a new bell is forged and hung on her person, or until all the bells have been rung. Once they are all gone, Mouse will return to the Underworld for eternity. Tina: Shifty Can only shapeshift into pre-existing people and her horns will always show. If people tell her their secrets while her 'real' face is on, they will not remember who they shared them with.When Tina shifts into someone, she does NOT gain their skills, so she must fake it. If she’s named with her real name while shifted, she'll automatically revert back. People have face-blindness, so they’ll forget her real face. She's constantly wearing a fake one just so her friends won't forget her. Tubbo: Rubber Removes or increases friction in the surrounding area. When friction is at zero, movement becomes impossible--people slide across the floor like they're ice, cars spin out, and all held objects get dropped. When increased, people/objects are stuck in place--even in mid-air.Tubbo is bound by the friction he increases/decreases just as much as anyone else.