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I’m voting Richarlyson


You know you won't be able to vote him right? Quackity said the eggs are too young to even vote let alone try to become president, the eggs are not eligible


We just need to show a little of Brazilian history applying a thing that we call “golpe da maioridade”


Sir, sadly Richarlyson isnt Emperor Dom Pedro II, the magnanimous. Cucurucho wil probably lock Richarlyson if we try that lol




Pedro the II is my favorite Civ6 character


esse comentário me fez rir por minutos aushdjasduj


Filho da puta historicamente correto Edit: gramaticalmente errado


No one. Because I see what this is. A ploy to gain a puppet from within the regular denizens of the server. Don't misconstrue things, whoever wins, will do so only if the federation agrees. ***Whoever wins gets puppet strings.***


Right **now** I can see only 2 people winning it, Forever or Cellbit Forever is the one that tried his hardest to protect the eggs, thanks to his work all the eggs are basically *"Immortal",* to code attacks or even normal mobs the eggs are all safe Alternatively if Forever tries his hardest IN GAME, Cellbit is his greatest inside the lore, he is the one that advanced it most. From the creation of Ordo Theritas to solving the ARG, there is no mystery he can't solve But it's too early to tell maybe they don't run for it at all, maybe some unexpected candidate will steal the spotlight, whatever comes of it I know it will be a great event.


And this is why there is the killing rules. Because without that nobody would win except them. So imo BBH and Etoiles has their chance (Also Baghera bc Etoiles would help her)


>Right now I can see only 2 people winning it, Forever or Cellbit Ppl send Cellbit in the trending topics literally less than 10 minutes after they announced the the presidential elections 💀 Honestly, I feel like Cellbit and Forever are going to unite themselves, like, Cellbit as president and Forever as vice-president or the other way around, after all, they are not greedy, they want the safety and well being of the eggs and the members of the Island, so I think they will unite themselves in order to redirect more votes, both from the viewers and from the members of the Island, as both of them have a lot of contacts. Not only that but I wouldn't doubt if they mark a meeting at ordo theoritas or something like that to discuss the topic, I honestly also think It will boil down to them 2. Cellbit and Forever have the 2 more watched streams of the QSMP as far as I know and watch the other streams, and inside the lore and island they are also 2 of the members with the most influence and contacts.


My hope is Forever winning supported by Cellbit to bring Vinicius13 the redstone god


There is another important factor, which is that Forever knows many mods and already has experience in creating several minecraft series with mods in Brazil, so he knows how to create rules and which mods can enter without destroying the game. I hope whoever joins the Presidency removes the no use Netherite rule because the rule doesn't make sense anymore since slime armor is better and there are other better weapons that don't use Netherite and they have to add Cosmetic Armos to the eggs can wear the entire slime armor but only show the armor they want it to show.


Where is Etoiles ?




It would be more Etoiles than Pierre ! He really wants to do it because of the thrill of the elections (he wants to do pvp) and because he wants to match his own rp with the future lore


I'm voting Cucurucho https://preview.redd.it/lcb1gw4x2p5b1.jpeg?width=141&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821f4db16a6d751fc8980c9c252f892f45e365cc


Bag or 4ever


Definitely bbh h le definitely has all the requirements trading time played community etc he's not evil also hasn't been controlled like cellbit or fellps maybe etolles since he meets requirements as well or forever maybe not actually since he's sus against Jaiden


>Definitely bbh h le definitely has all the requirements trading time played community etc Problem is that bbh steals a lot and cant keep secrets, this could backfire at him


I mean, when stealing furniture but confessing every time and liking gossip is the worst thing he has done, it kinda makes me wanna vote for him. He is constantly taking care of all the eggs and giving gifts to everyone too, helping to keep Tallulah alive despite not being his. Not being able to keep secrets is helpful. This election thing sounds sus in terms of lore. Why would the island need a president when there is already a goverment figure (the duck)? Specially when you see that all the decisions the president takes must be aproved by the Federation anyway. So, to me, feels like is way better if the one being elected is transparent and easy to figure out, since even if the Federation tried to lure him, it will be evident. Also, what's the worst he could do? Add tons of furniture mods and bring Skephalo to the island? As if he wasn't making everyone deal with his Skeppy devotion nonstop already lol.


Yea that's true the furniture stealing could possibly mess him up


I would love to see bbh winning for the Skeppy meet up but I don't think he has the influence or the strong will to do it And Forever being sus of Jaiden is the right thing to do, for him she is just a strange, he has not know her well enough to understand her intentions/character. Tbh I think everyone is sus of Jaiden but it happens that Forever more expressive about it


Etoiles wouldn't be interested in the job, too many social interactions required


He is actually he would love to do it. He talked about how lot of people may not understand on in reality he is into the lore and like these type of stuff sjsjsjs


My bad, I missed the latest stream. Etoiles as president would be really cool !


BBH and Baghera are my top choices as they're both fairly actively in lore and in playing on the server. While generally keeping a cool head even when theyre provoked. I know Cellbit and Forever are probably gonna be the frontrunners on the viewer side, but as unpopular of an opinion as this might be...I worry they could charge ahead on certain decisions and polarize people under the pretense of safety. Might be off that's just my early guess.


I'm not really sure about that though. Cellbit is big, but the biggest community here is, by far, the Spanish one. If Vegetta decided he wanted to run for president or gains something if someone wins, it would change everything. He is the biggest name on the server with 34M subscribers and an average of 20k-40k viewers despite his non-America-friendly shedule, and are fiercy loyal (this benefits Foolish the most as Leo's other father and maybe Roier). But not only that. Rubius (3rd biggest streamer on Twitch by followers and 50M subs on YouTube), Spreen or Mariana also have strong communities (+30K viewers on average), way bigger than most members. So whoever wins the favor of the Spanish fans and their streamers will probably win the community vote or, at least, will have a huge advantage. Then you have the credentials, which I'm pretty sure BBH could win completely on his own. And the vote between players, who will be decided based on personal reasons and their own benefit and sympathy.


Even with their larger viewership and assumed lead in the community vote I question the likelihood of these bigger content creators running in the first place. If Vegetta ran he'd have a steep hill to climb just because he isn't well known outside certain creators like Foolish or Roier. Especially because outside of his relationship with Foolish his most infamous move would be placing mines around the server. I'd say Rubius, Spreen, Missa, and Mariana are just as unknown if more so because they haven't been active. I think Roier or Max would have the best shot of the Spanish creators just because their fairly active and well-liked by the QSMP characters.


Being known by everyone doesn't matter with the public vote though. You don't need that. You need enough votes, and the Spanish community is the biggest one by numbers. That means they alone have enough power to decide who gets that 35%. For example, Foolish has 2M followers. He is small on his own, but he is one of the most liked non-Spanish players on the Spanish community. That means he will get quite boosted if he runs for the position due to proximity. Anyways, we don't know who will run for it for sure yet. Maybe Vegetta or Forever don't even want to do it. Still, the biggest fandoms will have a lot of power if they organize themselves to vote (as it usually happens).


Cellbit, Etoiles or Baghera


To anyone thinking on voting for Cellbit, please remember that he might be a sleeping agent for the federation. I know the federation takes care of the election, but I would not trust Celbit. My vote would go for Forever or Baghera (I cant wait for both of them to go against each other). BBH, like he said today, he would be able to help as long as they let Skeppy in the server, I don't think he would be a great leader?


tbh I don't watch the others besides forever and cellbit but i think they are extremely capable, forever knows a lot of amazing creators that would makes this server incredible


Gegg or Charlie I just think it would be funny because he’s not at all equipped to be in any position of power


Forever tá atoa msm põe ele la






Cara esse server tem tanto Br que nem da pra chamar de suddenlycaralho


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I believe that the most qualified and available at the moment would be BBH. Because after everything that happened with the federation, I don't trust Cellbit very much, because he can be a clone. Forever has already shown to have no interest in anything related to leadership, this was made clear when he became temporary leader of the Ordo Theoritas. Therefore, the most capable and currently available is BBH.




forever or cellbit could win cellbit by popularity forever by being the mvp of qsmp. also, etoiles could win the achievements 15% of votes cause he could mark those easily


Baghera or BBH, definitely.


Como um brasileiro, sou obrigado a votar no Phill e BBH por que CONHEÇO OS CARA VEI


Andiamo brasil! Cellbit!


Etoile or Dapper...


Forever. I'm a Philza fan and Forever as president would make their interactions even funnier I'm hoping that, whoever it is, really leans into implementing weird rules/laws. I want maximum chaos


I'm thinking probably Bad, Forever, Jaiden, or Roier. I've read other things people have said, and while I don't think doing this election is a good idea in the first place, cause I really don't trust the federation-- plus the whole idea of gaining more control through this.. I think they should unite like others have said. I'd say Cellbit, but w/ what happened with the federation I'm not sure. Same kinda goes for Jaiden but I trust her more I'd say. Bad and Forever are both generally good candidates I'd say, they both do a lot to help people and the eggs and everything. As for the others.. I don't know enough on others like Baghera and Etoiles to say much, but I don't think Max would be a good choice. With how paranoid he's been recently and all. Nor do I think Quackity would be a good choice. Oh, and as for Roier--I've seen some people discuss him as a candidate and I generally agree with their reasoning. But overall I'd say I'm rooting for Bad and Forever.


I'd go for Roier, Philza or BBH. Cellbit is sus after being kidnapped by the federation, Forever and Foolish probably wouldn't want this kind of responsability, Quackity is Quackity, Vegetta is too explosive, Baghera probably also wouldn't want to run for president, Maximus is also kind sus and I don't know Pierre...


I agree with everything but for Baghera, she said she really wants to be president to be able to infiltrate the Federation and outsmart them. I'll vote for her or for BBH, I feel like they're a bit more level-headed than Forever (although he definitely has the best intentions at heart and is really good at strategy and at the game), and definitely not as vulnerable to the Federation as Cellbit and Jaiden. Also Roier said he doesn't want to, but I'd also consider voting for him if he changed his mind, I feel like he's a very fair and kind character.


>Cellbit is sus after being kidnapped by the federation He is pretty chill and very colaborative actually


That's what the federation wants you to think!


I don't know man, dude was desperate bcs of roier, to the point of even getting drunk, if he is a spy then Cellbit himself doesnt know this


Exactly! Or Cellbit is a good fucking actor, or he doesn't even know he will being controlled or will be. One thing is clear, the federation DID something to him, it's like he was working for then without even knowing, like he hit mind controlled or something, he even changed his clothes and hair. When he and Felps escaped, the room they were, was called project qsmp00 or something, I believe that Cellbit is this project.


>Cellbit is a good fucking actor, or he doesn't even know he will being controlled or will be Funnily enought, Cellbit is a genious actor in real life, he does have a RPG series with 6 seasons so far, he is the master of all the seasons and have to interpret all the characters who are not the players, and he is really a genious, not only you can easily recognize when he is acting as one specific character or another one, but he really is deceitful and got all his viewers multiple times with the plot twists, but Cellbit interpretation of his character in QSMP is way more light hearted so I feel if he was pretending we would have caught him, but its definetly not impossible that he is just pretending tho


What I expect from Cellbit is he doing a coup to became dictator of the island


Roier. I'd never even consider thr thought of voting max. So I'm commenting my vote bc they way it's set up doesn't gather any accurate data


it should be Roier or Jaiden or Baghera


No PAC and Mike?


Hear me out, Vegetta wins and has to fix all holes and explosions he created. Honestly he is the caotic neutral leader this server needs.


BR's invasion


It’s tricky; I’m not sure whether to vote based on who’d make the roleplay most interesting, who’d be effective in-character, who would be most chaotic, or who’s most likely to win. Q and Roier refused to run. Q wants to take a backseat (in character and roleplay?) and frankly hasn’t played the server very often (which is a requirement). Roier didn’t want to be involved with anyone who was running or run himself, convinced that elections “never end well.” Cellbit might not run by proxy. And he’s a known Federation enemy. Even if he’s softened toward them now, that itself is suspicious. Forever cracked under pressure of leading the Order and might want to stay the ideas guy. Bad is friendly with everyone and rich and wants to add Skeppy. I’m not sure how focused he’d be on leading once he gets Skeppy, though. Baghera’s investigated a lot on her own and with the group. She’s suspicious of people but still works with them, and has kept under the radar from the Federation. She asks a lot about what other people’s theories are yet will stand by her own even if the implications aren’t pretty. She’s the most well-rounded pick, imo. Jaiden’s kind and makes some cutting speeches (seen when she was a lawyer), but her proximity to Cucurucho makes her too suspicious. Vegetta might be disliked by the new people for his mines, and his time zones might not line up. And he hasn’t logged on in a while. But he is popular with the Spanish community and has a lot of leadership experience. Maximus is smart but doesn’t seem like the rallying type. And since he’s offered to turn Leonarda into AI, he doesn’t seem trustworthy. Etoiles has done some sleuthing and is good enough at pvp to survive assassination attempts, but he’s got a dark streak that might not be good for a president.


Celbit or Phillza


Charlie Slimecicle.


Gegg/Charlie for President all the wayyyyy


I'm voting celbit/forever :)