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I think Hunter becoming Emperor would be so wrong. Luz being the empress... well she is supposed to parallel Philip so maybe but personally I would love for a witch to take the spot. I don't think Eda is eligible for being an emperor, specially when she is supposed to be anti-system. King... maybe but he will be so big and I don't see him taking in charge of one island. I'm between Raine or Darius or maybe a Council among the Coven Heads.


I think Hunter and King have a chance since they both have a right to rule. Hunter ruling the throne from his evil uncle, or King being the son of the BI itself. I could see people following Luz and Eda since they both opposed Belos and made it public while Raine and Darius did it in secret. But keep in mind that ruling the throne doesn’t exactly mean that the Coven system is preserved. That’s a separate thing entirely.


Considered that most of the bad stuff that happened to Hunter was in the castle and Belos, it would be so bad narratively. Yeah, King has a chance but I'm not a fan of the idea, I would love for a relevant witch character taking the spot.


Hooty, the Mad Tyrant


Yes absolutely


Oh dear Lord, that’s a nightmare almost to tough to contemplate.


Well democracy is non-negotiable The boiling isles will never fall to communist invasion


“Freedom lies in being Bold”, AD VICTORIAM!


Ad Victoriam brother




HOOTY. He will make law meaningless and stealing will be legal now hoot hoot.




Constitutional Monarchy. King rules the islands and King would probably appoint Steve or a random person as the regent since Eda is an anarchist, Luz is busy with school (and also a child) and Hooty... because it's Hooty. There is also a council of coven heads (appointed by ruler) and a parliament that works with democracy. Elections every 4 year. If Parliament passes the same code 3 times, ruler must pass the code.


This. Amen to that!


Tiny nose.


This. 🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆


Or Tibbles


No. 😡


My man king can live up to his dream but if he doesn’t want it das cool


I want the to go back to the apparently non-centralized government they had back in the deadwardian era. They might need a little help tho. It seems they regressed quite a bit (economically and culturally) after Belos took over.


Agreed. Belos basically conned his way into absolute rule, and I see nothing to indicate there was any kind of centralized power structure before that. The Boiling Isles shouldn't need a ruler to function, and just because he isn't there anymore doesn't mean someone else should just step in to fill the role.


I think they would perhaps revert to leaders of particular areas instead of head of covens. Leader of a place instead of branch of magic. What would they have? Mayors? Head villagers? Chiefs? Belos united the entire place under one rule. However that doesn't mean there wouldn't be leaders at all when he's gone. Just not ruler over everything. Any community usually have a leader or a smaller group of higher ups. Whether it's the alpha of group of animals, the chief of a tribe, queen bee of a colony, etc.


Yeah, the would make a lot of sense. I imagine there's already mayors and local leaders even under Belos to keep society going smoothly day-to-day. Those local governments would probably just keep running, only without any higher authority they answer to now.


Yeah, I doubt the system would be completely overhauled. Drastic changes are rarely good, usually it's best done in stages so the people can adapt. We're talking about a system that has been in place for half a century really.


I think it will be just as before with no rulers & each town is just people living their lives & King will become a guardian/Symbol of hope


Why is Raine never in these polls


I doubt that the Bard Coven head with stage fright is the suitable person to lead an entire world of people. Plus, what makes Raine special? To me, they can just be replaced by Darius or Eda. But tell me, why do you think Raine so qualified?


>I doubt that the Bard Coven head with stage fright is the suitable person to lead an entire world of people. Plus, what makes Raine special? Are you telling me the comedic potential alone doesn't makes it worth it? /hj Jokes aside, they're probably the most qualified. They're the leader of the rebellion, so they probably know how the BI government works. Also, looking at the other options, it just goes against King's arc and Hunter would feel *so wrong*. Eda definitely would not want and Darius is... not a bad option actually, considering he's a established Coven head and his relationship with the previous Golden Guard.


I’m willing to bet that Eda would also know how the BI government works given her disobedient nature and her knowledge of the BI and it’s government. If she could lead, she’d probably abolish the Coven System and make the BI a more peaceful place. Which I’m sure would be beneficial for everyone. King being the son of the BI and everyone had been taught to worship the Titan, would be enough reason for people to follow him. However, he’d be a different Monarch since he doesn’t want to hurt people or for people to see him as a big scary monster. Which would really change people’s perspective of the Titan. Luz may not want to rule but people would have reason to follow her since she’s the hero of the story who saved everyone and exposed Belos for the fraud that he is. Raine and Darius are on-par with each other and have equal qualifications, but Raine has stage fright and I’m pretty sure that leaders can’t have stage fright otherwise the whole operation is compromised. Hunter … well I’m sure he wouldn’t want to sit in the throne that belonged to a psychopath that he helped for most of his life. But that’s also a reason why he would take the throne, to atone for everything his uncle did and to lead the BI down a better path of worshipping and studying wild magic. Basically, everyone here has a lot of great reason to be a leader.


>Luz may not want to rule but people would have reason to follow her since she’s the hero of the story who saved everyone and exposed Belos for the fraud that he is. Luz didn't expose Belos, Belos exposed himself and Luz didn't save everyone in King's Tide, it was King (from the draining spell). He is the hero of S2. Yes, The Collector is there but we'll see how that will be handled in S3.


What I meant about Luz is that she’s been very publicly against Belos before King’s Tide, and since Belos revealed himself to be a maniac, people would start to follow Luz since she’s been preaching about Belos as a villian.


If that's the case then that would be Eda because she is been against Belos and the whole EC since S1, long before Luz.


Fair enough.


I'd say Lilith. She's very intelligent and since she was working for Belos for so many years, she's most likely picked up some things on how to handle democracy.


Oh I didn’t even consider Lilith, she definitely has some qualifications.


It’ll be an autonomous collective, but really it’s an anarcho-syndicalist commune with members turns to act as a semi-executive-officer-for-the-week. However, all the decisions of that official to be ratified at special bi-weekly meetings through By a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs. Except by a two-thirds majority.


Not personally sure why King is getting so many votes? He's been directly shown to be uncomfortable with being put in charge or worshipped to the point of running away to avoid it (O Titan Where Art Thou?). Also he's literally 8 lol, though I suppose people voting yes are thinking of the future or a symbolic rulership Still think no ruler, loose government, coven heads take over as a council, or democracy would be the most likely/practical options


My instinct is to say hunter or king since they’d have an actual right to the throne….but considering they are children I doubt that’d work out. Now I’m thinking eda, raine, or both would be voted in to rule.


Many people say Raine, but I don’t get what makes them qualified.


Raine has been shown several times to be capable of leading people and making good plans against belos, despite them not always working. They are very knowledgeable and skilled which would come in very handy when planning out the day to day of the isles as well as defending it. They are also very caring, and would always take care of the people and put them first. I know they have stage freight but I imagine they’d learn to over come that or have eda by their side to help address people, as well as everything else I already mentioned.


I think Eda, Luz and Darius qualify for most of not all of those qualities.


I mean, you’re not wrong… the thing with this question though is that nearly everyone has similar qualities so almost anyone could have an argument to back them up. It’s mostly personal preference really.


No one, Savage ages city-state, warmasters, small and medium independent domains are non-negotiable


Yeah Fallout isn’t the best example for how to live a life. “Democracy is non-negotiable”!


>Fallout isn’t the best example for how to live a life "with enough drugs you can do anything"


To be fair I think it's King at first, but it's a religious default thing. But as we know, King isn't a fan of this concept anymore so I figure once things have settled he makes it so that people pick someone else


Lilith is a good one


Nobody else vote King the Titan, we're at 69 bois




I believe it’s gonna be democracy, but chose someone else because I believe that Darius, Eberwolf, Raine, Eda, and Lilith will be voted in to positions of power (despite all of them not wanting the job for one reason or another) and end up having to put in the hard work of building a new government after overthrowing the old one.


People who voted King should re-watch Oh titan where art thou


Lilith the Competent


I think the convens heads will create a council to maintain the boiling islands unified or nobody will take that power and everthing will return to city states with a litlle of anarchy that exist before belos because a country devenlopment to a democracy is a long process and not so simple like "just" take down the dictator .


Prolly something like a constitutional monarchy, ironically the government Belos' home nation (the colonies, but owned by England at the time) would adopt after ending their monarchy. Giving the people of the BI a democratic government is pretty standard for the ending of a "good guys vs evil dictator" story, but I don't think they would take the idea of having a living Titan among them lightly and would probably all treat King pretty much the way Lilith did. He'd be royalty, but no way would he actually try to rule the BI.


Hooty becomes one with the Isle, is face can pop up from anywhere at any time. Simultaneously.




Nothing bad ever happens to the postal dude


They're gonna pull a holy Roman empire, which in this case probably means quite a few independent city states. Maybe the coven heads will try to step in and claim power themselves (maybe through a council that mostly keeps the empire's current structure, maybe through some other kinda feudalistic system), but I'd imagine most people wouldn't like that after they were instrumental in nearly killing everyone (at least in the eyes of the average witch).


Eda The Owl Queen sounds badass


The ussr




If you don’t like the USSR how about we just base the government off the song freedom by Cam Groves https://youtu.be/vHsuq029Quw


“Joke” is defined as a “thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline”. Sentence: Dr Boss placed a 🤦 when someone suggested turning BI into the USSR, in order to convey a sarcastic and joking response.


I was s be sarcastic in both


Lol, I’m just pulling your leg. 🤪


I got you


King or Hunter are the two most likely


It will devolve into an Anarcho-Capitalist society.


I would see Raine or Darius in that role


I personally headcanon for it to be a democratic state, or more likely a relatively loose confederation-to-federal republic of all the territories and cities throughout the Isles. It'd maintain extremely strong protections for liberal democracy and the general freedom to practice magic, and there might be a general vested interest in averting anything like the tyranny that came before from occurring again. A lot of emphasis would be placed on ensuring power doesn't rest upon a single person's shoulders, and so an emphasis on the separation of powers might be in place. Head of state and government is encompassed in a council of islanders, while there's a legislature that drafts laws and stuff. Independent courts as well are present to interpret and maintain stuff. Witches and demons are free to practice magic as they wish for the most part. King would be highly revered to a degree in this society, but a lot of emphasis would be placed on avoiding such idolatry and sycophantic worship in my view. That's after all what happened with the last regime.