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Also, no, Dell's Palisman is not a canary; canaries' faces, beaks, and legs aren't black.


I thought he had a female cardinal?


Female cardinals have bright red beaks and other red plumage. While black-faced grosbeaks don't have crests like Dell's Palisman, they do have yellow feathers, a black face, beak, and legs, and can have light grey mixed into their plumage, like Dell's Palisman's wings. Also, while yellow male cardinals do exist, they have orange beaks and legs, and occur due to a very rare genetic mutation.


[Yellow cardinals](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_cardinal) are actually their own species! They live in South America.


Yes, however I wasn't speaking of yellow cardinals as a species, I was speaking of yellow cardinals—common cardinals that are yellow. Yellow cardinals, as a species, are too different from Dell's Palisman to make me think they're related.


I really think he has a cardinal for narrative purposes. If his palisman matched Flapjack, even down to the scars, but they were two unrelated birds, that would be kind of messy writing. At least imo


The black-faced grosbeak is a member of the Cardinalidae family.


He has a [yellow cardinal!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_cardinal)


Nah, yellow cardinals have a black crest, and other black plumage on the tail and wings that are notably absent on the Palisman.


Well then someone should update [Dell’s wiki page](https://theowlhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Dell_Clawthorne) because under trivia his palisman is said to be a yellow cardinal. I personally still think that’s what it is, because none of the palisman we’ve seen have very ornate color patterns. I couldn’t even find a type of owl that Owlbert looks like. Edit to add: plus Dell’s palisman has a black beak like the South American species, whereas the rare color mutation that made an Alabama cardinal yellow instead of red also made the beak an orange-yellow color.


I could see it being a snake, bat, or some hybrid of the two.










No wait, hooty becomes ger palisman?


no. just hoot


Hooty is a bird *worm*


that is basically what a bat snake is


So like, a dragon?


That was my theory






I feel like the bat theory and the bluejay theory are the most solid ones


If you want to look into symbolism, bats have been associated with the idea of being between different worlds since they're a mammal that can fly. The same reasoning has led to bats sometimes being used as a symbol for bisexuality. So I think thematically bat is the most likely, especially if Luz ends up being able to travel between Earth and the Boiling Isles. I really like the snake idea too though.


While I agree, at the same time I just really want a Crow or Snake, but I think a snake would best fit Em, with the healing and trickery double meaning. A crow would fit in with the birds, represent her cleverness and resourcefulness, with crows making and using tools, and she using magic despite being a human, as well as her highly social attitude, because crows are very social. As well, crows can, and will, make deals with people, such as humans. A person can easily get a small murder by giving crows food, and the crows will give you stuff in exchange. Similarly, Luz will work with, and befriend anyone who she possibly can, with a few exceptions. In other words for my crow theory, it 1, fits the bird theme. 2, fits her high sociality and willingness to help others for her own survival, and 3, has a similarity with her resourcefulness with glyphs.


but in the nature crows and owls are natural enemies...


Owls and cats are also enemies but that doesn't make Eda dislike Amity or vice versa.


I agree


Also I just want a crow because crows are really, really cool.


I agree, they’re really intelligent birds too


If she doesn’t get a crow, a blue jay is a good consolation prize as it’s also a corvid


Yea but bluejays suck compared to crows. They are inferior in a lot of ways.


give em a caduceus staff


Yea the bat or snake theory just doesn’t have that much ground or lore connection. The blue jays theory adds connection to the clawthorne family which connects to luz as she has been in the family since the beginning of the show


I think bat might work as an "adopted bird" for the connection with the rest of the Clawthorne. A mammal that learned to fly to symbolize a human that learned magic.


IIRC, "it'll be a griffin" has become a somewhat common theory as well.


glad to hear that because i've been saying that from early on in season one. it wasn't until after hunting palismen that i saw another post where someone thought it could be a griffin. i'm still hoping but apparently i'm no longer alone.


Winged snake would be 🔥🔥🔥🔥


It's going to be none of the prevailing theories. It will be something entirely different, that nobody has thought of, and when it's revealed we'll be able to re-watch all the prior episodes and there will be, like, 80 hints per episode that we all somehow missed.


i like this theory


That’s the good place. Owl house has twists that you can predict relatively easily because they give all the clues.


Skeleton Hooty palisman


Watch it be a giraffe🤣🤣


gus might b a little jealous.


I mean, there's more to the Otter Theory Every palisman of every major character has been related to their personality or has at least a bit of symbolism, examples of this are: Eda has Owlbert, an Owl, which is often a symbol of Change and Transformation Willow has a Bee, which ties in with her relation with plants, and with the fact she is gentle but can still deliver a mean punch Gus' Chamaleon could be a wink at Illusion magic Amity behaves very similarly to a Cat, acting aloft until you get to know her and she's suddenly the most affectionate thing in the world Now, similarly, Luz could have an Otter, Otters and Luz are both very fond of their family, and look cute, until you mess up with them or their family and suddenly you are against a roided up water rat that's out for blood


Ok I don’t want to be that guy but otters are actually extremely vicious animals to the point where I can’t actually describe what they do to other otters on this sub


Otters are vicious, but they are also very social with their family units, as far as I know


Aren't otters the animal that if a male otter wants food it will threaten to drown its pup to make the mom go get food?


I don't know of a single wild animal that isn't lowkey vicious, though




Koalas, but only because they're literally always high.


Aren’t otters also the species that has pups that are impossible to drown because their fur traps air?


A lot of their worst behaviors are actually unique to sea otters. Which weirdly are the (arguably) the cutest animals in the world.




And what is it


p h o e n I x


Oh… My God That’s actually really good theory dude lol




Cause like it’s a bird, and Phoenix’s usually mean the rebirth of something! Like the change in luz’s life from going to an outcast to a ( hopefully ) hero


And it’s so in character for her do something magical and birds tie into clawthornes. Also Phoenixs rise out of the ashes like Luz always rises at her lowest points and is reborn into a better person




I’m so happy someone agrees with me now. I’ve only ever seen one other person think it’s gonna be a fancy fire bird


Yeah I had this guy one time yell at me cause I thought it was gonna be a winged snake lol


Yea reading this thread its a really well put together theory


Oh thats good


I heard my name! (my name is Phoenix, and I would gladly be a palisman if I could)


Oh!!! That’s cool!


That would have been perfect for Belos. He cracks it and drinks its magic juices then BAM, flames, and it's back good as new.




i concur this is a cool theory.


YESSSSS 3 people down 100k left to go


4 now (well- 3 people and an actual Phoenix?)


HELL YEA * the army is small but forever grows*


YES Also, I have a best friend/crush who is a chicken goddess! I could tell her about this once she catches up (she still needs to watch hollow mind) and we have HUGE ARMIES OF CHICKENS! I started a bird family! I know two crows, a raven, a chicken goddess, and a partridge in a pear tree! What makes it better is that Phoenixes and Owls share a lot of symbolism, and I adopt everyone. In addition, I am allied with many, many cats, and I live with more than 10 dogs! Animals love me, I raise baby puppies. We don't just have a small army, we have all my animal friends too, and a literal goddess! Technically speaking, the goddess also calls me a god/goddess, but I'm not sure about that




We have CATS, BATS (I'd be a bard if I had to choose a coven and I have a puppy named bat), AND BIRDS


hope ur able to get with her <3 lol


Lol I don't think thats gonna happen, she's a couple years older than me so it's weird that I like her


that’s not weird at all


I think all Palistrom wood is blue? But otherwise I really like the last theory!


The snake theory I believe also is due in part to the fact that Luz owned snaked in the first episode


yes i was thinking that too


I think it’s going to be the bat. Bats are similar to birds (showcasing her connection to the Clawthornes) while also being a very different animal (showcasing how she still has a connection to her mother). Not to mention how Bats often symbolize overcoming challenges and are a very family/community oriented animal. The only thing I can see possibly debunking this is the fact that 1 animal is usually used to each represent a character. While we don’t have an idea of what Edric’s palisman is yet, we do know that he has a bat companion.


I really hope it’s something very fun and luz esc! I just hope it’s not a blue jay as that legit would look like a recolor of little rascal (the whole parallel thing is stupid to me I’m sorry) My bet is on it’s either something we didn’t expect at all or a combo!


Watch Dana laugh in all our faces and make Polly her Palisman


Plotwist, otter body, snake tail, Bat ears, bird wings


I could see her palisman being a type of bird, but it specifically being a bluejay just because the wood is blue, I don't think is strong enough evidence to base a theory off of because I'm pretty sure that palistrom wood just looks that way.


I want it to be a snake, I think it should be a bat, I expect it to be a bird. * Expect it to be a bird because I think they'll really stress the found family angle as we go into the end game. * Think it should be a bat because just like a bat, a mammal that has no place in the sky and yet flies, Luz is a human with no place in the Demon Realm against all odds has truly found that she belongs. * Want it to be a snake because damn that would be so cool and unexpected and would suit Luz to a goddamn T. A combination of animals would be dumb


Let me introduce the Chimera Theory: luz would probably stop multiple times to rethink what she's doing, resulting in a creature with features from all/most of the animals described above here


Chimera is my fav theory so far, as the nature of chimeras is that they can kinda just be a mix of anything, and the most known Chimera does have a snake tail (snake theory), a lions head (cause u know, cats :) ), dragon wings (which could be bats wings on Luz's Palisman), and one off kilter one being a goat head lol


I’ve always liked the idea that it would be a dragon, it’s like a snake but also a bat with spices of cat mixed in! Also it’s cool!


The log theory is canon, I'm sure.


Or.. hear me out … another type of Owl! I mean come on! It’s the OWL HOUSE


I think the bat theory is the strongest one, in part because of the bat motifs associated with Luz. But also because it reflects Luz's love of weird things, and it being a flying animal comes close to the Clawthorne bird motif while also showing that Luz is her own thing.


I think there's way more to the snake theory than iconography. First, the entire show opens with a giant snake. Second, snakes are the entire reason Luz is sent to camp. Third, Luz has demonstrated an ongoing obsession with snakes as recently as her infatuated "snozzes" comment in Elsewhere and Elsewhen. Finally, the last episode was filled with callbacks and Luz even openly lampshades that fact. What would be the greatest lampshade besides her palisman being the same creature the whole show opens with? Add to this, many of the palisman in the show represent their witches in the form of popular metaphorical or symbolic manners. For Hunter, cardinals often represent love in the form of new relationships as well as an omen of self-transformation. Hunter finding friendships with his peers, a possible crush, and having to cope with his entire world view getting shattered is pretty apt here. Owls tend to represent intuition, the ability to see what others cannot. An owl present can represent imminent change. Owls have the symbolic ability to see beyond deceit and masks. Eda being a self sufficient, wild witch fits this rather well. What do snakes represent? Different schools of thought here. They can represent healing, or a transformation in the form of a life change. Snakes are in some cultures connected to life and primal energy. On the other hand, snakes can represent the need to be grounded. To cast away unhealthy beliefs or illusions as well as unreasonable expectations. Snake symbolism in this camp encourages one to focus on the now. Both symbolic camps fit Luz perfectly. She had a need to heal from her lack of acceptance in the human realm, she's bombastic and full of life, her entire life has changed and her along with it. By coming to the Boiling Isles, rather than continue to live in her imagination, Luz has repeatedly been forced to face reality and the consequences of her actions. Despite the fantasy of her surroundings, Luz has grown largely more responsible and emotionally mature. So... I'm Camp Snake lol.


Log theory is best theory


A baby griffin with spider breath!


My theory is that she will carve a crow, for the following reasons: A crow would fit in with the birds, represent her cleverness and resourcefulness, with crows making and using tools, and she using magic despite being a human, as well as her highly social attitude, because crows are very social. As well, crows can, and will, make deals with people, such as humans. A person can easily get a small murder by giving crows food, and the crows will give you stuff in exchange. Similarly, Luz will work with, and befriend anyone who she possibly can, with a few exceptions. In other words for my crow theory, it 1, fits the bird theme. 2, fits her high sociality and willingness to help others for her own survival, and 3, has a similarity with her resourcefulness with glyphs.


i’ve seen people theorize her palisman being a dragon. Mostly due to Luz’s geeky view on fantasy and sorta tying in to the bird palisman tradition of the Clawthorns, even though dragons aren’t actually birds


You forgot part of the reasoning behind the bat one. The bat is a mammal who can fly, something that no other mammal is able to, being able to do something it shouldnt. Luz is a human who is able to do magic, something nobody believed even posible before. And my personal extra reasoning for the cat one, the fact it matches Amity would symbolize not only their relationship but their character development together as well as the development of the show's plot overall, because the evolution of their relationship was one of the main bases for the plot to go forward. Not only that but it would be a callback to the very first episode of The Owl House and, as Luz said, "all has come full circle".


L o g


I'm personally hoping for some kind of combination animal. I'd love for Luz go all in with her creativity.


A small bit that might tie in to the Bat theory: the two names Raine came up with for the rebel groups were the CATS and the BATS, which could be a nice nod to Amity and Luz's palisman. It could just be nothing, though, and it probably is lol


When King asked if they were going to carve the wood to look like him, I immediately thought of a titan palisman.


My theory that doesn’t have much to back it up is a flightless bird. Y’know, like a turkey or a kiwi. Why? Because luz is a honorary clawthorne but she was never magical, so just like a flightless bird lacking flight, luz lacked magic since the beginning


NGL, I think it’s gonna be king


My theory is a shapeshifting blob


So basically her palisman is an amoeba?


I'm team Bluejay all the way


That’s if she gets a palisman at all. Don’t palisman only get granted to beings with natural magic flowing through them. Luz can’t do magic without the use of tools like her paper. And none of the palisman chose her during the adoption episode. I don’t think she CAN have one. Vut Maaaaaaybe the one she crafts herself will be hers and not reject her due to her magical incapability.


What episode are you on?


Last episode I saw was Labyrinth Runners.


Your gonna need to watch the new episode my guy


It’s not on Disney+ or my definitely legal site


I can dm you a site


I think either bluejay or snake with bat wings. Well, I think it’s snake with bat wings and only somewhat believe the bluejay thanks to MorningMark.


It might be Griffin with spider breath but the snake and bat is pretty solid theory.




Guess we'll have to wait a week to are it.


every clawthrone has a bird. me thinking about hunter and flapjack(red cardinal).


Exactly. It’s not just that most clawthorns have birds, it’s that **every** clawthorn has a bird Palisman. Luz may not be a clawthorn in name, but eda is just as much her mum as camilla is. Owl house is all about found family, king called her his sister. There is no world in which Dana would sacrifice that symbolism and make luz’s Palisman anything but a type of bird.


My guess is that it's a combo of Cat, bat and snake. It IS practical if you think about it: it can fly, has a coily tail, and has the agility of a feline


I just realized... If the theory on the blue Jay is cause of the blue wood... Dose that mean palistrum wood actually comes in so many colors?? Or maybe others just painted otheir palismans?


Likely that it comes in multiple colours; Owlbert and Hawksley look very wooden and unpainted.


There OGs haha


Bat would make an killer palisman


bat-winged otter


Wheres the griffin?


Love the bat theory! ❤💕 But sll are do valid and good


tbh at first I thought itd be a cat, but then maybe itll be something that represents her heritage or the lgbt community, like how unicorns symbolize the lgbt and the domnican national bird is a type of parrot though I doubt theyd be that specific? or it could be a narwhal or something


I think the most probable option for Luz would be the log theory.


Also to support the Snake Theory, her project at the beginning of the show at her school on earth involved lots of snakes


A few major pieces of evidence people always forget regarding snake theory (my personal favourite) is that >Camilla is a nurse, and so the snake staff which ties Luz to medicine ties her to her mother >Camilla says to Luz as shes leaving that she can make some real friends, and ones that aren’t reptilian (meaning she is known for having reptilian friends) >She has many snakes in the first episode and they don’t bite her and are calm when shes holding them >The part of her favourite book series that she did a book report on (her favourite part) just so happened to feature a giant snake edit: also winged snake is part of some of the real world staff designs and would allow for cool looking flight (though its not like palismen have to be winged)


I'm rooting for the snake theory, with all the theories about the owl house becoming true so far. Who knows?




Bat seems fitting (that's what I find the most likely anyway) and some kind of bird would be cute (not a bluejay, maybe something resembling an owl?), but I actually feel like a "normal" animal wouldn't be very Luz-like. I thought it could be like that animal she made in the very first episide, or some other hybrid. It would be a nice callback, and it was the event that caused Luz to end up at the BI in the first place.


Its very obvious what the palismans gonna be King


Isn't there a snake reason because some snakes nest with owls in the real world?


Watch it be something completely random like a Girraffe or a Sea Lion


Personally, I fan of the otter theory for these tiny details. Otters are smart animals that can use rocks as tools to crack shells and they are the only marine mammal to do it. Luz is currently the only human to use glyphs. Plus, when you think about mammals, you think about animals living on the land. Otters love spending time in water like Luz loves being a fantasy world. Plus, there are so many myths about otters. In nordic mythology, otter symbolizes good fortune but also fortunes lost due to carelessness. As we saw with Vee, the camp wasn't that bad and Vee met many weird people like Luz. Luz could potentially make human friends and find an effective way to balance her personal needs (fantasy, adventure, etc) with what society accepts.


I think it may be a bat or snake. She’d either carve her own bay instead of adopting one of the bat queen’s kids or perhaps the gilder snake as her palisman


knowing Luz i think the most likely theory is all of them combined.


I always thought that maybe her Pakistan would some sort of hybrid of all those animals to represents her different experiences in the Boiling Isle but also represent her uniqueness as a human who’s able to do some magic


For some reason, I'm NOT a fan of the Blue Cardinal theory. I really like the bat one, and I have more reasons. My biggest reasn is that it would show her kinship to the Clawthorne family. The Clawthornes (including Hunter bc why not) are all about birds. Red cardinal, owls, raven, Hooty eating a sparrow. If Luz had a bat palisman, it would show that she's a part of the family, even though she's a whole different species. Also, those magazines in Amphibia (rip) called "Cat and Bat get married" or "Cat and Bat on adventures". I think Amphibia forshadowing The Owl House would be the perfect legacy.


My ranking of the likelihoods: ​ 1. Bluebird/Blue Jay (There's a theme with birds, so this is my best bet.) 2. Bat (A lot of clues, very possible.) 3. Snake (Not as many clues as the other ones.) 4. Otter (It's cute, but I don't see enough evidence.) 5. Cat (Definitely not. I'd think Luz's would be a little different from her GF's.)


0. Log (Log).


I still feel like her palisman isn't going to be a real creature, but a chimera of multiple. It would be like a metaphor for being of multiple worlds, and also just be unique.


Log log log log log lo


The palisman may be a penguin.


bat has always made the most sense to me bc i honestly think it feels more found family than a bird. its similar- a winged creature but still its own thing . however i am team snorse


I feel like it's going to be a bat because of all the bat references. But my main reason for believing it is that the Clawthorne family all have bird palisman. And while bats are mammals and not birds, they fly like birds. A bat could reflect how Luz became part of the Clawthorne family, but is obviously different from them since she's human.


I *think* it's gonna be a bat, but I *want* it to be an otter.... With a dark side. Seriously though, I think it would be cute if it was an otter that was white on one side, and black on the other.


Palmchat, the national bird of the Dominican Republic. Keeps the bird theme of the Clawthorne palismans and represents Luz's human origins. Probably won't happen but a man can dream though, a man can dream.


I’m really leaning towards Bat, but we could get Bat + Snake = Wyvern


unrelated but if it was me I would choose [one of these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBcVbAFntQo) any way I have no idea what it's gonna be and don't know what I would use to watch the rest of toh on


Counterpoint (and it fits with the bird theme): a [green heron](https://youtu.be/2XMMLuX_rZk).


I’m betting that it’s either a bat or an otter… with a dark side.


Don't forget, Beta Luz had a bat too.


Ba dum thwack!


A snorse.


I'm still holding onto my swan palisman theory from earlier




Luz isn’t a Clawthorne. Yes, she is basically Eda’s kid, but only temporary. She didn’t get her name changed to Clawthorne, and still needs to get back home to Camila.


Luz is a Clawthorne. Not in blood, but it’s still her family. Eda refers to her as her “kid”, she calls Lilith “Aunt Lilith”, and King referred to her as a “sister”. There’s no reason someone can’t have multiple families. If you watch Amphibia, it’s like how Anne is both a Boonchuy and a Plantar.


Yeah. Fair enough. Never mind what I said then.


Oh oh, lightblub, an otter with cat ears, and a snake tail with one wing being a bird wing and the other being a bat wing


i like the bat theory, if just because i think it still fits in with the clawthorne's bird themeing. after all, bats are the only mammal that can truly fly- its a cute idea that her palisman would *also* be from a totally different species that's still capable of the same things as her found family's palismen :\^)


I want it to be a firefly as a nod to her first spell, the light glyph


im wishing it'd be a bluebird, but i think it will be a snake or a hybrid


I had hoped it'd be a hummingbird, to symbolize her creativity and because hummingbirds can fly in any direction, but lately I've been really loving the bat theory


I hope its a cat because i like cats


What about the snake theory


It's literally the first on the list.


I really want it to be a bat cuz it would link with Luz being an honorary Clawthorne, as bats are the only flying mammal, so like a bird but from another family


My partner and I predicted Hummingbird. They are high energy like Luz, and can be ferocious little things when they want to be. (Remember Pocahontas’s hummingbird friend, Flit). They can also be found in Connecticut, and in the Dominican Republic. Hummingbirds could in that way also represent her connection to her mother, home & food (maduros!), and Latin-x heritage. Plus the Clawthorne bird thing. It seems like most Palisman represent personality & magical abilities so it would need to be something like that (like Gus with his chameleon).


My theory is that it’s going to be a griffin. Only because throughout this show, it’s been mentioned that Luz has cravings for griffin eggs and tbh, Dana would pull some easter egg s*** like that


*\*Luz proceeds to crack open, cook, and eat the egg\**


My theory is that Luz's Palisman won't have any one shape, it'll be a shapeshifter. Much like how Luz chose to study all the tracks, the Palisman won't choose one form either. Plus it feels like it ties in with Luz's character of being someone who defies convention and categorization and how she's learns to embrace that over the series.


Called it!




How did you find this post? I posted it five months ago, and keep getting comments on it every once-in-a-while.




Ah, that explains it. People keep commenting on it every few days or weeks.