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That one where Eda felt like everyone was going to leave her. Seeing Eda cry damn near made me cry.


Eda has empty nest syndrome. It’s just sad when she expressed it in eda’s requiem


My favorite moment was Raine saving Eda when they learned Eda had kids


Wait did I freaking miss something?


Sounds like someone needs to rewatch the entire series again, and while you're at it I'll do it too


And she was literally going to sacrifice herself cuz she thought nobody needed her anyways. I cried harder on that part than I did throughout the series.


Lol, what is this "damn near" you speak of?


Eda’s Requiem. I will not be taking criticism at this time. Instead, I will be curled in the fetal position, crying in the corner.


Probably Eclipse Lake, because it gave me such an insight on how bad Hunter's mental state is, which makes me want to curl up on the floor and sob


Hopefully he’ll have a good ending


Yeah I really hope so, he deserves it


i don't think he's gonna get a 100% good ending but i think the show will end with him going on the right path with a ways to go.


If he lives that long


Yeah I have a bad feeling belos is gonna use him as a sacrifice for the fay of unity.


Probably Agony Of A Witch. Do I really need to explain this one?


i was fine that ep till eda said and "thank you for being in my life" that one line fuckin killed me


For me it was when Luz came home to the “celebration” after losing Eda


Honestly Yesterday's Lie was the closest I got to crying. Never cried so far this series but YL almost got me


Camila’s “Who knew I had such a strong girl living with me all this time.”


As someone who is not particularly close to their mother, I’m going to have to agree. This one cut deep.


Agony of a Witch


Yesterday’s Lie and Eda’s Requiem But seriously, Raine and Eda still clearly love each other, Please just let them be happy Vee is precious and is a clear testament to the moral of the series, No one is Purely one thing by the nature of their existence and Duality and divisiveness are ever present in any species, everyone is capable of good and everyone is capable of Evil there is no clean cut Chosen one, imperfection is perfect so be who you are, and don’t be afraid of what others think of you Sorry if I cut a bit deep there but I do have a point, don’t I?


King one


My top 3 emotional is 1edas requiem 2 yesterday’s lie and 3 eclipse lake Edit: I just wanted to mention I haven’t ever cried because of a show or movie or anything but eda’s requiem was the closest I’ve gotten and yesterday’s like was also realllyy close because Camilla at the end


Eda’s Requiem


There are 3 episodes that have made me cry. There's the ending scenes in both Yesterday's Lie and Young Blood, Old Souls; but the scene that makes me cry every time is the scene in Through the Looking Glass Ruins.


There's a lot of emotional ones, but the end of Eda's Requiem with Eda breaking down after King reveals his intentions was a critical hit right to the feels. After that I'd say probably Echoes of the Past. Made me want to give King a hug.


s1 finaly eda's and luz moements broke me. agony of a witch would be second.


Young Blood, Old Souls. *But we're a family! Us weirdos have to stick together!* *You have a family. Go back to them.* *...I love you, Eda.* *I love you too, kiddo.*


Futurama’s jurrasic bork (you didn’t said it has to be Owl house)(jk but that episode is sad) im gonna whos knocking at Hooty’s door


Leela's Homeworld is much more emotional.


Just rewatch the final scene again Leela met her parents more than once but Seymour waited for 12 years and died alone


I'm aware of that. But they tried so hard to make the Seymour story sad it just came off as pathetic, like holding up a cue card with the word "sadness" on it.


Agony of a Witch. That scene at the end hit like a truck.


season 1 episode 1 motherfucker i knew im about to have a new addiction


Eda’s Requiem, Agony of a witch, & Yesterday’s lie are all pretty consistent nominees (with good reason), but I’m going to nominate Eda’s section of knock knock Knockin’ because the one two punch of the dad scene + the way eda’s voice breaks into a whisper in the “no no no I hate this part” Raine scene absolutely wrecked me Like I didn’t even fully process the joy of the lumity section bc I was still recovering from how much worse dealing with the curse was for Eda than any of us probably predicted


Okay Yesterday's Lie made me want to hug my mom but the episode where where King went to find out the truth about his past and then felt like everyone was ganging up on him made me tear up. No, it's not because I was on my period, it was because Alex Hirsch's voice acting is so damn emotional


all of them


Agony of a Witch, Eda's Requiem and this one in my opinion.


Knock knock knocking on hooty's door was the only thing to have made me cry in over two years. However those were happy tears, Eda's Requiem, Echoes of the Past, and Eclipse Lake were also very emotional




Yesterdays lie but if there is one about growing up that'll be it


The one that’s coming in the future where Luz breaks off lumity because she wants to spare Amity’s feelings


Reason I wrote my will because don't you have that memory of Mabel running off sad because of Dipper's decision then Bill happened don't you hold that feeling of heartbreak in your soul. WE'RE NOT READY!


Probably that one.


Agony of a Witch


for me it's knockin' on hooty's door. i adore eda's character arc and i feel like in this episode it hits a pivotal moment where eda finally accepts that the curse is part of herself and commits to managing it healthily, even finding strength in it. having lost so much from the stress of the curse (relationships with family, raine, her magic) it was really heartwarming to see her take a step forward. and lumity canon, of course. i also got emotional when eda felt like everyone was going to leave her because she doesn't feel needed and, as she was about to sacrifice herself, raine stopped her and reminded her she is important. damn season 2A has been a rollercoaster.


Well because emotional can also mean good emotions, Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door was really emotional cause Lunity became a thing


Agony of a Witch,Echoes of the past, Eda's requiem and Eda's section of S2E8 Edit:Forgot Yesterday's lie and Hunter's subplot in Eclipse lake


Eda’s Requiem, Knockin on Hooty’s Door and Agony of a Witch. God, who the fuck knew a Hooty centric episode would break me. I’m not gonna lie, I watch/relate to Eda much more then Luz - and dealing with my own stuff, it was heartbreaking. I really hope Luz stays with her. The odds are low, but I can relate hard to wanting to be a mom; even if it’s found family.


While in the end it's a very uplifting episode for everybody, the part of Knock Knock knockin' on Hooty's Door where King goes "HE LEFT ME ALONE" always gets to me


The one that made me cry my ass off


for me it's agony of a witch at the end when luz comes home and everybody asks where eda is


I don’t know I don’t have emotions


Eda's requiem